Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

So that's the "rickety boat" you gents entertain the ladies on...niiiiceeeee:laughing7:

That's the irony of this game I would say; do things properly and there's a good chance you'll get shafted..

Keep it quiet and you risk being accused of all sorts.

Crow, you ever come across the story about possible pirate loot on Norman Island in the Caribbean which may have been uncovered during WW2?


Yes in British Virgin islands. Its sadly long gone. It was buried I believe in sand of cave.



I always knew the Trio are Premier League..:notworthy:

But in all seriousness, it must be a major cause for concern to think that all your endeavours could be taken away from you with the stroke of a pen when such precedents have been set and authorities seem more intent on showing whose "boss". Thankfully you will more than likely have top solicitors fighting your corner and holding governments to account, but such things don't come cheap and another worry is if the other side procrastinate and continually drag their feet over matters.

Its a very serious business.


So that's the "rickety boat" you gents entertain the ladies on...niiiiceeeee:laughing7:

That's the irony of this game I would say; do things properly and there's a good chance you'll get shafted..

Keep it quiet and you risk being accused of all sorts.

Crow, you ever come across the story about possible pirate loot on Norman Island in the Caribbean which may have been uncovered during WW2?


That rickety old boat has its benefits.....


I always knew the Trio are Premier League..:notworthy:

But in all seriousness, it must be a major cause for concern to think that all your endeavours could be taken away from you with the stroke of a pen when such precedents have been set and authorities seem more intent on showing whose "boss". Thankfully you will more than likely have top solicitors fighting your corner and holding governments to account, but such things don't come cheap and another worry is if the other side procrastinate and continually drag their feet over matters.

Its a very serious business.



Such is the nature of the game.

Treasure hunting in some in respects is little like gambling although the odds are a little better. Some times ya win some times you lose. But even all business projects have their risks. treasure hunting is very high risk even for the most die hard businessman some times the risks are very high. Like a profession gambler ya need to know how the increase the odds of success then go for it. No point in crying when ya get your fingers burn't.

Some of the most successful projects are the ones you never hear about because they do not need publicity. Publicity can be an friend or a foe. If large sums of money changes hands why make noise about it?


Yes Crow, it could be said that if you want to go and play with the big boys, you cannot try and complain if things don't pan out in your favour.

Naively, some might consider getting your hands on the goodies is the final part of the quest, but if you are not connected or wise in the way of selling the wares, it could create all manner of obstacles. It would be interesting to ask different treasure - seekers that if they found the objects of their searches, how would they safely retrieve them?

I honestly believe that some might not have even planned for such a possibility and dive in without considering all the angles.

Its a profession and not a hobby in my opinion.


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Hello IPIU

Spot on!

No treasure is yours until your on that super yacht away from the country and location of find with money in a tax haven. :notworthy:

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There has been so many claims to treasure only to end up in farce. The trouble each failure solidify's opinions against and would be treasure hunters dealing with governments. Governments and officials are terrified of scandal that risks there high powered jobs so why risk negotiation when it easier to say no.


Where is the "Crow's Nest" ? Or, is that the name of your little dingy here ? ? ?

Quick question, will you allow your children to follow in your footsteps in Treasure Searching, guided with your vast arsenal of knowledge, or encourage them into another area ? Would hate to see all your talent not carried on, but then again, as you have said, it does take a heavy toll on family life. :notworthy:

Ah Simon ya got that last question by the skin of your teeth as time waits for no man. You cannot force people to be what there not. They are what they are. It is not talent or gift but a state of mind. And it takes the first few steps of a long journey to get you there.

Old man time has pointed to the hour glass my friends. :hourglass:

Sadly one again the time has came for this old raggedy old Crow with half his feathers missing to disappear. Like a willowisp here one moment gone the next....Such is the fate of Crows my friends, dwellers of the fringe margins of society caught between the living and the dead and often seen as demonic, mischievous and free spirited. Loved by some, hated by others. But always surviving in places where others fear to go.

I hope ya all have had some enjoyment and pleasure in from the yarns and you truly find the treasures you seek.


Until the next time the wind that blows raggedy old Crow this way......


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Thank you Crow for your words of Wisdom. As usual, from that last picture, you still have the girls , even though she does have that sort of evil look in her eyes. :notworthy:

Ah Simon ya got that last question by the skin of your teeth as time waits for no man. You cannot force people to be what there not. They are what they are. It is not talent or gift but a state of mind. And it takes the first few steps of a long journey to get you there.

