K.G.C. member here to share some history and treasure hunting tips!

Missouri KGC: the capitol of Missouri during the War of Northern Aggression was located in Marshall, Texas. In fact the location where it was is now a doctor's office. Not only a doctor but the one I go to. BTW he is a colored doctor and one of the best in my opinion in the area. He keeps me health and has a really busy practice.
Marshall, Texas, Capital of Missouri.
Here is a better article on the subject. https://www.jstor.org/stable/30236239?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents

Here is a picture of the building housing the state's government in exile in Marshall Civil War Capitol of the State of Missouri in Marshall, Texas :: Missouri State Archives - Photo Collections

All interesting stuff if one cares to get in to the history of this area. Capitols, confederate headquarters, powder mills, post offices, and railroads. More history than I can wrap my head around. I find new things all the time. Now throw in the fact that the Grand Commander of the KGC was living in Marshall in 1859-1860. Now you see why I get excited about all this.

Finish my coffee and off to bed.

Senior Deacon

No. We do not claim ownership of the old KGC treasures that we have not found.

The government says that pretty much everyone is a "potential domestic terrorist". If you look at a list of every type of person described as a "potential domestic terrorist" or "potential terror threat" in government documents since 9/11, it covers pretty much everyone who isn't a nonreligious moderate democrat.
"Non-religious moderate Democrat"...? JEEPERS! Religion AND Politics!

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"Non-religious moderate Democrat"...? JEEPERS! Religion AND Politics!

I didn't say anything bad about being non-religious or a democrat, and the post was not meant to attack any political leaning or religion, I was merely pointing out that non-religious moderate Democrats are practically the only people not considered domestic terrorists, when you combine lists by various government agencies. The far right, the middle right, the far left, and most centrists are considered possible domestic terrorists or threats, as is anyone who is a practicing Christian/Muslim/Jew. Look up a list of types of people considered "potential domestic terror threats" in official US government documents.

Capt. MO. KGC
In my following threads and various replies regarding the KGC, it appears that castles may exist in numerous locations/states. Would you know anything regarding any current Texas Castles and particularly north or central Texas? Thanks for your sharing information!

2b I very much doubt that there are any castles in Texas. 1st. I believe that I would have been contacted because of my activity here. 2nd. There are still a very active old time KKK that are active in deep east Texas that I am aware of. There was a big meeting about six or seven years ago at a secluded farm of the KKK. A sheriff's deputy found his way to my place and ask if we knew anything about it. Not until you ask us was my reply tell me more. They were monitoring it 24 hours a day to see that it didn't get out of hand. Drove past and they were drinking beer and cooking B-B-Que. Around the corner was a sheriff's car. Didn't hear whether they did anything other than that.

Personally I don't want to get involved in anything other than this. Old men don't make good warriors just great cannon fodder.

Senior Deacon


Personally I don't want to get involved in anything other than this. Old men don't make good warriors just great cannon fodder.

Senior Deacon


noun: sage; plural noun: sages
a profoundly wise man, especially one who features in ancient history or legend.
synonyms: wise man/woman, learned person, philosopher, thinker, scholar, savant;

I believe you fit this description S.D., cannon fodder? NAAAHHHH!:thumbsup:

L.C. you young bucks will join our ranks one day. Never grow old there is no future in it.!!!!
The Senior Deacon's attempt at being funny.

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Capt. MO. KGC
In my following threads and various replies regarding the KGC, it appears that castles may exist in numerous locations/states. Would you know anything regarding any current Texas Castles and particularly north or central Texas? Thanks for your sharing information!

Can't give specifics, but yes there are castles in Texas. Don't go looking for them. The K.G.C. will not recruit those who seek recruitment, this is to prevent infiltration.

2b I very much doubt that there are any castles in Texas. 1st. I believe that I would have been contacted because of my activity here. 2nd. There are still a very active old time KKK that are active in deep east Texas that I am aware of. There was a big meeting about six or seven years ago at a secluded farm of the KKK. A sheriff's deputy found his way to my place and ask if we knew anything about it. Not until you ask us was my reply tell me more. They were monitoring it 24 hours a day to see that it didn't get out of hand. Drove past and they were drinking beer and cooking B-B-Que. Around the corner was a sheriff's car. Didn't hear whether they did anything other than that.

Personally I don't want to get involved in anything other than this. Old men don't make good warriors just great cannon fodder.

Senior Deacon

You would not be contacted by the K.G.C. unless you are identified as a potential recruit (or have family connections), in which case you would not know if it was the K.G.C. that contacted you until they decided to invite you into the organization. Typically, my recruiter will take a few weeks to get to know someone in person before deciding if they are trustworthy and fit to be a member. I started out as a recruiter, invited close friends and relatives who were "neo-Confederate" or Tea Party types, and after that I started getting to know people who were involved in right-wing groups or political activities and determined if they were fit to be Knights.

And yeah, pretty much all the KKK does is drink beer and cook BBQ :santasmile: . Never understood the modern organization(s), they just yell about hating people for no reason. Forrest would not approve.

