Good points Sccfia.
The one key element to the waybill is, there is no need for anyone's input. Just decipher it and find the location. You don't need to read what KvM and others have written. Actually, I believe KvM and others' writing simply confuse others into believing falsehoods; i.e., it leads to Spanish, Jesuit, Franciscan or KGC buried treasure, or there are MULTIPLE locations scattered around the western U.S. .. from California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, etc., etc. etc.
Seems to me, one can't grasp transportation across those states was very limited before Eisenhower was President when he developed the Interstate system. The primary means of transportation was the railroads, and dirt roads; and if you believe the waybill was drawn in the 1600's there were no means of transportation except native Indian trails.
Below is a snapshot showing a 1926 road map for your perusal
To address your question:
The problem with the LUE and Miller is in wondering why he decided to push the story in the first place, discussing it in the public domain and also coding it using a pseudonym in TOVS.
I believe KvM gave up deciphering it after several years, and was seeking clues from others. The fact that he alluded to it in TOVS (which I've never read, though I've seen the drawings), and includes psuedo LUE drawings indicates he believed the Scarlet Shadow and LUE were one in the same. Indicating further, he didn't believe the trinkets and trash found at Black Lake were attributed to the LUE.
How did KvM acquire the waybill and why? I believe the "line" that many treasure hunting club members were involved in aviation; including, I believe Hardrock Hammond. I believe the "line" that his treasuring hunting friends learned about the waybill when they were shown it by the person whom acquired it, left behind after the untimely death of the person whom transported cache and crew to the location: I've already posted his name, he was famous back then as an aviator, from California.
The way I "picture it" is, the widow or her son showed the waybill or presented it to a treasure hunting club meeting in California - much like the presentation Randy assembled in Utah, shown in his YouTube videos. The treasure hunting club members (comprised by aviators) contacted Hardrock Hammond, or Hardrock Hammond was present at the club meeting when it was presented. Hardrock and KvM were either both present at the treasure hunting club meeting or Hardrock then contacted KvM about the waybill after the meeting, and they were allowed to copy it. The waybill was returned to either the widow or the son.
Based on my "timeline" after researching the family, that probably occurred in the early 60's - based on the age of the children whom acquired the waybill after their father died unexpectedly; they'd be in their 30's at that time.
I do believe Hardrock and KvM tried to decipher it, and thought it might be Spanish in origin - but that doesn't make sense because of the PROMINENT Doric column bi-secting the waybill. Doric columns aren't associated with Spain. I do believe Hardrock and KvM searched along old wagon train trails around Black Lake, and found small trinkets and trash using his 1st generation TOY metal detector; the location where naive' Tom Hilton looked believing he'd find TONNAGE buried one foot below the surface.
I do believe KvM thought there was a direct connection from the waybill to the Scarlet Secret story; believing they're one in the same. However, and sadly, he never found ONE SPECK of the LUE or the gold cave 50 miles west of Trinidad. Sad.
Lastly - Randy CONTINUES to simply push the notion that KvM found one of MANY waybill cache sits at Black Lake: he never found
ONE SPECK of the LUE. He never figured out the "starting point", from where the cache and crew were transported back and forth; without that NO ONE can. Remember - it's a WAYBILL - a route to deliver FREIGHT by ONE person.
No different than the bills of lading used today by truckers and rail roads.
The waybill was NEVER intended to be shown to the public, it's one man's remnant of the "delivery work" he provided; for a very large and complex operation, about which he may have told his wife, which passed on "cryptically" to KvM and Hardrock Hammond.
"Only two people solved it": the on-sight surveyor and the person whom transported cache and crew. The waybill seems to include two measurements - the location and the path to get there, which appear to overlap; or "cross reference" each other.
"... a Natural Fort Knox": indications are, that there's an underground tunnel system in which the gold was/is hidden. Who hid it? See my previous deductive "speculations".
Lastly - I believe the mine explosion at Primero in 1907 is connected to the Scarlet Shadow story written by Walter Hurt. The Primero mine was located just north of Segundo. Primero was a coal mining town, and many European immigrants worked the mine. In other words, there may have been a brewing union conflict at the Primero mine, as described by Hurt.
I wonder if KvM knew about this Primero mine explosion, or attempted to make the connection? I don't think so, or maybe he did.
One interesting connection to Primero - connected to the other item's I've posted links to; i.e., Standard Oil and "Trading With the Enemy":
In the good years John D. Rockefeller, Jr. built a church, a clinic, schools, band stands, and supported other community activities. Did KvM and Hardrock make the same "connection"? We'll never know.
Berwind, Delagua, Ludlow, Morley, Primero, Segundo, Tabasco, Tercio
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