Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Like with all treasure legends we are never quite fully aware of the rules of the game. maybe in this grove of treasure near Yaquina beech lies several thousand gold coins worth several million dollars lost for all time awaiting a lucky discover by chance?



Ironic is it not that that once was isolated coast has now become fashionable sea front property. Modern urban sprawl has gobbled up remote coastlines like a cancer. So perhaps even now lies under some ones beach house?

One thing for sure it will take a hell of a lot more research to get close to placing hands on this mysterious of treasures.

Cheers Crow

Like with all treasure legends we are never quite fully aware of the rules of the game. maybe in this grove of treasure near Yaquina beech lies several thousand gold coins worth several million dollars lost for all time awaiting a lucky discover by chance?

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Ironic is it not that that once was isolated coast has now become fashionable sea front property. Modern urban sprawl has gobbled up remote coastlines like a cancer. So perhaps even now lies under some ones beach house?

One thing for sure it will take a hell of a lot more research to get close to placing hands on this mysterious of treasures.

Cheers Crow

Thanks Crow for this intriguing yarn.Yeah the connection of the Cocos treasure to Oregon seems plausible.Has not been any attempts to recover the treasure in the golden decades of treasure hunting in the last century? Thanks.

Thanks Crow for this intriguing yarn.Yeah the connection of the Cocos treasure to Oregon seems plausible.Has not been any attempts to recover the treasure in the golden decades of treasure hunting in the last century? Thanks.

That is a interesting question. In golden years of treasure hunting most of people involved in 1893 search by the 1930's was dead. So what was left was vague rumors in Oregon of pirate treasure like all legends do start to take a life on all on its own. Before long it became seen as nothing more than a tongue in check Treasure story. Stories of treasure sparked to life again when the bones was found many years ago. But as far as it is known nothing has been officially recovered. William Rich who had allegedly had information retired from running a post office and had for a time a book store there was nothing to indicate great wealth. And John Hardman did not seem to profit from the story either.

Such is the fiendish enticements of such stories. they never quite have the proverbial x marks the spot.:laughing7:


Namaste Crow

A belated birthday wish my dear friend - good to see you back on this forum.


Amigo's, hold on a second,put on the brakes, SCREEEEEEEEEEECH!, theres a tropical herb called "PIGEON PEA" when mixed with a cup of burro juice :coffee2:and just a dab of silver honey,which is supposed to be good for the fever, which you are about to get,soon after drinking it, It may be better if you just rub it on, NP:cat:

Hello TT

Good to hear from you as well matey.:hello:

Its good that all the chaps are conversing and sharing information, details and treasure stories again.

Trust things are cool with you?

Anything caught your fancy as of late?

Been in India myself, been a total balls-up from start to finish....but this has just increased my appetite...


Continuing the yarn. Oregon is full of local treasure legend. One such story is some pirates came shore and buried treasure then killing a tall black slave over the excavation. Strange enough many years ago a grave of very tall man was discovered. was there some truth to this legend or was it connected with Walker Cocos link?

interesting among the remains there was an Arrowhead found. So perhaps this nothing to do with story but through local lore became part of the treasure legend?

You can see yourself the photographs the discoverer , the site the skull and the arrowhead below...

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The site was similar to have been allegedly described to William Rich the post master of Toledo Oregon. Marked trees and rocks. Was it the same place?

To be continued....


Crow, interesting story. I've been gone for a while, and am just catching up. What interests me about these pictures is the "arrowhead". That looks like an iron arrowhead, and looks similar to some that I have seen on old crossbow bolts (or arrows). It certainly isn't a flint or stone arrowhead.....


Hello TT

Good to hear from you as well matey.:hello:

Its good that all the chaps are conversing and sharing information, details and treasure stories again.

Trust things are cool with you?

Anything caught your fancy as of late?

Been in India myself, been a total balls-up from start to finish....but this has just increased my appetite...


Hello IPUK

That is just a learning curve everyone goes through that. You learn about yourself and the people you can work with and who can't. One thing I can guarantee you the more people involved the more problems you dealing keeping onto top of petty infighting. Not everything is simple in such countries to get things done. The mechanized manic programmed hurry up of western thinking does not always work across cultural barriers. Patience, tact and perseverance are key to heading in the right direction. I am sure you have learned from your experience.


Crow, interesting story. I've been gone for a while, and am just catching up. What interests me about these pictures is the "arrowhead". That looks like an iron arrowhead, and looks similar to some that I have seen on old crossbow bolts (or arrows). It certainly isn't a flint or stone arrowhead.....


Interesting point. Sadly as far as I know the late 1940s-1950 had no forensics. I do not know even if the bone was actually dated.?


Hi Crow

Spot-on pal, it really does allow one to quickly decide whether they've got the focus,drive,energy and confidence to arrange and follow through on a project. You also discover your own limitations and capacity to contend with conflicting priorities.

I have had a couple of not so successful attempts, but I am not disheartened!

I shall continue with this until I hit a decent score that will soon erase any memories of past non-successes...


PS. Always think about whether your constitution will be able to contend with dodgy grub when you're stressed out and many miles from a proper s###house:dontknow:

Crow my friend, the Yucatan trip convinced me of solo travel. Once while we ere in the middle of cutting trail, my partner just sat down and said "it's no use, we are going to die here"???? We had two Chachalacas and plenty of rice and were exactly where we wanted to be. I was finally forced to 'apparantly' abandoning him by telling him " ok, I'll let your family know what happened to you": and contnued cutting trail. Shortly I heard him calling"Joe, where are you"? as I had planned. He soon caught up. He never pulled that again on me.

