Legend of the Stone Maps

Don't warp this into something it isn't and don't pretend several posters haven't made pointed and disparaging remarks LONG before todays interactions. Most, if not all of them, based on false or misleading information. All of which were ignored and unchallenged for the benefit of free and open dialog. Those arrow were sent, delivered and suffered in silence for the good of the whole, including you.

Its an open forum and your thoughts, viewpoint, your study, even your musings, are not only welcomed by me and I believe all others, they are the very purpose of this forum. I may agree or disagree with you, write counter or supporting post. This isn't about that. But I think you know that.

Several of you wouldn't want me sharing your private messages and phone conversations on things you hold dear. Especially on a public forum. I don't and I won't----ever. That's my solemn duty whether you are my friend today or my worst enemy tomorrow. Its a matter of trust. Leaving totally aside any legalities, holding that that has been provided in trust carries a sacred bond of honor. It doesn't matter whether I think it trivial or unimportant. Its the solemn bond, my word, that I gave as a prerequisite to receiving it that matters.

This affects dozens of people on a very personal level. You (generalize you) think nothing of trashing people's relatives, livelihood, personal and professional integrity, on a mistaken turn of a phrase taken totally out of context. People that aren't even here to defend themselves. For what? A good day on the forum? Congratulations you get post of the day. At what costs? Who's integrity should be squandered that easily for so little? It hurts me deeply to see the people I know as friends broken asunder so unnecessarily. Could you not wait another six/nine months to open discussion??

It affects you the reader as well. Its especially damaging and counter-productive to release that information out of context, or extremely abbreviated, without the circumstances surrounding it that has the very real possibility of changing the entire meaning, viability, or context of the released tid-bit. That's called spin. It does nothing to further the search/truth and has the very real possibility of damaging anyone it touches. AS THIS HAS DONE.

This is my final post on the subject. Maybe forever.


Ya, I agree. It may be time for you to step away for a spell and to leave Sebastian bound to his stake.
It just feels like you are adding arrows to the quiver.

This is so confusing.

Don't lose any sleep over it. It's promotional, like a typical entertainment or news (same thing nowadays) teaser. Meanwhile, continue on as usual and prepare for a Geraldo event, but hope for better.


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Don't warp this into something it isn't and don't pretend several posters haven't made pointed and disparaging remarks LONG before todays interactions. Most, if not all of them, based on false or misleading information. All of which were ignored and unchallenged for the benefit of free and open dialog. Those arrow were sent, delivered and suffered in silence for the good of the whole, including you.

Its an open forum and your thoughts, viewpoint, your study, even your musings, are not only welcomed by me and I believe all others, they are the very purpose of this forum. I may agree or disagree with you, write counter or supporting post. This isn't about that. But I think you know that.

Several of you wouldn't want me sharing your private messages and phone conversations on things you hold dear. Especially on a public forum. I don't and I won't----ever. That's my solemn duty whether you are my friend today or my worst enemy tomorrow. Its a matter of trust. Leaving totally aside any legalities, holding that that has been provided in trust carries a sacred bond of honor. It doesn't matter whether I think it trivial or unimportant. Its the solemn bond, my word, that I gave as a prerequisite to receiving it that matters.

This affects dozens of people on a very personal level. You (generalize you) think nothing of trashing people's relatives, livelihood, personal and professional integrity, on a mistaken turn of a phrase taken totally out of context. People that aren't even here to defend themselves. For what? A good day on the forum? Congratulations you get post of the day. At what costs? Who's integrity should be squandered that easily for so little? It hurts me deeply to see the people I know as friends broken asunder so unnecessarily. Could you not wait another six/nine months to open discussion??

It affects you the reader as well. Its especially damaging and counter-productive to release that information out of context, or extremely abbreviated, without the circumstances surrounding it that has the very real possibility of changing the entire meaning, viability, or context of the released tid-bit. That's called spin. It does nothing to further the search/truth and has the very real possibility of damaging anyone it touches. AS THIS HAS DONE.

