live update from jupiter with seahunter


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Great video, Jason! I like both videos. It's nice to have one topside as well to get a feel for the Rio Bravo. How dare you not make up your bed, you slacker! My wife has been away this weekend and you know I made mine ;)

Suuuuuure you did Darren.... ::)

Man the water looks rough on the East Coast right now. I was telling my local Dive Shop owner my tales from Jupiter, and he started offering to pay both our plane tickets and hotel rooms for a day or two aboard the SeaHunter. I told him Scott would probably love to have the help, and i'd be up for going back anytime. Is diving season completely finished out there or might we get another good weekend?


The water does look a lot better today. Scott must be working cause he isn't out hunting :D


With all the recent negative banter (which I'm ashamed to have been a part of), I went back and re-read the REAL story of the Jupiter weekend. It reminded me how much fun we had, and that I miss all of you guys and can't wait until we can all get together again. Looking at the pics took me right back to the excitement and anticipation that was present all weekend. Anyone can say whatever they want, but this is the way I will remember the weekend regardless. We created one heck of a photo collection too, it's worth a re-read.

Until we do it again, cheers my brothers.

Well said, Jason!

I wonder if we could make a list where all the photos are located besides this thread. There were quite a few cameras floating around. If you have pictures online, please tell us exactly what link to go to so we can relive the weekend again. If you don't have pictures online...why not? 8)


I have quite a collection under my Gallery here on TNet. I could certainly create a folder for anyone who wants to upload their picts and have them in one place. Everyone would have access and they are all in one place.

Robert in SC

Sounds good Robert. I was thinking if we could get the full-resolution origials from everyone together in one place, I'd make a DVD and mail one to everyone who was there. It'd be just as cool to have all the pics in one place though. Let us know where you want them, can we upload to your gallery, or will we have to email them to you first?


Hey Jason, that's a great idea. I would like to have a copy of that CD. Also, next year lets all meet on Capt Dom's boat. Then we can go after the ballast pile!

Actually, I'll go ahead and make that offer stick Pete. If everyone will email me the good shots in full resolution to jason_nowell at hotmail dot com I'll put together a chronological slide slow to some music that will play in a DVD player, and then put any videos on the menu as well. Just make sure each email is under 10 megabytes and I'll check my mail regularly. I just got my new Light Scribe DVD burner which will burn an image onto the back of the's cool, kinda looks like a hologram.

Send your addresses to me as well, and as soon as I have all the images I'll send 'em out.


I hopefully will have some time in a few days to find and send the pictures that I took of that very memorable weekend in Jupiter.

Hey Gang:

Anybody got a photo of my beer can? I would really like
it for my grandkids (not really) to look at.

Ya'll take care now


salvor 6 said:
Hey Jason, that's a great idea. I would like to have a copy of that CD. Also, next year lets all meet on Capt Dom's boat. Then we can go after the ballast pile!
hi salvor,
i think the dvd is a great idea and would cherish one myself, but was puzzeled by you final remark, and hope im not reading anthing into it.
we were waiting for you to bring the coordinates of the ballast pile this season :) :)

I just now came across this thread. I must say I'm very impressed! It looks like you guys have a really great and productive hobby on your hands! :D

hi all,
thanks for the revival, looking though the pics has brought up the good feelings of an early Christmas we had, happy holidays to everyone.

scubafinder your offer to produce copies of the event soon to be compiled on Roberts gallery is to be commended, along with all the fellowship inspired by the camaraderie developed this event.
as for this being a live update thread we must acknowledge that the "who wants to dive for treasure" should be where we look for the developments that will be the leading column for some of the things to that will be available for some adventures to come.
i for one can hardly hold back from giving details of the multiple scenarios i have been privy too.

Hey Riobravo, that last comment was meant to be sarcastic humor. I brought the coordinates with me. The ballast pile is 1,000 feet further east of where we were. I mentioned that to everybody (including you) but no one wanted to hear it. That's where the dredge head was located when they pumped ballast stones on the beach during the beach renourishment project. I figured we were all out to have fun.

Revival? Fellowship? Joe, you're sounding too much like me now ;)

Jason, count me in on the DVD. How can I help? Need cash? Lemme know... I'll PM you my address.


hi Darren,
just a push to lead you into possibly a word for some us poking a little hard at others, i personally expected a post or two before you caught on.
you a bit to quick for the normal THer, like myself.
would it be to much to ask for a little prayer leading us into the holidays, as we start to realize the monthlies don't need to read, no activity this month, but expect more next.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ;D ;D
was a great ending to a season, and as preparation begins, i would love a blessing worthy of pirates like us, willing to donate an undetermined amount of what we find, to what i consider a worthy cause, possibly you could reccomend some for those who don't see a deacon holding a tray very often...........

hope this post doesn't offend anyone.

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