Gold Member
Central America if I had to "guess".
Central America if I had to "guess".
Here is part of the log book of this whaler than mentioning on arriving at Cocos Island to replenish water they saw a small Brig? Was that the stolen vessel "Vesta" from Cornelius Vanderbilt that was taken some of William walker mercenaries?
Once again my apologies It appears I may of have exceed a size limit on the amount of documents I can post. As I cannot for some reason upload the document even when cut down to size.
You can see a book reference mentioning Alex P Jones in the book The War in Nicaragua printed 1860. island william walker alex p jones&f=false
Amigo,Use colloidal Silver in your coffee from now on Mikel.. Haven't had a cold in nearly 10 years, except for that Flue shot by the Va which damn near klled me. 2- 3 drops in your sock coffee sterilizes it and gets rid of 90% of the bugggies, no taste..
Course "I" use clean socks, while Oro ---?
Use colloidal Silver in your coffee from now on Mikel.. Haven't had a cold in nearly 10 years, except for that Flue shot by the Va which damn near klled me. 2- 3 drops in your sock coffee sterilizes it and gets rid of 90% of the bugggies, no taste..
Course "I" use clean socks, while Oro ---?
Ola Roy, I see that you used one of the nortorious FDA , big Pharm sites that are blatently inaccurate. Try wikipedia or others for example.
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I have been using it or perhaps 10 years now. In fact the hositals are now starting to line their airconditioning ducts with it. and using it for their pen. resistant buggies. (hospital deseases )
Colloidal slver was fine with the ama and medical world until they discovered Penicillan and the sulpha drugs which could be patented, wherea silver couldn't, being a natural substance. $$$$$$ So the war on colloidal silver began. What they didn't mention is that the baddies simply cannot develop resistsence to the Silver treatment.