Misc data and adventures of a Tayopa treasure hunter

Hello IPINU and TT

Getting investors is like trying to get blood from a stone, especially when it involves treasure hunting. It as you can imagine a very high risk project. Too many investors place strings attached and conditions that makes any successful plan unworkable, Some times it better to self fund yourself the project and not have the trouble.

The trouble is most investors want their say even when they have no idea what their doing. Or you get one who promises the world but penny pinches the project into failure then bit---s about it later. Or another type wants to tag along as a tourist thinking their on holiday cruise and meddle in the project or cause friction in the team with petty bickering. The trio has seen it all.

An investor may have money to invest but does not work well around other members of the team causes friction that no expedition need. Not everyone has qualities needed to be a treasure hunter or go on expedition either.I have some very good friends but there is no way in hell I take them along.

Three things are really needed Patience, determination, the ability to compromise with others and ability to not let ones egocentricity derail the project.

For many investors treasure hunting is some thing they should not invest in. The best investor is one that leaves you alone to do the job without interference. Are indeed rare breed.


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Thanks to you as well TT for your kind words.

Good point about the UK angle. Only thing is that in times gone by, the Crown and aristocracy were the biggest pirates in the land and they soon relieved most of their prized possessions..

I am hoping to get one decent project going that I can put all my efforts and focus in and then plan things with it for the next few years. I'm realistic enough to know that the chances of great wealth being obtained are very slim but there is real treasures out there for those with unending perserverance and drive. I will calmly and patiently look at what's available and slowly but surely aim towards it.

On a separate note, I recall coming across a story about a buried cache on a small Portuguese island used by fisherman in the Atlantic. An Englishman made an attempt to recover about 80-90 years ago but apparently did not succeed. I shall try and dig the details out if you like.


Thanks to you as well TT for your kind words.

Good point about the UK angle. Only thing is that in times gone by, the Crown and aristocracy were the biggest pirates in the land and they soon relieved most of their prized possessions..

I am hoping to get one decent project going that I can put all my efforts and focus in and then plan things with it for the next few years. I'm realistic enough to know that the chances of great wealth being obtained are very slim but there is real treasures out there for those with unending perserverance and drive. I will calmly and patiently look at what's available and slowly but surely aim towards it.

On a separate note, I recall coming across a story about a buried cache on a small Portuguese island used by fisherman in the Atlantic. An Englishman made an attempt to recover about 80-90 years ago but apparently did not succeed. I shall try and dig the details out if you like.


IPIU do you want to see pictures of that island? I trust ya talking about the Savages?


Wise words yet again from the Crow.

Indeed treasure and its hunting/recovering is a highly risky and volatile business.

But tell me this mate, if someone showed you a project portfolio with evidence based research and detailed information with years of investigation and elimination that should genuine chances if a return, would you invest?

Not pie-in-the-sky opportunities but little known stuff rather than grandiose legends, would it tickle your tastebuds on an investment risk to return and interest level?


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Is there any treasure story ya don't know?



Hello IPIU This one is one of Hardlucks story. Since I am not allowed here to post a link to another treasure hunting website. I suggest you goggle (thunting hard luck savages treasure )


Hi Crow

It appears that I shall have to register first in order to access the info. I shall most definitely do that later.


Wise words yet again from the Crow.

Indeed treasure and its hunting/recovering is a highly risky and volatile business.

But tell me this mate, if someone showed you a project portfolio with evidence based research and detailed information with years of investigation and elimination that should genuine chances if a return, would you invest?

Not pie-in-the-sky opportunities but little known stuff rather than grandiose legends, would it tickle your tastebuds on an investment risk to return and interest level?


Hello IPIU

To be honest I never really had the need as being part of group of researchers that engages in our own research in such things there was never a need invest in other peoples research. That said not every project the trio have engaged in was success either. Hell of a lot of learning alone the way. And still learning I may add.

I read that Kanacki made a very good comment about developing a treasure hunting project. I cut and past kanacki's comments... from Bandits treasure cave

Hola Tuscoro

The trio has various vested interests in projects all over the globe From micro to macro all at various levels of development, How much net worth as Don Amigo said is as you could imagine is my friend is bound by non disclosure contractual arrangements and deemed in court of international business law as confidential corporate information. Even as I type loitering at treasurenet enjoying reading the interesting posts here, a project I have a vested interest in is in the later stages of development in negotiations, we have an excellent legal team of excellent international business lawyers working on our behalf.

