Lost Treasures of Ecuador

Hello Tintin Treasure technically I somewhere between retired and a company part owner director of some various projects with my business partners in several countries. tintin sadly the Forrest Fenn treasure does not fit my or my business partners ie "trio" criteria in what we look for. However I wish you every success and anyone else for that matter.

Europe has interesting treasure troves laws indeed. But like anywhere if ya found anything really big the claws come out. I will have a dig through my records I may find a story for ya. But ya have to be patient. I have a personal trainer running old crows legs off at the moment. Not a part of me that does not hurt......


Hello Tintin Treasure technically I somewhere between retired and a company part owner director of some various projects with my business partners in several countries. tintin sadly the Forrest Fenn treasure does not fit my or my business partners ie "trio" criteria in what we look for. However I wish you every success and anyone else for that matter.

Europe has interesting treasure troves laws indeed. But like anywhere if ya found anything really big the claws come out. I will have a dig through my records I may find a story for ya. But ya have to be patient. I have a personal trainer running old crows legs off at the moment. Not a part of me that does not hurt......


Thanks Crow.You have a wealth of information. Maybe you should think of writing us a book.

tintin treasure

Title: Treasure hunt : a New York Times reporter tracks the Quedlinburg hoard
Author: Honan, William H. (William Holmes)

I would highly recommend the above book I recently found ay my local library. Very interesting! It's a twist about a US soldier stealing German art treasures.

Thanks to all of you for this interesting forum topic.

Title: Treasure hunt : a New York Times reporter tracks the Quedlinburg hoard
Author: Honan, William H. (William Holmes)

I would highly recommend the above book I recently found ay my local library. Very interesting! It's a twist about a US soldier stealing German art treasures.

Thanks to all of you for this interesting forum topic.

thanks Cayuse for the info. The topic of Art treasure deserves a forum by itself as it has its own peculiarities and unique challenges....usually the underground world of crime revolves around lost arts and paintings as they are used as collateral in multi billion shady business dealings ...also the issue of fakes is critical....nevertheless some thrilling lost arts are out there to track. Some stolen but some just lost...The Ghent altarpiece missing panel still captivates Belgium and a detective is still assigned on the case almost 80+ years after it is stolen,,,,on a non-theft lost arts category a missing Leonardo Davinci painting in palazzo vecchio in Florence is thrilling as recently some experts believe it could be hidden under another wall painting by Vasari and Vasari had left a clue on the painting(the story is thrilling check the link below),but because of disputes among experts on possible damage to the painting by Vasari at the moment the search has stopped,,the missing painting is estimated to be worth 100 million


For armchair art analysis a new wiki art site has opened and I believe it is valuable for possible endeavours related to arts


tintin treasure

Hello Tin tin treasure thanks for the links.


Coming to the Equador treasure or Peru for that matter, what are the concrete documents we have on the legend of Paititi the lost Inca city? I recall sometime about an Italian researcher some few years ago in Vatican that found about a Vatican related communication(some centuries back) of a lost city in Peru with one catholic missionary there...But are there more docs on Paititi ? The popular '' Eldorado'' lost city legend is just a distortion of another gold legend related to a Colombian lake and people mixed it up with Paititi,,but the Paittiti lost city legend is different.It would be good to know the real credible leads we have..

p.s.Crow I hope you would throw some light on it

tintin treasure

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Hello tintin

If ya look through Inca treasure forum. Ya will find some posts about Pattiti. Side thing it may be worth you looking at document 512. You can see a document that was found in Rio telling of mysterious lost city.


Hello tintin

If ya look through Inca treasure forum. Ya will find some posts about Pattiti. Side thing it may be worth you looking at document 512. You can see a document that was found in Rio telling of mysterious lost city.


thanks Crow! I will check them out.It seems interesting.

tintin treasure

thanks Crow! I will check them out.It seems interesting.

tintin treasure

Someone by the name of grantler sent me this message as he couldn't find the thread where we chatted on Paititi a few days ago,,Below is his email and I paste it here.

Hi Tintin ,
Can not find the thread where you were asking about Paititi,
So will answer here .
There was a expetition 1954/1955 by the german explorer
Hans Ertel .Ok theBOOK is in german lenguage .Maybe searching the internet one may find a english copy . I àm not sure .
He went ther with his wife and 2 daugthers another female scientist and a couple porters.The book has some good fotos and a map .They did find a golden Mask, some figurines ,Pottery and Ruins at Mount Paititi (Cerro Paititi ) .
They had a big artikel about him and his daugthers in february 2009.
Hans Ertel diet 2000 in Bolivia .
His younger daugther lives still in La Paz with all his dokuments
His older Daugther got killed in Bolivia .
Maybe a search in spanish lenguage will come up with some
more infos .
If you want you can copy and past it in the right thread .
The titel of the book is : Paititi , Ein Spähtrupp in die Vergangenheit der Inkas .
take care

And when we expand our language outside of English, there is much info to be had………it seems spanish would be essential to understand the primary documents…..

here is a discovery channel documentary on Athaulapa gold in Ecuador. A guy named Oswaldo Garces orginally from Ecuador(who claims Inca ancestry) and who lives in USA says the Ecuadorian government helps him with airforce planes in the search he conducts in the llanganates.He also claims to having a secret map of some kind ..I wonder if he has found anything..


