Messed up stuff we did as kids

alright lets bring the temp down a bit

about 6 blocks from my house was a dunkin donuts. We discovered that they threw the old donuts in the dumpster ( tip for the homeless)
they were stale and hard so we took them to a low spot off a nearby road and threw them at cars driving by. Great fun!!
Nowadays we would probably get shot

Reminded me of something my cousin and I did when we were 12 or 13:

My grandmother had latex gloves for her job. At like 2am, we'd take a bunch and fill them with disgusting mixtures of food (ketchup with soda, jelly with gravy, etc), tie them shut, and then throw them at car windshields as they drove by, while we were hiding in a ditch.

Looking back, we definitely could've killed someone by blinding their vision with gravy. my feeble memory is slowly dropping small bits here and there...dam sliding!! The dam that I mentioned earlier where we rode dirt bikes...well, it was huge and the front of it was probably a 45 degree angle and was the most AWESOME sledding hill. Except...there was a narrow flat cut into it across the entire face, about halfway down...most likely for state vehicle access. So, you can probably imagine the CARNAGE that ensued from speeding down the frozen, ice covered dam at warp 4, then hitting the access road...the best thing to do was to get a huge inner tube that 5 or 6 people could get on and go down. The inner tube usually beat everybody to the bottom, void of human life lol...I can't count the amount of times that the Lifeflight chopper landed there...back then there was a lot of Little Kings put away which helped with the dislocated/broken limbs...saw my first compound fracture there..ick. (no, not mine). Nuttin' like fractured bone sticking through skin AND denim! Ddf

Good memorys on sledding, the only fun thing to do in the NH winters as a kid! We had one place that was a hill that was in two sections, both sections combined were probably over 100 feet high and around 45° steep. The lower section was only around 25 feet high. The had the whole place lined with hay bales, and every patch of ice spray painted red. Some kids took it as a challenge to go from the top of the hill, reach warp 9, and purposely go on the path with the most spray paint, straight into the hay bales. I was too scared to go from the top, but enjoyed going over some of the ice patches. I would probably watch 5 people in the many hours I was there get taken to the hospital for broken arms or ribs. I am lucky I made it past age 13 lol.

In my mid teens (early 70's) we 'slept out' on the flat roof of a 250' fire tower on top of the mountain. We would sleep out in town and jump the fence at the public pool, when we were done swimming we would stick a quarter în the juke box and rock the town at 2AM. Then a little later, jump on the motocross bikes and ride across town to the soda machine. That poor old town cop, bless his heart, would chase us on the mx bikes 24/7/365. Shake my hand at church Sunday morning, and it would start all over again a couple hours later.
We used to sled ride from the fire tower on top of the mountain down to my home. it took about 15 minutes to go the 2 mile ride. a couple sections were so fast it made your eyes water.Boy did that ol' runner sled get to rattling. And that reminds me of taking the Kaw 900 over the mountain, did you know 125mph down the mountain is faster than 125mph up the mountain?
And to dry my long hair after my shower, i would ride wheelies (mx bike) thru all six gears, a few times back and forth in the hayfield.


We rode whats now call Dual Sport, we called Street/Trail bikes; basically street legal dirt bikes. A fav game amongst the 5 of us was when we were going down a road at dark to turn off our lights/ Loser was the one who turned them back on first. A wonder no one was ever hurt doing that. o, I never lost but I never won either. 2 friends were insane (1 was caught bringing pot INTO mexico later in life) so it was always between them as who would win, and another the Chicken/Coward of all time so he was always 1st loser.
Maybe I wasn't as smart a kid as ii thought I was.

I can't believe we rode so much at night...those crappy headlights that got dimmer or brighter with engine rpm... so much safer to ride at high speed:laughing7:


Reading through the short stories of the antics you all did I can see why we're all in the same hobby, I'm thinking half nuts. No angel here, tried anything that was imaginal-neighbourhood wars with green apples on sapling sticks, pellet/BB guns, firecrackers, can shot guns ( any version with all sorts of propellent was used) bruised, bit bloody everyone came out ok in the end. We gathered up in a trapper's cabin, the boys club, shot anything and everything and cooked it up was the rules. Old wood stove had every type of bullet/shotgun shell tossed in when one would stoke the fire. Sitting down again then calmly saying I threw in a ----- and it was everybody diving out the door and windows.
Over the years things just were the same, making homemade bombs, and they got a little more sophisticated as age allowed till I was 18yrs old and on the railway I blew my hand apart. Well this ended my fooling around ways quickly (anything that went boom at least) so my energy was directed at what anything with 4 or more wheels and a motor could do. I really have the 9 lives type of lifestyle and this one great thread.

