Lue Map

When Rudolf Hess landed in Great Britain , MI6 had Aleister Crowley interrogate him due to the esoteric information he was presenting. Jimmy Page, of Led Zeppelin, bought Crowley's house and it has been claimed conducted magick rituals there.
Stairway to Heaven...?

Also known as Jacob's Ladder or The Tree of Life. The address on the Door to Heaven .. reads Seven Seventy Seven (777)

So then .. based on the supporting material, one can deduce that the LUE map was drawn after the reverse of the Great Seal on the one dollar bill (the unfinished pyramid and the All Seeing Eye) was approved by FDR in 1935 and after the Lincoln Memorial was added to the five Dollar bill in 1929; which implies the connection to the rise of the Third Reich and / or the Knights Templar or one of its' derivatives.

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777 in Gematria = The Eternal Eye of Motion .. which is my profile picture or YHVH .. The Tetragrammaton

I know it's a stretch .. purely conjecture .. but perhaps the LUE is the Templar's Treasure; members of which who were in the know, and sought to move the treasure upon learning that FDR was going to enact the Gold Act, and sought to confiscate it.

In addition, the 100 by 75 "scar" in the ground that I found, at the pyramid base isn't necessarily evidence that someone deciphered the LUE and dug at the site. It could be a slight cave in, ground that has sunk due to water seepage into the column shaped tunnel. Again, that's my speculation. And I'll know for sure in the near future.

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And since my "day job" deals with plasma and particle astrophysics .. the first item I noticed on the LUE map was the sine wave known as The Equation of Time, with the mid point landing at aphelion, or 1 day before the 4th of July; another Masonic clue. I dusted off my old equations and added the snippet to the bottom of the LUE.

And as I posted previously .. I am a Devotee of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre ( .. and ALWAYS where the Jerusalem Cross metal, Deus Lo Vult)

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When you look to long in this old world Lue map,you will discover the new world,Secret cross of Para in Baracoa Cuba,the beginning of the new world is the start for measuring in the middle of the Lue map.It is logically.To use sextant or to look for old chart Spanish maps is very good idea,also to try to draw chart on the Lue map to compare.I draw this long time ago. IMG00756-20160629-2156.webp,5183.webp

The first secret of the Lue map is 23,5 degreesThe Lost Symbol cover overlay.webp,with 23,5 degrees Lue map leads to Secret cross of Para in Baracoa CubaThe Lost Symbol 23,5 degrees.webp,the directions of the cross are nom2.webp hidden in pyramid.:goldbar:

Just one guy or gal's opinion:

1) Too weird/OOP/suspicious Los Lunas anyone? So your theory matches to me.

2) (nice) Native coincidence

3) Just Native (but there's "more realer" old stuff nearby...)

4) Cool! 100% Believer!

Thanks for sharing. So many words 'round here...

Although others disagree, IMO the following petroglyphs are all less than 100 years old. Each of these is a primary clue in treasure legends and a significant node in a geometrical pattern along with other carvings and landmarks.

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"Knights Templar"

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Here is one that really is old, possibly 16th century
View attachment 1000889

Also known as Jacob's Ladder or The Tree of Life. The address on the Door to Heaven .. reads Seven Seventy Seven (777)

So then .. based on the supporting material, one can deduce that the LUE map was drawn after the reverse of the Great Seal on the one dollar bill (the unfinished pyramid and the All Seeing Eye) was approved by FDR in 1935 and after the Lincoln Memorial was added to the five Dollar bill in 1929; which implies the connection to the rise of the Third Reich and / or the Knights Templar or one of its' derivatives.

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Sorry to burst any bubbles, but the curves are used in celestial navigation and are called "isoperimetric curves."

Hope this helps.

The two curved lines on the LUE map are known as "The Equation of Time". The wider one matches the Equation of Time at the Equator. When adjusted for location, the lower sloping line indicates the location. The two lines intersect at zero, which is July 3rd. Since I had the software, I simply adjusted the slope to match the sinusolial EOT curve on the LUE map; which I attached to the bottom of the LUE map image.

Seems to me, all the elements shown on the LUE map indicate that it was drawn after 1929; if I remember correctly, when the one and five dollar bills were issued.

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The two curved lines on the LUE map are known as "The Equation of Time". The wider one matches the Equation of Time at the Equator. When adjusted for location, the lower sloping line indicates the location. The two lines intersect at zero, which is July 3rd. Since I had the software, I simply adjusted the slope to match the sinusolial EOT curve on the LUE map; which I attached to the bottom of the LUE map image.

Seems to me, all the elements shown on the LUE map indicate that it was drawn after 1929; if I remember correctly, when the one and five dollar bills were issued.

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Hmmm... before the Great Depression...

According to components shown in the LUE Map .. here is the precise location shown based on my work. The imaginary Pyramid drawn on the ground points west, which was probably drawn by the LUE map creator using a theodolite. The zoomed in Google Earth snapshot shows the stone wall as shown in the map.

The problem is .. how are you going to get access to the land without the owner knowing it? It would be very difficult to excavate the tunnel enterance and remove tons of gold without anyone noticing.

You know what I mean.

