Metal Detectiing TN. cave / Anybody done this?

I know, its not fun. It would be interesting to find out where it goes and if it does open into another cavern or opens to the outside somewhere. So there's probably nothing hid or buried back there unless someone wanted to make sure it was never found. A big remote control car with a bright light and camera attached to it that you can monitor would be good. Question is would you be able to get a signal once it started getting back there?

If your assuming it would/could be controlled from the "outside"... probably not. But if from in.... how close would you have to be...??? Getting through to the back half of cave after the crack is VERY HARD TO DO and I'm sure you'd have to be past this point in which to control most remote controlled vehicles. Your "average" remote controlled vehicle from "Toy r US".... NOT EVER. Now... where it opens again to the outside (if it does) THAT opening could be "closed" now due to a long ago landslide also. This I believe. Those 2 bats I saw did NOT come from our direction (why?). We were crawling then 1.5 hours deep.

If your assuming it would/could be controlled from the "outside"... probably not. But if from in.... how close would you have to be...??? Getting through to the back half of cave after the crack is VERY HARD TO DO and I'm sure you'd have to be past this point in which to control most remote controlled vehicles. Your "average" remote controlled vehicle from "Toy r US".... NOT EVER. Now... where it opens again to the outside (if it does) THAT opening could be "closed" now due to a long ago landslide also. This I believe. Those 2 bats I saw did NOT come from our direction (why?). We were crawling then 1.5 hours deep.

Definitely not a Toys R Us. Controlling it from inside the main part of the cave. Question is would it still receive a signal from the controller going through all those turns and would you be able to receive a signal from the camera so that you can see where your driving. If not then your stuck crawling or searching the hills for another entrance and hopefully you don't find that entrance by falling in it.

Would be some work. Hauling the vehicle with light and camera attached. A monitor preferably a laptop, a car battery and an inverter for power. A small generator maybe? But then we're talking extension cords too. I would try searching the hills first and hopefully you find the other entrance.

Maybe just get the Air Force to fly one of their small drones through there with a missile on it so when it gets to the end it can fire the missile and blast a hole to the outside. Lol!

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Definitely not a Toys R Us. Controlling it from inside the main part of the cave. Question is would it still receive a signal from the controller going through all those turns and would you be able to receive a signal from the camera so that you can see where your driving. If not then your stuck crawling or searching the hills for another entrance and hopefully you don't find that entrance by falling in it.

Would be some work. Hauling the vehicle with light and camera attached. A monitor preferably a laptop, a car battery and an inverter for power. A small generator maybe? But then we're talking extension cords too. I would try searching the hills first and hopefully you find the other entrance.

Maybe just get the Air Force to fly one of their small drones through there with a missile on it so when it gets to the end it can fire the missile and blast a hole to the outside. Lol!

Ok.... I think Franks idea of spending some time looking ALL OVER this area during fall or spring when the foliage is gone within the area for further signs and entrances would be much easier (cheaper... good for me). But I definitely want to get a photo of the other etchings soon. Their just SO FAR BACK and hard to reach... and I'd like to here from U.T. first.

Ok.... I think Franks idea of spending some time looking ALL OVER this area during fall or spring when the foliage is gone within the area for further signs and entrances would be much easier (cheaper... good for me). But I definitely want to get a photo of the other etchings soon. Their just SO FAR BACK and hard to reach... and I'd like to here from U.T. first.

Yes searching the hills as far as you can would be good but the foliage being gone? Not. It'll be all over the ground. I can just see you now with a line of people, everyone with long sticks poking the ground like they're looking for a body. Or a line of people with leaf blowers. Lol! Hopefully that's not the case. Hopefully even with all the leafs on the ground that you still be able to find it.

I contacted another anthropologist today for his opinion on the mound with the etchings and the other mounds around. I most certainly have not given up on Dr. Jan Simek AT ALL as he appears to be the most resident expert. I just contacted someone else only to get another professional opinion since he is so busy. I'm sure he'll get back with me soon with his opinion because he got right back with me when contacted that day. I have ordered a portable black light now and am looking for other better lighting to get better photos when I attempt again. If the lighting works as planned this next trip I'd like to just leave it laying when "done" and attempt to go on back with some "throw away" 35MM camera's and capture the other etching way back by the "rock crack" and the tunnel next to it. Also, all the other mounds and the mud walls I've always wanted to "look over" need to be looked at much closer next time by.

Well TNnet folks, we buried my' middle sister yesterday and I have been bummed out all day today but things are getting better! I received a CD in the mail today from Brad with the two videos that he and Chelsea shot of the etchings in the cave. I also received a Sympathy card and want to thank both Brad and Bonnie for it as it means a lot!

