Metal Detectiing TN. cave / Anybody done this?

My sincere thanks to everyone for the sympathy, well wishes and prayers and a special thanks to Brad! We, myself and my family, know that Frances is in a better place and is now with our' parents, grand parents and our' older sister, Shirley who passed December 3, 2011!

Take care and may God bless all of you as well!


Ok folks…. I'm still waiting to hear from Dr. Jan Simek when he returns to civilization if this etched mud/clay mound are from some ancient times or possibly later Indians. If he says it's not from that time period then other possibilities will be explored. I was truly hoping that someone here would "see" something in the photo's to pass along. This is why I am NOT giving up on getting those quality photo's for better review. I just hope this mound is NOT a grave marker of some kind.

I still need to do some more MD'ing around the mounds surrounding area. But this task is really hard to do but I'll get it done. I totally failed Sunday getting quality photos done as planned. Just pass this etched mound the mud walls to look over begin. I tried using the military glow-sticks but they were NOT even close being up to the task. So that light source failed also in which to explore those area's with a mirror mounded stick. So it appears I'm still lacking a quality light source for an environment such as this.

Sunday while back there one of my smaller dogs headed up to the off-shoot cave by the entrance and entered it. Now this area is where I have seen those bobcat tracks coming / going before but I have not yet crawled in too (but could). My daughter and I just watched. The dog went far in and turned and looked left where the cavern appears to head when shining a light. The dog then went that way out of sight for a few moments and then returned. I was hoping the dog would come back out dragging an old saddle bag full of gold coins…. but the dog failed also. I'm now thinking of trying to excavate from the outside into this other forward cavern by entrance. Even a small hole would allow me to look within. But way to hot here now to attempt an effort such as this.

So I guess I'm going to have to go shopping and buy some quality lights and re-attempt to photo mound area. Also, re-think what light source I could utilize to peek over the mounds with a mirrored stick. I really want to crawl into the other cavern by entrance but after looking at it very closely while Frank was here I need to rethink this approach also. This entrance available for me to crawl through is very close to the outside wall of cave and the ceiling is cracked and lower on the right side giving it a very unstable appearance. I happen to have a grandson coming here next week to visit for awhile and he loves to explore also. He's larger and stronger than me… so maybe we'll attempt to excavate into the other cavern from the outside.

QUESTION: If this etched mound is not from ancients or Indians what is it doing there in the location it is in and why? What is its purpose. It's way up out of easy access (24"-30" ceiling). It's just pass natural light (no light). The mound itself appears carved out and shaped from its surrounding environment. It was made for a purpose…. WHY??? Any ideas…. Brad (Come on Frank.... This is why I hired you (think). Checks in the mail).

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Ok folks…. I'm still waiting to hear from Dr. Jan Simek when he returns to civilization if this etched mud/clay mound are from some ancient times or possibly later Indians. If he says it's not from that time period then other possibilities will be explored. I was truly hoping that someone here would "see" something in the photo's to pass along. This is why I am NOT giving up on getting those quality photo's for better review. I just hope this mound is NOT a grave marker of some kind.

I still need to do some more MD'ing around the mounds surrounding area. But this task is really hard to do but I'll get it done. I totally failed Sunday getting quality photos done as planned. Just pass this etched mound the mud walls to look over begin. I tried using the military glow-sticks but they were NOT even close being up to the task. So that light source failed also in which to explore those area's with a mirror mounded stick. So it appears I'm still lacking a quality light source for an environment such as this.

Sunday while back there one of my smaller dogs headed up to the off-shoot cave by the entrance and entered it. Now this area is where I have seen those bobcat tracks coming / going before but I have not yet crawled in too (but could). My daughter and I just watched. The dog went far in and turned and looked left where the cavern appears to head when shining a light. The dog then went that way out of sight for a few moments and then returned. I was hoping the dog would come back out dragging an old saddle bag full of gold coins…. but the dog failed also. I'm now thinking of trying to excavate from the outside into this other forward cavern by entrance. Even a small hole would allow me to look within. But way to hot here now to attempt an effort such as this.

So I guess I'm going to have to go shopping and buy some quality lights and re-attempt to photo mound area. Also, re-think what light source I could utilize to peek over the mounds with a mirrored stick. I really want to crawl into the other cavern by entrance but after looking at it very closely while Frank was here I need to rethink this approach also. This entrance available for me to crawl through is very close to the outside wall of cave and the ceiling is cracked and lower on the right side giving it a very unstable appearance. I happen to have a grandson coming here next week to visit for awhile and he loves to explore also. He's larger and stronger than me… so maybe we'll attempt to excavate into the other cavern from the outside.