This is my final post on the subject. Maybe forever.

There's the Old we all love. she's back!
Nice post, I don't agree with you, but you've presented your case very well as usual.

I think, and this is just my opinion, that you may have gotten too close to the 'family' (and maybe some others), and it's effected your objectivity.
I do not call Travis 'Uncle', and the TRUTH does not care who does.
I don't sweeten up Travis' actions from the 'family' sugar bowl, and the TRUTH does not care who does.
As markmar might say "Truth is blind!" Truth does not care who your friends and family are.

Your posts are kind of running in a circle (and I should be the only one doing that, or we'll all just end up running into each other!).
You started off asking us to refrain from speculation (on Travis?) until the TV show comes out, then you post it's an open forum and all musing are welcome.
OK, what if this story was about, say, Christopher Columbus? Some of his actions were admirable, some far from it. The same as most people I assume, including Travis. Are we to not speculate on Christopher's history, even his motives, just because his nephews are still alive and they have a documentary upcoming explaining (in a completely unbiased family way. lol) what a brilliant and wonderful man Columbus really was?
I could go on, (unlike Frank, I tend to add needless embellishment. It's my hermit nature when a keyboard is in front of me. My apologies.), but I've already posted too much on the subject.

I certainly hope this is not your last post Old. Lord knows, we need your intellect here!
But in this one case, this one singular case, in my opinion you've lost your objectivity.

Now about that Jesuit connection with Travis and his discovery of a massive Catholic treasure trove... ;)

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There's the Old we all love. she's back!
Nice post, I don't agree with you, but you've presented your case very well as usual.

I think, and this is just my opinion, that you may have gotten too close to the 'family' (and maybe some others), and it's effected your objectivity.
I do not call Travis 'Uncle', and the TRUTH does not care who does.
I don't sweeten up Travis' actions from the 'family' sugar bowl, and the TRUTH does not care who does.
As markmar might say "Truth is blind!" Truth does not care who your friends and family are.

Your posts are kind of running in a circle (and I should be the only one doing that, or we'll all just end up running into each other!).
You started off asking us to refrain from speculation (on Travis?) until the TV show comes out, then you post it's an open forum and all musing are welcome.
OK, what if this story was about, say, Christopher Columbus? Some of his actions were admirable, some far from it. The same as most people I assume, including Travis. Are we to not speculate on Christopher's history, even his motives, just because his nephews are still alive and they have a documentary upcoming explaining (in a completely unbiased family way. lol) what a brilliant and wonderful man Columbus really was?
I could go on, (unlike Frank, I tend to add needless embellishment. It's my hermit nature when a keyboard is in front of me. My apologies.), but I've already posted too much on the subject.

I certainly hope this is not your last post Old. Lord knows, we need your intellect here!
But in this one case, this one singular case, in my opinion you've lost you objectivity.

Now about that Jesuit connection with Travis and his discovery of a massive Catholic treasure trove... ;)

Yes, that was interesting, wasn't it.

"to eventually come out on top by being one of the most successful treasure hunters.....and treasure locators....in the world."
"The family has kept their information secret since Travis' passing.....for a reason. This information is held in conjunction with the Catholic Church and The Society of Jesus, which is another relationship I cannot wait to tell you all about."

These little leaks DO sound a bit promotional, don't they ?

And then to have Linda follow it up with:

" Could you not wait another six/nine months to open discussion??"

.....cummon :laughing7:

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Scruples poking out again all over. Up to a certain level of players. Those above that level care nothing for doing right by those who do right by them.
Nothing new there. It's about the money, not the source.

No free advertising from a data mining site? Go elsewhere with the bonus of being able to edit and lock topics.
The marionette can even pull strings through it's strings being pulled.
Not exactly networking or free sourcing of information ,but then , that's not the goal is it?

Yes, that was interesting, wasn't it.