Well, I downloaded the viedos to Photobucket and am posting the link to them here! So, please check them out and see what you think. There is a lot more etchings on the dried mud wall than previously believed or seen and if you periodically stop the videos, you will definitely see some of these. Brad apologizes for the poor quality of the videos and stated so! He also said that he will do his best to obtain better video footage of the dried mud wall with the etchings. I think that both he and Chelsea should be commended for the time and effort they have put into this project as well as trying to share everything with the TNnet folks. I am hoping that the link to the videos work but if not, I will try to figure out what the problem is and get a link up as soon as possible. So with no further delay, enjoy!



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Thank you Frank... good job making them available. Hopefully the next try will produce even better clarity. Our lighting approach really failed. Maybe I'll try and crawl all the way back and get the other markings as well... maybe! But again Frank... thank you.

My suggestion is just have fun exploring. Also do not tell anyone the location. We would like to see some pictures. I've been Metal Detecting since 1979 and recently on different forums I have posted a few Finds under the title When it's Hot It's Hot Part 1 & 2. All the finds were from a beach. I can't go back until September when it cools down, but then I was watching Chantel to see if it comes up the East Coast.I have only (1 ) friend that knows of this location and he has never been, between his home and the location is a 17-18 hour drive,plus too and from this location is a round trip walk of 3 hours or more. I would say 99% of the coins are from the 1800's.I've have been to this site only 3 times and use a Minelab Excalibur, The items are down about 3-4 inches but the Minelab has no trouble locating them, just go slow searching.

Goldnugget... "My suggestion is just have fun exploring. Also do not tell anyone the location. We would like to see some pictures."

They start (pictures) on page 3 onward of this thread. I have posted and shared many of them... Brad

No word yet today from University of TN's Anthropology dept. personal concerning possible ancient etchings possibilities. I'm trying to do the right thing here 1st… but I'd like to go do MORE… now!

SO FAR… only 1 dirt/clay mound has apparent symbols etched into it and I have shared these photos. I do really need to look closer at the others though. Admittedly, I do know of another etching WAY BACK put into a mud wall which is not in the "mud mound format" as I've shown in front of cave. It is directly carved into a mud covered wall. And, this other etching is right across from the dead end mud tunnel entrance I've posted before. I believe the one across from the mud tunnel (if I remember right) had numbers also. This was 18-19 years ago and I didn't care then. Very hard to reach this area.

I'm now waiting on the other Topo map to arrive and a portable black light I ordered. I'll then buy different lighting to again attempt to photo / video this mound better and its surroundings.

Folks… I'd really like some opinions or intelligent thoughts on the following PLEASE asap. I admittedly don't know how to read "treasure signs or symbols" if any are there (I think there are). But some of these abnormalities around this etched mound and its surroundings really are apparent. There are 3 other mounds close by and none are "like" this mound. I am a true amateur… but "something" is here or around here because some of these mounds are not natural or nature created.

#1. The etched mound has stones and/or rocks on the surface around it in places… the other's have NONE (see photo Z3).

#2. This etched mound has a "trench" in front of it and around it for whatever reason… the others don't. The 2 mounds to the left don't and the 1 mound to the right doesn't. And some "around" the corner further back don't either, only this one. All other mounds have a "natural" curved base from mound into its base into the floor and its natural surroundings or NO trench (Review photos Z1 & Z7).

#3. The 2 mounds to the left of etched mound which is located in background appear to have been "carved into and/or shaped" somehow at some point (for whatever reason)… the one to the right of the etched mound and all others don't (See photo S6302643 - shows 2 mounds to left) (photo Z7 shows mound to right of etched mound way in background).

Now… am I right about the other mounds being different … absolutely. Now… what's the reasons for this I have no idea but it's obvious. How do mud mounds within a cave get flat surfaces, tops and ends?
As Frank stated awhile ago…. I do not want to harm this etched mound at all if it's historical (I'm waiting to hear). But I wonder still are these markers for graves (hopefully not). And then I wonder STILL and foremost if THE GROUND UNDER THE ETCHED MOUND HAS SETTLED BECAUSE THE GROUND BENEATH IT WAS DUG!!! Frank and I both wonder??? Frank called about this today and we discussed.

This would explain why this mound is different from the others. Frank has had his opinions & theory's on this mound and I've have mine. He totally agrees it's different and it works great talking about it between us. Until we know or learn the truth we're both right thus far (either way is cool). I've stated before my opinion during these conversations w/Frank this mound was possibly "hand built" or carved and moved to its location and since it was or did not get built naturally it didn't settle or get packed naturally into its location. So I'm thinking his lead to it cracking under its own weight on the left end because of a bad base…? Who knows. If there's treasure signs on mound I'm IN… and if the mounds split is part of it I’m IN!!!! This is Franks opinion and others also… so he's not alone at all. And I'm totally in with this scenario also. BUT it's not open to debate (Frank or I) this etched mound is different from the one's around. And this leads to the question…. why are these mounds here at all just after natural light at all?