QUESTION: If this etched mound is not from ancients or Indians what is it doing there in the location it is in and why? What is its purpose. It's way up out of easy access (24"-30" ceiling). It's just pass natural light (no light). The mound itself appears carved out and shaped from its surrounding environment. It was made for a purpose…. WHY??? Any ideas…. Brad (Come on Frank.... This is why I hired you (think). Checks in the mail).

LOL, I wish!!!

Considering that broken and overhanging ceiling at the entrance to the other cave, hole or whatever it is, please seriously re-think entering it! If you are hell bent on going in there, cut some timbers near the cave and haul them in to hold up and stabilize that overhang. And be sure to take some Pepper spray for the Bobcat.

Oh, by the way! I received the PM's, they are interesting and need to be discussed more in depth when we get a chance. I can't wait until this fall when it is cooler, the leaves are gone and the ticks and chiggers are dormant, so we can do some exploring outside around and near the cave as well as look for another entrance on the otherside of the ridge or even the same side. I can tell you from experience, that the chiggers in Middle Tennessee are chiggers from hell and something that you never want to get on you! It has been 16 days since I was there and the chigger bites have still not gone away. I have tried everything but gasoline and am contemplating trying it!


P.S. The charger for my' video camera came in the mail today. Thanks!

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Hi re lighting....I bought this Festool rechargeable flashlight right before Sandy hit us in NJ and I love it. Very durable, holds a charge for a long time, and provides a very nice bright white light....take a look at the Features section and you'll see what a great light this is! You can even mount it on a tripod.

Festool 498568 SysLite LED Worklamp |

Eric & Frank... Thank you for the links. And I promise I'll check'em out come Saturday morning when my internet usage resets. Frank maybe I need to send you some cheese along with the wine(ing). Check the bottom of that box I sent again (not). All jokes aside Frank... I have had those (chiggers) so bad I'd thought I'd NEVER GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!! Theirs NOTHING more fun then scratching your feet, ankles, legs, thighs and ALL your groin area.... your WHOLE groin area and then.... slipping into a Clorox bath. I'll take a chance on the bobcat area right now before that again. And yes I'm hell bent on that area... one way or the other. And Frank... never did anyone mention pepper spray when entering until NOW. Checks in the mail (hold your breath). But... coming here later and looking all over this caves outside area together is a definite.... game on. That NEEDS TO BE DONE TOGETHER!!! NOTICE: Chelsea and I did NOT GET CHIGGERS.... We walk around them... listen and learn and pay attention Frank. Your not in East TN. your in the middle... kind of goes along with your problem..... Later buddy.... Brad

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Guys try Permethrin on the clothes you'll be wearing to explore . It's suposed to last a long time and you can wash your clothes in a washing machine to get the mud out , just don't use soap . I've used it to keep tics off and it works great . Not sure about chiggers . I get the spray bottle at Wal Mart in the sporting goods area.

Permethrin - Encyclopedia

While your out shopping pick up some pepper spray for bears. If it'll stop a bear I'm sure it'll stop a bobcat. It'll help with that phobia of yours when it comes time to hit that cavern.

That mark on the ceiling, that is a signpost. Next stop. The Twilight Zone! Or it could be the initials of the guy on his Journey to the Center of the Earth!

I'm just sayin

Yes someone did mention pepper spray. I did! Read above gentlemen!

You don't want regular pepper spray, you'll just piss him off. You need to get bear spray! That will stop him in his tracks! Just be very careful not to get it in your eyes. Wear goggles if you have to do any spraying. Better safe than sorry!

Yes someone did mention pepper spray. I did! Read above gentlemen!

You don't want regular pepper spray, you'll just piss him off. You need to get bear spray! That will stop him in his tracks! Just be very careful not to get it in your eyes. Wear goggles if you have to do any spraying. Better safe than sorry!

