Messed up stuff we did as kids

It's part of my collection of rare books, but I may be able to make copies. I also have a pretty hard to find one called the Poor Mans James Bond by Kurt Saxon, it is pretty similar in content - released in 1972. Have you heard of it before?
I have heard of saxon as well. If you feel you want to make photocopies I am down for a copy of the original. I am lon
past the days of experimenting with the book. I just miss it. It was stolen from me in the very late 70's early 80's. I have not seen a copy since to replace it.

I have heard of saxon as well. If you feel you want to make photocopies I am down for a copy of the original. I am lon
past the days of experimenting with the book. I just miss it. It was stolen from me in the very late 70's early 80's. I have not seen a copy since to replace it.

Sure thing, ill shoot you a message sometime next week or weekend when I'm able to dig it out. 8-)

I remember my 70 olds 442

once coming home on the interstate (69) we picked up a couple hitch hikers.
just for fun i got up to about 110 just to see what they did ( may have saved their lives by deterring hitch hiking)

my first real job was at a gas station as a teen ( price then was 24.9 per gallon)

anyways, in the winter we put snow in a box and pour a little gasoline on it, and lit it. It was funny seeing snow burn. Kids. don't try this at home!!

this thread is making me remember bad things

In seventh grade or so, around Halloween time we made a half-axed dummy and rigged it onto an old bike and hid in the bushes at the bottom of a long hill. Around dusk, when a truck came by, we sent the bike right into the path of the truck. The poor guy jammed his brakes on and the bike fell over just after it cleared his driver side bumper. I'm sure he thought he hit some kid. He jumped out and when he realized it was a dummy, he let out a string of some of the finest swear words we had ever heard. Hilarious to us at the time, not funny to me now. The guy could easily have had a heart attack.

Our same crew thought it would be brilliant one winter afternoon after school to get off the schoolbus first, before the younger kids did. We were cool, so we always sat all the way in the back. When we got to our stop, we pushed our way to the front and got off. We scooped snow and packed some good hard snowballs. As the last kid got off the bus, someone gave the order to fire and we hurled our frozen missiles at the defenseless bus driver. A number of rounds found their mark but none of us had really given any thought of what would ensue. Without an escape plan, we stood there frozen in fear as he shouted in rage and headed down the steps of the bus. That driver was off the bus in a flash, ran us all down, pushed us into the snow and ground our faces into the "Connecticut sunshine" saying "How do you like that you little b*st*rds?". Our biggest fear was that our parents would find out but, thankfully, that never happened. That would NOT have been pretty for us, as corporal punishment was still in vogue. This was well over 50 years ago. Nowadays, the driver would have been arrested and we all would have been expelled from school after undergoing "victim's counselling" for the stress of the well-deserved consequences.

The list is endless but those are a couple of good examples. I'd like to thank my guardian angel for not allowing any of the incredibly bad possible outcomes to happen.

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In seventh grade or so, around Halloween time we made a half-axed dummy and rigged it onto an old bike and hid in the bushes at the bottom of a long hill. Around dusk, when a truck came by, we sent the bike right into the path of the truck. The poor guy jammed his brakes on and the bike fell over just after it cleared his driver side bumper. I'm sure he thought he hit some kid. He jumped out and when he realized it was a dummy, he let out a string of some of the finest swear words we had ever heard. Hilarious to us at the time, not funny to me now. The guy could easily have had a heart attack.

Our same crew thought it would be brilliant one winter afternoon after school to get off the schoolbus first, before the younger kids did. We were cool, so we always sat all the way in the back. When we got to our stop, we pushed our way to the front and got off. We scooped snow and packed some good hard snowballs. As the last kid got off the bus, someone gave the order to fire and we hurled our frozen missiles at the defenseless bus driver. A number of rounds found their mark but none of us had really given any thought of what would ensue. Without an escape plan, we stood there frozen in fear as he shouted in rage and headed down the steps of the bus. That driver was off the bus in a flash, ran us all down, pushed us into the snow and ground our faces into the "Connecticut sunshine" saying "How do you like that you little b*st*rds?". Our biggest fear was that our parents would find out but, thankfully, that never happened. That would NOT have been pretty for us, as corporal punishment was still in vogue. This was well over 50 years ago. Nowadays, the driver would have been arrested and we all would have been expelled from school after undergoing "victim's counselling" for the stress of the well-deserved consequences.