"to eventually come out on top by being one of the most successful treasure hunters.....and treasure locators....in the world."
"The family has kept their information secret since Travis' passing.....for a reason. This information is held in conjunction with the Catholic Church and The Society of Jesus, which is another relationship I cannot wait to tell you all about."

These little leaks DO sound a bit promotional, don't they ?

And then to have Linda follow it up with:

" Could you not wait another six/nine months to open discussion??"

.....cummon :laughing7:


Yesterday when I read the article, I could swear that it mentioned a working title.
Peralta/something, something, something.

Not there this morning. If edits are made on that site, is there a way to tell?



Yesterday when I read the article, I could swear that it mentioned a working title.
Peralta/something, something, something.

Not there this morning. If edits are made on that site, is there a way to tell?


The only way to tell, for me, is to save the post when I first see it.
I just had a look at what I saved late yesterday afternoon, and I don't see any working title in his post.
Other than that, there are archive sites that auto-save DUSA and T-Net stuff, but it might take a few days for it to show up.

... Now about that Jesuit connection with Travis and his discovery of a massive Catholic treasure trove... ;)

These allegations are certainly nothing new. I received the following personal email - freely given, no strings or restrictions attached - nearly twenty years ago from a person whom I will not identify, but was a member of an apparently ill-fated recovery project in the Gila-Salt region of Arizona at that time. I'm reproducing it solely to add more chatter to the chat. I don't vouch for, support or defend any of the email's specific contents based on my current opinions (always subject to change) vis a vis hidden riches in the Gila-Salt region, which are:

1) I do believe there is at least one substantial precious metals cache in the region, placed by parties as yet unidentified.
2) I do not believe that the cache was hidden by the Jesuits, although they may have had suspicions about its existence.
3) I do not believe the Jacob Waltz/Lost Dutchman rumors.
4) I do not support either Kenworthy's published materials or his allegations as repeated in the email.
5) I do not support the Peralta Stone legends.
6) I do have an interest in Pegleg Tumlinson.


Lost Property 101; Attorneys, government, state and federal, legal procedure
and documentation. The troves are located on State Trust Land and Federal
Lands. BLM Mining claims and State Exploration Permits only give you the
rights to minerals that occur naturally within the geological structure. You
must use the legal system to your advantage to insure your rights as an
Amierican citizen. There are many ways in which to skin a cat. There is a way
to accomplish the goals of this project, however, money is involved in every
aspect. Because of greed and control. What a pain.

The laws and regulations pertaining to items found, specifically artifacts,
lost property, etc. while operating under these above mentioned permits,
automatically become the property of the state. You lose it all. How does one
avoid this loss? First you hire an attorney who specializes in the field of
state government and document the fact that you are attempting to recover a
treasure trove or possibly lost property if the owner does in fact become

Secondly, you obtain an Arizona State Museum General Survey Permit from the
Az. State Museum along with the permitted archaeologist. The next order of
business is to determine the disposition of the trove. We met at the Arizona
State Museum with it's members and attorneys, the Attorney Generals Office,
the A.S.L.D. along with our legal council. As the laws and regs stand at this
point it will be turned over to the State Museum 100%. We have been granted
the right to put these artifacts into a museum of our choice and charge a fee
for people wishing to view the treasures. If the treasure is found to belong
to the church than the State will turn these items over to the church.

However, a Holding Company has been created by a third party which represents
the Church's interest. They will pay us the full value placed upon these
artifacts through an off-shore trust which has been set up by the Vatican's
attorneys in England.

There will be no taxes deducted from the monies we receive from the Church.
We are charged a 25% brokerage fee by utilizing the Holding Company's

The Church is aware of the fact that hidden treasures exist due to the
Church's involvement in the new world. The Church records, especially the
Jesuit Archives contain information that is not public knowledge. Only
certain individuals have access to this information. The two Cardinals
involved with our site know the truth. Even we do not know what they know.

