Lue Map

Your "premises" are SOLEY BASED on KvM's writings. Correct?

I'll tell you WHAT - I'll tell you the location and show you how to decipher ALL the elements on the waybill and WHY they point to ONE location. As I've posted MANY times before, I figured it out in a few weeks in my spare time, three years ago.

Now - after I tell you the location - tell me how YOU are going to "recover" the cache.

My premises are based on the available information...most of which has indeed been supplied by Karl von Mueller. However, in the absence of information to the contrary there is little else to base premises on. That said, I'm always delighted when folks share alternatives...they are things I can consider, accept, reject, or takes bits and pieces from. My only purpose thus far is to accept the information available, while recognizing that it's singular source (KvM) is a SIGNIFICANT detriment. Multiple sources of confirming information are always preferable...that's why I'm always on the lookout for things I'm not aware of.

At the end of the day, if you believe you've solved it, have the answers, etc. what differences does it make if myself or anyone else isn't so certain? It would be different if I were on here calling you a liar, poking holes in your theories, or painting you as a charlatan. Fact is I haven't...nor has anyone else here. We've all been by and large patient and respectful. I've always maintained that you bring something worthwhile to the table and have never said or suggested otherwise.

As for your proposal, you have my email address I do believe. Seems to me I remember an email not so long ago from you. I can promise you that not one word of what you share will ever be discussed in private or on a forum unless you bring it up yourself.

Pyramid, all seeing eye, column, bricks. All are on the map, all are on the dollar.

That said, most of those are also Masonic symbols...and the connection to the Masons and the designers of our paper money is pretty well established. Fact is the LUE has a lot more Masonic symbology....the Sun, the plumb, etc.

I've always had doubts about the relationship of the dollar bill to the LUE but I could be wrong. Similarities to me seem more based on a common "ancestry" so to speak then any efforts to tie the objects together directly.

This is one reason why finding a LUE reference before the 1960s would be a real step forward in understanding the history and nature of the map. Earlier versions would not only settle the question of its connection to money (by comparing it to cash of the time period), but would also suggest things about the map's origins. A good example would be that a pre-1940s version of the map would eliminate the alleged Nazi connection once and for all.

This is a big art of why the Charles O. Burch book would be so important to verify, as it would pre-date the Nazi theory (which is actually a very, very recent idea I might add) while also taking the map out of the pure province of Karl von Mueller. It could also add some much needed history of the map depending on what it said about the maps origins, timeline, source, etc. For the time being, however, Burch's book remains as elusive as the LUE itself.

The first time I heard the Nazi narrative was about twenty years ago (maybe a bit less - I'd have to find my old emails to date them) when Richard Walburn presented the idea out of the blue. Others glammed onto the concept later and added their own embellishments - Four Corners German camp on the Utah side, submarines sneaking up from a Mexican coastline drop-off, Trabuco, et al. You can take a few historical facts from here and there and reverse-engineer all sorts of stories.

I personally distrust the map entirely and Miller's involvement in the legend. There may be something real somewhere linked to the tale, but if there is, I suspect it's entirely different than what folks believe it to be. What is it? Who knows - that's why it's still unknown. I will say this: a well-informed acquaintance whom I didn't know told me he knew Miller and that the whole shebang was an intentional hoax perpetrated by Miller and that Miller's family knew that it was all along. I'm personally ambivalent, as there are much better legends to think about - those that are not well-known.

Once again - you don't need "multiple sources" or even read anything KvM wrote if you know how and have deciphered the waybill. In other words, all one needs is the waybill!

Again - if I tell you the location and how to contact the owner - HOW are you going to recover the cache? What's my point in asking?

There's a difference between being an "accumulator" of information, like a librarian and actual EXECUTION in recovering $800 MILLION or MORE in gold BULLION.

Then, tell me what you'd do with the "recovery" - assuming you've a) made a deal with the land owner, b) purchased the property outright and are then an owner of 25 tons or more in gold bullion.

