Don Jose,
remind me to stay on your good side !!!
How about another snake story?
In keeping the current snake story scheme, you can imagine a group of young future leaders of the world,
(BSA) out on a weekend campout. While wandering around a group of us come across a nice sized copperhead
protecting the trail we are on. Holy cow, look at how big he is! nice sized in this case was about 3-1/2'.
let's kill it, one of the scout says, no says I, let me show you something I read in a book. I grabbed a long limb
about 3' long start wiggling it to the side of the snake, what are you doing? I am going to distract it with the stick
and them grab him behind the head, says I.I shake the stick, snake is coiled up, getting pretty pissed by now, he raises up a little,
I grab, Holy cow, you got em'. Yes indeed I did, what they did not realize was that I was about an inch lower than i wished to be.
You can imagine a (nice sized copperhead) wrapped around your forearm, with a firm grip about 4" below his head, just enough that when
he opens his mouth, extends his fangs, and his tounge is hitting your hand and yes like Loke says, (they have slitted eyes!) I calmly said
Boy's we have a problem, what do you mean, they ask? This snake is inching out of my hand everytime he opens his mouth, and he is getting
awful close to biting me, someone is going to have to uncoil him off my arm PDQ.Not many volunteers, finally one brave soul started unwrapping
him from my arm, I get ahold of his tail, and holler make a hole!! I then throw him. Scout leaders backtrack and ask, where ya'll been? Just back here looking at a snake.Ya'll better be careful, ther's lots of copperheads around here.
Hey, it sounded a lot easier in book. Never tried that one again.