Bear Pepper Spray is great but add some Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Pepper Juice to the mix and it may not only turn the Bobcat around, hell it might kill it! Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Peppers are the hottest peppers on the earth and probably in our Galaxy or any other Galaxy for that matter. Quote from one website about these peppers: "At a scorching 2,009,231 Scovilles (peak), the Moruga Scorpion will wreak your stomach, burn your intestines and still be smoking on the way out." In comparison, the Red Savina Habanero Pepper rates at only 577,000 Scovilles and they have put a lot of people in the hospital, so imagine what the Moruga Scorpion Peppers can do. We have an old saying around here about really hot peppers and if you spend a lot of time in the outdoors, "if you eat some really hot peppers, then you will probably have to crap in the creek for a week to keep from setting the woods on fire"! If you ever get some Maruga Scorpion Peppers and handle them, just don't rub your eyes or get any of the pepper's juice in your' eyes, as they might blind you.


While your at it add some Captain Morgan and some Corona's! Then again Brad probably shouldn't be drinking when he's fighting the bobcat. The Corona's are for me while I'm watching the video of the fight that Frank recorded. Lol!

Those peppers are hot but not a good idea. For one your not going to be able to add the juice to a pressurized canister of bear spray and two, you could put some in a spray bottle but he doesn't need a bunch of things in his hands if he comes across the bobcat. I would trust the bear spray to work before I would a spray bottle. Spray bottles like to screw up and not spray sometimes and that would not be a good time. I would go in there with a headlight so I'm not having to carry a flashlight. A big knife on my side, bear spray in one hand and in the other some to protect myself from getting clawed or bit, something like a steel trash can lid which would also help to keep from getting the spray in your eyes. If all else fails, go in there with a flame thrower.


Hey Clay... I already sent Frank the money for his pepper spray idea. Maybe Frank will forward to you (he was 1st Frank). But that flame thrower idea is now under consideration. But I believe trying to open up a hole from the outside might work to see in. And Clay... you might as well just go ahead and drink those Corona's because there will be no "Frank" video. IF this attack takes place Frank's ass will be headed back up that ridge top ASAP. Frank and I both know this (so should you). And besides... it's not gonna be much of a fight... I'm past my prime! And besides prime or not it wouldn't much matter. But that spray idea is a good one. Thanks Clay... Send him his money Frank. Bought a halogen rechargeable light yesterday and it really throws a beam. Still lookin' for others from the links sent. Thanks guys... Brad

Pepper spray (even the directional "stream" kind ) works both ways my friend. You could piss off anything you encounter AND blind yourself at the same time. If there is no ventilation back there it may linger for a while as well. Now if ya had a CS could just roll it on back there and stay outside, out of the way and wait and Don't know that I'd wanna be there when a ticked off Bobcat come flying outta there though!

No Animal expert here but I'd imagine if something was living/using the cave, your multiple trips there would have left your scent all over the place and any other "visitors" may not hang around or come back. Watch your dog he marking all over the area or the entrance? I'd think any regular users of the cave would have marked their territory. Cat urine smells god awful and lingers for a LONG time. Still have a spot on one of our closets (hardwood floor) where a cat we had years ago liked to piss from time to time (my closet and the cat hated feeling I can tell you....) and you can still smell it sometimes.

Pepper spray (even the directional "stream" kind ) works both ways my friend. You could piss off anything you encounter AND blind yourself at the same time. If there is no ventilation back there it may linger for a while as well. Now if ya had a CS could just roll it on back there and stay outside, out of the way and wait and Don't know that I'd wanna be there when a ticked off Bobcat come flying outta there though!

No Animal expert here but I'd imagine if something was living/using the cave, your multiple trips there would have left your scent all over the place and any other "visitors" may not hang around or come back. Watch your dog he marking all over the area or the entrance? I'd think any regular users of the cave would have marked their territory. Cat urine smells god awful and lingers for a LONG time. Still have a spot on one of our closets (hardwood floor) where a cat we had years ago liked to piss from time to time (my closet and the cat hated feeling I can tell you....) and you can still smell it sometimes.

That's why I said don't use pepper spray you'll just piss him off. Use bear spray. I also suggested using goggles. A bandana over your mouth would be a good idea too.

Well my first concern right now is getting some better quality photos of this mound and the entire surrounding area so we ALL can review them again. Second concern is then entering this other cavern up by entrance. I know there was another small entrance into this area awhile back before 2010's landslide from the outside. I don't believe there's much debris blocking it (remember I said that later). But it will be a lot of hard work. This "other old entrance" is where I saw some animal carcasses' and bones from recent kills before 2010. So there used to be 2 ways to enter this area. But I also have seen bobcat tracks entering from within "my entrance". Were not leaving enough scent to detour an animal from using this other cavern because they use the nearest way to enter and we use the opposite side of main cave entrance to enter. I'm thinking of using Franks other idea of taking a gallon of Clorox and putting all around the cats entrance point. But first goal is getting those quality photos of entire area to share with you all. And yes DocBeav... I KNOW cat urine can last forever. I have NOT smelled any coming from that area... but maybe wild cats don't go "in the house"???

