Lue Map

Hehehehehe - more proof he believed his own BS and shared his DELUSION in "The Treasure of the Valley of Secrets". God bless his SOUL!

"LOOK - there's the cave where Montezuma hid boulder-size gold nuggets!"

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Look at your pictures Old Buckaroo - he's using a toy metal detector which penetrates 6 inches deep - believing he'll find a gold cave 100's, if not 1000's of feet below his feet! Those pictures are as SAD as watching Marty and Rick Lagina pour MILLIONS down a rabbit hole believing they'd find a Treasure on Oak Island (moved CENTURIES ago). SAD! But - at least the Lagina brothers are getting paid by the History Channel to look like FOOLS! Hehehehe

Even Fischer claims their "double box" Gemini 3 can penetrate 20 feet which anyone can purchase for $700 or so. However, the videos I've seen don't convince me that's true.

"LOOK - I found some old car parts!"

Like PT Barnum said, and I paraphrase: "A FOOL will believe ANYTHING"

Seems like KvM readers are like those breathlessly awaiting the next Danielle Steel, Stephen King or Robert Ludlum novel. Collectors of FICTION - enamored by the DREAM of "Sudden Wealth" who use toy metal detectors: but all they find are a few useless coins, spent bullet shells and a old roll of barbed wire, like Tom Hilton.


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Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for little people to try to build themselves up by trying to tear big people down.

It never works. Just as insulting other TN Members doesn't accomplish anything.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

KvonM SW 06 2013 003.webp
Sudden Wealth [The best book on treasure finding ever written; although TM#6 comes close.]


I'm not necessarily trying to insult you - I'm trying to HELP you realize - it looks like KvM wrote a lot of .. ummmm .. "untruths". To me - the KvM "worship" looks a little "creepy".

Logic and truth mean nothing to those who refuse to see the TRUTH!

So - did KvM claim he found the slot machine shown in the picture with a toy metal detector buried 6 inches below the ground? (Or .. PSSSST .. he went to Vegas and was allowed to sneak behind the cashiers counter for a moment to take a picture of a slot machine and rolls of casino tokens?)

All I'm pointing out is - KvM claimed MULTIPLE people, including himself and his group of treasure hunters, found LUE gold caches. Tom Hilton believed his "religion" too - until he realized he wasn't told the TRUTH! As the caption states, ".. all he found was disappointment, cold - and a dead man's skeleton (his own) among the rocks"


And it seems to me - it motivated "someone" to burn down his property in Segundo - as an act of REVENGE.

Just remember - there's nothing wrong and I'm not belittling those who enjoy camp fire "Treasure tales" - or collect KvM books and publications as a hobby. Heck - there's a Mustard jar museum in Wisconsin where a mustard collector charges you admission to see his collection.

BUT .. here comes the TRUTH: KvM nor anyone he CLAIMED - never found ONE SPECK OF THE LUE nor ANY gold climbing around the mountain landslide "50 miles west of Trinidad".


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Spyro: "...did KvM claim he found the slot machine shown in the picture with a toy metal detector buried 6 inches below the ground?" Not to my knowledge. Why do you ask?

The tone of your posts is condescending (I don't "worship" anybody) and insulting ("It seems to me, like most Americans, you don't know much about American history..."). If you can't see that, explaining it won't help.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo


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Here's a simple question, Old Bookaroo and Randy - since you have everything KvM wrote in the 60's and 70's: are you still driving a 1970 Pontiac LeMans?

Next question to Randy and Old Bookaroo - have you actually put your KvM books and old NPG newletters down and climbed around the mountains "50 miles west of Trinidad" looking for "The Scarlet Shadow" treasure with a toy metal detector? KvM never found it (it doesn't EXIST) - so why not go out there and look around? And since you own EVERYTHING KvM wrote - why haven't you found a LUE cache yet?

Based on what KvM wrote - DOZENS of treasure hunters stumbled on a chunk of the LUE gold! It doesn't take a ROCKET SCIENTIST to grasp - THE SPANISH AND JESUITS NEVER FOUND ANY GOLD IN THE SOUTHWEST! Or - Coronado WOULD HAVE SLAUGHTERED THEM ALL - like he did to El Turco for selling him a FABLE.

If that were TRUE - don't you think the Navajo and Utes would have sold mining rights to companies like Homestake mining - DECADES AGO! Where, IN FACT, the Navajo and Utes sold oil rights and the entire region is splattered with oil rigs and storage equipment (which Jed Clampett called "Black Gold" - "Texas Tea")?

