Lost Treasures of Ecuador

hi mac my friend: Vodka??? when I was in old China that was the mainstay of booze that was safe to drink..but yech, when you could drink it straight, you knew that you had enough for the evening. Twas horrible.

The still sealed bottles of quality booze were all suspect. The Chinese were famous for drilling a hypodermic needle sized hole in the botom of the bottlle, sucking out the alky, and replacing it with liquid from another source, if you were lucky,it was simply a cheaper booze, or just water. sometimes it was drawn from a urinal -- wonderful sense of humor no ?

We stuck to the catholic mission's version of champagne -- at .50 cents a Mag, it was acceptable

Now about that cuppa coffee for a poor down and out fellow American??

Hello Don Jose old booze buddy

No drink for me after this week end....

If ya interested I must tell ya about some the Chinese treasures that was hidden before the rape of Nanking. But I imagine you would of heard some awesome yarns from that part of world yourself.

Oh have ya heard kanacki's place where he grew up has had another eruption again. That I imagine will spell the end of Rabaul. It never recovered from the 1994 eruption.

Lateline - 29/08/2014: Villagers flee as PNG volcano erupts


Yep Northern China abounds with em crow.

We were in Peking when the communists were occupying the city, Lots of stories, but no prof, killed off. the principals,

I found that the commies had no sense of hmor, when we took off, they shot our plene full of holes - no I wasnt killed, honest..

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Senor Crow, did I read this right? You are giving up drink after this weekend, you are getting a personal trainer…….
What has happened to our crow, what transformation is under way; and to what nefarious plot is the black feathered one working on…….

Our padrino, Senor Don Jose, perhaps some tales of China are in order…..

Hello Doc-d

I have had too much of good life as late. Hell this might sound strange I am living like the one percent and having a guilt trip over it. Not physically working a hard days work and just wining and dining and surrounding one selves with eye candy is one thing. I can see how easy it is fade into luxury. However if I was younger man I would succumb to such trappings. When ya hear stories of Rich people completely self destructing leaving us average Joe Blows mystified why????

When this old bird and remainder of trio wormed their way to the top of pile of humanity they never forgot the long long years being at the bottom of the pile. Eye I do like to drink hard and play hard but I also work hard. Meeting the rich and shameless can over awe you at first. Many have the airs and graces like landed gentry but the reality is they underneath all trappings of wealth they are just like you or me. Their kids still do drugs, they still have family and marriages problems. They have host of hangers on only after their money.

One thing the trio learned from years of travel if ya treat people like ya like ya to be treated. One thing my friend its all too easy to judge others when ya have not been on the other side of the fence.I have dinned with burnt out Crack addicts to people of immense power and wealth. And every bit of humanity in between from all religions and all races. Where ever ya go in the world my friend if ya Carry that principle of not turning up as a conquistador or a biggot with idea that ya more superior than they ya will go places...Amazing places as Alaskan Adventurer is finding out.

So yeah go life is one thing keeping grounded is another. For us getting a health kick for the lives next chapter is not knew thing.


Don Jose Amigo those maids they a form of exercise?

I will post a ya yarn in new topic about Chinese treasure. To this day its fate is not fully proven although I suspect it ended up paying for the reconstruction of Japan after WW2.


Our crow is a wise old bird for sure…….rich or poor, we are all humans………
Treating people well, regardless of apparent wealth or power, is the right thing to do………
While I have not had the experience of living the 1%, I have known and experienced wealthy, powerful people…for me, I did not like it nor did I want to fit in with the all too pretentious, self absorbed, hedonist group………while there are some exceptions I have no doubt.

It is the character of the person not the content of their wallets.

Our crow is a wise old bird for sure…….rich or poor, we are all humans………
Treating people well, regardless of apparent wealth or power, is the right thing to do………
While I have not had the experience of living the 1%, I have known and experienced wealthy, powerful people…for me, I did not like it nor did I want to fit in with the all too pretentious, self absorbed, hedonist group………while there are some exceptions I have no doubt.

It is the character of the person not the content of their wallets.



Crow, that is why I always got along with primitive people as well as.... actually at times they are more fun, and can teach me a lot on surviving in their environment As for the rich , since I can't share it with them. it doesn't fit into the picture so that pressure is off. We meet on an equal basis - my side, not necessrily their's.

I remember once when I was dirty, skinny, broke - chronic - with literally the seat out of my pants , saddles do that.------------- nother story :laughing7:

Now about that unfinished China story ??

