Messed up stuff we did as kids

I took a bunch of M-80's my brother had hidden and went down the sand pit with a bunch of friends,well,I lit one with a sparkler went to throw it and saw a puff of smoke so I stopped and looked at it...BANG,blew my middle finger tip off and was hanging by a piece of skin,I also looked like I was shot with a shotgun,my right eye brow was hanging down and bleeding,ruptured my right eardrum,I ended up in the hospital for 5 days.What really ticked me off was it was the day after school was out for the summer and couldn't go swimming for quite some time.The 6 kids that were with me said..Chris you better go home,of course none of them would walk with me and I had to walk half a mile bleeding all over the place. Didn't mess with that stuff for years after.:tongue3:

GOD Bless


your lucky you didn't get your hand blown off

your lucky you didn't get your hand blown off

52 years later,still a steel pin in there.


In my sophomore year of high school, a friend on mine had this thing about sabotaging everyones food at school with Ex-Lax when we were at lunch. I warned him to never put Ex-Lax in my food as I had had that done years earlier by my cousins. Well, did he listen, no. When I came back from getting another chocolate milk and had taken a small bite of my brownie, I knew something was up. When he got up to get seconds, I checked all of my food and had everyone else at the table to check theirs. We found about three full and two partially eaten pieces and I stuffed them into his food and he ate every bite. Well the very next morning, I missed the school bus because I had diarrhea and had to walk 5 miles to school and did not get there until about 9:30 AM. When I left the High School Office and was heading to my Home Room, my friend was running down the hall holding his butt and he was white as a ghost. He ran into the bathroom, into the stall, dropped his pants and crapped all over the wall. Come to find out, he had been running to the bathroom about every 10 minutes since getting to school and he was nearly dehydrated. Afterwards, I told him that he was warned to not put any Ex-Lax in my food. The Principal caught on to what had happened and that my friend had put Ex-Lax in the Cook's food and most were out that day due to having diarrhea but since we all were involved, we got marched into the Principal's Office and got our butt's beat. I swear that the Principal intended to hit my' cookies with the first lick of his' strap and although it hurt bad and doubled me over, I balled up my' fist, turned around and said sternly, "if you hit me there again, I am going to deck you" and he was very careful where he placed the other nine licks.

We made one of those special choice chip cookies for our algebra teacher and he Rode the porcelain Honda all of the next day. (He deserved it)

We made one of those special choice chip cookies for our algebra teacher and he Rode the porcelain Honda all of the next day. (He deserved it)

why did he deserve it

We made one of those special choice chip cookies for our algebra teacher and he Rode the porcelain Honda all of the next day. (He deserved it)

I wasnt sure what kind of 'special' you meant. We called Pot biscuits 'Disco biscuits'.


I wasnt sure what kind of 'special' you meant. We called Pot biscuits 'Disco biscuits'.

Ex Lax chip cookies with some of the real choco chips for flavor masking.

I wasnt sure what kind of 'special' you meant. We called Pot biscuits 'Disco biscuits'.


Since you brought up the subject of the loco weed.
Mrs Hutchins next door passed away and her grandson inherited the house and moved in. He was in his early 20's when I was 14 or so. My older brothers and sisters were more his age. He promptly planted two mass producers in his back yard and started throwing regular parties. He had a girlfriend Lorna who worked a regular job. My little brother and sister loved her and would run over to her when she came home from work Joe he did odd jobs and was home a lot.
Joe decides it Friday and so that means Party night and proceeds to Bake up a very large batch of "special" brownies. He leaves them on the counter to cool and splits off to round up his friends or what ever.
Enter Lorna, coming home from work with my little brother and sister instantly in tow, opens up house and sees fresh brownies. She proceeds to cut two large pieces and administer into Younger brother and sister. Which were gone like a labrador on a cheeseburger. They are still lip licking when Joe walks in and puts two and two together. Missing brownie choco lips on the kids and freaks out! The hilarity ensues. They immediately come get me and my older sister who joins in the freak out. My parents were hard core Bible thumpers. Not just christians that is A OK but serious Hard core stringent make you want to chew your arm off to get away Strict Bible Thumpers (Way different) Thus the keep mom and dad from finding out panic situation
They are wondering if they can sneak down and get their stomachs pumped, induce vomiting and a whole gauntlet of panic solutions. In the end it was sit and watch them to see what happens. It turns out they were fine High as kites but fine. Interesting to note the different affects Brother charlie who was always kind of laid back went low. He was laying in the front yard tripping make snow angel motions with his arms and saying Whoa over and over. Hyper sister Melody was skipping around him in circles saying Whee Whee Whee. Lasted about an hour and a half Eeeeek