Scdfia - I don't think it's a hoax. I'm not a treasure hunting "buff". I simply studied the waybill mathematically. There are too many precise and cross referencing measurements on the waybill to be "coincidental"; i.e, aviation headings and distances, and mathematical summations. For what it's worth - I also studied Astronomy in college and one hobby is studying stellar and plasma astrophysics. The elements on the waybill were easily recognizable.

The more I cross referenced the more it became OBVIOUS - whoever drew and created it was involved with a very complex and large operation.

I'll be honest - the more I discovered - the more frightened I became and aware of the risks involved.

I'll leave it at that.

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Scdfia - I don't think it's a hoax. I'm not a treasure hunting "buff". I simply studied the waybill mathematically. There are too many precise and cross referencing measurements on the waybill to be "coincidental"; i.e, aviation headings and distances, and mathematical summations. For what it's worth - I also studied Astronomy in college and one hobby is studying stellar and plasma astrophysics. The elements on the waybill were easily recognizable.

The more I cross referenced the more it became OBVIOUS - whoever drew and created it was involved with a very complex and large operation.

I'll be honest - the more I discovered - the more frightened I became and aware of the risks involved.

I'll leave it at that.

Well, I've given you my advice numerous times already:
1) Get somebody to partner with to buy the ranch (somebody else's money). Dig where you think. If there's nothing there, sell your share and walk away. Hope your partners don't sue you. If there is something there, prepare for a life in various courtrooms as a parade of plaintiffs challenge your ownership of whatever you dig up.
2) Go scoop up some of those shallow smaller caches.

Nothing more to say - it's your gig.

Another possibly is their might be other attachments to the Lue map that have been omitted on purpose. May be stored in Mormen archives in a Mormen Temple library..jon

PS - KvM sold "treasure lore" and never found ONE SPECK OF THE LUE.

PSS - What do you think an original LUE map is worth? I think I know the person whom might have it.

Karl sold very little "lore", but he sold plenty of advice and encouragement. A very basic reading of any of his materials demonstrates he did not have faith in most of the big treasure stories (he was particularly outspoken about the Dutchman and the Lost Adams) and that individuals were far more well served by staying close to home, using their heads, doing the leg work of solid investigative research and not putting their faith in stories that had bee circulated, told, exaggerated, and changed over the decades. Karl discussed recoveries far more than unfound treasures because it was easy to use those stories to reinforce the things he was emphasizing. Karl knew that recoveries provided a valuable learning opportunity, encouragement for the novice to the professional, and illuminated principles about executing successful local hunts. Karl firmly believed it was far easier, far more likely to be successful, and less discouraging to drop the "treasure books," and hit up the local historian or busybody about one's own community.

As for the original LUE, not sure what it would be'd have a hard time proving the authenticity and province than anything. I've been told by several that there are rumors of a second LUE map that pertained to Arizona. Minimally I suspect it would be worth more than I have or would be willing to part with if I did have. Assuming the published one is an accurate replica, the original wouldn't serve for much beyond a conversation piece. Knowing who had it, how they came by it, and if they had any sort of supporting material would be far more valuable in my estimation.

Here's the "issue" I have Randy, not to be rude - but the only information you've provided for YEARS on this website and others are references to KvM, and what he wrote.

You provide NOTHING as to what the waybill describes. Is that because you have "NO CLUE" where to start? Seems to me, that's the case.

I've never read ONE SPECK of anything KvM wrote - other than the caption at the bottom of the waybill and the chapter in The Scarlett Shadow alluding to a cave of gold 50 miles west of Trinidad, Colorado.

I learned about the waybill only 3 years ago (by accident) and figured it out in 3 weeks in my spare time. My wife told me to forget about pursuing it further, and not to contact the land owner; which I recently decided to do due to a recent "development".

