Legends, Maps, Coincidences, Logic, and Hunches.

Blindbowman said:
EE THr said:
I guess they don't publish the filings until after they have finalized the paperwork, huh?

no i plain to vanish for a few years .. i dont dis like the public .. i can 'nt stand it . i want nothing to to do with the out side world .. i never had .. even to the point of not leaveing my house for 3 years at a time ..

i dont plain on being in the public if its the real LDM .. i could care after its made public .. iam out here

To each his own way. Good luck and have fun!

EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
EE THr said:
I guess they don't publish the filings until after they have finalized the paperwork, huh?

no i plain to vanish for a few years .. i dont dis like the public .. i can 'nt stand it . i want nothing to to do with the out side world .. i never had .. even to the point of not leaveing my house for 3 years at a time ..

i dont plain on being in the public if its the real LDM .. i could care after its made public .. iam out here

To each his own way. Good luck and have fun!

i dont really know if fun is the word i would use in this case .. interesting and dangerous maybe ..lol

i find it funny that few people ever think about what they would do if they do find something ...


"Interesting and dangerous"---that sounds like fun to me.

There are some people around who do think ahead.


EE THr said:
"Interesting and dangerous"---that sounds like fun to me.

There are some people around who do think ahead.


work can be fun if its interesting to you .. some times its more like work ,, but thats what it takes to get the job done .. i also like to take some time here and there to enjoy the live action of the expedition as well ..even takeing time to stop and look around has been hard in these conditions ,... water and weather has played a larger roll in how the expeditions went and how much risk was taken ..

i i said i have been hert 3 times and my bother once so the expeditions have been hard and at times we have coverd 15 miles in a day with a lot of gear .. to much on one expedition ..

yet we came out at night with no water left at all . lighting was no problem , with night vission .. no one sees the lights ....joe may have the right idea .. moveing around at night out there is easy if you know how ... :coffee2:

It was recently brought up in another thread, that maybe some nefarious organizations considered whatever treasure is in the Superstitions, to belong to them. And as such, were, in various ways, preventing the public from gaining access to it.

It would also be assumed that these organizations had ancient knowledge of all or most of the big treasures, of similar nature, on this Continent.

If that were true, then what happened with Victoria Peak? True, they did extend the White Sands base to include it.

But if that inclusion was because of the treasure there, why in the World didn't they seal up the top of it? The top is where it was entered when it was "discovered," so why did these secret organizations, if they knew everything about it, also know that anyone could stumble upon the top entrance?

It's obvious that people who like to hike around, also have a special fondness for the tops of mountains and peaks. I think if anyone was going to find anything, it would be through the natural instinct or desire to get to the very top of Victoria Peak. So why leave that entrance wide open?

Or, why didn't the "in the know" bad guys just move the whole thing sooner than they did?

And if the mysterious organizations within the Government have had knowledge of something incredibly valuable within the Superstitions, then why haven't they just moved it, like they did Victoria Peak? Or have they already?



With VP, the military had several people that actually found different entrances to it that also found gold bars. Also, the upper shaft was accidentally blasted closed before WSMR annexed VP. In the case of VP, the Government knew how to get into the mountain to access the gold.

The LDM is another kettle of fish. Just knowing something is there (within a 10 x 10 mile radius) and knowing the spot to stick the shovel in the ground are two different matters. There is one site in SoCal that I have been working for over six years. I know there was a rich gold mine. I can say with 100% surety that I can put you inside a 5 x 5 mile box that absolutely contains the mine. Problem is, in mountainous desert regions, that 5x5 mile radius may as well be 500 x 500 miles. Thousands upon thousands of places to hide a 3x3 foot mine entrance like this:


or this:


Stick a boulder in front of it, plant a couple of desert bushes, and POOOOF! It disappears forever.


SOOOOOO TRUE, so true gollie. The primary, and best way is to look for any faulting or intrusions and investigate there first. Almost invariably any mineral deposits will be found in them. Aerial photos are better for this than the Sat. system.

They can be gotten for most of the Us with stereo viewing and projection abilities. I have found them very useful in looking for various points

Don Jose de La Mancha

Blindbowman said:
EE THr said:

Well, OK. When do you expect to release the information, at the same time you file?

no . i will file 3 weeks before i make the evidence public.... :coffee2:


Just wondering...do you have all your paperwork ready to file?

EE THr said:
Blindbowman said:
EE THr said:

Well, OK. When do you expect to release the information, at the same time you file?

no . i will file 3 weeks before i make the evidence public.... :coffee2:


Just wondering...do you have all your paperwork ready to file?

i will not be filing any claims ....

i wish to recover samples from the ma mine . and take photos of the wall of dreams . and locate the cache and the TAYOPA tunnel .. what happends to them after dose not concern me ,

i would like to return to my old site and see if that ball Cort was real or not ..

it has been a lot of interesting research but its not binary mathematical sequences or quantum harmonic physics

i have had someone contack me to help write my story if i do , if i would help them in return .. with a project of theirs ..

but this would depend on how the Rendenous goes ... if i can make it ..

to day i took the alternator out and it will be 3 days for the new one to get here , the water valve work great and i now have full running water in the mallard and it works the way it should ..

i have a few more things i want to check and do to it .. before we test run the home .. we can fully plug in and hook up fresh water and the holding tanks work fine so far ..

the alternator tested bad before they turned it over ..lol i beleive it was the orginal part ...with new alternator and 3 new batties and two full genirators we should be able to do a full system check soon , the LP gas tested great and work with no issues ...

now the water dose as well ...

see its not question if i file for claims ..

it is a matter if you get to meet me or even know me ..at all

i am reclusive and you most likely will never see me again in your life time on less its in pictures some where .. i am not interested in being part of the human rat race .. sorry that is just my own feelings about the culture and its values & goals ..if i do get money from my research on the LDM and these sites
great ...

but if not thats OK too . it will be over and i will get back to my own research ....

i only did this case to prove a point .. that my father was correct .. he said it could be found under a set of conditions . he was correct . after i prove the deposite is there . this is over for me .. you can have your site and i will go my own way .. no goverment red tape or cort battles or risking my life across the country in some out of the way hell ...

i will go back to my main reseach "the binary & mathimatical structure of the sequences of creation "...?

