Oh what a life Crow - please, please let me follow in your footsteps and lead such an existence....
TT, good stuff, had a read on that link, seems that chap has a few issues to clear and let-off some steam. That angle with the Moors might be a very good one indeed in the long-run. North Africa on the shores of the Med Sea would offer some serious secrets in my opinion but is just not feasible or very practical with the situation currently being played out there.
Have been trying to play catch-up with EL Crow's latest intriguing offering, so much for those that believe/believed that Cocos Island was a mere chimera. Old Bookaroo is also convinced (believe there's a book documenting the story) that more treasure was recovered from the island at the beginning of the 20th century from a crew that set sail from San Francisco I believe and used the cache to buy a silver mine or mines out in California.
Even in this day and age of globalisation, social media, depleting resources and ever-encroaching human settlement, there is some serious stuff out there waiting the lucky discoverer. Of course fortune and luck favour the brave and hardworking.
There is no denying that those that put their heart and soul into a project, don't lose heart or focus, keep the faith whilst being realistic about success and possible events and treasure stories, willing to take a 'lil risk now and then, might just make a find that will surely warm the cockles of any heart.
Keep at it fella.