Hello TT
Yes, that claim about Kidd's ship was pure bluster. But that chap who made the claim has form; he made similar statements two times previously and failed to provide any real evidence.
True what your saying about riverbeds and the sea shores being accessible to us newbies, we just need to find one now which is holding some long-forgotten goodies for us to liberate
Regarding Switzerland, I have been going there for some years now initially for family holidays but then for business reasons. I was attempting to make contacts with regards to selling gems and to see what opportunities were possible. I was travelling all over and there is some remarkable people there. It is also an extremely expensive country to stay in. Anyway, its not bankers I was referring to, more private investors. I saw deals done involving big amounts of money simply over a light breakfast with a "nod", "wink" and a "nudge". Those folks are consummate professionals with an understated, cool, calm and extremely sharp manner. To be frank I did not get any financing there but if I ever have a project that is classed as a 'biggie' and there is a high chance of success with all angles and bases covered, I know where to go to make it happen.
Saying the above, in India as well, I met several extremely wealthy individuals who basically said "I'll give you £XXXXXX and I want £XXXXXXX back, whatever is the excess you can keep". Very tempting offer but these guys are ruthless and you need extremely solid plans before ever thinking of accepting them as backers. But there is no denying that there is possibilities there.
Now that I am back home, there is several things to follow-up on. Problem is time, as I am still working and have my own family, its difficult to getaway for a few days at a time. Also its hard to earn and easy to spend. I have attempted a couple of projects and both have sunk without any return.
But I will keep going and make it right with the next one. Am still contemplating on whether to focus on one particular area as oppose to another. Suppose its just a case of weighing up the positives and negatives and going with your own intuition.