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I forgot to add an item in my previous posts, the heavy sine wave means, "rotate the pyramid 180 degrees, so the tip of the pyramid points East and the pyramid base lies to the West." So it seems.

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I'm replying cuz it's frustrating when no one pays any attention to what you feel is a serious subject. I'm no expert on the Lue map. However, I have looked at it up to the point where I decided it is not worth pursuing. I will share my feelings, which is all I am offering, no hard facts. The symbology on the Lue maps appears to be related to the symbols on a $1 bill. However, the modern dollar bill which contains these symbols was not yet in circulation during the time frame Von Meuller claims the map pertains to. Therefore, I have concluded it a fake, possibly by the author himself to peddle his wares. I am always open to other theories, but for now, that's where I stand. Good luck.


Can someone say BINGO?

Great Seal Deciphered.webp

These ARE found on the dollar bill, and are treasure related......but the cover story is that of Nazis digging for the gold? This all leads to Vermont.....that's ironic, physically ironic made into a copper ribbon.

Kryptos LUE.webp

Kryptos, on the CIA's grounds, is basically the Lue map's image turned into a flag to the same treasure map of sorts....THE National Treasure...the Vault at the Pass in Stowe......

The Lue leads to a treasure of sorts......called the Queen City of Burlington....where the trail of carved clues lead to a majestic vault left here in 1607, as well as the masonic temple.

As the dollar bill shows you the hints are 'one of many', it all leads here from the original explorers that navigated to the area they called Acadia...they carved a ton of them including huge rock art arrax with hooked x's, arrows and other recognizable symbols found on the Lue as well.

Here is the creator of the Lue Map....The Mustache is the key to the Lue....and the identity of the man who was here....along the Lake named for him.


The route takes you to the Capstone......


Then you find the 'Lue' marked.... see the CLUE?

Left Turn.webp

Then the Trunk of the elephant, or the curved line is the cliff known as Elephant's Head have to hike the steep cliff to the vault....

Its one hell of a climb bring your rain gear.....


That is rather fascinating RW. I try not to stretch too far, but I have noticed a few interesting things. I can't help but wonder how you came up with that...trial and error?Keep in mind, I have a copy of the map over my computer in my office...means I spend quite a few hours a week staring at it or at least glancing up. Now and again something jumps out at me and I wonder how I never noticed it before. One thing I noticed a few months back (keep in mind the map has been staring at me for at lest three years) was that some random lines line up with the lower triangles as such:

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Not sure what it means, if anything, but I certainly thought it a wonder that after three years I could still notice new things about something I'd been looking at for nearly ever. I hung it on the off chance that is a Mason came into my office they might be able to offer insight. So far I've had several, but none have had much to say about the map. Not sure if that's being secret, or simply not knowing. Either way the outcome is the same. It's easy to assume that the map might be Masonic, or make the connection from Masons to the KGC. But as Nobody pointed out, the Templars, pirates, Masons, KGC and probably a dozen other organizations utilize a lot of the same symbols. One could make an argument for them all being as a "lineage" of sorts, and some have tried. For my part is still comes back to how do the symbols fit into the map to tell a cohesive story?

Keep in mind also, a lot of people are focusing on CO and NM as a location for the LUE...a casual reading of some of KvM's NPG articles offer another additional solution that I've never heard anyone talk about. Point being, a lot of people have worked one area and if the reports are true, many were successful. Whether much remains to be found South of Segundo remains to be seen but there may very well be a pristine avenue of investigation as well.

yes there is a lot of masonic theory in the map. from a master mason

Here's an interesting thought provided to me recently by an acquaintance. She was attracted to some pages from an old scrapbook posted on Facebook that contained unusual entries from a woman who apparently traveled to MO/KS in the 1800s. She said the scrapbook was odd and almost seemed to be written in some sort of code. There was an entry seemingly dedicated to, she thought, possibly Cole Younger, the James Gang member who was imprisoned.

Anyway, she was reading one of the TNet forum threads and noticed a reference to the IAYAYAM hand-written in the margin of the LUE map and it reminded her of the scrapbook entries, which contained similar abbreviations. She looked into it a little further and, "found out that in victorian and edwardian times abbreviations very popular..and iayayam stood for i am yours and you are mine. The antique experts recognized it immediately." It's an interesting coincidence - maybe important regarding the map, or not.

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I'd be curious what her source of that information was...particularly if it was a book, when it was published.

Here's an interesting thought provided to me recently by an acquaintance. She was attracted to some pages from an old scrapbook posted on Facebook that contained unusual entries from a woman who apparently traveled to MO/KS in the 1800s. She said the scrapbook was odd and almost seemed to be written in some sort of code. There was an entry seemingly dedicated to, she thought, possibly Cole Younger, the James Gang member who was imprisoned.

Anyway, she was reading one of the TNet forum threads and noticed a reference to the IAYAYAM hand-written in the margin of the LUE map and it reminded her of the scrapbook entries, which contained similar abbreviations. She looked into it a little further and, "found out that in victorian and edwardian times abbreviations very popular..and iayayam stood for i am yours and you are mine. The antique experts recognized it immediately." It's an interesting coincidence - maybe important regarding the map, or not.

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