The list is endless but those are a couple of good examples. I'd like to thank my guardian angel for not allowing any of the incredibly bad possible outcomes to happen.
We had a phone pole on the street with a straight trunk tree directly across the street from it. At night we built a wall of tp (and other roll paper)by wrapping and crossing the street until it was about 4 feet high. We thought it was funny watching people come to a screetching halt getting out and looking over the other side before driving through it.

Go to the neighborhood grocery, claim to turn in bottles, then spend the money on candy.

It's part of my collection of rare books, but I may be able to make copies. I also have a pretty hard to find one called the Poor Mans James Bond by Kurt Saxon, it is pretty similar in content - released in 1972. Have you heard of it before?

These days Im just grateful to be alive....if my kids did these things I would flip!! One of the things is mixing touch powder dry.... do so at your own peril. Will turn a hand into a hamburger. Its a bit like driving fast or wanting to supercharge everything I drive etc. I just dont have the urge anymore. I guess I realise my own mortality....or rather just how much longer I have to live and that I really need all the health (and fingers ha ha) I have left.
Truth is id rather be detecting than risking life and limb. I guess we all grow wise when we age, hence the title of the thread. crazy things we did when we were kids.


You guys probably know that the AC has some critical errors in chemistry that makes some hacks quite dangerous. I don't recall exactly what they were but even as a hi schooler many decades ago, I spotted them immediately.
I dumped my copy so none of my dumber friends would get hold of it. So use it for ideas if you want, but check all chemistry on the internet at a trusted site. And preferably do so from a free wifi spot that doesn't have cameras! :BangHead: And changing your MAC address before using it too.

And while we're on the subject, they don't call Kurt Saxon Ole 3 fingers for nothing. Never trust his stuff either.

eta: you can get all this stuff as digitals on the torrent stream if you want.

sound advice


These days Im just grateful to be alive....if my kids did these things I would flip!! One of the things is mixing touch powder dry.... do so at your own peril. Will turn a hand into a hamburger. Its a bit like driving fast or wanting to supercharge everything I drive etc. I just dont have the urge anymore. I guess I realise my own mortality....or rather just how much longer I have to live and that I really need all the health (and fingers ha ha) I have left.
Truth is id rather be detecting than risking life and limb. I guess we all grow wise when we age, hence the title of the thread. crazy things we did when we were kids.


Hey, we survived thru an era of manuals with crude illustrations seemingly written for the sole purpose of how to seriously hurt yourself - kids these days have it easy. :hello2::laughing9:

Kids barely know what a book is. I think schools and universities still use them so you have to buy them.
I was have a conversational story with a young lady and the topic of Blue Chip Stamps was needed as part of the story. I said it and she got a VERY blank expression on her face. I said You don't know what Blue Chip Stamps are? NOPE. Its getting harder and harder to talk to these kids.

Wow, the dumb things kids do, like tossing smoke bombs ( the small, round ones) into open holes in trees that squirrels used to see if the smoke came out as a concentrated column or as in my case, just smoked for a couple of hours and did not catch the tree on fire, luckily. BB gun battles across the tops of old bulldozer piles where they had started to clear the woods for construction and then never did but always seemed to be just far enough apart for battles. Lucky that no one lost an eye in any of those. And as far as the stuff that goes boom, try taking the small co2 cartridges that you use with the bb guns and once empty, open up the top , fill with black powder, water-resistant cannon fuse and a cigarette with filter removed to adding as a rough timer(approx. 3 min. burn on regular). Then encase in the plastic/epoxy compounds to make shape charges. Lets just say that plate glass and steel don't stand up too well. Not sure anyone would still be looking for the culprits but we all still live here so that's as far as I will go. As kids, we would have had fun with a lot of what i have read here. Yeah, been in trouble for sure but would have been worth it.

Its probably a good thing that a lot of us didn't grow up together + that the Internet didn't exist back then.
Ditto on the prevalence of security cameras!

