I was so young I knew one fluid was gas one wasn't. The gas one I had watched my Dad start fires using it so the idea was born.
We had a new neighbour - built a huge log home, school teacher (yuk-enemy #1) even though I was pre-school but heard stories from my other 4 siblings on how mean these teachers really were something had to be done. So my best buddy being maybe 4 yrs old set out on a "The burn them out adventure". First a test run to the neighbourhood play cabin, poured the fluid on the floor, threw wood matches into the fluid-nothing-so with much debate we decided that this one was oil. Back to the storage shed get some of the other fluid, back to the play house/cabin and dumped it on the floor. We tossed a match into the doorway and we ended up on our asses, with a free hair cut, no eyebrows/lashes from the whomp! We took off running, and when we got back to the house we looked back and the black smoke was rolling up over the trees. Scared senseless we hid, then came out when we didn't hear anything.
We tracked back to the cabin, floor black surface burnt, up the wall, but it burnt its self out. Lucky day!
So back to the storage shed more gas and off to take care of these nasty new transplants. We circled around crawling on our bellies upon to the corner of the log house towering over us like some fortress built in the medieval times (1600's were thinking) So we splashed the gas on the walls and set it ablaze. So this is where stupidity meets youth and life changes for the worse, the building started to burn, we ran, got home split up, and for some strange reason we got caught

gas and oil on clothes, burnt hair, black from the flash back, dirty, ( we got framed we thought later ) Well the neighbour caught the log chicken coop burning just in time, damaged but saved.
Punishment: Usually Mom applied the beatings on the pack, but it was "Just get to bed and you wait till your Dad gets home!" oh the fear-the guilt-the tears-the thought of getting it from the big logger (all made up in the mind as the bark was way bigger then the bite) So here comes Dad, the whispering, the mothers concern (police, even jail geez ma I'm only 5 yrs old.) So down the hallway I hear the heavy logging boots hitting the floor, in walks my father as I stare scared out of my wits on how this is going to end. I'll never forget what happened next.
My father filling the door frame of the bedroom staring down at me in bed he says " Well what have you got to say for yourself young man?" My reply was "Nothing dad" He looked at me and said "Good" he turned and walked out of my view. WOW! I lived to tell the story today.