live update from jupiter with seahunter

Thanks for the warm thoughts guys, who would have known that you could randomly pull together 12-15 guys from an internet forum and have the chemistry and comradery we all enjoyed. I felt more like I was hanging out with my brothers than a bunch of guys from the internet that I'd never met. The knowledge I gained this weekend was awesome, having the hair stand up on the back of my neck everytime the Pulse squealed was exilerating, the FRIENDSHIPS I made were worth all the other stuff put together 10 times over!

Pics late tonight, gotta go check on mom and see how she's handling everything and probably get some dinner together for them. Sooner or later I'll have to sleep too, but I still have too much adrenalin built up for that. I hear my Pulse 8X sqwuaking in my sleep now :D

To my brothers from the trip, can't wait to see you all again!



With the deepest sympathy, my heart goes out to you and your family, god bless.



Bro, I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. Our prayers are certainly with you and your family.

It was fantastic getting to know you even more. Like you, I already felt I knew everyone and the trip made it feel more like a homecoming of brothers. Maybe this should be in the Religion section, but I honestly believe God had a hand in the whole weekend. The odds were so against what we did. Scheduling was a nightmare. The weather has been crappy (and is even now getting that way again) but for us we had beautiful weather and clear vis! We really didn't know if we'd find anything at all, but... first hole blown and three coins came up! With so many people on board, the accident rate was risky, yet no injuries occurred. So call it luck if you will, but with those odds, I think we had someone else looking out for us ;) Awesome weekend!


Amen Brother Darren, it did seem a little more than coincidence that ALL the variables of the weekend fell in our favor to an extreme. I can't seem to quit thanking Scott, Joseph and Tim for everything they did to put this together for us. The fact that each of them has thanked US for coming speaks volumes about their character. The same character was present in everyone who was there too, again seeming a little more than coincidental. I have a lot of pics to post, and a lot to say, so I'm going for a marathon post here. ;)

Anyone who read RGecy's comment about the Garrett finding the most is indeed a fact. And while the Garrett was a great detector, one must not rule out the fact that Robert has a freakin' silver sniffer built into his nose! :D He could dang sure find the coins, and I learned a lot just from watching him and listening to Scott and Joseph. I won't say anymore for fear that he'll get the big head, but he is pretty good at what he does. Between the hints and tips I got from him, Scott, and Joseph, I was bringing up a coin a hole on the last few dives. I bet Brad would attest to the same, we both listened intently and increased our finds exponentially (him more than me by the end I think).

I went into this as green as a guy could be in both seamanship and treasure hunting, and came out feeling like a deck hand with a nose for treasure who had just made 12 new lifelong buds. You just can't ask for more than that! I haven't exactly had an easy road for the last few months, but this weekend will forever be how I remember this point in my life.

OK, enough of the sentimental BS, you guys know who you are and where you stand in my lets get to the pictures!

I got in after dark Friday night, and Joseph came over and picked me up on the beach. I spent the evening getting to know Joseph and Tim, but we all turned in early. The next morning, I got up just before sunrise, had a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich that rivaled anything I'd had previously (did we mention that Tim could cook!). I went down to hit the head, and this is the site that greeted me over the bow...I knew right then that this would be a weekend to remember.

Shortly therafter, Scott pulled up in the SeaHunter with the rest of the gang. The boys came on board to greet me and share the tales of the day before while Scott stayed and secured the SeaHunter. He had the decency to salute me with a cup of coffee and say hello before he made it onboard the Bravo.

Some shots of the gang getting aquainted:

When we said we had good viz, we really weren't kidding. The water here was 32 feet according to the sounder, and as you can see the rocks are completly visible even before the sun was overhead.

Skip and Darren discuss our position relative to the honey holes from the day before...Jospeh always managed to put us on the coins....even though this is an old worked out site....I'm rolling on the floor laughing at my own last comment.

The excitement starts to build as everyone prepares to explore the hole. I'd say maybe 1 in 5 or 6 holes came up empty, with several others yielding 4 or more coins per hole.

Skip getting the Excaliber up nder the ledges and down in between the rocks.

Robert trying out Scott's hookah and probably sniffing out another coin.

Tom shows up (he's not a morning person ;) ) and anchors next to the SeaHunter.

Dick and Pete discuss who looks better in a Speedo, and whether the "no white after labor day" rule applies to swimwear :D

Tom looks over the mornings finds and wishes he'd gotten up earlier...NOT! In due respect to Tom, he was out late with his lovely wife...and let's just say he had a few, so sleeping in was permitted...THIS time.

Who would have thought 12 pics in a post wouldn't be enough! Big thanks to Marc for the new pic system, it rocks, and it got here just in time for the best thread in a while!

To Be Continued....

Some ugly Texan fondling everyone elses treasure...actually by this time, I think i had my first coin. I ended somewhere around 7 or 8 finds, 4 being completely solo, and a few being shared with other guys. RGecy put me on several nice spots (one hole had two coins practically laying on top of each other). Darren came over and helped pinpoint my last one, it was an arms length up under a ledge and I probably wouldn't have gotten to it without his help. The scars on my arms are like a badge of honor for that coin.

