Lue Map

My pleasure Ryanno - I'll be posting more YouTube videos about the LUE - and describe whom I believe the pilot was whom flew the cache and crew to the LUE property - whose widow or other family member gave Hardrock Hammond and Karl Von Mueller the original Waybill to copy. Also - I'll describe other connections as to who assembled, moved and hid the cache.

Remember - I already know that it's there - as I tried to describe.

This is what 60+ tons of gold looks like - stacked neatly in a cube.

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Spyro, I have a couple of questions about your solve that I hope you can answer:

You state that the waybill describes a transfer of wealth from New York to Colorado. A cabal of the super-wealthy based in the U.S. financial capital invested in an illicit scheme to hide a vast quantity of gold and/or gold concentrates in Colorado. If the Lue is just strictly a waybill in which all the graphic elements are used to pinpoint a destination and point-of-origin, why is it necessary for the pilot and burial site engineer/surveyor to know that New York is important ?

I have another question but i’ll have to post or edit it back in this post later if you havent answered by then. Thanks.

Good question Ryano. I considered that myself; i.e., why would New York and Colorado be important on the waybill.

First - I considered the gold was railed from New York to the staging location - then flown, due to the Brown, Brothers Harriman connection. Prescott Bush worked for Brown, Brothers Harriman and Averill Harriman inherited his Father's railroad holdings. And - I discovered a few interesting connections that point to that conclusion; not posted here.

Averill Harriman

Wiki excerpt:

War seizures controversy
Harriman's banking business was the main Wall Street connection for German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen; who was a financial backer of the Nazi party until 1938. The Trading With the Enemy Act (enacted on October 6, 1917)[4] classified any business transactions for profit with enemy nations as illegal, and any funds or assets involved were subject to seizure by the U.S. government. The declaration of war on the U.S. by Hitler led to the U.S. government order on October 20, 1942 to seize German interests in the U.S. which included Harriman's operations in New York City.

The Harriman business interests seized under the act in October and November 1942 included:[citation needed]

Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (from Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman)
Holland-American Trading Corporation (from Harriman)
Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation (from Harriman)
Silesian-American Corporation (this company was partially owned by a German entity; during the war the Germans tried to take full control of Silesian-American. In response to that, the American government seized German-owned minority shares in the company, leaving the U.S. partners to carry on the portion of the business in the United States.)
The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war, then returned afterward; UBC was dissolved in 1951.

Compensation for wartime losses in Poland were based on prewar assets. Harriman, who owned vast coal reserves in Poland, was handsomely compensated for them through an agreement between the American and Polish governments. Poles who had owned little but their homes received negligible sums.

E H Harriman

Second - why both states are indicated could be due to the gold flown to the staging location then flown on site by the second pilot; which is the LUE waybill. In other words, the waybill with directions from New York to the staging site - is missing. And, the only person whom knew the location was the pilot. The person acting as the supervisor and surveyor didn't know where he was.

Lost in history is the fact that so few Americans even know about the Business Plot, nor that BIG NAME industrialists, like the Rockefellers, Bushs, and Henry Ford help build Hitler's military / industrial complex before, during and after World War II. Consider the intense political and social environment at the time, in the early 30's - that Hitler's rise in power caused in Europe and was intensely debated in the U.S. - as to the concern Hitler created and how would the U.S. aid our European allies. The U.S. didn't enter the conflict with the Axis powers until Pearl Harbor, though the U.S. aided Europe in various ways before then. ("Stuff" I learned in college history classes - Google it)

These Wall Street millionaires literally plotted to overthrow the president

Also - interestingly, the pilot worked for Texaco until 1935, then quit to start an airplane manufacturing business. Where did he get that "kind" of money, and Sudden Wealth? No BRAINER - he was paid a small fortune to keep his mouth shut and he was trusted!

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism

In addition, the pilots' widow died in 1955, the same year Karl Von Mueller and Hardrock Hammond supposedly were given the LUE to copy. The pilot, his widow and family lived in suburban Los Angeles, where it is claimed they were shown and copied the map at a treasure hunters meeting.