More dumb stuff. We lived in a row house and my older brother and I shared the smallest bedroom with bunk beds. His dresser was outside in the hall at the top of the steps. He collected model boats that I was not allowed to touch and they were in a glass display case on top of his dresser, that I could not reach. I was 5 or six at the time. One morning while everyone was still sleeping I got what I thought was a genius idea and decided to pull out the lower drawer of his dresser and use it as a step so I could reach his models. I stepped into the drawer and the dresser tipped over and me and the display case went crashing down the stairs with the display case breaking up on top of me. My face was split open and to this day I still have a scar down the middle of my nose and lip, and more than half the retina in my right eye was destroyed. I must have lost consciousness and thankfully don't remember the aftermath.
Another time, I begged and pleaded with my father to give me one of his Zippo lighters. (I was about 8 or 9 then). My Dad eventually gave in after removing the wick, flint, cotton wadding, and soaking it in water. Well I knew where he kept the wicks, flint, and lighter fluid on a top shelf out of reach in the kitchen. When no one was around I pulled out a lower drawer in the kitchen counter (obviously I learned nothing) climbed the counter and got the flint, wick, and lighter fluid. I found some cotton in the medicine cabinet and put the lighter back together. I had heard that heat would melt plastic and it was Easter time so I decided to see if I could melt the plastic "grass" in my Easter basket. Well it sure melted but also burst into flame and the living room rug burst into flames. I screamed, my father came running and somehow extinguished the fire. I came very close to burning the house down. Got a well deserved ass-whippin for that one.

I was so young I knew one fluid was gas one wasn't. The gas one I had watched my Dad start fires using it so the idea was born.

We had a new neighbour - built a huge log home, school teacher (yuk-enemy #1) even though I was pre-school but heard stories from my other 4 siblings on how mean these teachers really were something had to be done. So my best buddy being maybe 4 yrs old set out on a "The burn them out adventure". First a test run to the neighbourhood play cabin, poured the fluid on the floor, threw wood matches into the fluid-nothing-so with much debate we decided that this one was oil. Back to the storage shed get some of the other fluid, back to the play house/cabin and dumped it on the floor. We tossed a match into the doorway and we ended up on our asses, with a free hair cut, no eyebrows/lashes from the whomp! We took off running, and when we got back to the house we looked back and the black smoke was rolling up over the trees. Scared senseless we hid, then came out when we didn't hear anything.
We tracked back to the cabin, floor black surface burnt, up the wall, but it burnt its self out. Lucky day!
So back to the storage shed more gas and off to take care of these nasty new transplants. We circled around crawling on our bellies upon to the corner of the log house towering over us like some fortress built in the medieval times (1600's were thinking) So we splashed the gas on the walls and set it ablaze. So this is where stupidity meets youth and life changes for the worse, the building started to burn, we ran, got home split up, and for some strange reason we got caught :dontknow: gas and oil on clothes, burnt hair, black from the flash back, dirty, ( we got framed we thought later ) Well the neighbour caught the log chicken coop burning just in time, damaged but saved.
Punishment: Usually Mom applied the beatings on the pack, but it was "Just get to bed and you wait till your Dad gets home!" oh the fear-the guilt-the tears-the thought of getting it from the big logger (all made up in the mind as the bark was way bigger then the bite) So here comes Dad, the whispering, the mothers concern (police, even jail geez ma I'm only 5 yrs old.) So down the hallway I hear the heavy logging boots hitting the floor, in walks my father as I stare scared out of my wits on how this is going to end. I'll never forget what happened next.
My father filling the door frame of the bedroom staring down at me in bed he says " Well what have you got to say for yourself young man?" My reply was "Nothing dad" He looked at me and said "Good" he turned and walked out of my view. WOW! I lived to tell the story today.

i didn't do this it was my dad and uncles my two uncles tormented my dad one day day they where outside playing and my uncles beat him bull nettles then went to the bathroom all over him

....after Mr Gandy moved his outhouse four feet forward, the next year my dad put a box of TNT in his Barn and from what I am told from my uncles, blew the barn into matchsticks. I would love to meet this Mr Gandy (long gone by now) and Introduce myself as Dickeys son :) and watch his face.