The chagy-man holding the booty.......that sounds kinda dirty :D

A closeup, I think this is Saturday mornings finds while we ate lunch and blew the first hole of the afternoon.

When you really need to get on site quick, this is the tool to have. Somebody buy one and let us know how it works out. :D

I'm not sure how you guys wear your shirts where you are from, but down here in Texas Brad would be due an a$$-whoopin' :D He sure did look cute though...he claims it was just to keep his shirt dry, but the jury is still out on that one.

I believe this is the final shot of Saturdays finds.

Morris and Mavis joined us on Sunday, Morris was an excellent diver and had a grin from ear to ear the whole time...Mavis...well, not only was easy on the eyes, she was an outgoing and fun loving girl, we all enjoyed her company and she was a welcome repreive from the sweaty, testosterone laden crew we had for the weekend. :)

Darren holds up Saturdays loot while Mavis looks on. She had a nice digital SLR and was very good at shooting the discreet candid shots, can't wait to see her pics.

Brad and Dick discuss the last dive while Robert rinses off the saltwater in the background.

Sundays loot, either a few of Saturdays coins made it into this pic, or we miscounted somewhere...I have 30 from the two "end of day" pics.

Since I started with the sunrise from Saturday, I figure it's proper to end with the sunset from Sunday.

A picture speaks a thousand words, but I still have a thousand more. I spare you as I think everyone is starting to get the idea that we had a very special weekend that provided adventure that can't be bought, and memories that won't be forgotten. The Jupiter Brotherhood has been forged, and I look forward to our reunion.


P.S. Joseph, this land-locked stuff SUCKS, swing around here to Texas and pick me back up!!!

Well looks like you all had a great time,an found alot of treasure too.but most of all you all made some great friends.friendship is worth more then any treasure to had a better time then i sebastian inlet we had 25+ knots of wind gusting up to 30.tide is way above normal an the waves were 2 foot at times.i pretty much got all the work done that i wanted to on my boat.then needed some parts that couldnt be found in that area.i didnt get a chance to scrape the bottom,i didnt want to be bounce my head off my props an rudders.ill just pay someone to do it next weekend.i found another tekna DPV at a dive shop that got flooded.motor didnt get wet so it just needs new bats,i scored it for 100 bux,so now my other tekna has a brother:)plus whoever dives with me can keep up.jason,sorry to hear about your grandma,my 96 yr old grandma passed away 3 months time you guys get together for another dive,ill be there.see you all in about i week,im headed north to NC to do some diving up ride comes in 2 hours so i need to get ready.i think the ship i will be on has internet,if so ill be in touch.


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Hey Jason, I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandmother. God bless you and your family. I look forward to working with you again next summer.

FISHEYE said: headed north to NC to do some diving up there...

Where are you going to be, John? I'd love to hook up if it worked out. PM me so we don't get off topic here...

Hey Guys,

Here is the pic I was telling you about, this was posted in Spanish Cobs.....It looks just like the one Darren found (PvS)
Also read post 261 in WHO WANTS TO DIVE FOR TRESURE........

All the best,




  • dollarsign.webp
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ATTENTION: All Fisher Pulse 8X owners.

Upon arriving home Monday morning (3am) I found the wrong Pulse 8X in my truck.
The detector I was using the entire weekend (one with white tape) was not
mine. My detector had a waterproof connector for interchanging detector
coils. The unit I have has no provision for changing coils.

Description of my Pulse 8X = My detector was new and never used in the water.
It has a waterproof connector on the rear. The underwater earphone is also
new. There was a velcro strap around the coil wire and the detector handle.
It may have fallen off. I called JW Fishers and they told me that there are
no serial numbers on or inside the unit to identify one unit from another. Overall
condition of the unit is like new with no scratches or marks.

Fisher told me it would cost $175.00 to convert this unit for interchanging
search coils. The unit is worthless (to me) in it's present condition. I will
await any replies prior to sending the detector back for the conversion.

Sorry, as this was my Boo Boo


What a great time. Keep sending photos.


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Sorry to hear about the mix up Dick, allthough I can see how it could have happened, what did we have like 7 or 8 Pulse 8X's? I'll check mine when I get home, but I'm pretty sure I got the right one. For the record mine had the white crosshairs drawn on the coil and red tape around the wire at the coil connection. I'm sure yours will turn up and everything will get back into the right hands. I know Scott's was still on the Bravo when I left, but it was the only one still there that I saw.



But note that the other 3 boats that were there all weekend were in Stealth Mode :P

I like your new profile picture.
You were so right. Can't wait to show you a picture. I will try now.

Check it out. Kind of hard to miss that cross. Wish I was a better photographer. Maybe Mavis will come take a picture for you.


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I can't wait to see whats on the other side! Who is doing the preservation on the coins?

Robert in SC

Very nice, how was it cleaned?

Just wanted to thank all of you for sharing this great adventure with everyone. It's really got me planning on getting certified, but until then if y'all (Scott or Joe)ever need any extra topside grunt help, I'd love to be involved. Know my way around a boat pretty well.
Thanks again for the entertainment,

Thanks Scott, I kinda like my new avatar as well :) I see Brad has a new one too...I felt sure he'd use my pic of him with his shirt tied in a knot. :D

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