Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

My friend was doing research to see if we could find a way to reunite them with owners but I have not followed up on that lately.. These tags did not have names they had ID numbers in there place. I was told that certain units did that like Flak batteries late in the war. I googled part of one of the tags numbers and it came up with information on the battalion that the flak battery was attached too. Pretty interesting. :coffee2:
I need to do more research on them. The thing I was wondering is why they were scattered all over the hill top. Many were whole. When a member would be killed in action they would break the tags in half,leave one with the body and take one for records. :dontknow:

birdman said:
My friend was doing research to see if we could find a way to reunite them with owners but I have not followed up on that lately.. These tags did not have names they had ID numbers in there place. I was told that certain units did that like Flak batteries late in the war. I googled part of one of the tags numbers and it came up with information on the battalion that the flak battery was attached too. Pretty interesting. :coffee2:
I need to do more research on them. The thing I was wondering is why they were scattered all over the hill top. Many were whole. When a member would be killed in action they would break the tags in half,leave one with the body and take one for records. :dontknow:
Perhaps they were literaly blown loose from their tags in a direct hit ...... :dontknow:

No I would say the tags look more or less discarded do to many of them being in one piece. Maybe the War ended before they were issued. :dontknow:

Anyway ,back to the campfire. :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2:

A buddy of mine called me last fall. asked if I would care to go to the range. So we agreed upon a time and met up at the range. He had brought along an unfired 10/22 he had bought..We mounted the scope on it abd I spotted for him..He wanted to zero it at 50yds for a good squirrel gun..After we got it in we began plinkin shootin shotgun hauls out at the 100 yd range..

I brought out my rifle and ammo. I had just mounted a new tasco on it and wanted it zeroed at 100yds... After several rounds I was good... While in between shooting we had put up targets at 100 yards..He brought this plastic container with a lid about 3"x 3"..He placed it up on the bank in behind the target board..After my last shot, He says " you see that thing I put up on the bank" I said "yes" he says "shoot it" me "OK".. I bared down on it, squeezed the trigger on my 22-250...BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM....I said what the?????

He said that was an exploding target..A guy hollered "hey buddy what are you shooting a 50 cal" me "Yep 22-250 with exploding rounds"...Then my buddy explained..It was tannerite, An exploding target he got at Cabelas..It takes 2200 fps+ to detonate...When I squeezed off..and it popped, I was just stumped fer a few seconds....But it was neat...


Marshmallow anyone :coffee2: Who's next..

good Morning bird guy: you posted -->No I would say the tags look more or less discarded do to many of them being in one piece. Maybe the War ended before they were issued
An opinion only, but when the war ended many in the military threw everything that identified them as being in the military away. The reason was that there were many many civilians that had small farms and so were exempt from military service. The Russians and the allies were gathering up all of the military personnel and putting them in prison camps, some of which were less than ideal. Some remained there for years.

The Russians were particularly abusive, many of their prisoners never survived the camps both in Germany and Russia.

What would you do under those circumstances? Especially when you had no rights, not even to be alive, as all too many of the German women found out. Most of the next generation were of Russian descendant. wonder why??

Don Jose de La Mancha

High poor hunter, if you use more than one shot to sight in, shame. hehehh You carefully sight, then fire. Re-sight exactly the same as when you fired, at the same exact point, then, without 'moving the rifle', move your cross hairs , or what ever, to precisely center on your point of impact, the bullet hole, and that is it, you are sighted in.

You can send the $5:00 to ---> xxxxxxx

At the Tucson range I saw a poor guy about 23 with his wife, trying to sight in a new 338 mag. After about 5 shots the pore guy was flinching. He would fire, put the rifle down,then rub his shoulder, then use a screwdriver to adjust his scope, fire, adj, fire, adjust.

His ammo is extremely expensive so I finally had pity on him and asked him if he was sighting in his scope --obviously -- He said yes, so I asked him if he would like to try for the one shot zeroing? He looked at me as if I were telling one of truckin or my stories, then agreed.

He was so happy after firing, that I thought that either he, or his wife, was going to kiss me. The range officer was very interested also and copied my instructions. I heard later that they were posted in a large notice as you entered..

Don Jose de La Mancha

My Pap used the same process Don...He was nicknamed 'DEADEYE'... :icon_cyclops_ani:

I have seen this in way too many people in my area..Get the largest calibre gun made to go shoot an Animal...I laugh when I hear "there is something wrong with this gun"...'Operator failure'...Then they get rid of it for less recoil...Nah I keep the same, Know what it is capable of...

Poorhunter :coffee2:

Aim small-Miss small . If you gotta shoot a critter more than once , you are wasting valuable ammo.
I use the same 1 shot sight in technique .


LOOSE NUT ON THE TRIGGER!!!!! :laughing9: :dontknow: :laughing9: :dontknow: :read2:
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Lovely Ladies of TN: tonight is dedicated to you, nostalgia night. It was just 54 years ago that I returned from Canada to recuperate from my aircraft accident and started my long, old fashioned, Full formal, Spanish courtship for my lovely Tiger.

This day I had my first dance with her, and that night I gave my first serenade to her under the full moon. It was the start of a lovely part of my life, which still continues.

Join me for a Tango, then slow, snuggling in dancing. sigh. Also I dedicate Jurame - swear to me - to all of you lovely gals.


"Just one more time"

"our love"


Don Jose de La Mancha ( still an old romantic with wonderful memories)

What a beautiful romantic dedication to TN ladies.
Thank you Don Jose, you ole sweetie you. :icon_sunny: :love3:



Do you happen to remember the spanish singer - he died back in the late 70's, eary 80's, I think - I don't remember the exact name of his most famous song, but, I remember some of the words.

Esta tarde vi llover
Vi gente correr
Y no estabas tu.

La otra noche vi brillar
Un lucero azul
Y no estabas tu.

La otra tarde vi que un ave enamorada
Daba besos a su amor ilusionada..y no estabas.

Esta tarde vi llover
Vi gente correr
Y no estabas tu.

El otoño vi llegar
Al mar oi cantar
Y no estabas tu.

Yo no se cuanto me quieres
Si me extrañas o me engañas.

Solo se que vi llover
Vi gente correr
Y no estabas tu.

And no - I don't mean Roberto Carlos. (I think he wrote it) There was another spanish singer, he died in his 50's I believe, who had it on an album, that even crossed over to some american charts.

Gosh, I miss hearing and dancing to the merenque-------eee haw - SALSA :thumbsup:




:laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:
:coffee2: :coffee2:

Think Everyone went a searchin for wood..To keep that campfire a goin..Problem is Everyone must have went at the same time... :laughing7: Give you a moment to tango with the ladies... :hello2:

Morning Don :coffee2:

Rockhound ,
Outstanding ! Both to be part of a story like that and to be generous enough to share it with us .

............Now where was that ruby mine again ? :tongue3:

I have an anniversary coming up.

Don Jose,

"I wasn't so du --, Superman hadn't been born yet."

Superman first flew onto the scene 79 years ago. If you were born ten years prior to that, you better get the Tayopa open pretty soon. Just how ooooold are you? :dontknow:

Take care,


:icon_thumleft: Rockhound,

I have been to those and also Emerald Hollow Mine in Hiddenite NC. which was my favorite place due to being able to prospect the hills and creek.
Found many nice specimens of emeralds and ruby, although none of any size were of gem quality.

This massive emerald was found on a nearby Hiddenite farm in Aug 2009. A record for North America and was later cut into a 65 carat gem.


Presenting the "Carolina Emperor"


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