Messed up stuff we did as kids

Wonder whatever possessed the inventor of the horizontal drink vending machine? All you needed was something to pop the cap off the bottle and you got at least half what was inside. More if you tilted the machine.

And what's worse, in the summer, if they didn't catch it right away the entire front of the machine would be swarming with yellow jackets by the afternoon of the next day.

Skunks. One of my favorite stories.

Paying for my car tags in person a few years back and the clerk (20something, very cute) gets a phone call from her boyfriend. Conversation is about baby skunks discovered beneath their house. Conversation ends with her saying "Don't be such a baby; just put on a leather glove and grab them. They cant spray when they are little."

'Huh', I said. 'Is that true that they cant spray when theyre young?'
Response was " I have no idea."

My kind of gal.
I am sure they can! The riot ensued. :) Baby skunks can spray as early as 2 weeks old but are not deadly aims with it until 12 weeks. Still a glove won't do him any good at all.

Wonder whatever possessed the inventor of the horizontal drink vending machine? All you needed was something to pop the cap off the bottle and you got at least half what was inside. More if you tilted the machine.

And what's worse, in the summer, if they didn't catch it right away the entire front of the machine would be swarming with yellow jackets by the afternoon of the next day.
I made that suggestion to my dad when I was very young. He told me it was very possible but if he ever caught me "stealing" Soda he would beat me into next Tuesday. Never touched the machines without money.

I am sure they can! The riot ensued. :) Baby skunks can spray as early as 2 weeks old but are not deadly aims with it until 12 weeks. Still a glove won't do him any good at all.

I think the glove was so he didn't get bit. And I think that boy was whipped for sure.

I made that suggestion to my dad when I was very young. He told me it was very possible but if he ever caught me "stealing" Soda he would beat me into next Tuesday. Never touched the machines without money.

Lord I hate to think how many belt strokes my dad owes me.

Folks, outhouse don't necessarily mean old. I was in college and had relatives that used an outhouse.
Husband made tons of money in his own (of all things) plumbing business, welder and preacher on the side and had built a new large home way out in the country. He just didn't see the need to hurry up and finish the plumbing when he had a perfectly good outhouse. It was several years later after they decided to sell the house that he put in the indoor toilets.

Wife, 2 boys, 1 girl before anyone asks.

Lord I hate to think how many belt strokes my dad owes me.
My older brother Phil is a page short of a book. I remember once he lied to my dad and got busted. My Dad told him to go out side and get him a stick so he could get the whoopin of his life. My brother went outside and was gone for a long time. My Dad had cooled off by then. My brother came in with a 2x4 with 3 16p nails hanging out the end of it saying "This is all I could find" My Dad was crying laughing at the site of it. If that was all I could find, I would have hidden it better.

Right, ChampFerguson/TN, I grew up in the fifties on the outside the limits of a large town, where there were no building codes and you could buy a one acre lot and build any kind of dwelling on it you could afford. Lots of "basement houses" where people put in a basement, roofed it over and lived underground until they could afford to build the rest of the house as well as places that were little more than shacks. Folks struggled to get wells in and just struggled to get by in general so luxuries like indoor plumbing weren't high on anyone's list.

Right, ChampFerguson/TN, I grew up in the fifties on the outside the limits of a large town, where there were no building codes and you could buy a one acre lot and build any kind of dwelling on it you could afford. Lots of "basement houses" where people put in a basement, roofed it over and lived underground until they could afford to build the rest of the house as well as places that were little more than shacks. Folks struggled to get wells in and just struggled to get by in general so luxuries like indoor plumbing weren't high on anyone's list.

Always admired those folks that did the build/live in a basement as you afford THEN build more house. Screw the banks.

Always admired those folks that did the build/live in a basement as you afford THEN build more house. Screw the banks.
And today, you can't even buy a house with cash! What a downer

Growing up in rural Central Florida, we had lots of wildlife to play with. We would catch water mocasins, coperheads, alligators, and alligator snapper turtles for fun during summer vacation. The "rich kid" in our group had one of his dad's golf clubs as a crook to snag the snakes with. The rest of us just had whatever stick we could find to pin the critters down and then grab it with our bare hands. I was in first grade when I started this.