Wow, the dumb things kids do, like tossing smoke bombs ( the small, round ones) into open holes in trees that squirrels used to see if the smoke came out as a concentrated column or as in my case, just smoked for a couple of hours and did not catch the tree on fire, luckily. BB gun battles across the tops of old bulldozer piles where they had started to clear the woods for construction and then never did but always seemed to be just far enough apart for battles. Lucky that no one lost an eye in any of those. And as far as the stuff that goes boom, try taking the small co2 cartridges that you use with the bb guns and once empty, open up the top , fill with black powder, water-resistant cannon fuse and a cigarette with filter removed to adding as a rough timer(approx. 3 min. burn on regular). Then encase in the plastic/epoxy compounds to make shape charges. Lets just say that plate glass and steel don't stand up too well. Not sure anyone would still be looking for the culprits but we all still live here so that's as far as I will go. As kids, we would have had fun with a lot of what i have read here. Yeah, been in trouble for sure but would have been worth it.
These co2 canisters were awesome. We filed the top off filled with black powder but crimped a fire cracker fuse in the top. We poked a hole through the side of the cig depending on how long we wanted it to burn. We wrapped them in model clay and steel squares that we broke off of adjustable file cabinet frames. Made an excellent shrapnel grenade that when buried would blow a hole 18" deep and a foot in diameter. A little bird told me that "someone" Placed one of these in each green cup of the back nine of the local country club. It made the front page of the local newspaper and that "person" Laid in the creek up to his nostrils for an hour while the dogs searched for him to keep from getting busted. I never knew how expensive those greens were. Paper said 180K in damage. in the 80's! Oooops

Wow, the dumb things kids do, like tossing smoke bombs ( the small, round ones) into open holes in trees that squirrels used to see if the smoke came out as a concentrated column or as in my case, just smoked for a couple of hours and did not catch the tree on fire, luckily. BB gun battles across the tops of old bulldozer piles where they had started to clear the woods for construction and then never did but always seemed to be just far enough apart for battles. Lucky that no one lost an eye in any of those. And as far as the stuff that goes boom, try taking the small co2 cartridges that you use with the bb guns and once empty, open up the top , fill with black powder, water-resistant cannon fuse and a cigarette with filter removed to adding as a rough timer(approx. 3 min. burn on regular). Then encase in the plastic/epoxy compounds to make shape charges. Lets just say that plate glass and steel don't stand up too well. Not sure anyone would still be looking for the culprits but we all still live here so that's as far as I will go. As kids, we would have had fun with a lot of what i have read here. Yeah, been in trouble for sure but would have been worth it.
We had a school that had a swamp cooler hanging off the back side of each classroom their were 6 in a row in the back alley. We made a t out of 2 4 feet 2x4s and glued a mess of them in a row and tied all of the fuses together. We propped them up against the intake side of each swamp cooler, lit the fuses and ran like hell. We had a pretty good vantage point safe away but could see all of the classrooms evacuating. Yes Cameras would have put a serious cramp in our style as well. They just take the fun out of everything! One of our divisions sells and installs security cameras. When ever they have a tough case to cover they always call me in to find a solution that will catch people. So all of this was just like "training" :)

Kids barely know what a book is. I think schools and universities still use them so you have to buy them.
I was have a conversational story with a young lady and the topic of Blue Chip Stamps was needed as part of the story. I said it and she got a VERY blank expression on her face. I said You don't know what Blue Chip Stamps are? NOPE. Its getting harder and harder to talk to these kids.

Those are those stamps they make them blue tortilla chips with?

Wow, the dumb things kids do, like tossing smoke bombs ( the small, round ones) into open holes in trees that squirrels used to see if the smoke came out as a concentrated column or as in my case, just smoked for a couple of hours and did not catch the tree on fire, luckily. BB gun battles across the tops of old bulldozer piles where they had started to clear the woods for construction and then never did but always seemed to be just far enough apart for battles. Lucky that no one lost an eye in any of those. And as far as the stuff that goes boom, try taking the small co2 cartridges that you use with the bb guns and once empty, open up the top , fill with black powder, water-resistant cannon fuse and a cigarette with filter removed to adding as a rough timer(approx. 3 min. burn on regular). Then encase in the plastic/epoxy compounds to make shape charges. Lets just say that plate glass and steel don't stand up too well. Not sure anyone would still be looking for the culprits but we all still live here so that's as far as I will go. As kids, we would have had fun with a lot of what i have read here. Yeah, been in trouble for sure but would have been worth it.

A kid I knew blew his thumb and top of his pointer finger off with one of those co2 firecrackers

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A kid I knew blew his thumb and top of his pointer finger off with one of those co2 firecrackers
I am surprised that he didn't lose the whole hand. Nasty stuff

alright lets bring the temp down a bit

about 6 blocks from my house was a dunkin donuts. We discovered that they threw the old donuts in the dumpster ( tip for the homeless)
they were stale and hard so we took them to a low spot off a nearby road and threw them at cars driving by. Great fun!!
Nowadays we would probably get shot

Rode in a car stolen by a friend of my when we were in high school many years ago.

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