Messed up stuff we did as kids

My brother jumped from one tree to another but somehow managed to get caught on a branch that somehow got stuck in the very rear loop on his jeans where the belt runs through...waving arms and legs and screaming for half a minute till we all realised what happened....then literally wet ourselves

We lived on the main road with a big old run down garden and had chickens....we let the chickens out during the day....they laid eggs under bushes so we sometimes came across a good supply of rotten eggs. Then came the school Disco on saturday night, and all the kids had to walk right past our house. We were up high in the trees, eggs pulled up in a bucket with bale string. You can imagine the rest....alot of kids walking back home to change clothes. We stayed (tried) to stay silent. Mayham ensued. Finished up just in time to watch Buck rogers in the 25century (the 1980s one)

used to ride our motorbikes (road bikes) to a remote beach at 3am playing "throttle stop" first one to back the throttle off from flat out lost

spent hours and hours inside a huge old hedge boardering a lawn bowls green watching the old people play bowls....still trying think what the attraction was....maybe the voyeurism?

started a 'rock war' with two high school couples making out under the grand stand (bleachers) at the back of school. Ended up taking casualties as 'Butsy' took a rock on the forehead....ambulance was called, high school kids expelled...even though my brother and I started it

We had a garage away from the house and in later years I used to walk to a school bus in the morning. The night before I would take cookies, water, books, blankets etc up to the garage. Next morning pretend to walk to school, return at 7.25 when my mother was showering...proceed to spend the day in comfort in the garage after everyone had left. Worked on the mini bike,read, slept etc.

there's much more...


Eggs.... I had a friend Terry Baker that was obsessed with throwing eggs at cars. We were walking along and he had an egg in his pocket and chucked it at a parked truck (I didn't even see him do it) The kid that owned the truck came running out to the street and busted ME in the mouth. I asked him what it was for and he said the egg. I then knew what happened. My first bloody lip and it was un earned. Terry got his from me later. I took 30 pounds of staples from a staple removing machine that I had access to and sprinkled them all over his dads dicondera lawn. Not sure what happened the next time he tried to mow it but he had blood in his eye for a long while. I never fessed up to it.


I honestly don't remember the scores, tho I always led the group as I was an active pitcher thru high school. It wasn't about score so much as just a way to rag on each other or brag.

Tracking thru snow; of course. But we had youth and a humongous head start in the woods and they had a vehicle they left on the side of the road. No Way they would have ever caught us as on the other side of the woods was a 4 lane road and the town's mall (which were plowed/trafficked).

One time we were getting into one of our fav positions and a cop car rolled up obviously expecting us to run. We hadn't thrown a single snowball but he knew what we were up to. Told us to go home that we better not be throwing snowballs. We told him we had done nothing and were playing in the snow and fully intended to continue. He threatened parents, we said go ahead. He left- had better things to do. But on the safe side, since he had a good look at us, we took our game a half mile away.


I honestly don't remember the scores, tho I always led the group as I was an active pitcher thru high school. It wasn't about score so much as just a way to rag on each other or brag.

Tracking thru snow; of course. But we had youth and a humongous head start in the woods and they had a vehicle they left on the side of the road. No Way they would have ever caught us as on the other side of the woods was a 4 lane road and the town's mall (which were plowed/trafficked).

One time we were getting into one of our fav positions and a cop car rolled up obviously expecting us to run. We hadn't thrown a single snowball but he knew what we were up to. Told us to go home that we better not be throwing snowballs. We told him we had done nothing and were playing in the snow and fully intended to continue. He threatened parents, we said go ahead. He left- had better things to do. But on the safe side, since he had a good look at us, we took our game a half mile away.


We rode whats now call Dual Sport, we called Street/Trail bikes; basically street legal dirt bikes. A fav game amongst the 5 of us was when we were going down a road at dark to turn off our lights/ Loser was the one who turned them back on first. A wonder no one was ever hurt doing that. o, I never lost but I never won either. 2 friends were insane (1 was caught bringing pot INTO mexico later in life) so it was always between them as who would win, and another the Chicken/Coward of all time so he was always 1st loser.
Maybe I wasn't as smart a kid as ii thought I was.

Yeah, Guilty. Tthat woulda been an easy 500 pts. Wonder how we would have scored for actually hitting the cop inside his car......


We rode whats now call Dual Sport, we called Street/Trail bikes; basically street legal dirt bikes. A fav game amongst the 5 of us was when we were going down a road at dark to turn off our lights/ Loser was the one who turned them back on first. A wonder no one was ever hurt doing that. o, I never lost but I never won either. 2 friends were insane (1 was caught bringing pot INTO mexico later in life) so it was always between them as who would win, and another the Chicken/Coward of all time so he was always 1st loser.
Maybe I wasn't as smart a kid as ii thought I was.

we look back at the stuff when we were kids and wonder how did i not die

Here's one from a time I shoulda known better.