Never MD'ed in a cave but years ago here in Texas,my friends & I went out to Enchanted Rock and went through the cave at the top of the rock.We decided that we were gonna clean it out and see what we could find.Well we found about 20 different types of flashlights,& pieces,chains,keys,bracelets and 4 wallets & assorted garbage.We were started taking the trash bags out,we filled over 30 green plastic trash bags,and someone thought we were taking something out of the cave,so they got a park ranger up there to check us out.When he got there,he asked us what we were doing, and we told him that we were cleaning out the cave.He was kind of surprised,we showed him all the junk that were in the bags,and we gave him 4 wallets and some car keys(1 wallet had over $500 in cash in it).He helps us bring down all the bags and then takes our picture,refunds our money for camping and gives each of us a park pass,good for 1 year at any Texas park.:icon_thumright:

Good on you. Not often you find someone to do the right thing.

Still no word yet from Dr. Jan Simek from U.T. concerning his opinion of etched mound. He said late this week (well today's FRIDAY). I thought I'd share a few more photos to help give an idea of the mounds surroundings. I'm beginning to have a bad feeling the more I pay attention to this environment. I really hope these mounds are not some type of burial site markers….? Surely not…??? The 2 Close-up photos I posted below I got from a video we took last Sunday morning. I hope to do better on next try. There's "more" there just hard to capture without "proper" light. Again, these mounds are located in up hard to reach places. I like to believe there is not enough mud/dirt/clay above the bedrock below to bury someone. Admittedly… I've done no digging thus far to verify this though. I'd really like to believe they are "signs". And I have received some PM's concerning this avenue. To me these mounds were obviously carved into with 1 obviously etched into. Then add the other writing I know of WAY BACK along with that tunnel next to it… it really gets you thinking. At least it does me. I don't know if the stone found in streambed was a tool or not…. but is sure is sharp and did not belong there.

Pic - S6302643 - Two more mounds to the left of the "etched mound" located in far background. These 2 mounds appear to have been carved into also. I probably should look very close at them also next time back for any faded markings.

Pic Z7 - This is still another mound in far background to the right of the "etched mound" heading back further into cave. There are more around the bend.

S6302671 - Profile view of a very sharp hand held size stone I found up by cave entrance in the streambed. It most certainly did not belong there.

S6302674 - Top view of stone found in streambed.

Close-up 1. Does this appear to be a faded symbol just to the right of the "R" figure? This is located on the far right side of the etched mound. Kind of looks like a pine tree or an arrow pointed upward?

Close-up 2. Does this appear to be a faded symbol just on left side of the large wavy line figure? This is on the far left side of etched mound. Appears to be a black circle with lines coming off North, South, East & West?


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Deeper Brad! Deeper! Oh Brad! Deeper! Lol!

I know your really interested in the mound as we all are but until you hear back from the good Dr. go deeper. I'm really interested in what's farther back in the cave. I wish I was there to help so while your taking pictures I could head through the cave and you could come back the next day and see if I made it back out yet. If not throw some Corona's in there for me.


Clay... I have been so deep within this cave that it narrowed down to the size of about a 55 gallon drum (50-80 yards after the artesian well discovery) and I still went forward for a l-o-n-g ways. But at this point for every foot I went forward meant I had to crawl backwards (no turning around at all). I keep thinking I was going to find a way out or it would suddenly become WIDE OPEN into another cavern. After crawling this way for maybe 40-50 yards I saw a sharp left hand turn shortly ahead. I went up to it... looked... and it went another 15-20 yards straight ahead and then took a sharp right. But I did see 2 bats in that upcoming corridor. It never got smaller or larger but I couldn't bring myself to crawl backwards THAT FAR. I was tired, wet and very cold and that damn dog that scared the hell out of Chelsea and I earlier that day was STILL following & bugging me. But I do have many more photos of that day. I do believe I was close to coming out or seeing daylight wherever I was at on this ridge.

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I know, its not fun. It would be interesting to find out where it goes and if it does open into another cavern or opens to the outside somewhere. So there's probably nothing hid or buried back there unless someone wanted to make sure it was never found. A big remote control car with a bright light and camera attached to it that you can monitor would be good. Question is would you be able to get a signal once it started getting back there?

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