live update from jupiter with seahunter

Awesome idea, Joe! In the spirit of giving (and to not go off topic here), I have begun a charity thread at...,59159.0.html

The reason I didn't put it in the religious section is because you don't have to be religious to have a heart of generosity. I hope all will go and post their favorite charity. My thoughts and prayers are certainly with you and the crew of the Rio Bravo ;D

Good words Joe, I needed that as much as anyone ::)

You wouldn't happen to be anywhere near Galveston this weekend would you? Dad is currently at M.D. Anderson in Houston, and I'm driving down this weekend to take him and my mom to Galveston. They both love the ocean, but haven't been able to travel in years. If you're in Texas, I might be able to drive over to Corpus on my way back too.


hi jason,
not back to texas yet, but if you get to galveston check out moody gardens, great fun and a nice light show at night.
drive safe and hope you have a great trip....................

Jupiter Wreck Captains,

have any of the (1000) 8 escudos placed on board by Luis de Guzman been found yet to date from the Jupiter site? I have only seen the Star of Lima 8 escudos in sketch format...they look like truly remarkable pieces, just looking for a photo of this elusive beauty. How many gold coins found to date? and mints...



ScubaFinder said:
With all the recent negative banter (which I'm ashamed to have been a part of), I went back and re-read the REAL story of the Jupiter weekend. It reminded me how much fun we had, and that I miss all of you guys and can't wait until we can all get together again. Looking at the pics took me right back to the excitement and anticipation that was present all weekend. Anyone can say whatever they want, but this is the way I will remember the weekend regardless. We created one heck of a photo collection too, it's worth a re-read.

Until we do it again, cheers my brothers.

My friend you couldn't have said it better.......I feel the same way........definitely the best adventure of my life, so far.....It was the perfect combination, The planning, Seahunters site and Scott's opportunity and kindness, the Rio Bravo and his crew Capt. Jerry, Tim (the best Mate) and Joe (what a guy)....the fact that we all came from all over the place; Miami,Orlando,Tampa,Jacksonville,Texas,NC and SC......A group of people with only one thing in mind, having FUN and FINDING TREASURE!!!!!....AND THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE DID!!!!!
A great story to tell our grandsons :D :D.......One of the best accomplishments in life is to be proud of your self and to make your loved ones proud of your self.
For some of us that weekend was a DREAM COME TRUE!!!! We came in with Scubaseeker and left with Scubafinder :D :D :D :D

(Scott you once told me that you wanted to give a gift that money cant buy, well my friend you ALREADY DID, Thank you!!!!)

I know this team will meet again and one good day we will all be able to say "Today is the Day"
We know what we know and thats all we need to know.......

All the best,



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Well I just reread the thread and I can tell you this much, life is kind of boring compared to the weekend I spent with all you guys.

I was blown away when I read the story, can't believe how well everything went.
You can ask Joe , right up until the day of the event I thought it would explode in our face - weather, equipment, fifteen guys who had never met - what were the odds of pulling this off - slim to none.

BUT, I had the best first weekend of the rest of my life.

So what do you say that we start planning another weekend.

Maybe if we ask Joe real nice he will bring Tim and Capt Jerry and do it again.

Woo hoo! Name the time and place and I'll be there!

Scott, your generosity has attracted many more requesting to come. I'm sure you're planning more than one weekend, but is there a limit to how many can come on any one weekend? I was just curious if you were planning a method to the madness :)


Updated Note: I just read your other thread about having two boats. Now that will be fun! I'll boil the crawfish ;D

Hello Darren
I could never turn anyone away unless safety was an issue, but these things seem to have a way of working out. Last year it started with Jason coming to dive for a weekend and ended up to be quite something else. so why try to pre define our destiny, that is for some one smarter than me. I think I will go with the flow. It worked last year!!!!
ps I look forward to finding treasure with you again, you were good at it.

You know you can count me in too, Scott! But how about we make it a week this year? :D It might take care of some of the over-crowding problems that might arise...but more importantly it would give ME more time to hunt! :P

Can't wait to see everyone again, and meet any new folks that come along. You say the weather calms down in May??? May it is then. :D


Looking forward to do it again!!!!!

Best of the Season.....


Well I just reread the thread and I can tell you this much, life is kind of boring compared to the weekend I spent with all you guys.


Glad to hear from you. I know we have said it a hundred times, but thanks for allowing us all to come together and make history. We still can't quit talking about it and it has definitely set a precedence in all of our memories.

And Life HAS been boring compared to that weekend!

I can't believe what a great group of guys we have here and like you said, for 15 guys who had never met, everyone just seemed to mesh. I look forward to the next event!

Happy Holidays,

Robert in SC

Hello Guys
Good to hear from you all again. I have missed you. Scotty and I installed the stratabox on the Seahunter yesterday and did a little testing with it with a couple of the old bent anchors. It was interesting, but we really need to get out on the site with it. Planning to get a lot of electronic surveying done in the next couple months so when we put together the full time crews for the boats they will have plenty of targets for this year. Want to be able to bring up coins on the first dive this year, just like we did.
I am looking for half a dozen full time crew members so if you or anyone you know is interested please let me know.
This should be an excellent year.




Did you get my PM that I sent you, pls let me know, if not I'll resend.


hi everybody,
reading back was good for me also, sorry Ive not been in touch with some of you more on some of the PMs Ive received.
this looks to be a great season, as some of the cams are showing good days already.
i am currently in Texas on a project, and developing some of our plans for differant boats and sites, we are hoping to have the "MR WIZARD" ready this season also possibly along with another vessel to be disclosed at a later date as plans develop.

i will be working with Scott on a time for another bravo dig in Jupiter as my schedule starts to lay out, with other commitments firming up.
if i can team up with Scott and help with some of the surveys with our mag, having just been serviced and upgraded at geometrics, and of coarse some new tricks up my sleeve, i hope to convince the boss to let me do a week with wizard and bravo on site and would be something that would remove overburden in an area more efficiently than has been witnessed to date.
this of coarse has many variables for it to come together but keep your fingers crossed...................
god bless and happy new season to all

Good to hear from you Joeseph, I'm glad your back home to catch up on some family time for a bit. I hope you enjoyed your Holidays.


Whassup, Joe? Good to hear your "voice" again, bro. Looking forward to our reunion in Jupiter - if not before. Can't wait to see those tricks up your sleeve ;)



its great to hear from you again......I hope we have a chance to work together again...

All the best,

The Chagyman.....

Here is a picture of a coin we found that weekend. I think it is a little unusual and wondered if any of you had any opinions on what it is. It is considerably smaller than a penny. Any thoughts?


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Isn't this the one we looked up in Sedwicks? PLVS or something and it wraps the pillars?

Wasn't there two of these found?


It looks very similar to one Trez posted a while back


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