They did not implement this off-shore trust for nothing.

Intent to possess is the key legal phrase used throughout this entire
projects operation. We have some of the best legal counsel that money can
buy. The laws on the books here in Arizona are not clearly defined. Watch
what happens. We are now operating under the jurisdiction of the State
Museum. When it is time to dig up this treasure we now fall under the
jurisdiction of the Arizona State Land Department.

They now become a proprietorship, they are in charge and control the Museum
and its directors. They will not allow the State Museum to take control of $4
billion plus dollars. The State Trust Lands were implemented by the Federal
Government to create monies to be used by the State of Arizona. This is the
law, two troves are located on State Trust Lands.

I hope that this has shed some light upon the situation we have at hand. We
are going to do everything in a legal manner as required by law. It is the
only way for us to go. There have been sight stewards assigned to keep an eye
on these properties, and we are also located next to a Wilderness Area. Let
me say this: The government has known for quite some time that a treasure
exists somewhere in Arizona. They have been waiting for someone to find it. I
received this info from an authority involved with the A.S.L.D. He will deny
this fact if I release any information regarding our discussion.

There is no new plan. All of our State Exploration Permits have been
withdrawn. No mining fronts allowed. If, in our search we do in fact find
evidence that supports mineralization, the State will then grant us the
proper mining permits. We must operate within the legal parameters of the law
or we will lose it all. As the old saying goes, "If you can't beat em, join
em". The State Museum and the A.S.L.D. are our allies. The war in the
courtroom about who gets what is imminent. It does not matter to us at this
time. The contract with the Church will benefit us quite well. And what about
the ancillary rights? You gotta love it, America the beautiful!

Chuck Kenworthy has personally visited the site and believes that a huge
number of Spaniards (about 2,500 or more) were involved with this site and
its construction. This is the grandaddy of treasure sights, and the home of
the Peralta Stone Maps.

… [N/A]


Yesterday when I read the article, I could swear that it mentioned a working title.
Peralta/something, something, something.

Not there this morning. If edits are made on that site, is there a way to tell?


Bills link in post 1456 showing enlarged disclosure agreement has the title.

Hal. Ryan and I were business partners when the info was shared. Ryan forgets I have all the texts that wend back and forth. At any rate I put all that behind me. He has anything he wants to say to my face I'll be at Dons camp at the end of the month.

Anything can happen between now and the release date Frank.
Even the impossible.

Anyway, on a side note, I had no idea just how wide spread the copper deposits are/were around Queen Creek. We have few around the Delaware Water Gap area in NJ on the Old Mine Road that some say date to the Dutch. Ore was transported to Albany then down the Hudson to Nieuw Amsterdam.


Bills link in post 1456 showing enlarged disclosure agreement has the title.

OK---didn't think to look back at the ND agreement.

"The Lost Treasure of the Superstition Mountains"

Sheeesh....wouldn't take much to come up with something way better than that.
Even as a working title.

Last edited:

I could support the last proposition " ... is the grandaddy of treasure sights, and the home of
the Peralta Stone Maps. "

These allegations are certainly nothing new. I received the following personal email - freely given, no strings or restrictions attached - nearly twenty years ago from a person whom I will not identify, but was a member of an apparently ill-fated recovery project in the Gila-Salt region of Arizona at that time. I'm reproducing it solely to add more chatter to the chat. I don't vouch for, support or defend any of the email's specific contents based on my current opinions (always subject to change) vis a vis hidden riches in the Gila-Salt region, which are:

1) I do believe there is at least one substantial precious metals cache in the region, placed by parties as yet unidentified.
2) I do not believe that the cache was hidden by the Jesuits, although they may have had suspicions about its existence.
3) I do not believe the Jacob Waltz/Lost Dutchman rumors.
4) I do not support either Kenworthy's published materials or his allegations as repeated in the email.
5) I do not support the Peralta Stone legends.
6) I do have an interest in Pegleg Tumlinson.


