Legend of the Stone Maps

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There are many false engravings back in those mountains.

Found a rather ornate DG77 chipped into a rock face above a spring, a ways off a trail out there (your friend Dan G. ?), two different crosses in different places, and a bunch of stuff carved in saguaros over the past 20 years.
Not to mention a ton of natural looking or crudely scratched hearts,crosses,X's,arrows etc. ......so you are absolutely correct.

edit: and a black hand print, a great big medicine wheel, and a "Jesuit Cross" in the back of "Bat Cave".....but I only saw those on a TV show.

edit to edit: Can hardly wait to see what Travis "found" out there. Hope this show is worth all this hoopla.

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The stone Cross map is related only to the stone Latin heart map/place . The " R " from the stone trail map is in a different place than that from the stone Cross map .
Also , the stone trail heart lie in a different place than the Latin heart . Is a difficult puzzle indeed .

I think the "R" on the Tumlinson Trail Stone is wherever Travis's imagination told him to put it, Marius. Same goes for everything else on them IMO.
Those two stones are useless, and I wouldn't say anything I found out there had anything to do with Travis or his rock art....other than the H/P stone being what got me interested in exploring the area I'm still studying, as well as another place nearby. But since I'm now working with a totally different and far more interesting/challenging map, in conjunction with the SC's and the CP drawing, I'm more inclined to consider those the real maps by which a cache may be found. Travis had nothing to do with these maps, which makes them far more credible for my purposes going forward.

As I said,I trust your judgement, we may differ i the conclusions but -----------:coffee2::coffee2:

please Note *

just to be sure all Got the Memo.

A post with a copy of a Contract, And posts Quoting that Post & Contract
have been removed on Request.

Please do not re-post personal contracts on TreasureNet .

Thank Ya Much

jeff of pa,

You censor a members post and offer no explanation other than "removed on Request"?
Please post the specific rule that was violated.

Hal Croves

Likely a threat of legal action, which undoubtedly cost someone another payment for his lawyer's BMW.
Unsigned, it's of no use anyway......but no website wants to have to deal with that kind of cr-p.

I can say if someone were to shove something like that across a table for me to sign, after helping him/them to the degree that Frank has, they would either:

(A)---be running for a fire extinguisher toot suite---or

(B)---be praying for someone who knew the heimlich maneuver

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Likely a threat of legal action, which undoubtedly cost someone another payment for his lawyer's BMW.
Unsigned, it's of no use anyway......but no website wants to have to deal with that kind of cr-p.

I can say if someone were to shove something like that across a table for me to sign, after helping him/them to the degree that Frank has, they would either:

(A)---be running for a fire extinguisher toot suite---or

(B)---be praying for someone who knew the heimlich maneuver
TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website Rules

Although the administrators and moderators of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

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The owners of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason.

My question has absolutely nothing to do with Frank or those he may have helped.

The post in question violates NONE of what is described in red unless there is another, unmentioned NDA that was signed prior to the one that was posted. That is doubtful based on what has been shared.

And, if no law was broken, if a post is neither obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, or threatening, then the only possible explanation would be a conscious decision by jeff of pa to censor.

Which, according to TNet rules, is perfectly acceptable. ANY REASON is perfectly clear.

However, censoring ANY TNet member, without the courtesy of an intelligent, well written explanation, is simply disrespectful.

Unless Frank made that request himself or, until a proper explanation is given, I can no longer contribute.


Here is one rule.....

"You may not.... Post, upload, email or transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of any party, unless You are the owner of the Rights or have the permission of the owner to post such content."

Here are some more of our rules....

"We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason."

"We make no guarantees as to the lifespan of a post or thread, or attachment. We reserve the right to delete any post at any time for any reason."

"Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public."

Feel free to continue your boycott on posting....

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________


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TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website Rules

Although the administrators and moderators of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this site, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website, nor vBulletin Solutions, Inc. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of TreasureNet - The Original Treasure Hunting Website reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any content item for any reason.

My question has absolutely nothing to do with Frank or those he may have helped.

The post in question violates NONE of what is described in red unless there is another, unmentioned NDA that was signed prior to the one that was posted. That is doubtful based on what has been shared.

And, if no law was broken, if a post is neither obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, or threatening, then the only possible explanation would be a conscious decision by jeff of pa to censor.

Which, according to TNet rules, is perfectly acceptable. ANY REASON is perfectly clear.

However, censoring ANY TNet member, without the courtesy of an intelligent, well written explanation, is simply disrespectful.

