Lue Map

Just curious Patrick .. what do you think the elements in the lower quadrant mean as well as the up and down vertical lines and the "arrowhead"? Heck .. you've studied the LUE map since 1990 .. you should have a precise answer by now. Any precise insight yet on the IAYATAM key?

Here's a snapshot of Tom Hinton's article from January / February 1970. He didn't find the LUE treasure.

"All I know is that I searched long and hard and good for five months, not counting the time spent on my research. I could find nothing to substantiate the claim of this treasure - and just a whole lot to condemn it"

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The IAYAYAM key. Find the EYE (I), See the A (Shadow marker), Pointing to the Y (Funnel). Find the M (Treasure Storerooms)
Interpreted by Cactus Jack

LUE Information


I was going through a bound collection of Karl von Mueller's National Prospector's Gazette newspapers (writing it up to put it on eBay) when I came across a fascinating article on the LUE.

For all practical purposes, everything known about the LUE treasure comes from "Karl" (Charles Dean Miller). If you see a copy of the famous map, it was copied from The Treasure Hunter's Manual #7.

The NPeeGee piece is the most detailed examination of the legend I've found to date. I remember a brief reference to the LUE in a Western Treasures magazine question and answer column written by Karl. And Fred Dorick's book Treasures Galore (published in Segundo, by the way) has a chapter on it. Karl sold that book himself - but later didn't think much of it.

"The word LUE is derived from the first letters of three words that appear on the map...The original map copied and reproduced in THM-7 was owned by a man in Phoenix. The map had been in his family for years and has been seen by dozens of people prior to 1960. Despite this, there are several others who claim to have the original map in their possession."

I found this fascinating: "A book published in the 1890s has an almost exact copy of the original map in it. The map is also in an unpublished manuscript in the library or archives in Santa Fe."

Experienced treasure hunters know there is a sign in "Deek Gladson's" Treasure of the Valley of Secrets that is quite similar to parts of the LUE map.

Karl wrote "One thing that has been completely ignored by almost everybody who has engaged in the successful or unsuccessful pursuit of the LUE is that several or possibly as many as 10 caches similar to the LUE have been uncovered in Mexico."

Remember - THM #7 describes the LUE as a "natural Fort Knox."

Finally, researchers might find it useful to know that "Certain documents of the Smithsonian Institution and at lease one bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology have glaring references to the LUE but under entirely different nomenclature...Here is where the experienced researchers who is fully informed and aware of his subject is able to capture facets that are ignored by or elude the inexperienced or unperceptive researcher. There are also publications of at least one, and possibly two, state historical societies that provide almost pipeline directions."

The article may be found in the October-November 1969 (Vol. 6, No.2) issue.

Good luck to all,

~ The Old Bookaroo

I have several out of print books and thirst for other related copies and have had good luck with finding pointers to good sites through the use of printed material and direct knowledge teachings. I had a chance to meet Karl at a gold show back in the late 1980’s and regret that I did not see him. Its nice to see you guys share your information that all can use. I take my hat off for that opportunity to share. If anyone cares to contact me please do. Thanks LUE-Hawn

Hello LUE hunters

As I posted before - I believe I know where the LUE treasure is located and it fits the maps' Waybill construct. Below are snapshots taken recently from a drone fly-over the location - the property is for sale.

Again, consider the period in which the LUE map was created and what would motivate a "party" to move their gold cache. The motivation was FDR's "Gold Act", which made it illegal for citizens to own gold. Did FDR know that a Nazi gold cache was hidden in the U.S. and once detected the Nazi's moved the gold? Or, was FDR informed that the Knights Templar affiliate, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem had a large and hidden gold horde and planned to confiscate it?

In either case, whether it was Hitler planning to liquidate gold in the U.S. to fund his maniac campaign or the Order of St John; which is told elsewhere were allocated a portion of the Templar treasure, it appears the LUE map was created and used to move a large gold cache by air.

Do you see the pyramid in the images? Those are permanent trenches on the property forming 3 legs of the pyramid, built by stone and mortar; as shown on the LUE map.

As you know, based on the LUE map markings, they are very precise; which indicates the person whom created the map was an engineer or expert in surveying.

If the LUE is a waybill, it provided precise directional instructions to deliver the gold. During that era, the roads were dirt and unpaved in this secluded area; which indicates the gold was flown to this location, then hidden.