Growing up in rural Central Florida, we had lots of wildlife to play with. We would catch water mocasins, coperheads, alligators, and alligator snapper turtles for fun during summer vacation. The "rich kid" in our group had one of his dad's golf clubs as a crook to snag the snakes with. The rest of us just had whatever stick we could find to pin the critters down and then grab it with our bare hands. I was in first grade when I started this.

Same here in Louisiana we lived on a dead end and had a canal at the end of the block. Those snappers had those long necks and we used to love to put them on their backs and watch them flip themselves back over.

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Riding my BMX at full speed at a ramp that consisted of 5 red bricks and a 3 foot board at a 45° angle (we would've been laughed out the neighborhood if we had helmets).
Thank God for moms and Mercurochrome.

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When I was little they were building a new house and we would play by it. I saw rolls of this pink, fluffy stuff that looked really good like cotton candy. I tasted it myself even and it was awful! So I wrapped a big piece of it around a popsicle stick and gave it to the this annoying kid in my neighborhood and he thought it was cotton candy too. Needless to say taking a bite of fiberglass insulation is never fun... :o

Riding my BMX at full speed at a ramp that consisted of 5 red bricks and a 3 foot board at a 45° angle (we would've been laughed out the neighborhood if we had helmets).
Thank God for moms and Mercurochrome.

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OOOH Yeah I broke two ribs doing this one. Fun Stuff!!

Reading through the short stories of the antics you all did I can see why we're all in the same hobby, I'm thinking half nuts. No angel here, tried anything that was imaginal-neighbourhood wars with green apples on sapling sticks, pellet/BB guns, firecrackers, can shot guns ( any version with all sorts of propellent was used) bruised, bit bloody everyone came out ok in the end. We gathered up in a trapper's cabin, the boys club, shot anything and everything and cooked it up was the rules. Old wood stove had every type of bullet/shotgun shell tossed in when one would stoke the fire. Sitting down again then calmly saying I threw in a ----- and it was everybody diving out the door and windows.
Over the years things just were the same, making homemade bombs, and they got a little more sophisticated as age allowed till I was 18yrs old and on the railway I blew my hand apart. Well this ended my fooling around ways quickly (anything that went boom at least) so my energy was directed at what anything with 4 or more wheels and a motor could do. I really have the 9 lives type of lifestyle and this one great thread.

Oh yea, green apples on a whip stick and throwing live shotgun shells in the weenie roast fire. I almost forgot about those times. Those little green apples hurt like the dickens at close range.

Oh yea, green apples on a whip stick and throwing live shotgun shells in the weenie roast fire. I almost forgot about those times. Those little green apples hurt like the dickens at close range.

We built bunker/trenches on the higher hill across a small ravine in behind the trees. Took 4 us nearly a week to complete this task cut so many sticks and picked boxes of apples and loaded the sticks, then invited a few cocky little boys over to have a friendly game of apple wars. They showed up with a few sticks, bag of apples-poor guys were hit with more apples in a few minute spree they ran.

Reading these threads I'm amazed that so many of us made it this far, and continues to jog my memory. As a teenager I'd often hang out at my best friend's house in his finished basement. One day he invited me over and told me he got hold of some "smokers" (8mm porn movies). He set up their projector but whenever we got ready to run it his Mom would come down, obviously very suspicious.He was very skilled at quickly switching the film to a documentary "Who's new at the Zoo?" about the latest additions to the Philadelphia Zoo. However his Mom was not buying it. After her third trip down she said "I'm calling your Dad!" We trembled in trepidation as his Dad was a big and gruff fellow. A few minutes later his Dad comes down, sits on the sofa with us, and says "Your mother says you are watching porn films down here. Is that true?" My friend timidly replied "Yes sir" to which his father said "Why didn't you call me sooner, let's roll 'em!" :-)

We had a lot of ground squirrels around the farm pastures. I would take a fishing pole and make a slip knot in the end of the mono line. Lay the loop around the ground squirrels hole. Wait until the little bugger is about half way out and give the line a jerk. You can picture the rest of the fight. Letting them loose was the hardest part but well worth it.

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