If I was in your situation I would be creating a company to develop your project. To get a legal framework in place between you and your existing partners. Decide who will be the CEO of company and what roles you have in that company as well as percentage of ownership of the company in place. Decide how much bare minimum capital you need to realistically succeed with your project then double it to counter act inflation in operating costs and unforeseen contingencies that may develop. And draft a legal non disclose agreement before revealing too much information to any would be investor partners. In any presentation to investors your have build a very watertight story for astute investors to part with their money as its like getting blood from a stone. Many will not risk this type of venture as there has been too many rip off operators making too many absurd claims in the past and still happening. So professionalism with astute attention to detail and clear and accurate presentation of who you are and what your about and the viability of your business proposal is must.

Decide how much of percentage your company will be sold off to investors for working capital. With all potentially high risk ventures you will need to indemnify against any legal action if the project is a failure in any prospectus, therefore you have to fully disclose possible risks of such a venture in any contractual agreement and prospectus. In contractual arrangement you have to be clear in what say they have in day to day operation of the company. The main control of your company should be among your primary partners and yourself. However the CEO has to be able to give accurate accounts of how the capital IE money is spent confirmed by an independent financial auditor. Being part owner of such a company and you legally fail to disclose those risks to potential partners or investors you may be liable. Like all small companies starting out most often lack capital so many start up companies offer a percentage of the company to right people especially legal representatives. This can be time consuming and frustrating! However it gives you better legal protection than just acting as a individual. Especially when negotiating with any government or regulatory body.

This as I may add to indemnify oneself one small part of what is needed to be done to develop a project up to a workable business proposition as there are many other issues that need to be addressed.

However this may help you in right direction and once again I wish you the best with you developing your project.


Kanacki the big lump, old Mr Smoothie sums up it well


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What I would give for a session or two with you chaps.

Kanacki is talking from experience and skills and knowledge obtained from many years of such endeavours.

I was talking hypothetically about the investment situation but its plainly obvious the Trio are at the top of their game.

I salute you chaps:occasion14:

You guys are premier league and I could never envisage getting anywhere near there.

Crow, if you were in a similar position to mine, where would you focus?


I envy those of you that have a wealth of skills to, so thurouly, research a project that one can make others loosen their grip from their own money, to finance your dreams of making them even richer.
To draw an X on a chart and prove that you have done all of your research upon the highest standards and most impeccable official documentation, by that same information, take their money and return it with a profit.

I, on the other hand, can locate (Within reasonable measurements) a silver mine and cannot convince the true owners of the land to take it off of my tired old hands, for free.


Hello Mikel thank for the compliment. but sadly the truth is that with some projects that is not the case, even with the most impeccable information. Ya can be loved one moment vilified the next as the reality treasure hunting is and always will be a not a perfect science. For many investors it is too very risky business proposition for them.

Many projects I am not ashamed to say I had my fingers burn't many times, but the ones ya pull off oh yeah! But that said it can be a hell of a long time between drinks so to speak.

It seem the Dynamic duo have abandoned me for Hardluck for now. So it left to the old hands to chat a bit.


What I would give for a session or two with you chaps.

Kanacki is talking from experience and skills and knowledge obtained from many years of such endeavours.

I was talking hypothetically about the investment situation but its plainly obvious the Trio are at the top of their game.

I salute you chaps:occasion14:

You guys are premier league and I could never envisage getting anywhere near there.

Crow, if you were in a similar position to mine, where would you focus?


Hello IPIU

Back so soon? When ya get the time read some of hardlucks posts. He is hardcore as they come yet you would pass him in the street without noticing him. Very very knowledgeable much more than this mischievous old bird.

Your time will come when the old trio are nothing more than a half forgotten memory when you will be telling your adventures and experiences to some one like yourself. And when ya do remember the old raggedy old Crow told ya.

As for where you focus. I think you have to decide what you are and what your not and used your strengths and improve on your weakness.Having knowledge of multi languages is helpful. Brush up on research skills. Most of all be very clinical in your research and not with your heart. The last thing you want to end up doing as many fall into...they get and idea then build the evidence around that idea to support it. The only trouble with, they ignore all evidence to contrary. One thing with treasure legends you should go where the evidence takes you. not where the heart wants to go. You can spend years researching a treasure legend only after a very long search discover it all a myth. Such is the nature of the beast just like a stripper my friend she shows just enough to keep you interested but not to touch....

There is treasure legends out there that are just myth and others there that has indeed some truth. Even so its a long hard journey to get that dam strippers phone number.:laughing7:


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Thanks Crow.

Love the analogy with the stripper:laughing7: , bit of rumpy-pumpy always gets the smiles acomin.

I shall register tonight with the website you suggested and will check Hardluck's posts.

I believe many legends have been done to death and are mere stories that have taken on a life of their own. There is the option of digging into old tombs and burial sites which raise many questions. There is the chance of looking into raids and pillaging where some of the booty stayed buried or hidden. There is also the chance of looking for virgin raw precious metals. As discussed in earlier posts, maybe even in acting as a facilitator.

