Jose - and et al....................
Time to get into the "potty" humor. Not really humorous when it happens, but funny in hindsight.
Now - you men - you have it a little easier than us women. Especially if you have to pee. You can just turn your back and do your thing. Women, on the other hand, have multiple issues. First, you have to get half un-dressed. Then, you have to find a spot where you can squat, without squatting into something. (be it cactus, scorpions or snakes). Then, you either have to wait and drip dry (shaking doesn't work), or, carry around tissue, and then figure out what to do with it until you can dispose of it. That - is if everything goes well. Often - it doesn't.
I remember one fine April day - warm - a great day to be out. And, out fishing we went. (we also took the detectors, they go everywhere). Well, it was the first week of trout season, and all the good spots were packed. We found a slightly out of the way spot, and hit the water. Of course, we brought our big quart cups of coffee with us. Long about a hour or so later, the coffee did what it does every morning to my system. In one end, and out the other.
Look around - there are now alot more people (men) there then there was an hour ago. Pulled in my pole, grabbed some tissues, and told Roy I was going for a little walk.
Well, the little walk turned into a long, long walk. Everywhere I went, there were fishermen (99% men). So, I did a little side hike, and finally, I found a spot that had nobody around. By that time, I had to go so bad, I think my eyes were floating. I took off all the gear to undo my britches, squatted and finally---------------relief. As this was actively occurring, I looked up, because I thought I heard something - not that I was even able to stop if I wanted to - and what did I see? Interstate 81, with a car parked, and a guy in a yellow jacket, standing, watching me, with his arms crossed, smiling. When he saw me look at him, he waved. So, I did the only thing I could.........I waved back.