Silver Member
... There is a major clue in TOTVOS to what KVM was talking about. ...
Now you will all pull out your copies of TOTVOS and pour over it. I reread it six times before I found it. I hope you find it too. ...
As with all "important treasure legend" documents, anything of interest is likely to be subtle. I don't know about everyone else's TOTVOS copies, but the one I have shows some odd graphical anomalies that seem to indicate imperfections with a manual typewriter. If I were more than mildly interested in the story (I'm not), I'd spend some time on this peculiarity, just for s & g. Are the marks tied to certain words or letters in the text? Do the marks form a distinct pattern to be used on a USGS topo map? Etc, etc. One of those "hidden in plain sight" thingys.
My working model of the LUE is that it has nothing to do with "Spanish treasure" and everything to do with the Gold Act of 1933. I also see KVM as one in the same league as Dobie, Michell and others - creators of "Spanish treasure" cover stories that cleverly overlay large caches of melted down US gold coins.