Since you say you post to "assist others in deciphering" the LUE .. how come you post none of your own clues or solutions, and no snapshots showing how? My guess is .. you have no idea how. All you do is refer to what KvM wrote, which most everyone; except me, have already read. You're a expert historian on KvM's writings, how has that helped you solve the waybill?

Just sayin'

Your best friend,

PS - the names of the visual landing Key Positions are right on the waybill

PPS - according to the "Nazi gold" variation described by Daryl Friesen and others - the land owner died whom knew were the gold was buried. When the supposed "Nazi's" searched the location, they couldn't find it. They tried digging a the mid point of the pyramid, but the gold wasn't there. Why didn't they find it?

The pyramid laid out on the ground by the land surveyor whom drew it, was used to project the caches sites at specific distances using the pyramid; distances shown on the waybill.

PPPS - the pasture is heavily irrigated that's why it looks so green.

Randy Bradford
Keeper of the Yellow Metal
8:08 PM - Mar 23, 2007 #1

One of the most interesting "maps" I've ever seen is the LUE map. I've placed this in the KGC forum because I believe the Masonic imagery could very well suggest a KGC connection of some sort. The LUE has been well known for about 40 years, after it received a great amount of publicity when it appeared in one of Karl Von Mueller's books. Von Mueller was a fairly well known treasure author in his time and wrote many books under several different names.

I've long had questions about the LUE, simply because it doesn't appear to be like any other map I've ever seen. It's "true" origins are clouded in mystery and overall the map has been the subject of a great deal of speculation and controversy.

For my part, the LUE is an enigma because I've never quite understood how anyone derived meaning from it as a "map." There is nothing to indicate a general location to begin a search, no directional markers, nothing stating distance, landmarks, or even what could be potentially buried at the site. The map is free of numbers in a traditional sense, there is no scale, and nothing to indicate (in my estimation) that the device is a map at all.

Randy Bradford
Keeper of the Yellow Metal
 20 Oct 2009, 19:24 #8
I'm still waiting for a half decent explanation of how the LUE is actually supposed to be a map of any kind. In the
absence of numbers or letters and no
discernable way to establish a general location where the symbols might shed some clues it still baffles me how
anyone thinks this is a map in the first

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Karl sold very little "lore", but he sold plenty of advice and encouragement. A very basic reading of any of his materials demonstrates he did not have faith in most of the big treasure stories (he was particularly outspoken about the Dutchman and the Lost Adams) and that individuals were far more well served by staying close to home, using their heads, doing the leg work of solid investigative research and not putting their faith in stories that had bee circulated, told, exaggerated, and changed over the decades. Karl discussed recoveries far more than unfound treasures because it was easy to use those stories to reinforce the things he was emphasizing. Karl knew that recoveries provided a valuable learning opportunity, encouragement for the novice to the professional, and illuminated principles about executing successful local hunts. Karl firmly believed it was far easier, far more likely to be successful, and less discouraging to drop the "treasure books," and hit up the local historian or busybody about one's own community.

As for the original LUE, not sure what it would be'd have a hard time proving the authenticity and province than anything. I've been told by several that there are rumors of a second LUE map that pertained to Arizona. Minimally I suspect it would be worth more than I have or would be willing to part with if I did have. Assuming the published one is an accurate replica, the original wouldn't serve for much beyond a conversation piece. Knowing who had it, how they came by it, and if they had any sort of supporting material would be far more valuable in my estimation.

All "treasure lore" is essentially worthless as a means of recovering riches, if that's what your motivation is. As conversation pieces, they have a life of their own and, like most fiction, offer an escape from a humdrum existence of most folks' lives. There are real-life buried treasures to be found, yes, and as Miller advised, stick to home, find the little-known local rumors, work the fence-post banks, etc. The thrill of the chase is there, and if the loot is really there too, the "lore" is likely untainted by decades of embellishments and intentional lies because so few people have known about it. I very much agree with Miller on this point.