Someone by the name of grantler sent me this message as he couldn't find the thread where we chatted on Paititi a few days ago,,Below is his email and I paste it here.

Hi Tintin ,
Can not find the thread where you were asking about Paititi,
So will answer here .
There was a expetition 1954/1955 by the german explorer
Hans Ertel .Ok theBOOK is in german lenguage .Maybe searching the internet one may find a english copy . I àm not sure .
He went ther with his wife and 2 daugthers another female scientist and a couple porters.The book has some good fotos and a map .They did find a golden Mask, some figurines ,Pottery and Ruins at Mount Paititi (Cerro Paititi ) .
They had a big artikel about him and his daugthers in february 2009.
Hans Ertel diet 2000 in Bolivia .
His younger daugther lives still in La Paz with all his dokuments
His older Daugther got killed in Bolivia .
Maybe a search in spanish lenguage will come up with some
more infos .
If you want you can copy and past it in the right thread .
The titel of the book is : Paititi , Ein Spähtrupp in die Vergangenheit der Inkas .
take care

Hello TT ya might like a picture of Hans Ertel?

HANS ERTEL 22.webp


Crow you beat me about the picture. :hello: I´m not that fast ! But I will try next monday (everything is closed now ) to scan some of the better Photos (all black and white ) from the book to post here .

I didnt read the ''Valvarde's gold..'' book by Mark Honigsbaum only a review of the book. I was wondering if the two american merchants he claims had met Richard spruce and who were alleged to have found the gold the same as Captain Barth Blake and Lieutenant George Edwin Chapman from Nova scotia who also were linked with Richard Spruce ?
In the review of the book it says it is Mark Honigsbaum that came across documents that show about the american merchants who died before returning to get the gold. But the Captain Blake and his friend story is an old one I guess.Are they the same? Can someone clarify for me?

tintin treasure

I didnt read the ''Valvarde's gold..'' book by Mark Honigsbaum only a review of the book. I was wondering if the two american merchants he claims had met Richard spruce and who were alleged to have found the gold the same as Captain Barth Blake and Lieutenant George Edwin Chapman from Nova scotia who also were linked with Richard Spruce ?
In the review of the book it says it is Mark Honigsbaum that came across documents that show about the american merchants who died before returning to get the gold. But I thought the Captain Blake and his friend story is an old .Are they the same? Can someone clarify for me?

tintin treasure

TT, nice video, thanks for posting.

Many questions, much to search for…..the tunnels that cross SA would be high on my list…..as well as the sources of the gold……
It is reported that many of the rivers and streams have gold…….

And yet, in spite of the centuries and many, many searches…………this treasure remains to be found………..and perhaps it is our mysterious black feathered bird; who at present is in training and research for an upcoming adventure; perhaps this is the mysterious location of his quest………..

Who knows, maybe in a few months, we shall see our Señor Cuervo descending from high on the mountains in a throne chair, like the kings of old, adorned with some of his found treasures……….

Vaya con Dios en todo.

TT, nice video, thanks for posting.

Many questions, much to search for…..the tunnels that cross SA would be high on my list…..as well as the sources of the gold……
It is reported that many of the rivers and streams have gold…….

And yet, in spite of the centuries and many, many searches…………this treasure remains to be found………..and perhaps it is our mysterious black feathered bird; who at present is in training and research for an upcoming adventure; perhaps this is the mysterious location of his quest………..

Who knows, maybe in a few months, we shall see our Señor Cuervo descending from high on the mountains in a throne chair, like the kings of old, adorned with some of his found treasures……….

Vaya con Dios en todo.