Freshman college in a dorm. Always short of cash, of course, so always looking for a way to hustle a buck. One night on the way out with my room mate, we spied confections of all kinds in the dorm dumpster. These goodies were the old stuff from the vending machines from the entire dorm and there was at least 2, 5 gallon buckets worth of stuff with cellophane packages still sealed. I think this was before expiration dates were on stuff too. My best guess on age would have been a year old +/-.

Anyway, theres a big guy who always seems to have a little cash down the hall, has poor planning skills, and is constantly hungry. Match made in heaven if you ask me. So we gather up all the good looking food with an emphasis on honey glazed donuts, wash the packages off, dry them and lay them out on our dorm room table. Hey Jose, wanna buy some food? Now Jose is this monster of a man who lifts like a body builder and can stomp the 2 of us without breaking a sweat so we gotta sell this carefully. We give him a good price for it all along with the story that my cousin works at a grocery store and regularly brings stuff home via 5fingered employee discount (channeling my best Flim Flam Man "you can sell anything on Gods green earth so long as the buyer thinks it is stolen"). And he is instantly hooked. But torn. Does he give up his weekend beer money for tonights gratification. You can see it in his eyes how bad he wants all that sugary goodness and the outcome was never in doubt.

Couple of weeks later, we get on the elevator and ask him how was the goodies? Got a lukewarm "OK, but some were a little stale". But we didn't get our asses beat.

Here's one from a time I shoulda known better.

Freshman college in a dorm. Always short of cash, of course, so always looking for a way to hustle a buck. One night on the way out with my room mate, we spied confections of all kinds in the dorm dumpster. These goodies were the old stuff from the vending machines from the entire dorm and there was at least 2, 5 gallon buckets worth of stuff with cellophane packages still sealed. I think this was before expiration dates were on stuff too. My best guess on age would have been a year old +/-.

Anyway, theres a big guy who always seems to have a little cash down the hall, has poor planning skills, and is constantly hungry. Match made in heaven if you ask me. So we gather up all the good looking food with an emphasis on honey glazed donuts, wash the packages off, dry them and lay them out on our dorm room table. Hey Jose, wanna buy some food? Now Jose is this monster of a man who lifts like a body builder and can stomp the 2 of us without breaking a sweat so we gotta sell this carefully. We give him a good price for it all along with the story that my cousin works at a grocery store and regularly brings stuff home via 5fingered employee discount (channeling my best Flim Flam Man "you can sell anything on Gods green earth so long as the buyer thinks it is stolen"). And he is instantly hooked. But torn. Does he give up his weekend beer money for tonights gratification. You can see it in his eyes how bad he wants all that sugary goodness and the outcome was never in doubt.

Couple of weeks later, we get on the elevator and ask him how was the goodies? Got a lukewarm "OK, but some were a little stale". But we didn't get our asses beat.

yep pretty lucky

we look back at the stuff when we were kids and wonder how did i not die

You are not far from the truth. Of my Trio of friends, I am the only one left. I named one of my sons after my best friend Troy. He borrowed my 900 Ninja Daytona to go see his girlfriend, was cut off and stuffed it under a parked car at 70 miles an hour. 1 week before his high school graduation. ( I am a year older) Sean picked a fight with a passenger in a 5.0 Mustang. The driver took off with Sean hanging out the window. Dragged him to about 35 MPH and the back wheel of the Mustang ran over his foot slamming his head into the asphalt. He is still alive (Amazing strength) But does not know who he is or anyone else for that matter. I had already had my come to Jesus and straightened up by the time this happened or I probably would have been beating up the driver. Instead, I was not there! Before Troy I was invincible, after, well I came to the realization that I was not. It didn't complete stop the antics but it sure put a dent in em :)

Moved to the city back in the late 80's and some of my old redneck friends from the swamps come to town to see me. Says to me: "show us what they do in the city."
i says: "They got this thing going on called Rocky Horror Picture Show. Everybody's doing it, let's go!"


Never take your redneck friends to such things without easin' 'em into it, especially if they got nicknames like Big Swole (fat) and Wingnut (skinny with big ol' ears)!! They didn't stop whippin' little funny fellers till the cops showed up with patty wagons!! They considered it a Commie cleansing of the city and still consider it the most patriotic thing they've ever done!

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Moved to the city back in the late 80's and some of my old redneck friends from the swamps come to town to see me. Says to me: "show us what they do in the city."
i says: "They got this thing going on called Rocky Horror Picture Show. Everybody's doing it, let's go!"