As "others" have pointed out in their research, Hardrock Hammond and their group of treasure hunting friends were engaged in the aviation industry.

I believe the LUE was given to Hardrock Hammond and KvM by their son - whom I believe was told the "sketchy" details about the waybill from his Mother; whom I believe the pilot told before he died in 1938 (40 acres of gold, "a natural Fort Knox", two people knew the location). The son is long deceased.

I hope all that is clear, and I hope to show that in future videos. Then again, maybe I won't!

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The people with all the money are untouchable. That never changes. While the 1930s elite were likely correct that FDR should have been tossed out like yesterday's garbage for initiating the Gold Act, the fact remains that their overthrow scheme was a treasonous act, subject to them being hung for it. Note that none of them were brought to justice, which is not at all surprising.

I'm in sync with one of Spyro's allegations. It's my opinion that most or all of the alleged large "Spanish caches" are actually stores of bullion made illegal by the Gold Act, owned then and now by the elite. Call this group the Shadow Government, the Deep State, the Organization, the KGC or anything you like. IMO, all the treasure tales used to describe (camouflage) these caches, including the LUE story and map, are merely smokescreens designed to send clever searchers away from the true sites.

People who have pushed these treasure stories are like Lenin's Useful Idiots - providing disinformation, whether intentionally or not. Guys like Miller either believe the stuff they publish or are paid to make it all up. None of these caches have been discovered because the searchers have never been in the right places - places that are 100% secure. Have you ever wondered how bona fide information pertaining to the actual location of tons of gold bullion might ever be available to us Joe Blows? The elite didn't get that way from being stupid or forgetting to tie up loose ends. Of course, I could be wrong and will change my tune when convinced otherwise. In the case of the LUE, I don't expect that the NM horse pasture will yield anything but more wasted effort.

What you say is true sdcfia - and we see the same cabal, Deep State, Shadow Government members not being held accountable today. Everyone knows the Mueller investigation is all about covering up for Uranium One and Mueller flew Uranium samples to Putin in 2009 and Rosenstein's wife is HRC's long time attorney, etc. etc. etc.

However, bear in mind, I figured out the waybill before I worked backward to figure out who may have put it there. As I've posted many times before, I've already paid for the satellite and drone spectroscopic analysis from a 2nd party whom I didn't tell where I thought the gold might be buried. It's not buried in a wooden chest a foot or so below the surface. It's spread in multiple locations, deep underground; with the layout matching the waybill as I described.

As also posted before, it's going to take more than a "night run" with a spade in order to recover it. Then again, it won't matter until I recover it, right?

Also - I did ponder why the "parties" I believe built the location and put the gold there, didn't return to get it. It seems to me, as you point out, the parties involved knew they were facing STIFF criminal penalties and kept the clandestine operation "quiet" and only two people knew where the site was located and where the caches / vaults are located on the site.

I believe the "key players" told no one about the operation, thinking one day they'd go back and have it retrieved when it was "SAFE" (reference to "The Marathon Man" intended). But, all died before 1970 when Nixon allowed private gold ownership. The only remnant was the LUE, which I think the pilots' widow kept in secret and only told their son about. Again, I believe the son allowed Hardrock Hammond and Karl Von Mueller to copy the waybill at a treasure hunting meeting in Los Angeles; many of whom were in the aviation industry.

If you read the excerpt per Averill Harriman, several of his companies were confiscated for "Trading with the Enemy". What would happen if the Feds and FDR knew where the gold was buried? At the very least, it would be confiscated. Right? I believe there are two possibilities, as I mentioned before. The people who actually drew the LUE died, and a party was sent to retrieve the gold but they couldn't find it. It's a LARGE property with the cache locations spread up to about a mile apart.

That's why knowledge in using a theodolite was important. No one would find all the locations without knowing the measurements drawn on the waybill.

Simple question, until my post - had you heard the name Torkild Rieber before? No!

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism

Again, I won't know for certain until I go there and GET the 3.5 x 3.5 x 5 or 3.5 x 3.5 x 6 foot cubic stack of gold.

