good evening scar: hmm a complex, and a very, very, controversial subject, which I personally haven't investigated. I know that my Alaskan remote map dowser, who did fantastic work on properties here in Mexico, areas where he has never been, was supposedly communicating with his dead wife, who revealed things that he was not aware of before.
His family are very religious and forced him to go under the care of one of EE's favorites, a psychiatrist, and He now runs around drugged up - no more successful remote map dowsing, the drugs cancelled his ability.
I know that I had a dream while in the Guadalcanal campaign three nights is row and it is now almost complete. In the dream I was about my present age, with one male child, married to a foreigner, living in a foreign country, was successfully engaged in mining and Treasure hunting, was a Pilot, etc etc.
In the dream I was walking out to my aircraft with my seat chute, when the field was attacked by propeller driven, low winged aircraft. The invaders were rebels and won. I was going to see the commandante for permission to go across town to see my wife, when I woke up.?
Well with the narco problem down here, it appears they are getting ready to take on the gov't in a revolution soon. sigh.
As I said, everything has come true, except for my buying a high performance aircraft and having more money than I can spend, sheesh still waiting for the money, but with three irons in the pot that may come any time or never.---- heheh.
So you see, through personal experience I have seen many things that are not logically explained by our present level of development
I have found that the Holistic Universe does tend to explain such happenings since everything that has existed in the past, present, and future exists simultaneously in what we call the "now" and tends to try explain the many unexplainable past communications with deceased persons.
The one that fascinated me most, was communicating with lost personnel in the ill fated dirigible / Zeppelin campaigns. The location of the bodies was given precisely hundreds of miles from where they had been looking, and secret tech notes were found where they had accidentally been lost, behind the drawer in a desk..
Sooo who knows today, we certainly have a universe to unravel which will cover time and life itself as we presently understand it..
Don Jose de La Mancha