K.G.C. Treasure: Baltimores "Rinky-Dinky-Doos," & Their Treasure Find from 1934

Thanks Jeff for a great series of clippings; what each describes is interesting - and together they are a horror.
as we are all setback observers, our 20/20 hindsight lets us dissect and ascribe the errors

most amazing to me is that the courts repeatedly found for the finders, still hard to believe
that the physical payout was delayed again and again, normal
the boys were initially induced to be "honest", the first sucker play
- and guess what? the boys learned, and the second was kept quiet -> does this act then make the boys "dishonest"?
(I could go on but "honesty"is a philosophical quagmire.)

good posts Jeff

and Jeff, we still have not heard from the true believers who will describe the multiple connections to the Confederates, the Lost Tribes of Israel, or to poor old Ness.

and Jeff, we still have not heard from the true believers who will describe the multiple connections to the Confederates, the Lost Tribes of Israel, or to poor old Ness.

Since the one article says the K.G.C. connection has been Documented I Tend to Believe that part.

As for the second Cache, I'm 50/50 on that. and Wonder if they Initially
feared they would loose it all at the police Station, So they Hid a Nest egg.
Just in Case. & If not for it being Stolen, with some Cash, May have kept it for a Rainy Day.

Human Nature Tells me, Even though They Said they took it all out the Hole,
No Police, Detectives, Home Owners, Or Treasure Hunters at Heart,
Dove into that Hole as soon as word got Out ?

I Think the Second Treasure was just a Cut of the First :laughing7:
that would have been Smarter then
the police ignoring the hole after it was reported:coffee2:

it doesn't say, Or I Missed Something Though.
but they must have gotten the Stolen Gold Back from the Thief ?
in order to have won that case ?

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Either way hopefully someone was smart enough to
dig at least a Foot Down on the Entire Basement Floor
Before This was Built



1864 Spandower


1872 Conway Residence

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an Understatement : "Valuable & Desirable " :thumbsup:


All Pics should now be Viewable.

Must be adding too Many :(


Interesting indeed. A little gem of story it was one I never heard of before Jeff posted that interesting article and I know a hell of a lot of treasure stories.





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Hey Jeff, Many thanks for posting these articles !
I had never heard of this discovery, nor did I have any knowledge of the KGC, or really much interest in it to be honest, but now I do. This whole story has intrigued me on many levels. If I am not mistaken my friends and I dug several privy pits back in the 1990's and early 2000's on the lots now covered by the building covering the current 132 S. Eden Street. Over the last several years I have been researching my family ancestry, and I have discovered many ancestral connections living on and around Eden St. prior to the Civil War. I sure wish I had known that back when I was digging privies, as I would have targeted certain addresses. Some of these folks I have been researching in depth were heavily involved in the local political crime scene, with one prime suspect coming to a violent death in 1857 (maybe not coincidentally the latest date on the coinage found in the hoard!). The 132 S. Eden Street address would have probably changed several times before the street numbering system in Baltimore was standardized in 1887. I am now going to have to purchased the books referenced in this thread, and double check the authors researching of previous property owners etc., and to see if I recognize any of the other folks in town that the authors suspect were involved with the KGC and this stash. I hope to be able to update this thread with some interesting tidbits after doing some more snooping around.

Thanks ! Please Feel Free to add all you Want .
I'm trying to Keep my Eye out for additional Info to add also :coffee2:

It is an interesting story on many levels.


Appreciate that last article, I've been scratching my head back here trying to figure out what about this story would lead one to associate it with the KGC. Fascinating bit of detective work here....

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