Lost Property 101; Attorneys, government, state and federal, legal procedure
and documentation. The troves are located on State Trust Land and Federal
Lands. BLM Mining claims and State Exploration Permits only give you the
rights to minerals that occur naturally within the geological structure. You
must use the legal system to your advantage to insure your rights as an
Amierican citizen. There are many ways in which to skin a cat. There is a way
to accomplish the goals of this project, however, money is involved in every
aspect. Because of greed and control. What a pain.

The laws and regulations pertaining to items found, specifically artifacts,
lost property, etc. while operating under these above mentioned permits,
automatically become the property of the state. You lose it all. How does one
avoid this loss? First you hire an attorney who specializes in the field of
state government and document the fact that you are attempting to recover a
treasure trove or possibly lost property if the owner does in fact become

Secondly, you obtain an Arizona State Museum General Survey Permit from the
Az. State Museum along with the permitted archaeologist. The next order of
business is to determine the disposition of the trove. We met at the Arizona
State Museum with it's members and attorneys, the Attorney Generals Office,
the A.S.L.D. along with our legal council. As the laws and regs stand at this
point it will be turned over to the State Museum 100%. We have been granted
the right to put these artifacts into a museum of our choice and charge a fee
for people wishing to view the treasures. If the treasure is found to belong
to the church than the State will turn these items over to the church.

However, a Holding Company has been created by a third party which represents
the Church's interest. They will pay us the full value placed upon these
artifacts through an off-shore trust which has been set up by the Vatican's
attorneys in England.

There will be no taxes deducted from the monies we receive from the Church.
We are charged a 25% brokerage fee by utilizing the Holding Company's

The Church is aware of the fact that hidden treasures exist due to the
Church's involvement in the new world. The Church records, especially the
Jesuit Archives contain information that is not public knowledge. Only
certain individuals have access to this information. The two Cardinals
involved with our site know the truth. Even we do not know what they know.

They did not implement this off-shore trust for nothing.

Intent to possess is the key legal phrase used throughout this entire
projects operation. We have some of the best legal counsel that money can
buy. The laws on the books here in Arizona are not clearly defined. Watch
what happens. We are now operating under the jurisdiction of the State
Museum. When it is time to dig up this treasure we now fall under the
jurisdiction of the Arizona State Land Department.

They now become a proprietorship, they are in charge and control the Museum
and its directors. They will not allow the State Museum to take control of $4
billion plus dollars. The State Trust Lands were implemented by the Federal
Government to create monies to be used by the State of Arizona. This is the
law, two troves are located on State Trust Lands.

I hope that this has shed some light upon the situation we have at hand. We
are going to do everything in a legal manner as required by law. It is the
only way for us to go. There have been sight stewards assigned to keep an eye
on these properties, and we are also located next to a Wilderness Area. Let
me say this: The government has known for quite some time that a treasure
exists somewhere in Arizona. They have been waiting for someone to find it. I
received this info from an authority involved with the A.S.L.D. He will deny
this fact if I release any information regarding our discussion.

There is no new plan. All of our State Exploration Permits have been
withdrawn. No mining fronts allowed. If, in our search we do in fact find
evidence that supports mineralization, the State will then grant us the
proper mining permits. We must operate within the legal parameters of the law
or we will lose it all. As the old saying goes, "If you can't beat em, join
em". The State Museum and the A.S.L.D. are our allies. The war in the
courtroom about who gets what is imminent. It does not matter to us at this
time. The contract with the Church will benefit us quite well. And what about
the ancillary rights? You gotta love it, America the beautiful!

Chuck Kenworthy has personally visited the site and believes that a huge
number of Spaniards (about 2,500 or more) were involved with this site and
its construction. This is the grandaddy of treasure sights, and the home of
the Peralta Stone Maps.

… [N/A]

sdcfia, in honor of Frank's usual brevity (or 'Frankness') I'll just say, WOW!