Old man time has pointed to the hour glass my friends. :hourglass:

Sadly one again the time has came for this old raggedy old Crow with half his feathers missing to disappear. Like a willowisp here one moment gone the next....Such is the fate of Crows my friends, dwellers of the fringe margins of society caught between the living and the dead and often seen as demonic, mischievous and free spirited. Loved by some, hated by others. But always surviving in places where others fear to go.

I hope ya all have had some enjoyment and pleasure in from the yarns and you truly find the treasures you seek.

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Until the next time the wind that blows raggedy old Crow this way......


Hey Crow, you have that "Hour Glass" UPSIDE DOWN ! You still have plenty of time. ( Or at least until they broaden those "Extradition" papers ). :dontknow:

Ah Simon ya got that last question by the skin of your teeth as time waits for no man. You cannot force people to be what there not. They are what they are. It is not talent or gift but a state of mind. And it takes the first few steps of a long journey to get you there.

Old man time has pointed to the hour glass my friends. :hourglass:

Sadly one again the time has came for this old raggedy old Crow with half his feathers missing to disappear. Like a willowisp here one moment gone the next....Such is the fate of Crows my friends, dwellers of the fringe margins of society caught between the living and the dead and often seen as demonic, mischievous and free spirited. Loved by some, hated by others. But always surviving in places where others fear to go.

I hope ya all have had some enjoyment and pleasure in from the yarns and you truly find the treasures you seek.

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Until the next time the wind that blows raggedy old Crow this way......


Crow the great,,,thanks so much for the wonderful yarns and leadings you shared us,,,some of them we still need to read in detail ....It was a nice week chatting with you....I wish you the best in your next moves....but please don't disappear as last time,,and if you still have time please hang around for some more days ..thanks amigo.


I echo TT's words Crowy. Been good chatting to you pal. Hope to catch-up with you soon.

In the meantime TT, back to our old routines.....

See you soon fella.


Sadly UNESCO and various institutions have banded together with international agreements on the historic preservation of shipwrecks. Many countries have sign up to that agreement so has Panama. Shipwreck hunting is be priced into extinction through the courts.

that's why the trio are very careful in what we involve ourselves in. These factors should be considered.

location, security, operational costs, legal maneuverability, Government support. Land ownership and access rights. All of these are needed in the equation. and remember the bigger the treasure the bigger the head ache.


US searchers need to be aware of a number of statutes pertaining to ownership of land-based finds too. If the recovery site is on any Federal Land, you're dealing with the Archaeological Resources Recovery Act of 1979 and National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, (both as amended), and other laws and agreements, all of which have been more and more focusing on anything of "cultural interest" found on US land as being owned by the US Government, not the finder. "Cultural interest" now seems to include not only native artifacts, historical items of interest, coins greater than 100 years old, etc. - but, increasingly, also "anything that man was involved with", including valuable caches of any nature. State Land statutes generally follow Federal guidelines. Theoretically, recoveries are "negotiable" (if you have a powerful enough advocate), but for most folks, if you find anything of value on FS, NP, BLM, State, et al land, that a human was previously involved with, it will likely be assumed that it belongs to The Man.

Private Land recoveries are governed by individual state treasure trove laws, which vary considerably, state to state. Some of the states have interestingly adopted treasure trove guidelines that are in place in other countries, like England, France, Scotland, etc. Private property recoveries, depending on what you find, who owns the land, what state you're in, who you know, how much lawyer money you have, etc., can affect your claim in any number of ways. For example, in my state - New Mexico - the extreme level of traditionally cavalier corruption among state officials is a huge factor to consider when trying to plan a course of action if you're fortunate enough to have found something (the odds of which are quite low in the first place). I would venture that "keeping your mouth shut" is an option many non-naive folks struggle with, figuring that in today's world, all your hard work (or blind luck) may very well go for naught if you report your discovery.

As time passes, and all governments seize money wherever and however they can in a failing economic model, a small guy treasure finder is facing an increasingly higher wall to climb, IMO. Educate yourselves.

Hello TT

Looks like you've got the 'bug' big style ! :laughing7:

Good one mate, I've never come across this one and its these old and obscure reports that are usually the ones with some substance. I've heard of a few treasure hoard reports emanating from Africa - King Lobengula's treasure and a huge treasure the Boers hid to keep out of British hands, but the first time for the link you've provided. This one deserves looking into further.

Thanks TT, looks like we'll hold the fort until the return of the Feathered One...


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