live update from jupiter with seahunter

That is a great story Scott, thanks for sharing!

I look forward to diving with you again someday, and hope to bring my 11 year old son Danny, once he gets certified. The clear, calm waters of the Jupiter Site would be a perfect environment for for him to make his first treasure dive.


I (along with allot of others) treasure the experience we had that fatefull weekend in October. Nothing will ever top the day my son was born or the day I married my wife, but that weekend ranks close. If I never find another piece of treasure in my life, I will still be able to look back at the fun we had, the treasure we found and the friendships that were made.

I don't know how many times we have thanked you since then, but it will never be enough. Thank you for sharing your dream with us and helping make our come true!

I look forward to our next adventure!

Robert in SC


My story starts in 1965. I was eight years old and suffering from a congenital heart defect that would require open heart surgery to save my life. I spent a lot of my time in hospitals and doctors offices.
A lifelong dream come true. Now I want to invite any of you who share this dream with me, to come share the reality of it with me and help me find the rest of the ship which has not yet been located.

Well the doctors put the heart at the right place :)


Voldbjerg said:
Well the doctors put the heart at the right place :)

What else is there to say? Amen, V and Amen, Scott.

Seahunter,,,,Great story Scott, can't wait to go make some craters with you as soon as the weather allows.

God Bless


I love to hear stories of success....That is a great story....The best part of a dream is when you make it a reality......... when you live the dream....Congratulations!!!!!!
I don't know what the doctors said about your heart condition...But I will say this; I think you have a "BIG HEART"..... I know I have said; thank you for the opportunity many times before.....By you sharing your dream with us you made the dreams of some of us become a reality...Thank you!!!!....That weekend not only we had fun and found treasure, but we became a big family and that group became a team with a name and a plan...Hopefully in the near future everyone will hear about us and our discoveries......Thanks to Treasurenet we were able to communicate and thanks to you this group came together...with that said, I name you Godfather of our team...I think I speak for all of us...Thanks and God bless you.
Even though we are involved in other projects it will be a pleasure and an honor to dive with you in the Jupiter site as many times as we can!!!!!!!! and I sure hope that we are together the day we say; "Today is the day"

All the best,


Hello Everyone
Thank you for the kind comments.
Chagy, not exactly a success story yet, we have to find the motherlode first, but all in due time. But the dream is already coming true, hunting for it is enough, finding it will be icing on the cake. I want to thank all of you also for coming and helping me make this a reality. We really got this kickstarted the weekend you all came and joined me in the search, and hopefully that will just be the beginning. I am looking forward to diving with everyone from last year and all the new people who want to join us.
Thinking we might need more room for everyone Scotty Lee and I went and looked a little bigger boat this morning. You never know.


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Hello Everyone
Thank you for the kind comments.
Chagy, not exactly a success story yet, we have to find the motherlode first


You will never arrive to success.......Success is a journey......How big is big?.....How much is allot?.......


Hello Chagy
Well put and so true. Success is in enjoying the journey, not in arriving at the destination. In retrospect I must agree with you, because I am enjoying the journey, not quite as much this week as I did that weekend in October, but I am sure we will have many more and we will share them with everyone here on Tnet.


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Great story Seahunter, thanks for sharing. I hope your dreams come true and you find the motherlode. God bless. ;D 8)

Hello Bigcypresshunter
My dreams started coming true that weekend in October and with any luck will keep coming true along with as many other people from Tnet as possible. If I am ever lucky enough to find even part of the motherlode I hope you and others from Tnet can be there with me to enjoy it. It really is better shared, much better.

I can remember laying under the boat with the blowers running with a hole being created and it would just keep getting bigger and bigger. Sometimes you would just see coins falling out of the walls as they got bigger. Some days we would bring up dozens of coins and the occasional artifact also.

This explains a lot, folks. I have to laugh at a particular moment from our weekend together. We rotated our diving since too many detectors would cause interference. I was on the aft deck just above the blowers and watching the guys below sweep the hole with all their sophisticated equipment. Then Scott dives in - no detector. He comes up almost immediately with an 8 reale! He dives down again and next thing I know, he's got another one! With a pair of eyes like that, who needs a detector?

I will always thank you for the time we affectionately know as "the weekend." Many laughs. Many new friends. And treasure to boot. What more can you ask for?


There once was an old wise Cherokee Indian who told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all."
"One is evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego."
"The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith."
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Scott, I think everyone should call you .............."The Wolf Giver."

Meaning: The one...whose motivation and passion turned dreams into now openly sharing, giving, and helping others to fulfill their dreams also.

Thank you, Seahunter.

Well it is kind of rough and beating us up a little but, Scotty Lee brought up the first coin of 2007. A nice piece of eight. I will post pictures tonight.
Correction: the first two pieces of eight for 2007

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