Never take your redneck friends to such things without easin' 'em into it, especially if they got nicknames like Big Swoll (fat) and Wingnut (skinny with big ol' ears)!! They didn't stop whippin' little funny fellers till the cops showed up with patty wagons!! They considered it a Commie cleansing of the city and still consider it the most patriotic thing they've ever done!


we called it bumper sliding

there was a church a block over from my house. after a fresh snow we waited for the church to let out then we squatted on our feet holding on to the bumpers of the cars as they left. No one went more than a block. I always wondered how the drivers didn't notice

we called it bumper sliding

there was a church a block over from my house. after a fresh snow we waited for the church to let out then we squatted on our feet holding on to the bumpers of the cars as they left. No one went more than a block. I always wondered how the drivers didn't notice

We called it "SKITCHIN"!....You know, back when it used to snow in the winter...the best "victims" were box vans and trucks that couldn't see us hanging off their rear bumpers.. (again-when cars HAD bumpers)...the best moment was when me n Petey was skitchin' off the back of a bread truck and he buzzes across an intersection..I happen to look over and there's Lancaster's finest sitting at the light...I remember the eye contact with the policeman and he didn't even follow, I might have even seen the faintest grin...Ddf

then there was dam sliding ( my memory is getting a workout from this thread)
Nearby Indy is a reservoir with a nice concrete dam. Maybe a 70 degree angle, guessing 75 feet? and it was covered with moss slime in the summer.
We slid in jean cutoffs and no one got injured

then there was dam sliding ( my memory is getting a workout from this thread)
Nearby Indy is a reservoir with a nice concrete dam. Maybe a 70 degree angle, guessing 75 feet? and it was covered with moss slime in the summer.
We slid in jean cutoffs and no one got injured my feeble memory is slowly dropping small bits here and there...dam sliding!! The dam that I mentioned earlier where we rode dirt bikes...well, it was huge and the front of it was probably a 45 degree angle and was the most AWESOME sledding hill. Except...there was a narrow flat cut into it across the entire face, about halfway down...most likely for state vehicle access. So, you can probably imagine the CARNAGE that ensued from speeding down the frozen, ice covered dam at warp 4, then hitting the access road...the best thing to do was to get a huge inner tube that 5 or 6 people could get on and go down. The inner tube usually beat everybody to the bottom, void of human life lol...I can't count the amount of times that the Lifeflight chopper landed there...back then there was a lot of Little Kings put away which helped with the dislocated/broken limbs...saw my first compound fracture there..ick. (no, not mine). Nuttin' like fractured bone sticking through skin AND denim! Ddf

As kids, taking turns jumping from the outhouse to the pig barn, right across the pen of very bad tempered pigs. Fall and the pig slop would break your fall, but dealing with the pigs was another matter.

Also as kids going out on the creek and breaking ice in early spring. Sometimes you had to rescue each other and many times you walking the mile back home, in 40 degree temps soaking wet.

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As kids, taking turns jumping from the outhouse to the pig barn, right across the pen of very bad tempered pigs. Fall and the pig slop would break your fall, but dealing with the pigs was another matter.

Also as kids going out on the creek and breaking ice in early spring. Sometimes you had to rescue each other and many times you walking the mile back home, in 40 degree temps soaking wet.

outhouse? how old are you anyway? my feeble memory is slowly dropping small bits here and there...dam sliding!! The dam that I mentioned earlier where we rode dirt bikes...well, it was huge and the front of it was probably a 45 degree angle and was the most AWESOME sledding hill. Except...there was a narrow flat cut into it across the entire face, about halfway down...most likely for state vehicle access. So, you can probably imagine the CARNAGE that ensued from speeding down the frozen, ice covered dam at warp 4, then hitting the access road...the best thing to do was to get a huge inner tube that 5 or 6 people could get on and go down. The inner tube usually beat everybody to the bottom, void of human life lol...I can't count the amount of times that the Lifeflight chopper landed there...back then there was a lot of Little Kings put away which helped with the dislocated/broken limbs...saw my first compound fracture there..ick. (no, not mine). Nuttin' like fractured bone sticking through skin AND denim! Ddf

little kings cream ale? I had forgotten about that

There were 4 of us who owned dirt bikes when I was about 16 . Behind my buddies families cow barn was a long steep tractor path . We would ride down the path and jump off the concrete ramp that separated the walkway from the cow pasture out into the barnyard striving to be the one who made it the farthest . it was an ongoing thing with a basketball used as a marker to spot the longest jump. One day I was feeling a little more competitive then normal and decided I was going to finally beat the longest jump . I came down the path as fast as I could and hit the ramp in 5th gear wide open . When I woke up an indeterminate time later flat on my back with everyone standing around wondering if I was dead I inquired what the ^%$# happened . Seems that in our numerous attempts at jumping into the barnyard no one had noticed the phone line going from the house to the corner of the barn . That was until I hit the ramp just a little faster and jumped a little higher and took it right across the middle of my chest . Off the bike I went and fell flat on my back about 15 ft out of the air . Nothing broken but one of my 3 concussions I suffered doing what I like to call stupid kid tricks . I was granted offical winner status and jumping ceased that day . We still talk about it every once in a while . God I cant believe we never died

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