Now onto purchasing the property!

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All of this assumes, of course, that the LUE was a Nazi treasure, which is purely unproven conjecture at this point. the irony being that the only way the Nazis ever became associated with the LUE in the first place was on this very message board. Keep in mind, I'm not disputing your site might have a treasure, only that if it was flown in there is pretty small likelihood that its the LUE.

Hello LUE hunters

As I posted before - I believe I know where the LUE treasure is located and it fits the maps' Waybill construct. Below are snapshots taken recently from a drone fly-over the location - the property is for sale.

Again, consider the period in which the LUE map was created and what would motivate a "party" to move their gold cache. The motivation was FDR's "Gold Act", which made it illegal for citizens to own gold. Did FDR know that a Nazi gold cache was hidden in the U.S. and once detected the Nazi's moved the gold? Or, was FDR informed that the Knights Templar affiliate, The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem had a large and hidden gold horde and planned to confiscate it?

In either case, whether it was Hitler planning to liquidate gold in the U.S. to fund his maniac campaign or the Order of St John; which is told elsewhere were allocated a portion of the Templar treasure, it appears the LUE map was created and used to move a large gold cache by air.

Do you see the pyramid in the images? Those are permanent trenches on the property forming 3 legs of the pyramid, built by stone and mortar; as shown on the LUE map.

As you know, based on the LUE map markings, they are very precise; which indicates the person whom created the map was an engineer or expert in surveying.

If the LUE is a waybill, it provided precise directional instructions to deliver the gold. During that era, the roads were dirt and unpaved in this secluded area; which indicates the gold was flown to this location, then hidden.

Now onto purchasing the property!

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It ALL goes back to MASONIC ASTRONOMY... Square & Compass of the "old days", was the SEXTANT...

First - whom actually gave Karl von Mueller the LUE map? Nobody knows.

What was its' origin? Did Karl actually know?

Why would anyone contact Karl von Mueller or Hard Rock Hammond to show them the map?

If anyone believes the LUE map was drawn by Jesuits, Spanish conquistadors, or whom ever, they don't know history or the historical motivation to move it. Karl von Mueller wrote that he found a portion of the cache at Black Lake and it was Spanish in origin, if I remember correctly. However, I've read where the Spaniards buried their treasure very deep, 25 to 50 feet. A 1960's metal detector wouldn't find Spanish gold that deep.

I attached a snapshot showing Tom Hilton's location at Black Rock with arrows pointing to the wagon ruts he mentions in his article published in True Treasure, February 1970. I believe Karl may have found some kind of trinket along the wagon path and claimed it was a portion of the LUE.

Whether the LUE indicates a 24.5 or 62 ton horde, why and how would you move and/or transport it? Also, more than one person would be needed to organize and move that size of horde.

I'll know for certain very soon.

Beyond that, I suggest a quick study in visual flight instruction to grasp angular navigational elements shown in the LUE. I'm not a pilot, but two of my brothers are.

Here's an interesting link - see if you can find a reference to the LUE maps first publication and follow the link:

In the 21st century "we" have this "thing" called satellites - when toy metal detectors aren't up to the job, but it's "pricey"

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... This all leads to Vermont...
Then the Trunk of the elephant, or the curved line is the cliff known as Elephant's Head have to hike the steep cliff to the vault....
Its one hell of a climb bring your rain gear...
Yeah, Yeah, Smuggler's Notch , Vermont is location of the Templar's secret vault and the fabulous treasure no one has ever seen.

Here's a map showing the path Coronado took searching for gold. Coronado never traveled as far north as Sante Fe, New Mexico. Alvarado never traveled north of Taos, which is 20 miles north from Black Lake, New Mexico.

Like De Soto, Alvarado and other Spanish conquistadors - they searched for gold due to native Indian folk lore and found NONE! There's a vast amount of historical literature on the Spanish expeditions - Google it.

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Here's a map showing the path Coronado took searching for gold. Coronado never traveled as far north as Sante Fe, New Mexico. Alvarado never traveled north of Taos, which is 20 miles north from Black Lake, New Mexico.

Like De Soto, Alvarado and other Spanish conquistadors - they searched for gold due to native Indian folk lore and found NONE! There's a vast amount of historical literature on the Spanish expeditions - Google it.

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That's a variation of the alleged route that the academics have been arguing about for centuries, trying to decipher the journals.