....after Mr Gandy moved his outhouse four feet forward, the next year my dad put a box of TNT in his Barn and from what I am told from my uncles, blew the barn into matchsticks. I would love to meet this Mr Gandy (long gone by now) and Introduce myself as Dickeys son :) and watch his face.

how did the tnt blow up

When I was a kid growing up in a then rural part of Central Florida, I camped out on the back end of our lake side property waiting for it to get late into the evening. Sometime after midnight, I made my way down the road about a half mile where a "friend" of mine lived. I had brought with me a bag of flour that I had swiped from my mom and an old large mixing bowl that we fed the dog in . My "Friend" lived in an old house with no A/C and slept under an open window with no screen. He was a rather large boy and I figured that he'd be good and sweaty. I poured the flour into the mixing bowl and threw the flour into his window. Needless to say, I hauled butt and took cover under a parked car across the street and hid there for a while. No sooner than taking cover, the bedroom lights came on and I couldn't stop laughing when I saw his parents light turn on as well. I'm sure that he looked like a big piece of chicken ready to be fried. On my way back home, I had to take cover in a field when I saw head lights coming. It was two sheriff's cars responding to his residence. Lord, how I would have loved to have heard his explanation as to what happened. He never mentioned it nor, do I think that he ever suspected that it was me.

When I was 8 and 9 years old, I would stay overnight with my cousins (and of course my Aunt Ruby who was an awesome cook and my Uncle Bill) who lived in the Projects in Knoxville, Tennessee. Dad would haul my' bicycle there so I could ride bikes with my cousin Charlie (God Rest His Soul) and his friends. There was a lower street with a very steep hill and a 90 degree bend just before a Project building and sidewalk that sat about 30 feet above the street. We would ride down the steep hill, hit the bank and when we came over the top of it, we would be some 5 to 6 feet or more off the ground. Like others, we would compete to see how high and far we could jump with our bikes. Charlie, feeling his Wheaties, said watch this. He peddled down that the hill at break-neck speed, hit the bank and when he went airborne, he must have been ten feet off the ground. About mid-flight, a lady came around the corner of the Project building and thinking he was going to hit her, Charlie pulled back on the handle bars and tried to apply the brakes. Well, he couldn't steer or brake in the air but he actually did a complete 360 and landed on both tires. He never even came close to the woman and as far as I know, he never tried that again. I never had a brother and Charlie was like a brother to me and I miss him dearly. He was working two jobs, a factory job and the other, shuttling cars for Hertz or Avis Car Rentals, trying to raise his beautiful daughter who he got custody of after his ex-wife abused her by burning her with cigarettes. Charlie was shuttling a rental car one night after working his factory job and he fell asleep and hit a tree head-on and was killed instantly. RIP my dear cousin!


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ever pee up a rope ? :censored:

I have a couple. When we were in middle school, the brother of one of my friends smoked cigars and had the individual metal cigar holders that had screw on lids. His dad had a case of the very large mortar style fireworks. We would take them apart and fill those metal canisters up with gun powder. A drilled hole in the lid with the fuse from the firework with it buried completely in the ground would send chunks of dirt flying about 50 feet in the air. One Day we were doing this in a large field on the backside of their property, about 1/4 mile from the house. It was windy, hot, and the field was about due to be cut for hay. Things got a little out of hand and the next thing you know the field is on fire. The fire was about 75 feet wide in the blink of an eye. We all ripped off our shirts and beat it with all our might. After what seemed like an eternity we got it out, but to this day I am completely shocked and grateful that we didn't start a massive fire that would have made the news. His parents never questioned us, but I know they had to see it later on and wonder what happened.

My parents live on a farm that has a parkway bordering it on the back side. My buddy and I would take my four wheeler back there at night and make dirtballs that were just the right consistency to fly solid but go splat when they hit. We would be about 25 feet higher than the roadway hiding in the treeline and as semis were coming by we would let fly. You had to getting the timing down as they were passing around 70 mph. When you connected though, it provided a very satisfying splat. It's a wonder we didn't cause any wrecks as a windshield shot was our prized goal. I sure am glad nobody got hurt.

Good times!

I have a similar story to 46Wheat, tho not nearly as dangerous.
After a cub scout meeting we were jumping off the porch to see who could jump the furtherest and I had had enough of that crap and was going to jump so far the others would immediately give up. 123Jump.
Woke up with everyone around including friend's grandma (her house) and then made the trip for stitches to my forehead. I didn't see the casement window sticking out higher than everyone else had jumped. Prob about a 5' drop. Kids are resilient.

Forgot a good one. If anyone suggests you stomp on the dead skunk in the road, don't do it. Poor neighbor kid who took us up on it ended up naked and crying in a laundry tub in the front yard while his mom poured tomatoe juice on him and we laughed.

Skunks. One of my favorite stories.

Paying for my car tags in person a few years back and the clerk (20something, very cute) gets a phone call from her boyfriend. Conversation is about baby skunks discovered beneath their house. Conversation ends with her saying "Don't be such a baby; just put on a leather glove and grab them. They cant spray when they are little."

'Huh', I said. 'Is that true that they cant spray when theyre young?'
Response was " I have no idea."

My kind of gal.

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