My passion and wish is to get an obscure story or two and hunt it down to its source and see where that takes me. I will resign from my civil service post once I have set-up some differing income streams (which I am in the process of), then it will be game on as far as researching, networking, investigating and finally, hopefully, getting my mitts on some booty.

Who knows.


Oh and please be assured that if I ever have the honour and privilege of being in your position in years to come, EL Crow will always maintain his reputation as the fella that has sparked many a dream and quest.


Hello IPIU I and rest of trio love treasure legends however We may collect every version of each legend we are very selective on what ones we research deeper as time my friend is precious commodity. We prefer ones we can verify names, places ,dates and most of prove beyond doubt that treasure did exist. Like everyone else we all became mired with various treasure hunting books. They are a fun read but rarely valuable from a research point of view and we have to rely of the claims of that author. Some times they add creative license to such work. Do ya self a favor tip them into the bin. Chase the hard facts and variable facts and the story if there is one will come to you.

If I was going to give some scope to treasure worth research further some of these would spring to mind would.

Buried Robbery Loot near victor Colorado. United States.

Virgina civil war treasure.

Kiangan treasure Philippines.

Utashi treasury Croatia.

ss seydlitz treasure Australia.

Treasure of CSS Shanadoa. Shanklin islands

Treasure of Agrihan. Marianas

Treasure in Villeneuve les Avigon France.

Richard II'S White heart treasure. UK

Himmlers treasure Europe.

Rothschild's missing fortune. Europe

Missing Polish National treasure Canada.

Texas fort Brown treasure. USA

General monks English civil war treasure. UK

Just to name a few..... One thing ya notice not super star famous treasure legends but ones grounded more in fact.


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Oh and please be assured that if I ever have the honour and privilege of being in your position in years to come, EL Crow will always maintain his reputation as the fella that has sparked many a dream and quest.


IPIU Just remember never put anyone of that damned pedestal even the wiry bow legged, eye boozed drunk old Crow with most of feathers missing Keeps falling off that perch. Everyone makes mistakes its the trade mark of being human. Trust in your research and with a little luck from treasure hunting gods may shine down on you.

Its late and from boozed up old pirate to be guts up.....until next time.


Hello Crow

Thank for this super list.

I have never come across the various hoards you've mentioned. Some sound very attractive and I will delve into them deeper and let you know how I get on.

Point taken with the books, they really do not add anything and rehash the same old stuff or even muddy the waters further. I have been attempting to try and access the collections of a couple of illustrious university collections here dating back to the 19th century that covers various parts of the world where alumni had traveled and collated various stories, historical manuscripts and local history as well as personal journals. But these academics are tough to get through to.

I shall start looking into the wonderful leads from today.

I thank you sincerely.


Adios my revered friend.

We'll converse again, very soon...

Thanks Crow and IPUK for the wonderful exchange...I don't know to which one to comment as there were many posts.

Crow,,thanks for the list of legends you gave us ,,,and the many wise and insightful advises are greatly appreciated!I will look into the legends further...

Thanks ,about the Portuguese island info,,sure it would be nice to have the details,and will also check Crow's lead on thunting post.I am not exclusively on Portuguese TH,but that is one of my shots.This year I am in between jobs and have not settled yet,,last year I was somewhere in Italy on some study and before that in another EU country working etc...so where in EU I will be soon depends on job issues but in any case Europe wide treasure legends are in general my interest for the time being.I belive you are doing a lot of preparation and getting advises from Veterans like Crow is very valuable.One humble suggestion I will give you is that given having a family,resigning from your secure civil service job even if you secure some streams of money may not be a good idea.You really need to grasp some sustaiable arrangement or one sizable treasure find to decide that drastic decision.Those kind of hard decisions are for lone travellers like me who have not started a family,,and can go to any country where an opportunity may rise and if things dont go as expected can duck on low level living for a while. But Having a family is quiet different...So I believe you have to take that into consideration and do your TH ventures side by side with your secure civil service job until you really land into something to kick you off on your own...Leave the risky life decisions for loners Like Me. :laughing7:But the rest I believe you have the good attitude and preparation for serious TH and you are really inspiring me as well to think in a proper way.good luck amigo!


Cheers TT, for the kind words and decent suggestions.

Enjoy your single status and make the very most of every opportunity. No regrets.

You have also inspired me with your enthusiasm and willingness to try things out.

As I am off work today, I am checking that "THunting" website out that Crow recommended. Hardluck is a moderator there and the Crow himself a regular contributor!:hello2:

I, likewise am/will look further into the list of possible stories and the main man has provided and will report back duly once I have anything of importance.



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