HIO BB, you posted --> i will go back to my main reseach "the binary & mathimatical structure of the sequences of creation "...?

forget that archaic version, go study the Holographic Universe factors. Interesting things such as -->

"Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seemed to know what the other was doing. This feat violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light which is tantamount to breaking the time barrier. This daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations"

Don Jose de La Mancha


Currently, Science tends to believe that they are "discovering" things by setting limits on stuff. Then, whatever doesn't fall within those limits, they believe to be false or impossible. This prevents them from actually discovering many things which actually exist, and leaves them baffled by those things which they admit don't fall within their limits.

EE THr said:

Currently, Science tends to believe that they are "discovering" things by setting limits on stuff. Then, whatever doesn't fall within those limits, they believe to be false or impossible. This prevents them from actually discovering many things which actually exist, and leaves them baffled by those things which they admit don't fall within their limits.


That seems like a pretty broad statement. Is there somewhere in the scientific community that we can find this dictum? :read2: :dontknow:



Gentlemen Theoretically under the Holistic Universe, this means that each, and every one of you, know where the LDM etc., is, but have blocked access to this information by improper psychological logic, which is why EE cannot explain either dowsing or the lr location capabilities of a human.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( el snickering Saint in his cave )

cactusjumper said:
EE THr said:

Currently, Science tends to believe that they are "discovering" things by setting limits on stuff. Then, whatever doesn't fall within those limits, they believe to be false or impossible. This prevents them from actually discovering many things which actually exist, and leaves them baffled by those things which they admit don't fall within their limits.


That seems like a pretty broad statement. Is there somewhere in the scientific community that we can find this dictum? :read2: :dontknow:




Nope. They would need to realize what they are doing, in order to make that statement about themselves, wouldn't they? You don't get good grades in universities by thinking outside of that box. The key to these enforced limitations lies with those who decide what the universities teach and accept, and who their loyalties are to.

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
Gentlemen Theoretically under the Holistic Universe, this means that each, and every one of you, know where the LDM etc., is, but have blocked access to this information by improper psychological logic, which is why EE cannot explain either dowsing or the lr location capabilities of a human.

Don Jose de La Mancha ( el snickering Saint in his cave )

My take on that is it may be possible that some people are able to find stuff while using things like that, but if they do, the devices are not the initial source of their success. And the "electronics" add-ons, and extra expenses of them, are themselves, totally useless.

I guess it would be kind of like saying that pencils tell people what to write. And that an electrified pencil would do so even better.

But that's a different section of the forum, isn't it.

:coffee2: :coffee2:


P.S. I've never heard or read anything about "the Holistic Universe," but I generally agree with what you said there. However, I wholeheartedly disagree that hypnosis is a viable way to solve those blockages.

Evening my friend EE: was using the sneaky opportunity to poke at you in fun. hheeh.

However, if you wish data on the Holistic Universe, there are various versions on the net. The Holistic Universe can easily explain the paranormal, among other fantastic things.

You posted --> However, I wholeheartedly disagree that hypnosis is a viable way to solve those blockages.
I am curious again, why? After all the blockages are a society, or trained, deliberately or otherwise, blockage, and as such can be bypassed.

Don Jose de La Mancha

:coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Join us Joe & BB?

Real de Tayopa Tropical Tramp said:
HIO BB, you posted --> i will go back to my main reseach "the binary & mathimatical structure of the sequences of creation "...?

forget that archaic version, go study the Holographic Universe factors. Interesting things such as -->

"Aspect and his team discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles such as electrons are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It doesn't matter whether they are 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Somehow each particle always seemed to know what the other was doing. This feat violates Einstein's long-held tenet that no communication can travel faster than the speed of light which is tantamount to breaking the time barrier. This daunting prospect has caused some physicists to try to come up with elaborate ways to explain away Aspect's findings. But it has inspired others to offer even more radical explanations"

Don Jose de La Mancha

no sh** . what do think i am doing ..i rewrote Einstein's E=MC2 more then 10 .. years ago ..

i was one of those others ...

their just to stupid to get their heads out of their A** and try to under stand someone thats so far ahead of them i no longer even see them in the rear veiw...lol ...

*double-lol* _you_ rewrote Einstein's e=m*c*c ?
Excuse me - but may I be as bold as to ask _what_ you replaced it with?
If you mean that writing it one more time is the same as rewriting it - sorry, that doesn't count!

Loke said:
*double-lol* _you_ rewrote Einstein's e=m*c*c ?
Excuse me - but may I be as bold as to ask _what_ you replaced it with?
If you mean that writing it one more time is the same as rewriting it - sorry, that doesn't count!

Oh why oh why did you have to ask... :tongue3:

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