Don't warp this into something it isn't and don't pretend several posters haven't made pointed and disparaging remarks LONG before todays interactions. Most, if not all of them, based on false or misleading information. All of which were ignored and unchallenged for the benefit of free and open dialog. Those arrow were sent, delivered and suffered in silence for the good of the whole, including you.
Its an open forum and your thoughts, viewpoint, your study, even your musings, are not only welcomed by me and I believe all others, they are the very purpose of this forum. I may agree or disagree with you, write counter or supporting post. This isn't about that. But I think you know that.
Several of you wouldn't want me sharing your private messages and phone conversations on things you hold dear. Especially on a public forum. I don't and I won't----ever. That's my solemn duty whether you are my friend today or my worst enemy tomorrow. Its a matter of trust. Leaving totally aside any legalities, holding that that has been provided in trust carries a sacred bond of honor. It doesn't matter whether I think it trivial or unimportant. Its the solemn bond, my word, that I gave as a prerequisite to receiving it that matters.
This affects dozens of people on a very personal level. You (generalize you) think nothing of trashing people's relatives, livelihood, personal and professional integrity, on a mistaken turn of a phrase taken totally out of context. People that aren't even here to defend themselves. For what? A good day on the forum? Congratulations you get post of the day. At what costs? Who's integrity should be squandered that easily for so little? It hurts me deeply to see the people I know as friends broken asunder so unnecessarily. Could you not wait another six/nine months to open discussion??
It affects you the reader as well. Its especially damaging and counter-productive to release that information out of context, or extremely abbreviated, without the circumstances surrounding it that has the very real possibility of changing the entire meaning, viability, or context of the released tid-bit. That's called spin. It does nothing to further the search/truth and has the very real possibility of damaging anyone it touches. AS THIS HAS DONE.
This is my final post on the subject. Maybe forever.