Pssst - Montezuma was / is a MYTHICAL Pueblo indian god - whom NEVER manifested boulder size nuggets in a cave "50 miles west of Trinidad". Now - if you actually BELIEVE what KvM wrote in "The Treasure of the Valley of Secrets" - why not spend the $10,000 to use modern 21st century technology which can scan, zoom and pinpoint PRECISE gold locations using your PC (which mining companies use)? Then you'd know for certain KvM was DELUSIONAL in believing and writing about his OBSESSION with "The Scarlet Shadow" treasure.

Again - to step back - I'm not belittling those who watch Indian Jones or National Treasure movies on a continual loop - who actually believe what Hollywood created on a green screen set is REAL! I'm not a psychiatrist - so I "won't go there".

Heck - when my daughter was little back in the days of VHS - she'd watch "The Little Mermaid" on a perpetual loop! She did the same watching "White Christmas" in the middle of Summer - because she liked the music and dancing.

Then again - she was THREE YEARS OLD!

Here's a simple suggestion: put down KvM's "Treasure lore" and subscribe to Jeff Williams YouTube channel and pay for one of his weekend trips to find gold! It'll be more entertaining and fruitful then rereading KvM's "Treasure lore" written FIFTY YEARS AGO!

"You want the SHINY - get off your HINEY" - hehehehe


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Spyro: Since you think so little of KvonM's written work, I'll pay you five bucks apiece for any of his books. And a buck an issue for his newspapers. I'll also go five bucks for early issues of the NPeeGee (Vols. 1 - 5) or The Treasure Hunter's News (Hardrock's publication). And ten dollars for a copy of THM #1 - THM #5.

Just let me know.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Ask Randy - he hoards the stuff too.

I'm more into "modern technology", not Treasure fiction.

And there's NO WAY I'm selling my copy of Spanish Trail of Gold by Robert O. Burch

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Spyro: So you don't own any copies of KvonM's works - but you know all about them?

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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I've read some of KvM's work - enough to know that he was in the business of selling treasure lore and metal detectors. Seems to me - some people took what he wrote SERIOUSLY - which led to his buildings getting burned to the ground in Segundo.

Just sayin'

Beyond that Old Bookaroo - it seems to me you're a treasure lore book collector and trader. Which is "fine".

And yes - I've seen your posts on Amazon. The real question is - do you actually "go out in the field", invest your time and money into finding KvM's treasures (like Tom Hilton did)?

My guess is - the answer to that question is NO.

Now - I'm not belittling anyone who enjoys reading, collecting and trading "Treasure Lore". Heck - I know a guy who paid his way through college swapping baseball cards and memorabilia! In fact, I have a STACK of old college football programs from decades ago - and I'm NOT SELLING them! So don't ask!

And I'm not selling my copy of "Spanish Trails of Gold" by Robert O. Burch NEITHER!

Besides - I thought this thread was about the LUE waybill - of which KvM NEVER FOUND A SPECK! What a LIAR!

Was it P.T. Barnum whom said, "A fool and his money are quickly departed"?

Like Jeff Williams says, "If you want the shiny - get off your HINEY"! Hehehehehe

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Spyro, this thread is about the LUE. I am interested in your research into the LUE. I have a couple questions for you:
You have stated twice on this thread you have a copy of the "Spanish trails of Gold" by Robert O. Burch. Does it contain a copy of the LUE map? If so, do you believe (based on your research) it is the original source for the map? Can you post a picture of the cover of the manuscript? Can you elaborate how you came to obtain a copy of the manuscript? There are other leads as to the origin of the map (mechanical engineering auto cad drawing for instance...) Do you have an opinion on where the information regarding the LUE originated from based on what research you have conducted? Feel free to PM me if you do not want to comment in an open forum.
(My research indicates Robert O Burch is most likely an alias and the manuscript more than likely was prepared as part of the WPA writers project in New Mexico during the depression. It may be one of hundereds of documents that did not make the cut for publication by the WPA, thus its scarcity today).


Hello Dirt

I've posted enough on this thread describing historical FACTS as to why the LUE has NOTHING TO DO WITH JESUIT OR SPANISH GOLD! CORONADO AND OTHER SPANISH EXPLORERS DIDN'T FIND ANY! Or - Coronado, et. al. would have SLAUGHTERED THE NATIVES and shipped it back to Spain.

Anyone with HALF a brain can deduce it was drawn after the current 1 and 5 dollar bills went into circulation; before the U.S. Treasury recently enlarged the images.