I just wonder (not for long) what's under or within or around this mound or some of the others…
Thanks for any further input… Brad Contact… (Huntsman53 or Limitool)

FOOTNOTE: What would anyone think if you got an email from somebody with the last part of its address being Then stating be careful about telling others and "We'll send a much longer detailed email tomorrow morning".... Brad


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I'm like you, I have no clue. Never studied them. I really wish i could help. I don't know if you have or not but I googled Treasure signs symbols and it brought up a lot of info. It even brought threads from Treasure Net. One thread was Treasure Signs and Symbols 101. Check it out if you haven't already.



I'm like you, I have no clue. Never studied them. I really wish i could help. I don't know if you have or not but I googled Treasure signs symbols and it brought up a lot of info. It even brought threads from Treasure Net. One thread was Treasure Signs and Symbols 101. Check it out if you haven't already.


Yea I have Clay... I've searched the internet a lot also. Doesn't it just seem unreasonable that "mother nature" could/would create a rectangle shaped mound in this up out of the way place? And it sure looks like the ground beneath this mound has settled unlike the others around it. It's driving me nuts (short trip for me). Today might be another "cave day".

Just a shot in the pun intended...(cave joke) know there are concerns about possible disturbing "remains" and whatnot but (again just spitballing here) any way to drill a long, narrow hole somewhere into the wall/mound where it wouldn't compromise any of the drawings/carvings and maybe see if you can punch through to a void or open space? If you make the diameter big enough, you could insert of of those fiber optic cameras (if you can find a cheap idea of cost) and maybe get a look-see inside. Provided it isn't thicker than the longest drill bit you can find.

With all the suggestions we keep coming up with for you of what to buy or use....getting may have to knock over a few outdoor and hardware stores! "This is a hold up! No ma' cash, just fill up the cart with batteries, toy cars, cameras, flash lights and bear repellent"!

Just a shot in the pun intended...(cave joke) know there are concerns about possible disturbing "remains" and whatnot but (again just spitballing here) any way to drill a long, narrow hole somewhere into the wall/mound where it wouldn't compromise any of the drawings/carvings and maybe see if you can punch through to a void or open space? If you make the diameter big enough, you could insert of of those fiber optic cameras (if you can find a cheap idea of cost) and maybe get a look-see inside. Provided it isn't thicker than the longest drill bit you can find.

With all the suggestions we keep coming up with for you of what to buy or use....getting may have to knock over a few outdoor and hardware stores! "This is a hold up! No ma' cash, just fill up the cart with batteries, toy cars, cameras, flash lights and bear repellent"!

Thinking of going back with a probe to see how far down I can go before I hit bedrock. If 6-7" not much there to work with. But if there's over a foot or much more that changes everything. And yea... I've given GREAT THOUGHT of probing this mound from the ends and maybe the top. Now you know if I go back there with a probe to poke into the ground around it... I'm stabbing the mound! I'm wondering now what this guy from Tennessee Gov. wants. Said "he'd send long detailed letter tomorrow... he's pondering". What the hell.... he's pondering... WHAT DOES HE THINK I'M DOING!!!!!!

Good idea with the probe......

Yea I have Clay... I've searched the internet a lot also. Doesn't it just seem unreasonable that "mother nature" could/would create a rectangle shaped mound in this up out of the way place? And it sure looks like the ground beneath this mound has settled unlike the others around it. It's driving me nuts (short trip for me). Today might be another "cave day".

I wasn't sure, thought I'd check. No I don't think Mother Nature did that. Lot of things she can do, making perfectly cubed rocks, awesome shaped crystals but building a mound in the mud? I don't think so. Especially not the carvings and the initials. It'll be interesting to see what they say. Hopefully its not a letter saying keep out we're taking the cave over. Hopefully they can't do that when its on private property.

This guy from a Tennessee state run museum was contacted somehow. After he checked out some of the photos he said he was not interested. He said he thought all the mounds and the etched mound were naturally formed. And that someone just wrote on the one of them.... DUHhhhhhhh. Hell yea someone wrote / scratched. Then he closed out the email with "I don't know much about caves only from my Boy Scout days". Anyway much to do about nothing. And I've heard nothing back from the University of Tennessee either... so I guess their not interested either. So... I'm not going to destroy this mound but I am going to learn more about what's around it and/or in it. And when my black light arrives I'll again go back with it and better lighting and try again. But "we" are gonna know about the depth of the soil around this area and I'll use the MD all around this area carefully also. Both sides of the stream.

This guy from a Tennessee state run museum was contacted somehow. After he checked out some of the photos he said he was not interested. He said he thought all the mounds and the etched mound were naturally formed. And that someone just wrote on the one of them.... DUHhhhhhhh. Hell yea someone wrote / scratched. Then he closed out the email with "I don't know much about caves only from my Boy Scout days". Anyway much to do about nothing. And I've heard nothing back from the University of Tennessee either... so I guess their not interested either. So... I'm not going to destroy this mound but I am going to learn more about what's around it and/or in it. And when my black light arrives I'll again go back with it and better lighting and try again. But "we" are gonna know about the depth of the soil around this area and I'll use the MD all around this area carefully also. Both sides of the stream.

Now I remember why I choose not to get a College education.:headbang:

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