The problem with the LUE and Miller is in wondering why he decided to push the story in the first place, discussing it in the public domain and also coding it using a pseudonym in TOVS. Was it all a big favor to his readers or just a hoax created in order to watch the response? Going back further, if the LUE story has bonafide legs, how did such an enormous secret fall into Miller's hands in the first place? Expand this idea and ask yourself how any of the well-known legends, maps, etc. find themselves into the public domain. By the time you hear about it, buy the books, read the forums, etc., the stories are so egregiously corrupted, intentionally and innocently, that the only benefit left for you is fresh air, exercise and a feeling of adventure. Those aren't bad things. To me, the interesting part of all this is not what people believe about the legends, but why they believe it.

Good points Sccfia.

The one key element to the waybill is, there is no need for anyone's input. Just decipher it and find the location. You don't need to read what KvM and others have written. Actually, I believe KvM and others' writing simply confuse others into believing falsehoods; i.e., it leads to Spanish, Jesuit, Franciscan or KGC buried treasure, or there are MULTIPLE locations scattered around the western U.S. .. from California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, etc., etc. etc.

Seems to me, one can't grasp transportation across those states was very limited before Eisenhower was President when he developed the Interstate system. The primary means of transportation was the railroads, and dirt roads; and if you believe the waybill was drawn in the 1600's there were no means of transportation except native Indian trails.

Below is a snapshot showing a 1926 road map for your perusal

To address your question: The problem with the LUE and Miller is in wondering why he decided to push the story in the first place, discussing it in the public domain and also coding it using a pseudonym in TOVS.

I believe KvM gave up deciphering it after several years, and was seeking clues from others. The fact that he alluded to it in TOVS (which I've never read, though I've seen the drawings), and includes psuedo LUE drawings indicates he believed the Scarlet Shadow and LUE were one in the same. Indicating further, he didn't believe the trinkets and trash found at Black Lake were attributed to the LUE.

How did KvM acquire the waybill and why? I believe the "line" that many treasure hunting club members were involved in aviation; including, I believe Hardrock Hammond. I believe the "line" that his treasuring hunting friends learned about the waybill when they were shown it by the person whom acquired it, left behind after the untimely death of the person whom transported cache and crew to the location: I've already posted his name, he was famous back then as an aviator, from California.

The way I "picture it" is, the widow or her son showed the waybill or presented it to a treasure hunting club meeting in California - much like the presentation Randy assembled in Utah, shown in his YouTube videos. The treasure hunting club members (comprised by aviators) contacted Hardrock Hammond, or Hardrock Hammond was present at the club meeting when it was presented. Hardrock and KvM were either both present at the treasure hunting club meeting or Hardrock then contacted KvM about the waybill after the meeting, and they were allowed to copy it. The waybill was returned to either the widow or the son.

Based on my "timeline" after researching the family, that probably occurred in the early 60's - based on the age of the children whom acquired the waybill after their father died unexpectedly; they'd be in their 30's at that time.

I do believe Hardrock and KvM tried to decipher it, and thought it might be Spanish in origin - but that doesn't make sense because of the PROMINENT Doric column bi-secting the waybill. Doric columns aren't associated with Spain. I do believe Hardrock and KvM searched along old wagon train trails around Black Lake, and found small trinkets and trash using his 1st generation TOY metal detector; the location where naive' Tom Hilton looked believing he'd find TONNAGE buried one foot below the surface.

I do believe KvM thought there was a direct connection from the waybill to the Scarlet Secret story; believing they're one in the same. However, and sadly, he never found ONE SPECK of the LUE or the gold cave 50 miles west of Trinidad. Sad.

Lastly - Randy CONTINUES to simply push the notion that KvM found one of MANY waybill cache sits at Black Lake: he never found ONE SPECK of the LUE. He never figured out the "starting point", from where the cache and crew were transported back and forth; without that NO ONE can. Remember - it's a WAYBILL - a route to deliver FREIGHT by ONE person.

