Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

Why is it so hard to believe people in our history with no GPS or flying ability did not line things up in a purposeful geometric order. Burial mounds, foot paths, ancient trade routes, cities, temples etc. arraignment is apparent in many cases for those that take the time to look. The term "Ley Lines" did not come into use until the early part of the 1900's.

These same lines can be used to locate and unravel history as FK is doing. These same lines can be termed "Ley Lines" without believing in aliens.

When you suspect these same Ley Lines may be associated with UFO's, elves, mystical pathways of power and such, as many do, I would consider that a "Myth" or "Legend" and your on your own.
even though this thread falls under "Treasure Legends".

"outrageous" really? what ever happened to a treasure hunter's right to a theory?

Your Bud Aurum

There is a great circle segment between the Monastery of St. Cathrine, close to Mt. Sinai, and the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. That passes close to Oak Island. There are some very interesting places along this line, a lot of them associated with ancient trade.

OK lets see it your way , Tim paid $100,000 for this great site and did a 5 min TV show:dontknow: now what.

He spent 100k and now owns a house and property
You have spent 50k and have some hand drawn sketches and some google earth photos.

Pretty clear who is looking at a better ROI.

He spent 100k and now owns a house and property
You have spent 50k and have some hand drawn sketches and some google earth photos.

Pretty clear who is looking at a better ROI.

I was told Tim may have to sell soon , the rental is not paying off to cover the bills. He told me him self there is a lot of repairs and it will take them years to get ahead. They don't see any castle on site and no way to make money. Ya I still have the email from him. So I can say this. Not my problem now. Soon we will see who and what. Have a good day

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I was told Tim may have to sell soon , the rental is not paying off to cover the bills. He told me him self there is a lot of repairs and it will take them years to get ahead. They don't see any castle on site and no way to make money. Ya I still have the email from him. So I can say this. Not my problem now. We will see soon who and what. Have a good day

If he had only had the foresight to see there was no parking for people that wanted to tour his backyard this whole mess could have been avoided.

It is possible this site is just as old as Stonehenge is .

Well that would be something right there. Stonehenge was erected around 3,000 BC. Stone castles in Europe weren't common until around 900 AD. So if what you have can be demonstrated, and authenticated (by, say, archeologists?), to be a "castle" from the early Bronze Age you have quite a find.

I was told Tim may have to sell soon , the rental is not paying off to cover the bills. He told me him self there is a lot of repairs and it will take them years to get ahead. They don't see any castle on site and no way to make money. Ya I still have the email from him. So I can say this. Not my problem now. We will see soon who and what. Have a good day

how can anyone on oak island be needy? I thought treasure was everywhere

It would seem you only had to turn over a rock to find Templar treasure, the Arc of the Covenant, a magic portal to New Ross, the booty of several pirates, Atlantis and Elvis.

We're gonna need a bigger island.

If he had only had the foresight to see there was no parking for people that wanted to tour his backyard this whole mess could have been avoided.

When Tim had the History Channel film crew on site to film , the crew parked along a dirt road below the well. What Tim didn't know was that land and the road belong to Dwite Sanders and his saw shop. Guess what happen during the filming of the TV show :dontknow: . There was noise coming from the saw shop and Tim went over and told them to keep it quiet , they were filming a TV show. So they parked on Sanders land 2 times and told him to stop making noise , Ya that went over good. Tim never went over to Sanders to introduce him self as the new land owner. Not many land owners in New Ross like Tim, this is a small town and everyone knows every one. When Tim said we could not work on his land , a lot of land owners did not like that , we were there to help all land owners make money.

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When Tim said we could not work on his land

Here is another case of posting different things over a span of time by FK
In February you were pretty adamant you were never kicked off his property.

"I never got thrown off of Tims land " .......FK Feb, 27 2017

We could have the discussion that if you were not actually on his property when he told you to stay off you were not actually kicked off his property but the point is that you are not allowed on his property anymore.

Well that would be something right there. Stonehenge was erected around 3,000 BC. Stone castles in Europe weren't common until around 900 AD. So if what you have can be demonstrated, and authenticated (by, say, archeologists?), to be a "castle" from the early Bronze Age you have quite a find.

