From Cactusjumper: Most of the people still working with the Stone Maps, I assume, have already found their hearts, in fact dozens of them have been found. For me, the question is where is the rest of the map in relation to their heart, as it is laid out on the Stone Maps.
If they are indeed maps, it should be obvious where the other markings are. Running lines from various points on the Stone Maps and seeing where they cross through other landmarks, and then doing the same thing on a topographic should prove out your theory. They either match, or they don't.
So far, the only one who has ever done that with any degree of accuracy, is me. Everyone else has to move the markings around, usually to a large extent.
Response: Most knowledgeable interested parties on this subject 'LDM' have spent considerable hours on the 'Peralta Stone's'. I have devoted some time on them as well, but never with any solid conclusions. This (Thread) has been a Progressive learning process. My feelings, are just feelings. I did not know if the Peralta Stone's were authentic until this posting. The relationship of Map #10's info (Map #60, a given) and finally connecting (my Theory) the Dots, do I Now believe that the 'Peralta Stones' are Real, my conclusions:
The deep line running across the bottom of the Heart Stone (mother rock) is the Salt. The Dagger (detailed, military like) is the road leading up towards the Ft Mc Dowell area. Knife part/arrow (upper guard, guardia urbano) look/start from the 4 Peaks below #1. The curved line leading from upside down (1) heads into the very center of the (Heart, symbol within symbol) below 4 Peaks, crack hiding 2nd peak, last peak extends outside heart. This is the same curved line as in Map #10 near 4 Peaks. Does the curved line mean (sound familiar) turn around 180 deg.'s 4 Peaks and look w s/w, to what the Heart Stone itself shows ? Bulls eye (small picacho, right end of trail string), "Turn around 180 deg.'s from 4 Peaks look w s/w for (small picacho, finger of God, Bulls eye, all in one, or just start here) followed by Oro symbol, 3 Red Hills (Red Mountain). The line leading away from the Bulls eye, a time table (a measurement) from 4 Peaks on horseback. Red Mountain is @ 23 miles from 4 Peaks. On horseback at @ 5 mph which I would think is a military caravan's speed, would take about 4 hours to get to other end (X), 3 Red Hills (Red Mountain). The 4 spaces between the dots on the line leading away from the Bulls eye would measure exactly that, to where the (X) is, foot of Red Mountain. As well as that line gives reference to starting well up the ridge line, below 1st of 4 Peaks.
If I placed wooden pegs into the solitary holes and attached a string connecting them, I get two out comes: 1) a dagger: connecting all pegs (reference to the Great Yavapai/Apache ?), 2) a cross: with the center of the upright from the cross, the center of the Heart Stone itself (1st. Catholic connection reason for being there, 2nd. center of all meaning, womb of Christianity).
The hole with the edge as if it was cut with a knife, pointing back to the (X) same as from the trail in center of Map #10, as coming in from the West.
With this explanation of the 'Heart Stone', two realities have surfaced: 1) Guardia Urbano, the 4 Peaks stand together, not in line behind each other. 2) Peak #1 is the closest to the Superstitions.
Definitively: If the curved arrow within the Heart Stone itself, is pointing at the 1st ridge below the 4 Peaks (#1, knife ref.) the angle from the ridge to Red Mountain is the same as the satellite image.
Lastly, this 'Heart' within Red Mountain is 475-500 ft high, and only under ideal conditions (shadows cast), time of day, year, can the whole Heart be seen......J