No different than the bills of lading used today by truckers and rail roads.

The waybill was NEVER intended to be shown to the public, it's one man's remnant of the "delivery work" he provided; for a very large and complex operation, about which he may have told his wife, which passed on "cryptically" to KvM and Hardrock Hammond.

"Only two people solved it": the on-sight surveyor and the person whom transported cache and crew. The waybill seems to include two measurements - the location and the path to get there, which appear to overlap; or "cross reference" each other.

"... a Natural Fort Knox": indications are, that there's an underground tunnel system in which the gold was/is hidden. Who hid it? See my previous deductive "speculations".

Lastly - I believe the mine explosion at Primero in 1907 is connected to the Scarlet Shadow story written by Walter Hurt. The Primero mine was located just north of Segundo. Primero was a coal mining town, and many European immigrants worked the mine. In other words, there may have been a brewing union conflict at the Primero mine, as described by Hurt.

I wonder if KvM knew about this Primero mine explosion, or attempted to make the connection? I don't think so, or maybe he did.

One interesting connection to Primero - connected to the other item's I've posted links to; i.e., Standard Oil and "Trading With the Enemy": In the good years John D. Rockefeller, Jr. built a church, a clinic, schools, band stands, and supported other community activities. Did KvM and Hardrock make the same "connection"? We'll never know.

Berwind, Delagua, Ludlow, Morley, Primero, Segundo, Tabasco, Tercio

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Various comments to humor you, Spyro:
1) The aviation connection is tenuous, IMO, for the same reason it is tenuous with the Trabuco story. It seems much, much more secure transporting multiple tons (at least 25 tons, according to you) of metal in ground vehicles rather than to fly it in early era airplanes landing on short grass strips. Let's say the plane was a Cessna Paymaster (typical 30s era plane), which had a payload of about 700 lbs - maybe 500 lbs. if they wanted to be conservatively safe about overloading it. That's 25 tons x 2,000 lb/ton / 500 lb/trip = 100 trips. Double the payload and it's still 50 trips. That's a lot of airplanes being spotted in rural ranch country in a short period of time - not a common occurrence in those days.

The road system was limited in the West in the 30s, yes, but there were at least dirt roads leading almost anywhere. Could be inconvenient at times, but if a problem arose, the vehicle was already on the ground - not a possible life and death situation falling out of the sky. Trucks also didn't arouse much curiosity in those days the way airplanes did - especially ones making so many trips.

2) The pilot, surveyor and work crew all knew where the goods were. Were they paid to shut up or were they all killed? If a land surveyor was used, then he would have known the exact lat/long coordinates of the cache. What's the point of creating the map when you know its exact location? What's to keep the work crew from blabbing or selling the info to others? The "high tech map" never made sense to me.

3) Did the loot belong to the pilot? If not, why did he have possession of the map?

4) Why was the loot moved from its original location (presumably secure for perhaps hundreds of years) to a pasture on a private ranch? Was the coal mine's activities close to the original location? Doesn't that mean the ranch's 30s owner was in on it? If so, what happened to him? Is the current owner wise to the whole thing?

You may be spot on target with your calculated location - who knows? I guess the more you post about it, the likelier you are to lure in another money person to buy the ranch. My thoughts are that the whole LUE legend surfaced in the 30s as a cover story for a coin meltdown operation designed to avoid compliance with the 1933 Gold Act. Whether Miller had any insight as to the cache location is doubtful, IMO. That's if there is a cache, of course, which I'm ambivalent about because, if so, the map and other clues are likely to be a dead end. Of course, as always, I could be wrong. Good luck.

1) Here's where it get's "interesting": a Ford Tri-Motor had the capability to carry one ton in cargo or passengers, and I didn't make the "Ford" connection to the 3rd Reich and Hitler, until the past year or so. The Ford Tri-Motor was also very efficient in needing only a short runway in high altitudes, because it had 3 motors. Hence, only 25 round trip flights would be needed.

