live update from jupiter with seahunter

Carson said:
I would like to nominate this thread for Best Of Treasurenet.

Great Job

I also recommend for Best of Treasurenet. 8)

bigcypresshunter said:
Carson said:
I would like to nominate this thread for Best Of Treasurenet.

Great Job

I also recommend for Best of Treasurenet. 8)

This thread will be here for a long time and if its stops for a while, when the sea gets calm it will come back again......


Gotta love the internet. Things like this are a good demonstration of how new friends are made and great times are had by all.

Congrats everyone on having some "Mini-Mel" moments!

While I was playing with the side scan yesterday I got to do some salvage work. While I was putting my boat in the water I noticed an extremely valuable artifact just laying there on the bottom in 3 to 4 feet of water. I hurriedly stripped down to my boxers (causing quite a scene) and jumped in after it (water temp 65). I dove down and recovered it only to find it was ruined. I was able to identify it as my cell phone.......unfortunately everyones numbers from the Seahunter expedition were unrecoverable - so you know who you are could you please PM or email me your numbers so we can keep in touch.


PS - I may be down in FL next week sometime anyone need anything.

Check it out. Kind of hard to miss that cross. Wish I was a better photographer. Maybe Mavis will come take a picture for you.

Who does the cleaning? and how? is it performed on board the vessel? That coin was in it's origional state a few days ago now look, nice.


The coins from our expedition were turned in to the state for preservation. Sorry to hear about the cell phone Brad, I wish I could say I had never done that. You've got PM.


pepper said:
I have to agree with Trez, nice, that was a good cleaning job.
Whats the other side look like?
The second pic looks like a flash making it bright.

Well, here it is finally! This is a video taken by me, of Darren, Scott and Brad digging for and finding an 8 reale. I couldn't get it to upload here to TNet so I put it on my web space. This is what it takes sometimes to find that elusive silver or gold. The area we were working in had beach rock that had crevices where the coins would fall down into. Some of them so small, you couldn't get your fingers down in them. Joe and I actually pulled a coin from a crevice no more than 1/2" wide using a nail punch and hammer to break away the rock. Darren started taking the probe down and poking it into these holes because the coil on the detector couldn't get into them. I was working another area nearby and saw them get a hit and decided to film them digging. It turned out to be an excellent find and a very cool video.

Turn your volume up and you can here some underwater sounds.

Check it out!

Robert in SC

Cool, Robert! I couldn't tell what was more shiny - the coin or my bald spot ;)

Carson said:
I would like to nominate this thread for Best Of Treasurenet.

Great Job


Everytime I see a new post here, I think the same thing.

However, at the same time, I think the Contributers here
like it where it's at. and, since it seems to be on the way
to trippling its posts, why interfear.

IF any of yous feel different (I'm talking those who made and are making this
thread so intresting) feel free to P.M. me (this way we can keep this thread on subject ) if you want it moved and
we (The Mods) will consider it.



What can I say. Awsome Action Video !
congrats on the find(S) !


Just noticed this thread and WoW. Wish I could have been there.
Maybe next time.

great video robert!


Robert, thanks for the video. The pictures and posts of the jupiter project were great, they brought us close to the adventure. I have been following all shipwreck post's on the T Net for about two year's, this video is as close as you can get to adventure with out getting wet. Wish i had time to dive with the group. Maybe another time.
Thanks to the Jupiter Group!

Robert, outstanding video! the treasure is truly in the teamwork.

I saw a couple of you skip braething! LOL

Congratulations, and for the record SEAHUNTER is now one of my new hero's. I have recommended "Who Wants To Dive For Treasure" as the Best of TreasureNet.

Nice job Robert, I'm glad someone had the presence of mind to capture a find from start to finish. I always got excited and took off looking for my next one :D

I've posted a video below, not nearly as cool as Roberts, but it's another good "like you were there" clip with a quick tour of the SeaHunter and the Rio Bravo along with some general "what was happening topside" clips. I didn't have time for much editing, so it's pretty much raw footage, mostly from Saturday morning as we started blowing holes and everyone was just getting there.


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