Thought the Castle was originally known further back with crude ones as far as 500 AD around the times of St. Brennan the Navigator? I am pretty sure that these were known to be VERY old in Ireland and Scotland....and the Northern English Countrysides.

I see your point having misinterpreted it Charlie....

He meant that the people that were there at the time, were the Druids or maybe the Celts......the one's who erected the original Stonehedge and worshiped it.

He states that the layouts on the grounds of New Ross are set up the same as Stonehenge is built, because the same people were there......leaving the same exact measurements....

He did not say that NEW ROSS WAS BUILT AT THE SAME TIME AS STONEHENGE........that's so funny though.....you totally ignored the possibility of it being Norumbega, the first and original european settlement in the new world.

Here is another case of posting different things over a span of time by FK
In February you were pretty adamant you were never kicked off his property.

"I never got thrown off of Tims land " .......FK Feb, 27 2017

We could have the discussion that if you were not actually on his property when he told you to stay off you were not actually kicked off his property but the point is that you are not allowed on his property anymore.

As he has sold his honorable part of the deal to very dishonorable men blowing Big Wind up everyone's arses.....

So about the New Age you speak about.

You sure try to act like you are debunking something wherever you post....

I have to ask you .......Have you ever posted a find to this site?

Well New Age?

No you haven't

In fact you have never made a single thread of your own have you?

Guess its not that hard to see where the armchair is sitting in the room.....is it?

He meant that the people that were there at the time, were the Druids or maybe the Celts......the one's who erected the original Stonehedge and worshiped it.

1. Druids were Celts. The druids were the priestly and judicial class in Celtic society.

2. Stonehenge predates the arrival of the Celts in Britain.


"It is possible this site is just as old as Stonehenge is".......FK
FK has now clearly stated his new site could possibly date back as far as 3000BC.

But seeing how me posting a simple picture of Stonehenge was instrumental in his locating this site it is fair to say since no one posted the history of that site.
FK didn't know that the real Stonehenge dates back to 2500-3000 BC

Have you ever found anything Eldo?......You have lots of claims but no results.
What is the date you are going to repel down into that cave and become rich?

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I don't know were you get your info but I just told you there is only the well on Tims land and that's it . I can still dig under the well if I thought there was something there.

I'd guess that he got his info from you; "Now we have a well 12' wide with 4' stone walls and 90' deep with a 24'vault chamber under it."


Are you now backing away from your claim that you found a Templar treasure vault on Harris' property? I noticed that you deleted that thread .......

NEW AGE IOU a big one , we are still working on the Stonehenge drawing you posted and I am sure we will be working on this all weekend. Just when we thought we were done with research at this site you had to post that picture and now a lot of people are doing a lot of work on this. We meet with History Channel this week and now we have even more historical news to show them. And some of you don't believe in Ley Lines , soon you will :icon_thumleft:

It is possible this site is just as old as Stonehenge is .

Credit #3

When FK gets his big time show on History he's going to have to list you as a producer or something in the credits. :laughing7:

Too bad there is nothing there to find but I certainly hope he gets a TV show as long as it has something to do with this Stonehenge site.
4 different times he has clearly given me credit for advancing that find so that has me legally vested in this hunt.

One of the times he pretty much gave me full credit......and FK has stated many times he stands behind everything he posts.

I was told Tim may have to sell soon , the rental is not paying off to cover the bills. He told me him self there is a lot of repairs and it will take them years to get ahead. They don't see any castle on site and no way to make money. Ya I still have the email from him. So I can say this. Not my problem now. Soon we will see who and what. Have a good day

Hey FinderKeeper, after you make this area famous, Tim could possibly bottle the water from the well and market as having Uranium/Radiation resistant properties. "A Space Travelers Favorite Drink",
and name it "Stonehenge Juice".

I see you moved this thread out from under "Oak Island, Great Move, :icon_thumleft:one less thing for those to B**ch and cry about.

Your Bud Aurum

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