"One of the major uses of the Trimotor after it was superseded as a passenger aircraft by more modern aircraft like the Boeing 247 (1933) or the Douglas DC-2 (1934), then DC-3, was the carrying of heavy freight to mining operations in jungles and mountains. The Trimotor was employed for decades in this role.[16]" Click link #16 and you'll learn the Ford Tri-motor was used by Peruvian gold miners in high altitudes.

Why did Hitler award Henry Ford the Grand Cross of the German Eagle in 1938; before World War II broke out? Was it because he cached their gold in the U.S. on a remote relocation in the middle of nowhere, in high altitude, using a Ford Tri-Motor configured to carry the cache?

The closest road to the property was unpaved until 1975. It's very desolate out there.

2) I believe the pilot and "site lead" or surveyor were the only people who knew where they were. I believe they were paid to be quiet in gold. That's why I believe the pilot only provided "cryptic" information to his wife, as to the mission he executed, and the description which was passed on "2nd hand" to KvM and Hardrock Hammond, and perhaps Tom Hilton: "40 acres of gold .. a Natural Fort Knox .. two people knew where it was buried".

I believe the pilot died an untimely death, in a plane accident in 1938, and one of the valuables he left behind to his wife was the waybill. The pilot must've told her the site was a "natural Fort Knox", and perhaps she or her son wanted a "piece of the action" from KvM or Hardrock Hammond.

The surveyor could have been the land owner, a Nazi sympathizer or a highly paid lieutenant in the operation. The other crew members had NO IDEA where they were, those who excavated the site. It's very desolate out there.

As Daryl Friesen has posted on other websites, he was told that Germans or Neo-Nazi's paid a pilot after the war to search for visual "cues" around the 4 corners; searching for the site. That would indicate the crew wasn't aware where they were. In addition, one can speculate that foreign immigrants were used in the work, like the coal miners in Primero. They "pretty much" had no clue where they were, or the site location relative to the rest of the U.S.

The distances and headings are on the waybill, as I've posted.

3) The loot didn't belong to the pilot, but I believe he was trusted to keep a secret due to his military background, he was hired because he knew how to fly in high altitudes and was somewhat famous; that's how they knew he could carry out the mission. I don't believe the pilot and surveyor knew each other, for various reasons. I believe the pilot was paid well for completing the mission, in gold! His only job was to deliver cache and crew, like today's truck driver: just drop off your load and move on to the next load.

4) I believe the cache was moved for two possible reasons, as I've posted, 1) the owners feared FDR was targeting them and he'd confiscate their gold; since they knew FDR knew they'd done business with Hitler and were paid in gold; 2) the Rio Grande Southern railroad closed which would make the route to the site very difficult, if the site was used as a "secret" warehouse for refined inventory, 3) the owners of the Camp Bird mining company feared their warehoused gold would be confiscated and they moved it due to the Gold Act.

Either one, it appears it was a complex and large operation, including excavations. I do believe the story "line" that a crew went out to the site and tried to find the gold, but failed, and then decided to "leave it sit" because it was still illegal to own until 1970. I do believe those who knew about moving it eventually died between 1934 and 1970, and told few people about the "caper".

The current property owner is not wise to the whole thing; per the waybill. As I mentioned, I told the owner there might be "valuable historical artifacts" on the property. I have permission to search, but can't dig.

I hope that answers your questions.

Your best friend,

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You've worked backward from your proposed cache location(s) to push your narrative with speculative "what ifs". These are interesting theories, but you haven't produced any direct or circumstantial facts that tie the various pieces to the ranch. For example, if you find local families who remember stories about all the plane activity near the ranch back in the 30s, you would have a backed-up talking point. If you would interview the pilot's descendants to provide supporting evidence for your ranch location, you've taken another small step. The German stuff is well-known, but there is no link to the ranch either, except, "maybe." And so on. You're all in based solely on your map solution, but to me, there are probably many solutions to that sketch.