Here's a much more believable route, backed up by a trail of 16th century European artifacts. CHICHILTICALE.COM

The website shows recovered trinkets and trash - whereas Coronado, Alvarado and DeSoto's expeditions were funded to find and recover large hordes of gold.

They found NONE.

Coronado was so PO'd - he KILLED El Turco the native whom he believed misled him: "The expeditionaries killed El Turco and returned to Tiguex extremely disappointed and angry."

New Mexico Office of the State Historian | people

"Even with such inconclusive information, the captain general, his council and captains, including Alvarado, decided to go in search of Quivira once winter was over. Throughout the summer of 1541, the expedition sought El Turco's home. When Quivira was found, it turned out to be very different than don Hernando had understood it to be. Instead of many large towns of permanent buildings where people lived who worked gold and other metals, there were villages of thatched structures where no metal was seen except a single piece of copper. The expeditionaries killed El Turco and returned to Tiguex extremely disappointed and angry. Certainly, part of the frustration was due to initial miscommunication between El Turco and the Alvarado party.

After the Coronado expedition was abandoned the next year, 1542, and returned to New Spain, charges stemming from a dog attack against Bigotes were recommended against Alvarado. However, none is known to have been filed. He was a vecino of the Ciudad de México by 1547, if not well before, and died on July 16, 1550."

My point is simple: the LUE was not drawn by a Spanish Conquistador nor has anything to do with Jesuit treasures. Heck - they misled Coronado or misinterpreted the native dialect which motivated Coronado, as well as DeSoto to search for natives mining and purifying gold.

You should watch Jeff Williams on YouTube - he finds more gold in an afternoon than the person posting the trinkets shown on that website

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The route is verified. The results of the expedition are apparent - Coronado was sandbagged by Marcos.

No Spanish expeditions into the U.S. found any gold. If they did - they would have returned to Spain with the hoard.

In other words, the LUE has nothing to do with Spanish treasure. Now, if you'd like me to spin a tall tail like Karl, I'll sell you the story for $25.00, just let me know.

The LUE map describes ONE location with either 17 or 62 tons of 4960 nicely stacked 400 ounce gold bars with a U.S. Mint stamp in the middle. I'll learn this week if the cache is still located in the "natural Fort Knox".

And I won't be using a toy metal detector

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No Spanish expeditions into the U.S. found any gold. If they did - they would have returned to Spain with the hoard.

In other words, the LUE has nothing to do with Spanish treasure. Now, if you'd like me to spin a tall tail like Karl, I'll sell you the story for $25.00, just let me know.

The LUE map describes ONE location with either 17 or 62 tons of 4960 nicely stacked 400 ounce gold bars with a U.S. Mint stamp in the middle. I'll learn this week if the cache is still located in the "natural Fort Knox".

And I won't be using a toy metal detector

I agree that the LUE is not "Spanish treasure". I'm also skeptical about KVM. Re the 4960 bars - sounds like click bait.

That's a variation of the alleged route that the academics have been arguing about for centuries, trying to decipher the journals.

Here's a much more believable route, backed up by a trail of 16th century European artifacts. CHICHILTICALE.COM

Interesting the " Cibola ruins " marked in one map . Are in the same region which Kino had wrote in his map " Cibola " .
What would been their meaning of that region ?

IAYAYAM iay ayam possibly hebrew. To me, a fair chance hebrew given possible meanings.. Now I have added my two cents worth to this enduring legend.

IAYAYAM = I am yours and you are mine

Isaiah 43:1

"In God We Trust"

IAYAYAM = I am yours and you are mine

Isaiah 43:1

"In God We Trust"

That bible verse only states that "you are mine", not "I am yours".

Actually, I believe the phrase you've quoted - verbatim - was popularized in love poems and/or sentiments a hundred years or more ago.

"I believe Karl may have found some kind of trinket along the wagon path and claimed it was a portion of the LUE."

I very much doubt that is correct.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo


"The LUE map describes ONE location with either 17 or 62 tons of 4960 nicely stacked 400 ounce gold bars with a U.S. Mint stamp in the middle."

I've never seen that information before.

As for tall "tails," KvonM didn't need to "spin" any of those. He was often ready to tease a windbag, but when it came to being a treasure finder - not just a treasure hunter - he was in a class all by himself. Actually, he started the school...

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo


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