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What you say is true sdcfia - and we see the same cabal, Deep State, Shadow Government members not being held accountable today. Everyone knows the Mueller investigation is all about covering up for Uranium One and Mueller flew Uranium samples to Putin in 2009 and Rosenstein's wife is HRC's long time attorney, etc. etc. etc.

However, bear in mind, I figured out the waybill before I worked backward to figure out who may have put it there. As I've posted many times before, I've already paid for the satellite and drone spectroscopic analysis from a 2nd party whom I didn't tell where I thought the gold might be buried. It's not buried in a wooden chest a foot or so below the surface. It's spread in multiple locations, deep underground; with the layout matching the waybill as I described.

As also posted before, it's going to take more than a "night run" with a spade in order to recover it. Then again, it won't matter until I recover it, right?

Also - I did ponder why the "parties" I believe built the location and put the gold there, didn't return to get it. It seems to me, as you point out, the parties involved knew they were facing STIFF criminal penalties and kept the clandestine operation "quiet" and only two people knew where the site was located and where the caches / vaults are located on the site.

I believe the "key players" told no one about the operation, thinking one day they'd go back and have it retrieved when it was "SAFE" (reference to "The Marathon Man" intended). But, all died before 1970 when Nixon allowed private gold ownership. The only remnant was the LUE, which I think the pilots' widow kept in secret and only told their son about. Again, I believe the son allowed Hardrock Hammond and Karl Von Mueller to copy the waybill at a treasure hunting meeting in Los Angeles; many of whom were in the aviation industry.

If you read the excerpt per Averill Harriman, several of his companies were confiscated for "Trading with the Enemy". What would happen if the Feds and FDR knew where the gold was buried? At the very least, it would be confiscated. Right? I believe there are two possibilities, as I mentioned before. The people who actually drew the LUE died, and a party was sent to retrieve the gold but they couldn't find it. It's a LARGE property with the cache locations spread up to about a mile apart.

That's why knowledge in using a theodolite was important. No one would find all the locations without knowing the measurements drawn on the waybill.

Simple question, until my post - had you heard the name Torkild Rieber before? No!

The Untold Story of the Texaco Oil Tycoon Who Loved Fascism

Again, I won't know for certain until I go there and GET the 3.5 x 3.5 x 5 or 3.5 x 3.5 x 6 foot cubic stack of gold.

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Good luck to you.

if only a few people knew about the gold transfer and placement DEEP in the ground...someone had to dig the hole(s)? Not the pilots and surely not the puppet masters.
(1) someone, local, had to excavate the locations which meant equipment, labor, prying eyes, or (2) it is a "natural fort knox" which would mean natural caves and tunnels.
either way, the pilot would have needed help to transport from the air strip and off load the gold. Cover up the holes and tire tracks. there would have been several people involved.
Maybe they all died without passing on the information. I doubt it. Too much money involved. My honest bet is someone is still watching the "hidy hole" or has already removed the goodies. You are going to need some security
if you are going to be successful in a recovery. My best to you in your pursuit. Still think you should publish your story.

Hello Dirt

No - the pilot didn't do the digging nor excavating. And it's so desolate - there were no prying eyes. As you may know, the actual miners in the region were mostly immigrants - who didn't speak English and had no clue where they were. There were no "tracks" - it's a big piece of property. The research indicates it was a mining-like operation with horizontal tunnels, vertical shafts and a sophisticated ground water management system.

Remember - everything indicates the early 1930's. Reflect what "technology" was like back then. There were no roads, only rail. The road along the property wasn't paved until the mid 70's. Of course I did the research on who owned the property, and it changed hands through family trusts. Thousands of acres allocated over time to individual family members, and sold off in large parcels due to divorces, deaths, etc.

For example - you may be familiar with the Primero mining explosion and other regional mining disasters. Most of the victims were immigrants coming to America to work. Sound familiar?

Make the connection to the history of mining explosions to KvM's pursuit of "gold cave" described in The Scarlet Secret; I think it's called, if I remember correctly.