Next - if you know HISTORY - you'll know who, how and WHY the LUE cache was assembled and moved. Psssst - Montezuma had nothing to do with it.

And if you know how to decipher it - you'll recognized it was drawn by TWO people - and it was buried much deeper than any toy metal detector could or can identify.

With a 90% certainty - the persons' initials whom gave KvM and Hardrock Hammond an original LUE waybill to copy is DH whom lived in California.

I'll leave it at that.

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Spyro. My questions were specific to The Burch manuscript. I am well aware of all of the theories out there, including yours. Thanks for reposting your earlier statements. I’ll cross you off my source list for info regarding the Burch manuscript.

My suggestion to YOU is - identify WHOM created the LIE that the LUE waybill is shown in Robert O. Burch's book "Spanish Trail of Gold".

Psssssst - IT DOESN'T EXIST! Once you grasp that - you'll stop chasing your tail around a tree.

Think LOGICALLY: do you think Coronado and his army were walking around the American southwest with one dollar bills in their pocket?
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Where the supposed cover art originally came from.
One mystery solved.
Moving on to the next one.


  • don-quixote-de-la-mancha-9-728.webp
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Robert O. Burch's book "Spanish Trail of Gold".

Personally I do not believe you have the book: Robert O. Burch's book "Spanish Trail of Gold".

Its not needed, only the desire to understand what is inherent in all of us and all this mumbo jumbo you have put forth as a explanation as location is truly like leading others with a sack over your head covering your eyes and ears. Almost like the three monkeys hear no evil, see no evil but unfortunately we have to read what you speak in your words on digital paper here on this forum to mislead others because you can not find something and think it is false because you didn't think about that angle or what it really means.

I have held my breath for too long having to read what has been said about KVM. If you don't believe it then why do you continue to post discontent. Go on to something you know for sure and are 100% confident you know is true. Rather than bash a deceased person with no means of fighting back. It takes a brave man to fight the dead.

If you are a treasure hunter then go find your treasure. Don't put down and call someone a liar because you don't know the truth or can't find what has been said because you can't figure it out when it is there in black and white. Its not hard and applying math, trigonometry, celestial navigation is good and fine but not needed. Neither is the IAYAYAM key, it too is not needed.

The only key needed is your "brain". Use it and you will get remarkable results.

Just my 2 cents


My suggestion to YOU is - identify WHOM created the LIE that the LUE waybill is shown in Robert O. Burch's book "Spanish Trail of Gold".

Psssssst - IT DOESN'T EXIST! Once you grasp that - you'll stop chasing your tail around a tree.

Think LOGICALLY: do you think Coronado and his army were walking around the American southwest with one dollar bills in their pocket?
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Have to ask Spyro, though this is certainly open to anyone that wants to jump in, what's your take on this version of the map?

This is certainly open to anyone that wants to jump in, what's your take on this vers

Jumping In

It reminds me of the tom hilton article.

Another attempt to put false advertising in someone's mind through the use of symbols on the border of the map. What they represent is nothing more than surveyors notes on guesstimates as to what the original map really says and once again it is not needed.

hilton tried his hocus pocus when he wrote that article in Lost Treasure he started with nothing and ended with nothing other than lines, circles and diagonals to nowhere.

There is a major clue in TOTVOS to what KVM was talking about. I will leave it up to you all to figure it out. By the way Randy, you mentioned it in your video presenation and I found it in TOTVOS in a similar but different connotation. When I saw it I said "BINGO" as I thought about the ng.

Now you will all pull out your copies of TOTVOS and pour over it. I reread it six times before I found it. I hope you find it too.

Bests to you all in your search. Please pay no attention to those who spout hate and discontent. They really don't know where it is and it frustrates the heck out of them.



Here's another cryptic map

Hello Springfield,

Speaking of symbols on maps, here's another cryptic map supposedly associated with the San Andreas and/or Organ ranges in sw New Mexico.

Where did this map come from? It is very unusual. I tried to find it but have no idea where it was first published? Please provide if you can.




I'd like to see the map. I think we have here a classic case of The Missing Link.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

Hello Springfield,

Speaking of symbols on maps, here's another cryptic map supposedly associated with the San Andreas and/or Organ ranges in sw New Mexico.

Where did this map come from? It is very unusual. I tried to find it but have no idea where it was first published? Please provide if you can.



I think you may have forgotten to add the map to your post LUE-Hawn. We'd like to see it.

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