Here's a real stupid one... I was a Freshman in H.S. The seniors had someone climb the town water tower and paint a huge 69' on it facing the football field. Now this field was about 150 yds. from the tower. Well some Juniors went up and painted a 70' over the 69' within 2 weeks. This was late in the fall during football and C.C. season. So in the locker room the Junior guys were teasing the hell out of the Seniors.
Well I get the bright idea of changing the whole thing to a 73' during this time. But during the school announcements it was stressed that NOBODY was allowed to climb the fence and access the ladder to climb the tower anymore. The first 40-50 of the ladder was removed. Didn't matter to me... the tower leg still had those small X braces going up to the ladder. Didn't look hard to me. So I recruited 2 stupid helpers and we planned our assault for 1:00 am the following Sat. I lived about 1.5 blocks from the tower. The 3 of us met at my home out back with our paint and brushes. We took the real long way around and came in the back way through the woods.
We were about 40-50 yds. at the edge of the woods when we all heard something hit the ground near the tower. Then another "crash" followed by another. Then we watched 2 people coming down the ladder fast. They made it too the ground and then up and over the 10' surrounding fence. They picked up the spray bottles and cans and ran within 30-40 yds. of us into the woods. It was Wade and Jim from the Senior class. Now there was a dirt road which ran ran right up to the tower and we waited for about 1/2 hr. more to see if any police were going to notice their new change. No cops... back to the plan!
Well us 3 climbed that tower fast with our supplies. IT WAS SCARY! The last 50' was straight up and it now looked a whole lot taller than from the ground. The 2 Seniors had done a GREAT JOB of saving us a LOT of time. They had painted the tower back to the original grey it was over a large area and the red 69' was still real wet. So now all we had to do was cover the 69' with our grey, wait awhile and brush on our 73'. Well now.... we sprayed the wet 69' over with our own grey and took a seat below it looking at the football field below us. While sitting their a cop car came down the road and stopped. All 3 of us laid flat and up against the tower. Now we see spotlights shining up but they can't see us. Then a loudspeaker says... "We know your up there and to come down NOW". I whispered to my friends "Don't move or say anything". Now the cops can't get a spotlight over on our side to see the paintwork so I wasn't sure they actually knew. They repeat themselves again. "We mean it!"
What a damn standoff... It was so cold up there. Wind was blowing, lying on cold steel and it's about 35 degrees. They stayed there about 15 minutes repeating themselves and walking around the tower base. I was glad Wade & Jim picked up there trash now. They left and we still laid there quietly whispering. They weren't gone for 5 minutes and back they quickly came. 2 cars this time. One on each side shining up the lights. We were now actually freezing but we all hung tough. They stayed again for about 10-12 minutes and one cop quietly says I think we're late. So they left again and we watched both cars for about 4-5 blocks. I suggested that you 2 get your asses down NOW and good luck. I'll finish up the job and see ya tomorrow. Down they went and into the woods they went. They escaped!!!!
I sat up against the tower and waited another 10 minutes with my red paint tucked inside my coat. Then I got up and sprayed a beautiful 73' over the clean background. Then I sat down and waited another 15 minutes or so. I had just thrown both spray cans towards the woods when a cop car just drove pass the tower but no spotlights or loudspeakers were used. I watched again for it to get a few blocks away and down I came. I bet I set a world record on that descent. I actually slide down the ladder with my gloves sliding down the outer rails. STUPID!!!! I escaped.
Can you imagine what those 2 Seniors thought when they returned the next morning to see their handiwork

Fast forward 24 years now. The same Police Chief, Bob was at my home on business. I asked him if he ever caught who was painting the tower back in 69'. He says "Something you wanna get off your mind Brad?" I thought I just did Bob. We high five and life went on. How damn stupid I was.