Unless Frank made that request himself or, until a proper explanation is given, I can no longer contribute.

being as it is their website they can censor or ban anything they want...i've been banned for much less before....lol

Hal, here are some of our rules....

"We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason."

"We make no guarantees as to the lifespan of a post or thread, or attachment. We reserve the right to delete any post at any time for any reason."

"Users may disagree with the decisions or actions of the moderators and/or administrators, however, disagreements, criticism and the like are not to be aired within the forums. Please feel free to PM the person directly rather than air your dirty laundry in public."

Feel free to continue your boycott on posting....

_________________________Tapatalk Signature_________________________



So, essentially you feel no obligation to TNet member to explain that decision?

Hal, if you have issue with moderation handle it through pm as per our rules..

No, no obligation. It was deleted per our rules.........

And again.....

"You may not.... Post, upload, email or transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of any party, unless You are the owner of the Rights or have the permission of the owner to post such content."

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk

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Hal, if you have issue with moderation handle it through pm as per our rules..

No, no obligation. It was deleted per our rules.........

And again.....

"You may not.... Post, upload, email or transmit or otherwise make available any Content that infringes any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of any party, unless You are the owner of the Rights or have the permission of the owner to post such content."

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk


"No, no obligation" is all that I needed to read.
Thank you.

I do want to add, for the sake of clarity, that an NDA, the contract itself (unless otherwise stated and agreed to), is NOT the same thing as the proprietary information that it works to protect.

Ok, I will leave it here.

Hal. Blank NDAs are meaningless and all over the Internet. My field of expertise is contracts. Let this one go. It has nothing to with the discussion here and the silent majority stands with Sarge. Your contribution is invaluable to the history being chronicled on this site.

Jeff of Pa did inform me before hand the post would be removed. I have no issues on that removal. It was posted in the heat of the moment after reading the post on the other site. Apparently a post previously upset my friends in Texas. I did not anticipate that. I would do nothing to harm them or their project. I wish them well and as per their wishes will no post again on that subject. After all I was treated very well as their guest. In all fairness Ryan should remove his post. It should be noted I have not shared material including the book or photos. So to my other friends interested in that subject don't ask. That's Ryan's decision.

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Jeff of Pa did inform me before hand the post would be removed. I have no issues on that removal. It was posted in the heat of the moment after reading the post on the other site. Apparently a post previously upset my friends in Texas. I did not anticipate that. I would do nothing to harm them or their project. I wish them well and as per their wishes will no post again on that subject. After all I was treated very well as their guest. In all fairness Ryan should remove his post. It should be noted I have not shared material including the book or photos. So to my other friends interested in that subject don't ask. That's Ryan's decision.

Frank, as far as I know you are also a moderator on the other site, so I think you can remove it without too much trouble, or have Jim delete it.

Interesting to know that "friends from Texas" are monitoring this site as I previously suspected they were.

Hi there! :hello:

Jeff of Pa did inform me before hand the post would be removed. I have no issues on that removal. It was posted in the heat of the moment after reading the post on the other site. Apparently a post previously upset my friends in Texas. I did not anticipate that. I would do nothing to harm them or their project. I wish them well and as per their wishes will no post again on that subject. After all I was treated very well as their guest. In all fairness Ryan should remove his post. It should be noted I have not shared material including the book or photos. So to my other friends interested in that subject don't ask. That's Ryan's decision.

That's why I've never asked. Even as to the locations of your claim(s?) or stone heart used in the other show. In fact, I didn't know of your work on the other show until the first preview was posted. I have always assumed promises of confidentiality were made by yourself and the others, and didn't see any reason to be upset about it. Same with this show.....you haven't offered anything privately, nor have I asked, and I'm fine with that as well.


ps: wouldn't mind hearing about how Resolution obtained the rights to your claim though.
so long as you're free to talk about that

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Still....In RG's post on the other site, I was surprised that he included so much food worthy of further discussion, which seems at odds with the attempts to stifle debate by Linda and others.
Of two "announcements" I've quoted previously, the one about a Catholic Church/Jesuit connection to all of this, and that the "Church" is now involved in the review of Tumlinson Family materials, held in secrecy "since Travis' passing". That RG is "exited" to be able to tell us this, suggests a greater interest in Travis and his maps than we have been led to believe by others.

Hal. Blank NDAs are meaningless and all over the Internet. My field of expertise is contracts. Let this one go. It has nothing to with the discussion here and the silent majority stands with Sarge. Your contribution is invaluable to the history being chronicled on this site.

Thought this statement deserved to be emphasized!
Amazing contributions!

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