Well, here it is finally! This is a video taken by me, of Darren, Scott and Brad digging for and finding an 8 reale. I couldn't get it to upload here to TNet so I put it on my web space. This is what it takes sometimes to find that elusive silver or gold. The area we were working in had beach rock that had crevices where the coins would fall down into. Some of them so small, you couldn't get your fingers down in them. Joe and I actually pulled a coin from a crevice no more than 1/2" wide using a nail punch and hammer to break away the rock. Darren started taking the probe down and poking it into these holes because the coil on the detector couldn't get into them. I was working another area nearby and saw them get a hit and decided to film them digging. It turned out to be an excellent find and a very cool video.
Turn your volume up and you can here some underwater sounds.
Check it out!
Robert in SC