I used to fill my handle bars up with water and pretended that there was something cool in there to look at. When curiosity was too much they took a peak and I would blow from the other in.

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We use to tape twenty two bullets to the end of our BB guns and make them go off when the BB hit shell, we did it a lot and never got hurt, but one day a new kid that live below me came up while while we were taking turns and ask if he shoot it one time, so we agreed to let him shoot, so I tapped a 22 bullet on the end of the Harrell, give him the gun, we all stood off to the and back of him, he pull trigger, when it when off, he drop the gun and grabbed his head,when seen a little boy
Blood on his hand, he was rolling around on the ground, we though he was dying, we finally held him down down got him calmed down, got his bloody hand off his ear, we got the blood off, and found a small church of skin missing on him ear load. We never did that again, we were lucky to be alive and not blind. Thanks, marion

I used to fill my handle bars up with water and pretended that there was something cool in there to look at. When curiosity was too much they took a peak and I would blow from the other in.

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That is hysterical and reminds me of this!

I brought my fidget spinner to school... even though they banned them!!!! :laughing7:

Kids these days...:laughing7:

When I was around 11 years old, I traveled with my oldest sister (Shirley) and spent the whole summer in Newport, Rhode Island where her husband was being ported out of with the U.S. Navy. While there, I made quite a few friends and we had some great times together. We would have contests throwing Batman and other collectible cards up against buildings and curbs to see who got the closest and the person with the closest card won all the cards thrown. I became really good at it and just before I left for home, I owned almost every card from every boy for several city blocks. The day I left, I called all the boys to the driveway below our apartment building and I dumped all the cards out to them and they had a free-for-all grabbing cards. I got hung by a rope and nearly died while playing Batman and Robin off a porch at a friend's house and still have the scar today around my' entire neck (long story but another kids fault). We would throw rocks at the Wharf Rats under the restaurants on the water front that served Clams, Oysters, Quahogs, Crabs and Lobster. We also spent a lot of time playing, fishing and exploring at and near King's Beach Park catching Sand Crabs, fish and checking out the sunken barges. A Carnival came to Kings Beach and we had a ball riding all of the rides and playing the games but got bored, so we went down to the water and caught a paper bag full of Sand Crabs. We got on the Salt & Pepper type Carnival ride and rode it around until the end of our ride. Just before the cage we were in made it to the landing for us to depart, we dumped the whole bag of Sand Crabs in the cage and ran off some distance once we were let out. It just so happened that some girls were let into the cage we were in and when the ride got to going really fast, Sand Crabs were flying all over the inside of the cage and the girls were screaming hysterically. They were screaming so loud and hysterically, that they had to stop the ride and let the girls out. Needless to say, although funny to us at the time, I felt really bad because when the girls departed the cage, you could see the stark terror in their' eyes and their' hair and clothes were hanging full of Sand Crabs. I would bet that some of the poor girls had to eventually see Psychiatrists.


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BB gun fights,I watched a BB coming straight at me and hit me right between the eyes. Shot my brothers glasses off as he ran away from me.

We had a saying...No shooting above the waist.:tongue3:

GOD Bless


GOD Bless


BB guns, sling shots and very little parental supervision. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. Lots of fun growing up in southern Florida.

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