EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
sorry i dont have to publish anything ..
i dont need a nother expedition .. or any one to tell me what i found ... thank you ...and good luck
If you
know that you have found the Lost Dutchman Mine, that means you have
If you already have
proof, then post it.
There is no reason
not to post it, because you don't need to give the location. Just show whatever it is that proves it's the LDM. Very simple. No harm done. No debating necessary.
If you have found it, and you want to tell all of us folks that you did, then really do so.
On the other hand, if you don't have
proof, then you don't really
know, and you shouldn't say so.
Just simple logic.
well stated EE
and under normal conditions that would be true ...
dont you think if i could post something that could do that i would ..?
now do you see my point .. its not that i dont have prove .. its that the prove i do have will start a gold rush like the world has never seen before ..
yes i have proff the fact is the proff i have would give the location away .and i just worked to hard to just give it away ...
i am going to make a legal claim on the site .. i have to confirm my proff with more proff before i will make the claim .. i have no doubt what so ever of what it is .. if i find a way to post part of the proff with out giveing the location away then i think your oversight would be a great idea in that case ..
yes i can prove it is the real Lost Dutchman Mine
but where i come from you need 3 peices of evidence to confirm it and i dont have all 3 peices yet .,.. in fact i know very little about whats in the mine it self .. for some silly reason not getting eat by a mt lion was a smarter choice then investgating the old mine at the time .. i had only afew mitues to get a few photos and run .. i am as sorry and as interested as all of .. if i posted why i know it ithe real mine then everyone would know why and in time someone would figer it out ...
dont get me wrong EE yes i have found the real dutchman mine and yes i can prove it .. i just wnat more evidence then what i have at this point ....if i climb in the mine and there is no gold left then who cares if its the real mine or not with out the ore sample its not real evidence that it is .. most will not agree anyway unless they see the ore and it matches the LDM .. am i not corrected

so till i can go on expedition 5 and get the samples and photos i need i have to wait like the rest of you .. what good is writeing the best book on the legend if you dont have the finial page to the book yet

i know where it is .. thats already proven to me .. i just dont want to go public untill i have the ore sample and photos to prove it to everyone ...
it just is not the case of proveing what it is .. we have to prove what it is and where when and why it is the LDM...
your statement is under standable ..lets see what i find on expedition 5 ... if the evidence is there i will try to make a full legal claim on the mine .. under the law .. i must produce photos and scaled ore sample photos showing the ore in the mine as it is removed for sampling and the photos must be to scale with a north arrow as in most evidence photos ...
the ore will have to be tested 3 times on 3 diffrent samples from the same mine ..
then anything in the mine or related to the site and location must also be photographed to scale in the same way ...
this is the evidence i am talking about .. i was by my self when i found the mine and i had been followed for more then 3 miles by a very big cat ...and he was still following me at a distence away .. not more then a few dozen yards behind me .. i had no other choice but to get what i could and keep moveing as fast as i could at the time ..
i got some great photos .. but at the time i had very little idea of what was really in the photos till later investgation define the evidence and told me i need one last expedition to define the evidence and get what is needed for a legal claim .. i have no idfea how this will all play out in cort and no doubt it will end up in a cort room ...
the point is for the best chance of winning in cort i must go back and get the evidence i would need to prove it in a cort of law under the forstery guide lines and federal law guide lines .. there are things you all dont know about the site and what is there ... these things are going to make it harder to prove . because i not only have to prove the mine it self .. but these other things are there at the same time .. or they become lost to a lack of evidence in their cases .. so i need to collect evidence on all 9 sites before i can make the legal claim on the LDM it self .. the other claims have to be documented as well when the sites are made public or they will end up ramsacked like other sites in the past ... i just will not let that happen .. dose any of this make sence to you ...
if you had a drunk of gold and you knew where it was and you found it setting there and could prove it was a drunk of gold would you prove it if there was 8 more drunks of gold setting around it ..?
would you claim only the one drunk of gold .. or would you wait till you could claim all 9 drunks at the same time .. even if i lose one or two in cort .. how much will i win ... if i have the evidence to prove all 9 sites are real....

its never been about not have some real evidence that what i found is in fact the LDM .. i know for a facty it is .. its the legal evidence and the other sites that i am working on ....