,, P.S. Tell hardluck, when he is not busy with the French Maids, to clean out his 'TH' PM file or send me an Em. I'm not ignoring him, but I can't contact him.

p,p,a. He said that you are good for the coffee.

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Hello Don Jose

Its late I will tell Hardluck in the morning as he has already retired I have been enjoying my last night of drinking in fact I have hardly at all. Spent a few hours shooting pool in the basement games room with Kanacki and Harluck. Ya know it strange I may like a drink or two but I can give it up in a drop of a hat. It amazes some people and annoys others. There is work to be done and we have to be in the zone.


As for the China story I will post in Separate topic.

Cheers Crow

Hello Don Jose

Its late I will tell Hardluck in the morning as he has already retired I have been enjoying my last night of drinking in fact I have hardly at all. Spent a few hours shooting pool in the basement games room with Kanacki and Harluck. Ya know it strange I may like a drink or two but I can give it up in a drop of a hat. It amazes some people and annoys others. There is work to be done and we have to be in the zone.

View attachment 1045780

As for the China story I will post in Separate topic.

Cheers Crow

thanks Crow and I would be eager to read your Chinese treasure accounts. Please include your detailed knowledge on the Ghenghis Khan legendary lost hoard where it is alleged a combined huge treasures of chinese,russian,mongol,korean,Hungarian (the list goes) ended up in his secret tomb.
As to the Ecuador inca treasure ,I was amazed last July to see in the Vatican museum displays of samples of several small Inca gold figurines from the spnaish era..

tintin treasure

I would guess we will never know how much treasure has been shipped off to the Vatican from about every country……..still, South America and Ecuador have much remaining to be found……….

Gracias mi amigo, Senor Don Jose…..working on that when I return south in a month or so……….
Been delayed longer than I hoped in the states, but soon enough should be "home"…….
Vaya con Dios

Hello Tintin treasure

There is more than enough lost treasures throughout the old more to do than in one life time. The unholy trio has been involved in researching many treasure legends.There is more to do and follow on from......

Here a treasure story telling of mysterious journey the great Chinese gold reserve treasury went through during the early 20th century. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/430548-riddle-lost-chinese-treasury.html

Here is Sweet Amy's research on Ivan the terrible missing treasure. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/408051-ivan-terrible-s-lost-library.html

Heres another of Kanacki's and hardlucks research on Sacambaya treasure legend. I was er....Temporary disposed with an illness at the time in La Paz.TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: The Sacambaya treasure (1/2)

Here is Amy's and Kanacki's research into the missing Russian treasury from the fall of the Russian monarchy. TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: Kolchak's Gold (1/4)

Here is a story from Hardluck about a shipwreck on the coast of Wales The dollar ship treasure

Another one of hardluck's yarns about Ali Bandit Chieftain and hid treasure.Lost treasure of Ali Pasha

Here is another of hardlucks this almost made him a national hero in Poland.Canada's secret legendary treasure.

Here is another one in France about treasure missing from the early popes in Avignon France.Is there buied treasure at Villeneuve Les Avignon?


Hello Tintin treasure

There is more than enough lost treasures throughout the old more to do than in one life time. The unholy trio has been involved in researching many treasure legends.There is more to do and follow on from......

Here a treasure story telling of mysterious journey the great Chinese gold reserve treasury went through during the early 20th century. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/430548-riddle-lost-chinese-treasury.html

Here is Sweet Amy's research on Ivan the terrible missing treasure. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/408051-ivan-terrible-s-lost-library.html

Heres another of Kanacki's and hardlucks research on Sacambaya treasure legend. I was er....Temporary disposed with an illness at the time in La Paz.TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: The Sacambaya treasure (1/2)

Here is Amy's and Kanacki's research into the missing Russian treasury from the fall of the Russian monarchy. TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: Kolchak's Gold (1/4)

Here is a story from Hardluck about a shipwreck on the coast of Wales The dollar ship treasure

Another one of hardluck's yarns about Ali Bandit Chieftain and hid treasure.Lost treasure of Ali Pasha

Here is another of hardlucks this almost made him a national hero in Poland.Canada's secret legendary treasure.

Here is another one in France about treasure missing from the early popes in Avignon France.Is there buied treasure at Villeneuve Les Avignon?