Primero, Colorado: The Life and Death of a Company Town
Primero Mine Explosion

Here's a CLUE from the article on Primero: "In the good years John D. Rockefeller, Jr. built a church, a clinic, schools, band stands, and supported other community activities. "

The research indicates the likelihood that a significant number of immigrant laborers were flown to the location using a Ford Tri-Motor; that's my speculation anyway - based on the elements I've pieced together. Then again, what difference does it make anymore - until I pull off the "heist", right?

Besides - I already produced a six part series with more to come - if I feel like it.

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Can you chip in a million?

Wahahahahaha! What? Do you think I'm going to walk onto the property with a toy metal detector and a spade and do a "night run" - like Tom Hilton did back in 1970- believing KvM's BS that the LUE was located in Black Lake? And all he found was a rusty old bail of barbed wire?

Wahahahahaha! Now that IS funny - if not totally PATHETIC! Whahahahahahahahaha - even FUNNIER than the FOOLS who believe KvM "recovered" one speck of the LUE .. WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

WHAHAHAHAHAHA - "Go forth to 105 degrees, 15 minutes and 10 seconds of longitude at 36 degrees, 16 minutes and no seconds - and MAYBE - JUST MAYBE you'll be the one! Good Luck! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - what a MORON! And the LUE is Spanish or Jesuit TREASURE? WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Stop .. PLEASE STOP making me LAUGH! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA! WAIT! I found a picture of Karl Von Mueller in Segundo! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .. I'm just doin' my best to help yooz guys out so you stop believing BS .... WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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Please don’t get yourself banned again Spyro ! Your ideas add value to this topic :)

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(Pssssst - the land owner sent numerous snapshots from throughout the property which I used for the spectral analysis - I already know it's there. Can you chimp in a million? Shhhhhhh!!!!)

I didn't think that was possible (using photographs to find gold) ... doesn't the scanning have to be done in situ ??

I know how: Ancient Chinese "Secret". What? Do you think I'd waste MONEY on a toy metal detector?


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I hope 7442 Analytics enjoys his clump of trees in the high desert.

He has applied too much thinking into something that leads to nothing.

The LUE is still Spanish in nature. Although he refuses to think otherwise and thus is stuck in the high desert with a clump of trees as his only friend.

"There's a sucker born every minute" is a phrase closely associated with P. T. Barnum



In 1988, after removing many truckloads of ancient manure, I uncovered this "wall map". It is interesting that the "map" on this wall closely matches the map in Tom Hilton's article. Coincidence? It is in NM, not far from the Hilton map's co-ordinates.


  • Wall map marked, copyright.webp
    Wall map marked, copyright.webp
    960.1 KB · Views: 140
  • Wall map close, copyright.webp
    Wall map close, copyright.webp
    207 KB · Views: 118
First - LUE Hawn - show me anything on the waybill which is Spanish. Right in the middle is a DORIC COLUMN - it's GREEK! Even if one wasn't aware per the Triangle Fraternity or the Scottish Rite Masons - one could deduce the pyramid is attributed to EGYPT - not Spanish in origin.

The Spanish didn't find ONE SPECK OF GOLD in the American Southwest! Read HISTORY! How many Spaniards in Coronado's party had to die to learn the truth? Tooooo MANY!

Didn't you learn anything from Tom Hilton? KvM never found ONE SPECK OF THE LUE. 'nuf said.

Ummm .. how many times do I have to 'splane that I've already spent thousands to verify the location using spectroscopic analysis?

Next, interesting snapshots White Heart - but it was immediately apparent to me - the wall shown on the waybill looked like stone or granite masonry.

Iy dum mi bes tuh hilp yooz geyz tuh quit buleevin in duh toot fary - an dat duh waybill iz spanich in orgin.

Eym gunna deeleet al mi stuf agin if yooz stil wanna beeleev the LUE is spanich. Got it?

Also - if the Treasury Department wasn't so corrupt - I'd already be working with them! Heck, I'd only take one ton and be happy.

SO - tell me what YOU'D do LUE Hawn if you "stumbled upon" 62 TONS of gold bullion, buried in a tunnel system 55 feet underground? Besides - let's see YOUR step by step analysis of the waybill - describing EVERY measurement and marking, with PRECISION. Seems like you know nothing about aviation and visual flight instruction, but I'd at least review the mechanics of a theodolite.

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