[Edit; No I am not confusing sdcfia with Frank's sgtfda.]

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I also tried to cooperate with Ryan......in the beginning. After a number of private conversations with Ryan, including one with a family member (Joe), I could not agree with everything Ryan was saying. I stayed calm throughout the conversation, but Ryan became offended and insulted that I would not accept his story as it was being told.

That was our last conversation and Ryan did not call me again. Frank Augustine is a friend and I would take his word over Ryan's, any day.

I wish Ryan well with his project, but believe I will never be a cheerleader.

Good luck,

Joe Ribaudo

These allegations are certainly nothing new. I received the following personal email - freely given, no strings or restrictions attached - nearly twenty years ago from a person whom I will not identify, but was a member of an apparently ill-fated recovery project in the Gila-Salt region of Arizona at that time. I'm reproducing it solely to add more chatter to the chat. I don't vouch for, support or defend any of the email's specific contents based on my current opinions (always subject to change) vis a vis hidden riches in the Gila-Salt region, which are:

1) I do believe there is at least one substantial precious metals cache in the region, placed by parties as yet unidentified.
2) I do not believe that the cache was hidden by the Jesuits, although they may have had suspicions about its existence.
3) I do not believe the Jacob Waltz/Lost Dutchman rumors.
4) I do not support either Kenworthy's published materials or his allegations as repeated in the email.
5) I do not support the Peralta Stone legends.
6) I do have an interest in Pegleg Tumlinson.


Lost Property 101; Attorneys, government, state and federal, legal procedure
and documentation. The troves are located on State Trust Land and Federal
Lands. BLM Mining claims and State Exploration Permits only give you the
rights to minerals that occur naturally within the geological structure. You
must use the legal system to your advantage to insure your rights as an
Amierican citizen. There are many ways in which to skin a cat. There is a way
to accomplish the goals of this project, however, money is involved in every
aspect. Because of greed and control. What a pain.

The laws and regulations pertaining to items found, specifically artifacts,
lost property, etc. while operating under these above mentioned permits,
automatically become the property of the state. You lose it all. How does one
avoid this loss? First you hire an attorney who specializes in the field of
state government and document the fact that you are attempting to recover a
treasure trove or possibly lost property if the owner does in fact become

Secondly, you obtain an Arizona State Museum General Survey Permit from the
Az. State Museum along with the permitted archaeologist. The next order of
business is to determine the disposition of the trove. We met at the Arizona
State Museum with it's members and attorneys, the Attorney Generals Office,
the A.S.L.D. along with our legal council. As the laws and regs stand at this
point it will be turned over to the State Museum 100%. We have been granted
the right to put these artifacts into a museum of our choice and charge a fee
for people wishing to view the treasures. If the treasure is found to belong
to the church than the State will turn these items over to the church.

However, a Holding Company has been created by a third party which represents
the Church's interest. They will pay us the full value placed upon these
artifacts through an off-shore trust which has been set up by the Vatican's
attorneys in England.

There will be no taxes deducted from the monies we receive from the Church.
We are charged a 25% brokerage fee by utilizing the Holding Company's

The Church is aware of the fact that hidden treasures exist due to the
Church's involvement in the new world. The Church records, especially the
Jesuit Archives contain information that is not public knowledge. Only
certain individuals have access to this information. The two Cardinals
involved with our site know the truth. Even we do not know what they know.

They did not implement this off-shore trust for nothing.

Intent to possess is the key legal phrase used throughout this entire
projects operation. We have some of the best legal counsel that money can
buy. The laws on the books here in Arizona are not clearly defined. Watch
what happens. We are now operating under the jurisdiction of the State
Museum. When it is time to dig up this treasure we now fall under the
jurisdiction of the Arizona State Land Department.

They now become a proprietorship, they are in charge and control the Museum
and its directors. They will not allow the State Museum to take control of $4
billion plus dollars. The State Trust Lands were implemented by the Federal
Government to create monies to be used by the State of Arizona. This is the
law, two troves are located on State Trust Lands.