Incidentally I never would do tat, I have to acount for every member of my party at all times.

Another time was when we were out of water for two days and gambled our livess by continuing to the south, instead of back tracking for another two days without water. 4 days.in total.. ----------- I found that the human body can do remarkable things if it has to.

I never made another trip with him. Here he is hamming it up.

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Hi Crow

Spot-on pal, it really does allow one to quickly decide whether they've got the focus,drive,energy and confidence to arrange and follow through on a project. You also discover your own limitations and capacity to contend with conflicting priorities.

I have had a couple of not so successful attempts, but I am not disheartened!

I shall continue with this until I hit a decent score that will soon erase any memories of past non-successes...


PS. Always think about whether your constitution will be able to contend with dodgy grub when you're stressed out and many miles from a proper s###house:dontknow:

I will comment at little more later on that. But for other pressing appointments take precedence.


Crow my friend, the Yucatan trip convinced me of solo travel. Once while we ere in the middle of cutting trail, my partner just sat down and said "it's no use, we are going to die here"???? We had two Chachalacas and plenty of rice and were exactly where we wanted to be. I was finally forced to 'apparantly' abandoning him by telling him " ok, I'll let your family know what happened to you": and contnued cutting trail. Shortly I heard him calling"Joe, where are you"? as I had planned. He soon caught up. He never pulled that again on me.

Incidentally I never would do tat, I have to acount for every member of my party at all times.

Another time was when we were out of water for two days and gambled our livess by continuing to the south, instead of back tracking for another two days without water. 4 days.in total.. ----------- I found that the human body can do remarkable things if it has to.

I never made another trip with him. Here he is hamming it up.
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I always remember a saying from my old boy when he was alive. When feeling exhausted and cannot go further you still have 30% reserve energy levels to press on.


I have been using colloidal silver for over 20 years. Anytime I feel a cold or sinus coming on guess what I reach for? When I was working, I always carried a nose spray bottle in my lunchbox, so whenever I or anyone of my coworkers needed to clear their sinuses, I always had it on hand. All single cell organisms in the presence of silver die within 4 minutes. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Good Luck. rockhound

Hello TT

Good to hear from you as well matey.:hello:

Its good that all the chaps are conversing and sharing information, details and treasure stories again.

Trust things are cool with you?

Anything caught your fancy as of late?

Been in India myself, been a total balls-up from start to finish....but this has just increased my appetite...


Thanks IPUK...nothing new,,,it was quiet here for some time...I ponder on Fenn treasure poem once in a while to perfect my solve which one day I hope to try on the ground,,,,last summer I was in Lisbon and checked some old book shops(they have too many) of any treasure legend related books on Portugal in Portuguese or otherwise.But couldn't come across any useful book,I also checked if there are old books on Flor de LA Mar ship that sunk off the coast of sumatra but none(the central bibliotheque may have primary docs on that).
How about you? What are you up to? Were you Treasure researching in India?


I have been using colloidal silver for over 20 years. Anytime I feel a cold or sinus coming on guess what I reach for? When I was working, I always carried a nose spray bottle in my lunchbox, so whenever I or anyone of my coworkers needed to clear their sinuses, I always had it on hand. All single cell organisms in the presence of silver die within 4 minutes. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. Good Luck. rockhound

I don't wish to derail the topic, but think about this. Would you take penicillin every day? Of course not. Your intestines need the bacteria that live in them to digest your food, and any kind of antibiotic not only kills off bad microbes it is killing off the good ones too. Silver is not good for you. It is however good for coins, bars, jewelry etc so lets keep it there.

Please do continue, apologies for running off the rails again.

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee:

I think I will walk between the rails, and just use my silver spoon to stir my coffee.

#/;0) : -

Thanks IPUK...nothing new,,,it was quiet here for some time...I ponder on Fenn treasure poem once in a while to perfect my solve which one day I hope to try on the ground,,,,last summer I was in Lisbon and checked some old book shops(they have too many) of any treasure legend related books on Portugal in Portuguese or otherwise.But couldn't come across any useful book,I also checked if there are old books on Flor de LA Mar ship that sunk off the coast of sumatra but none(the central bibliotheque may have primary docs on that).
How about you? What are you up to? Were you Treasure researching in India?

Good angle; I would hazard a guess that Portuguese treasure stories and leads perhaps have not been as well looked into as Spanish ones. It might be worth checking the Brazilian angle for Portugal's colonial rule there and on the west coast of India mainly in Goa. I do recall off the top of my head a story about the Portuguese viceroy losing his ship on the way back from India with a huge treasure obtained from tribute and taxes from local rajahs.

I have been in India trying to complete a project which turned out to be a damp squib due to logistics, local bureaucracy and getting adequate skilled contractors in. I had made a few trips beforehand and had looked into a legend where a local river was used to obtain 'blessings' from gods in times gone by. The river is no big secret in north-west India and had been "done" before. But I was hoping something may have been overlooked...

In central India there is an American chap who has reaped some very decent rewards by such a method.

But you live and learn and benefit from the experience. If anything, my hunger has sharpened considerably and my love for this work has been heightened. One thing I will say, sometimes its easy to act as a 'middleman' for finders as oppose to doing the finding for yourself - maybe even a mixture of the two.

I have heard more stories, made more contacts, gained more skills and knowledge so its not all that bad.

Lets keep discussing and see what we can come up with.

Now where's that wily old birdy....


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