I guess you're just repeating yourself hoping to entice a reader with a $million to spend on that patch of dirt. Good luck.

Maybe you haven't followed along too closely: I already know it's there. I already spent enough on satellite and drone spectroscopic analysis.

Do the wooden boxes contain gold bars and coins with 3rd Reich stampings or Camp Bird (Urraca = bird thieves who stole miners food) stampings, or simply U.S. mint stampings? I won't know WHO put it there until I actually DIG and recover.

As I've posted before, I know NO ONE on this website has a million to chip in, to buy the property. I already have a partner.

I only post on this thread and this website to explain to "others" that KvM never found one speck of the LUE, and it has nothing to do with Spanish conquistadors, Franciscans, Jesuits, the KGC, aliens from Mars, etc. I pity Randy, because he's stared at the waybill for 20 years and 6 hours a day at work, and he STILL can't make "heads or tails" of it. It's PAINFUL knowing he's wasted so much time, actually reading and believing KvM's "BS" .. like that fool Tom Hilton.

The measurements are precise, and the elements shown on the waybill date no earlier than 1929 when the One Dollar bill went into circulation.

Now .. I know you swung your toy metal detector trying to find a "secret" path taken by Coronado, and like Coronado, you found nothing but trinkets and trash.

At least you didn't DIE, like Coronado's men did when they found NO GOLD in the southwest and Kansas.

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Beyond that - the next "mystery" I'm going to solve is "training" my satellite spectroscopy on Louis Serna's Knights Templar conjecture near Angel Fire, New Mexico.

It should be easier than solving the LUE, and take less than a week.

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Spyro,Seems to me your beating a dead dog, the owner has tied your hands, why not be totally truthfull with him, and offer him a 60/40 proposition, being 40 for you. Find what your claims are and theirs plenty to go around. If he turns you down, thats life,move on.

Well, I wish all of you the best of luck and watch out for snakes.

.. what the heck am I going to do with 25 TONS OF BULLION?

Build a big money bin, I guess. Be careful, good luck and good bye.


I keep wondering why Spyro doesn't grab the little hoard and use the proceeds to recover the bigger ones. So simple even Karl von Mueller would have figured it out. Perhaps that's how he made the Black Lake recovery.

A map is a map , and this requires physical clues . Whithout physical clues , wouldn't be a map but something else , maybe a Picaso painting .
IMO , the LUE is a abstract psyhical map made in the '30's-'40's of 20th century . Is a MAP of an older gold deposit wich was found in the '20's-'30's . The cache is not in CO but in NM , in a place that was debated " to death " . I " found " it decrypting an older map of that region .
I don't know who was the first owner of the LUE map , but who found it , revealed the map because was unable to decrypt it . Is like what happens with the infamous most maps which we know today .
An ancient big gold cache usually has multiple maps , made by those who found it or just " modernized " an older map to make it more accurate concerning physical clues and orientation . Also , usually an old story/legend about a big treasure , is like a cyclone storm , all the new ( innacurate/modified ) stories and clues are cycling around the real and accurate one . You have to enter in the " eye " of the cyclon to find the truth .

Spyro. You believe you have figured out the LUE map and presented a lot of your logic behind your theory - Good for you. You invigorated a stagnant thread.

What’s next?

1- go dig some holes. You have received a lot of advice here how to approach it.

2- publish your story. Volume I “The Discovery”. Volume II “The Recovery”.

If you don’t do both. Your version will reside on T-NET and in personal archives to be debated just as KvMs version is.

Side note- There are hard rock miners, professional treasure hunters with plenty of resources, Treasury Department agents, and history buffs like myself on T-NET. As a result, your story is out there. My guess is several well funded individuals with the where with all have already figured out your location. The race is on.

Good luck, hope your journey brings you what you seek.

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