When I saw the video I had the impression that the local guides feel very much abused and mistreated...Dont you guys who go down there pay them handsomely?8-)
They also speculate that padlocked full cases come back from many trips they guided but they do not have a chance of what has been going on....Maybe a more successful model might be to only select 2 or 3 guides but to make it crystal clear they would have a share of what would be squeezed eventually ,,say 5 or 10 percent.That way you would have enthusiastic guides who may help effectively .But to be fair on the other side , as seen in the video, I heard travelers that are very suspicious of the guides for the personal danger involved in making clear every info they have to the guides....it is quite complicated this Inca treasure hunting.

tintin treasure

I didnt read the ''Valvarde's gold..'' book by Mark Honigsbaum only a review of the book. I was wondering if the two american merchants he claims had met Richard spruce and who were alleged to have found the gold the same as Captain Barth Blake and Lieutenant George Edwin Chapman from Nova scotia who also were linked with Richard Spruce ?
In the review of the book it says it is Mark Honigsbaum that came across documents that show about the american merchants who died before returning to get the gold. But the Captain Blake and his friend story is an old one I guess.Are they the same? Can someone clarify for me?

tintin treasure

Hello tintin.

Mark Honigsbaum for me was best book on the story as he made a real attempt to get to the facts....

Mark Honigsbaum never came across any documents as proof of the Blake Chapman story he never established that they ever existed all.... Neither did peter Lourie's in his book. They both got two entire different versions from the same guy Donald Bermender who was still in school when Bermender's mum contacted Commander Dyott . Years later when both authors met Bremender a retired English teacher on various occasions. Lourie suspected a lie, Honigbaum more or less worked it out. I know them both. The Blake and Chatham story was all BS invented by a young man years ago who wanted make out he had important information so he could go on a treasure hunt with Dyott.
Commander Dyott was thinking about taking young Donald Bermender to Ecuador. However Donald's mother at the time would not let the young man go...And Dyott make an excuse that it would be too dangerous anyway. Dyott used later hoodwinked other treasure hunters in Ecuador such as Andrade, Brunner and Don Segundo believing he Dyott had secret information about this mysterious seaman. Thus re sparking interest in the legend.

That is why Donald as an old man did not want to show too much of these alleged Letters from Blake to his uncle Albertson to Honigsbaum because they were forged as they were letters from a man that never existed...Here is a picture of a young Donald Bremender below.

donald ber 2.webp

Donald never went South America but he held onto a secret all his life as it was his little treasure. It was the fact it was all a lie. there was no Blake or Chapman. It was the invention of a young man who so desperately wanted to go and would say anything to get there. You can look through family records if you inclined. His uncle Sammy Abertson who was supposedly a sailor was actually never a seaman. There is no one by the names he gave in England or America registered in merchant seamen or even British or American navy records with that name. Bermender was such a bad liar that he told two totally different version on how he found the alleged letters to Lourie and Honigsbaum


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Hello tintin.

Mark Honigsbaum for me was best book on the story as he made a real attempt to get to the facts....

Mark Honigsbaum never came across any documents as proof of the Blake Chapman story he never established that they ever existed all.... Neither did peter Lourie's in his book. They both got two entire different versions from the same guy Donald Bermender who was still in school when Bermender's mum contacted Commander Dyott . Years later when both authors met Bremender a retired English teacher on various occasions. Lourie suspected a lie, Honigbaum more or less worked it out. I know them both. The Bake and Chatham story was all BS invented by a young man years ago who wanted make out he had important information so he could go on a treasure hunt with Dyott.
commander Dyott was thinking about taking young Donald Bermender to Ecuador. However Donald's mother at the time would not let the young man go...And Dyott make an excuse that it would be too dangerous anyway. Dyott used later hoodwinked other treasure hunters in Ecuador such as Allende, Brunner and Don Segundo believing he Dyott had secret information about this mysterious seaman. Thus re sparking interest in the legend.

That is why Donald as an old man did not want to show too much of these alleged Letters from Blake to his uncle Albertson to Honigsbaum because they were forged as they were letters from a man that never existed...Here is a picture of a young Donald Bremender below.

View attachment 1056303

Donald never went South America but he held onto a secret all his life as it was his little treasure. It was the fact it was all a lie. there was no Blake or Chapman. It was the invention of a young man who so desperately wanted to go and would say anything to get there. You can look through family records if you inclined. His uncle Sammy Abertson who was supposedly a sailor was actually never a seaman. There is no one by the names he gave in England or America registered in merchant seamen or even British or American navy records with that name. Bermender was such a bad liar that he told two totally different version on how he found the alleged letters to Lourie and Honigsbaum


Thanks as usual Crow,that is very detailed. So if the sailors story is fabricated,what has to be verified is whether Ververde ever existed and gave his word to the spanish throne.If that is true then there is still a lead to go on irrespective of the fabricated merchants story or whether Ruminawi diverted a ransom gold or not as Valvarde may be referring to another gold store cave not related at all to the diverted ransom gold (in fact the Dottereo doc mentions about the ransom gold as being thrown into a lake).Hence the Lllangnates gold legend hinges whether Valvarde existed or not.

tintin treasure

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