2b I very much doubt that there are any castles in Texas. 1st. I believe that I would have been contacted because of my activity here. 2nd. There are still a very active old time KKK that are active in deep east Texas that I am aware of. There was a big meeting about six or seven years ago at a secluded farm of the KKK. A sheriff's deputy found his way to my place and ask if we knew anything about it. Not until you ask us was my reply tell me more. They were monitoring it 24 hours a day to see that it didn't get out of hand. Drove past and they were drinking beer and cooking B-B-Que. Around the corner was a sheriff's car. Didn't hear whether they did anything other than that.

Personally I don't want to get involved in anything other than this. Old men don't make good warriors just great cannon fodder.

Senior Deacon
Not disagreeing with L.C. BUT, I think you have it pretty close on the fodder. My wife calls me her OLD GOAT-- That's another cool number for the old geezers. I be's 83, but still movin', a little at a time.:coffee2::coffee2:


noun: sage; plural noun: sages
a profoundly wise man, especially one who features in ancient history or legend.
synonyms: wise man/woman, learned person, philosopher, thinker, scholar, savant;

I believe you fit this description S.D., cannon fodder? NAAAHHHH!:thumbsup:[/QUOTE Amigo,:coffee2: Some don't want to be discovered ,and some should not be discovered,silence is golden and should not be broken, some should seek their own truths first, In God We Trust:hello:NP:cat:

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Not disagreeing with L.C. BUT, I think you have it pretty close on the fodder. My wife calls me her OLD GOAT-- That's another cool number for the old geezers. I be's 83, but still movin', a little at a time.:coffee2::coffee2:
HA! Have you ridden the GOAT...?

I rode the goat yes butt (that's a pun) my grandpa raise sheep. He had one old ram that would send you flying if you turned your back on him. He got my uncle one to many times and my uncle gave him a whack on the head with a a 2X4. The ram went down it didn't kill him but he never went after any one again.

Rebel must admit that I almost forgot that was the story of what the lodge initiation was call. Believe that story got started after the anti-Masonic movement in the early 1800's.

Senior Deacon

Not disagreeing with L.C. BUT, I think you have it pretty close on the fodder. My wife calls me her OLD GOAT-- That's another cool number for the old geezers. I be's 83, but still movin', a little at a time.:coffee2::coffee2:

Those that have read my book and have stayed with what I have released about this trail will remember that "SAGE" was written on the first lead map piece found at the turtle on Julius.S.Morton's K.G.C./O.A.K. monument. He was known as the "Sage of Arbor Lodge." Morton was a true K.G.C. Sage and that code word was used three times so far on this trail. On the map piece it broke down into two separate meanings and uses, the Spanish terms per letter "Superior trail to the Gold is East" and the alphabetical numeric total of 32. Notice the direction of that turtles tail and the fact that he has all four feet out and he is looking down at the ground where the map piece was found buried less than a foot deep. turtle.webp

Can or would you confirm there being castles in the following counties by my timelines? This is part of my ongoing genealogy.
1849- Rives (extinct) Henry CO. MO
1850-57 Navarro CO (Mercer Colony) TX
1858-1866 Parker CO TX
1866-1884 Wilson CO TX

I can confirm three more counties in Texas that had castles from 1857-1862 at least. Bexar, Marion, and Harrison. Harrison most likely had a castle until some time after the war. This most likely morphed in to O.A.K. and we know that some sort of southern rights group was active up into 1880. This is from my personal notes taken from several different newspapers in the Marshall public library archives. Bexar county there is evidence on this board of it.

In as much as General Greer was grand commander of the KGC. I think that most likely that the castle in Marshall had all three degrees. It is likely also in Marion county had already least two degrees but most likely not the third. Most of the big land owners were members and contributed liberally. Harrison being the larger county back in those days 1850's it was larger than it is today. Gregg county was made from both Smith and Harrison county after the war. Longview in Gregg county grew larger than Marshall because of the oil boom in the early part of the last century. Today a fourth of Longview is in Harrison county. The big plantations were in Harrison county there were a few in Marion county. Marion county had the big transportation center. The cotton brokers and big cotton gins and warehouses were located in Marion county.

I will have to admit that I have not explored or researched the activities of the KGC in Caddo Parish Louisiana. There were several large plantations there and was also a important port on the Red River. At the time I am interested in Marshall was the headquarters of the trans-Mississippi Confederacy. At the end of the war there was a plan to move the confederate capital to Marshall. The situation deteriorated before the move could be made. There is even a treasure tale surrounding this move. Hope this will help you out.

Senior Deacon

No. We do not claim ownership of the old KGC treasures that we have not found.

The government says that pretty much everyone is a "potential domestic terrorist". If you look at a list of every type of person described as a "potential domestic terrorist" or "potential terror threat" in government documents since 9/11, it covers pretty much everyone who isn't a nonreligious moderate democrat.

MissouriKGC are you actively searching for the hidden caches or do you know where they're at and posting sentinels? also I again ask what area of S/W MO are you in ? Joplin, Cassville, Springfield/Branson or possibly farther east in Ava/Gainsville area, just curious if I need to watch my back a little more closely where I'm searching

MissouriKGC are you actively searching for the hidden caches or do you know where they're at and posting sentinels? also I again ask what area of S/W MO are you in ? Joplin, Cassville, Springfield/Branson or possibly farther east in Ava/Gainsville area, just curious if I need to watch my back a little more closely where I'm searching
Might wanna carry an AW with a license, too... AR-15 is good.

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