EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
EE THr said:
Well, OK. When do you expect to release the information, at the same time you file?
no . i will file 3 weeks before i make the evidence public....
Just you have all your paperwork ready to file?
i will not be filing any claims ....
i wish to recover samples from the ma mine . and take photos of the wall of dreams . and locate the cache and the TAYOPA tunnel .. what happends to them after dose not concern me ,
i would like to return to my old site and see if that ball Cort was real or not ..
it has been a lot of interesting research but its not binary mathematical sequences or quantum harmonic physics
i have had someone contack me to help write my story if i do , if i would help them in return .. with a project of theirs ..
but this would depend on how the Rendenous goes ... if i can make it ..
to day i took the alternator out and it will be 3 days for the new one to get here , the water valve work great and i now have full running water in the mallard and it works the way it should ..
i have a few more things i want to check and do to it .. before we test run the home .. we can fully plug in and hook up fresh water and the holding tanks work fine so far ..
the alternator tested bad before they turned it over i beleive it was the orginal part ...with new alternator and 3 new batties and two full genirators we should be able to do a full system check soon , the LP gas tested great and work with no issues ...
now the water dose as well ...
see its not question if i file for claims ..
it is a matter if you get to meet me or even know me all
i am reclusive and you most likely will never see me again in your life time on less its in pictures some where .. i am not interested in being part of the human rat race .. sorry that is just my own feelings about the culture and its values & goals ..if i do get money from my research on the LDM and these sites
great ...
but if not thats OK too . it will be over and i will get back to my own research ....
i only did this case to prove a point .. that my father was correct .. he said it could be found under a set of conditions . he was correct . after i prove the deposite is there . this is over for me .. you can have your site and i will go my own way .. no goverment red tape or cort battles or risking my life across the country in some out of the way hell ...
i will go back to my main reseach "the binary & mathimatical structure of the sequences of creation "...?