live update from jupiter with seahunter

that's a Bummer D_d

Keep us posted on the Results.


I don't understand your posr.


Dinkydick said:
ATTENTION: All Fisher Pulse 8X owners.

Upon arriving home Monday morning (3am) I found the wrong Pulse 8X in my truck.
The detector I was using the entire weekend (one with white tape) was not
mine. My detector had a waterproof connector for interchanging detector
coils. The unit I have has no provision for changing coils.

Description of my Pulse 8X = My detector was new and never used in the water.
It has a waterproof connector on the rear. The underwater earphone is also
new. There was a velcro strap around the coil wire and the detector handle.
It may have fallen off. I called JW Fishers and they told me that there are
no serial numbers on or inside the unit to identify one unit from another. Overall
condition of the unit is like new with no scratches or marks.

Fisher told me it would cost $175.00 to convert this unit for interchanging
search coils. The unit is worthless (to me) in it's present condition. I will
await any replies prior to sending the detector back for the conversion.

Sorry, as this was my Boo Boo


What a great time. Keep sending photos.


No need to post it under General Discussion. Everyone who was there resides right here in this forum. Everyone please check your Pulse 8 detector. Dick grabbed the wrong one by accident.

Robert in SC

Thanks Robert.

I couldn't Tell from the Post IF Everyone who was there were members here.

And would Definately Read this post even if they are.

I figured a Headline May have Helped.
Even here in Shipwrecks

I probably have it. Give me a little time. I ignored my businesses for a week for this event and now I am a little swamped. I will get to it by the weekend.
Don't worry.

ScubaFinder said:
I see Brad has a new one too...I felt sure he'd use my pic of him with his shirt tied in a knot. :D

Your "knot" picture didn't have Mavis' legs in the background ;)

Nor was I wearing white after Labor day.

Good point Darren....Brad, you were wearing SILVER after labor day, which is always allowed :D

Well I have waited long enough.

As the self appointed safety and morale official for the Jupiter outing I
have a few comments.

1. On the safety issue I have only this to say - Everyone behaved in
a very safe manner. No one was hurt or injured. Thank God. There were
some minor scratches and sore fingers. This is to be expected. Some of
the guys were digging for coins with their bare hands (way to go). All-in-all
everyone had a great time. Captain Joe cautioned the divers when the
blower mailboxes were very close to the bottom and everyone stayed
clear. Thanks for the heads up Joe.

2. On morale - It couldn't have been better. Everyone helped everyone.
To help build my morale, Tim threw a coin in the water (for me to find) but ScubaFinder got to it first. Old men are a little slow HA HA. Wait until the
next time. Pay backs are hell. I was really holding out for the gold.

Being that I was skunked I have only one thing to say "Dinkydick shall
rise again".

Take care


NOTE: If anyone locates my Pulse 8X please PM me with shipping info.

Dinkydick said:
1. On the safety issue I have only this to say - Everyone behaved in
a very safe manner. No one was hurt or injured.

Didn't I hear something about someone getting hit with a large fluffy white object in the middle of the night?

Robert in SC


hahaha so thats where all the coins came from,tim was tossing them in the water for all the kids to find to make them think they are finding real treasure...

No! Just for Dick. He could only find beer cans! Even when he wasn't on the boat! ;)

Robert in SC

LOL - I was wondering when Tim was going to get ratted out. :D Joe had put a coin in a cup on the deck. Tim got up early and started cleaning up the boat before everyone arrived...long story short, Tim emptied the cup (and coin) overboard, luckily he saw the coin as it flew out. He wisely marked the spot with a cinder block, and I went down and recovered it within a few minutes of the incident.

He'd better be glad he is such a good cook, and was always there to help us all into and out of the water or we would have ragged him all weekend. Kinda hard to rag on a guy who is working his butt off to make sure you have a great time. Thanks Tim, you earned the right to throw a few more overboard as far as I'm concerned...I'll go get 'em for ya.


RGecy said:
Didn't I hear something about someone getting hit with a large fluffy white object in the middle of the night? me ;D

Okay, everyone likes the story of what happened. Here's mine...

First hole blown on Friday. Scott dives and immediately finds a coin (he had a knack for that). Then Brad is scouring a crevice with a Pulse 8x and gets a hit. He motioned for me to note the spot. Then he left! (Where'd you go, Brad?) I begin fanning and digging in the crevice and out pops a half reale. Scott tells me very few have been found on this sight. I do wish I would have taken a closer picture of it. It had more detail than all the other coins we found (see pic below). Scott, I sure hope you get that one back from the state. I'd love to buy it from you!

Before we're done, Robert the silver sniffer finds a beautiful eight fused on the bedrock. One tap on the prybar releases it and one side is fully visible as you can see in the pictures. It's the one that's more retangular than the others.

On Saturday, we figure out that the crevices can be hunted even better with the wand that comes with the Pulse 8x. There were many spots that a regular coil just wouldn't fit. Somewhere in the middle of the day, I saw the wand laying to the side and Scott said no one had tried it yet. So down I go with it. I found a spot where several crevices met and began detecting with the wand. Sure enough, BAM! Nice hit on the meter. I begin digging, then Brad came alongside...with gloves (thank you, Brad!). After a few moments, Scott saw us feverishly digging and brought the scooter over and turned that baby on. In no time another eight reale popped out. Gotta love it. Robert actually filmed this find and has it on video. I don't know if it can be viewed on Tnet, but hopefully we can get it posted somewhere where you can click on it and see the whole thing.

The wand came in handy again on Sunday. I was probing beneath a rock ledge in shallow overburden and got yet another hit. I fanned a little and waited for it to settle. When it did, I immediately saw the edge of another eight. I was thrilled to assist in many of the coins found. I'm still pinching myself for the fantastic time we all had!

Let's hear more stories! I don't think I've heard them all...



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  • handful coins.webp
    handful coins.webp
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Robert actually filmed this find and has it on video. I don't know if it can be viewed on Tnet, but hopefully we can get it posted somewhere where you can click on it and see the whole thing.

I sent Robert an FTP address last night so he could post it, but it was late and I haven't heard back from him yet. Hopefully he will get it posted soon. I have a few short videos, and then a walk-around tour of the Rio Bravo that I will post eventually. I've been with a different set of friends every night telling my treasure tales since I got back. :D It's amazing how captive the audience is when you're talking about a trip like ours.


Well heres my story as you all know I didn't find anything on Fri or Sat and on Sun I had A nice hangover......I was wondering how come I was so thirsty on Sun if I drank so much on Sat ;D ;D ;D Well anyway I didn't feel like diving on Sun......Then I called my wife Lucy to see how she was doing and she asked me; Have you find any coins? and I said; No I don't feel like diving today; Then she said; well you better jump in the water and find me a coin.....So I jumped in and found a really nice coin....
In other words I was just following instructions :D :D :D :D ;D

All the best,



sounds like you need to get your tanks filled with nitrox,get a high o2 content,then those hangovers will just go away. 8)

Jason, Sorry I didn't get back to you on the file upload. Marc has increased the file upload size for me here on TNet but I can't get it to upload. I am going to try one more thing tonight and then I may use your site.

Robert in SC

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