Wow that is impressive and very interesting!.I will digest them slowly.Thanks Crow!

tintin treasure

Hello Tintin treasure

There is more than enough lost treasures throughout the old more to do than in one life time. The unholy trio has been involved in researching many treasure legends.There is more to do and follow on from......

Here a treasure story telling of mysterious journey the great Chinese gold reserve treasury went through during the early 20th century. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/430548-riddle-lost-chinese-treasury.html

Here is Sweet Amy's research on Ivan the terrible missing treasure. http://www.treasurenet.com/forums/treasure-legends/408051-ivan-terrible-s-lost-library.html

Heres another of Kanacki's and hardlucks research on Sacambaya treasure legend. I was er....Temporary disposed with an illness at the time in La Paz.TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: The Sacambaya treasure (1/2)

Here is Amy's and Kanacki's research into the missing Russian treasury from the fall of the Russian monarchy. TreasureWorks Forum :: Topic: Kolchak's Gold (1/4)

Here is a story from Hardluck about a shipwreck on the coast of Wales The dollar ship treasure

Another one of hardluck's yarns about Ali Bandit Chieftain and hid treasure.Lost treasure of Ali Pasha

Here is another of hardlucks this almost made him a national hero in Poland.Canada's secret legendary treasure.

Here is another one in France about treasure missing from the early popes in Avignon France.Is there buied treasure at Villeneuve Les Avignon?


Dear Crow,as you are careful in sifting wheat from straw,,what is your take on the so called hidden Nazi gold/art treasure which many believe is still stuffed somewhere in the Alpian mountains in Austria or south Germany. Ofcourse the allies recovered some but the majority is still missing.But some stories could also be myths.Any thoughts of potential credible places you may have researched in the past?

tintin treasure

Hello tintin Treasure

Me and my business partners have researched many.

Europe is full of hidden treasures after 2 world wars and countless other ones. Many Nazi caches of treasure was recovered by the Allies after the war. But not all. Some I have no doubt are still in Swiss safe deposit boxes in Switzerland. Others was spirited off the South America. While others are perhaps still where they were hidden. I gather your question was about Lake Toplitz? There are other locations much more promising than that one. However each has their own unique set of challenges.

You know the Rothchild family was looted by the Nazis. They are offering a 10% reward if I remember right for anyone able to find their missing fortune looted by the Nazis. While that might seem a little stingy Considering the value it might be more generous than you can imagine. But that is one of many. Despite the war being over for nearly 70 years there is commission that still deals in retuning stolen treasure from WW2. So careful what you wish for nazi gold is one thing getting to keep it is another.

Such is twisted path we take.


Hello tintin Treasure

Me and my business partners have researched many.

Europe is full of hidden treasures after 2 world wars and countless other ones. Many Nazi caches of treasure was recovered by the Allies after the war. But not all. Some I have no doubt are still in Swiss safe deposit boxes in Switzerland. Others was spirited off the South America. While others are perhaps still where they were hidden. I gather your question was about Lake Toplitz? There are other locations much more promising than that one. However each has their own unique set of challenges.

You know the Rothchild family was looted by the Nazis. They are offering a 10% reward if I remember right for anyone able to find their missing fortune looted by the Nazis. While that might seem a little stingy Considering the value it might be more generous than you can imagine. But that is one of many. Despite the war being over for nearly 70 years there is commission that still deals in retuning stolen treasure from WW2. So careful what you wish for nazi gold is one thing getting to keep it is another.

Such is twisted path we take.


thanks Crow. I agree Lake Toplitz may not be a good candidate after all the searches,though still some have not lost hopes.
By the way do you run your own business in such kind of areas? because you said ''business partners''.

Given your long time familiarity of treasure legends, I would say you can crack easily Fenn treasure poem. I am one of those who claimed a couple of months ago to have cracked the poem in a very original way but didnt go to USA to check it out because I dont live there....My hint to fellow hunters was to challenge their treasure hunting american mental models shaped by hollywood popular culture...I had my mental impression of hidden treausres altered after I made one unrelated trip somewhere,,,Once you alter your mental model on hidden treasures ,the poem begins to unravel ,,,,

Coming back to Europe treasure, Yes huge potential but not covered in media as the latin and north american ones,,,,some countries like germany and austria have also reasonable sharing package for finders(50 percent if there is no owner and 10 percent if there is owner to the property)...other conutries like Italy are not that attractive for finders claims (they claim to give one fourth of the value only if it is not claimed)

tintin treasure

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