I hope that this has shed some light upon the situation we have at hand. We
are going to do everything in a legal manner as required by law. It is the
only way for us to go. There have been sight stewards assigned to keep an eye
on these properties, and we are also located next to a Wilderness Area. Let
me say this: The government has known for quite some time that a treasure
exists somewhere in Arizona. They have been waiting for someone to find it. I
received this info from an authority involved with the A.S.L.D. He will deny
this fact if I release any information regarding our discussion.

There is no new plan. All of our State Exploration Permits have been
withdrawn. No mining fronts allowed. If, in our search we do in fact find
evidence that supports mineralization, the State will then grant us the
proper mining permits. We must operate within the legal parameters of the law
or we will lose it all. As the old saying goes, "If you can't beat em, join
em". The State Museum and the A.S.L.D. are our allies. The war in the
courtroom about who gets what is imminent. It does not matter to us at this
time. The contract with the Church will benefit us quite well. And what about
the ancillary rights? You gotta love it, America the beautiful!

Chuck Kenworthy has personally visited the site and believes that a huge
number of Spaniards (about 2,500 or more) were involved with this site and
its construction. This is the grandaddy of treasure sights, and the home of
the Peralta Stone Maps.

… [N/A]

Interesting stuff sdc.
But nothing more for what, 19 years ?
Afraid it sounds like another grandios claim like those of others who claim all the legal steps have been taken to establish ownership, and that "stewards" have the site under 24/7 surveillance.....so don't even think about. Usually these guys disappear after waiting in vain for the accolades they hoped for.

Gotta agree with your list, except the LDM conclusion.
I also am beginning to sense that the prize is not a Jesuit cache, let alone of Jesuit origin. That it dates to a time before the Jesuit Order was established. Perhaps even two frames of time.
But that doesn't mean that they weren't involved in the search for it, and it's even possible that one of their people, with the aid of a "map" and native guides, DID find it, leaving certain identifiers of his own behind...as well as recording it's location for exploitation at a later date. I think it's also possible that one of Pegleg's papers contained part of this record.

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Interesting stuff sdc.
But nothing more for what, 19 years ?
Afraid it sounds like another grandios claim like those of others who claim all the legal steps have been taken to establish ownership, and that "stewards" have the site under 24/7 surveillance.....so don't even think about. Usually these guys disappear after waiting in vain for the accolades they hoped for.

Gotta agree with your list, except the LDM conclusion.
I also am beginning to sense that the prize is not a Jesuit cache, let alone of Jesuit origin. That it dates to a time before the Jesuit Order was established. Perhaps even two frames of time.
But that doesn't mean that they weren't involved in the search for it, and it's even possible that one of their people, with the aid of a "map" and native guides, DID find it, leaving certain identifiers of his own behind...as well as recording it's location for exploitation at a later date. I think it's also possible that one of Pegleg's papers contained part of this record.

Looks like we're pretty much on the same page regarding this cache, if it exists. There was more from this correspondent, who has posted on TNet and as far as I know, is still active on the project he described in the email. It's not in my primary sphere of interest, so for me the allegations were a distant peculiarity, and plagued by some red flags from my perspective. That said, I do feel that if this cache is genuine, it is likely linked to certain other SW caches - possibly from similar origins, whatever those might be.

If a windrose, with a fat cross in the center, aligned to the cardinal directions, is one of their symbols.....similar to a "medicine wheel"....is one of their signs.
This group might be one and the same.

If a windrose, with a fat cross in the center, aligned to the cardinal directions, is one of their symbols.....similar to a "medicine wheel"....is one of their signs.
This group might be one and the same.

Hmmm ... sounds interesting. Got a picture or sketch of something like that?

R cross.webp

Similar to Jesuit/Catholic, but I don't think it's theirs.
No circle....just the cross and the multiple radials...and the red oblong boulder.

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