So, if the Bonaparte's couldn't set foot back in France, then how is it possible that they were allowed to return home in Corsica, which was a French held possession?
Why was there a fund raiser held for this same region in the Bedford/Lynchburg area prior to these folks returning to Corsica? How were these proceeds handled, who handled them?
"1832" - the end of the 10-year term. Why 1832? When did these people start returning to Corsica?
Louis Phillippe is supposedly doing all he can to prevent the Bonapartes/Bonapartist from reestablishing themselves in France, yet in 1832 they end up in Corsica, a French possession and their homeland seed, Lallemand even becomes the Governor of Corsica.
Follow these people during their time in the US, their activities, establish all the relationships - even those prior to their coming to the US, and then investigate all the events that lead up to their return to Corsica = and this is, without a doubt, your Beale Pamphlet source.
PS: And who falls into power after Louis Phillippe? And who is back in Richmond looking for property in the Bedford/Lynchburg region in 1862? Both of these names end with, "Bonaparte".
Algernon Sydney Buford, Napoleon Bonaparte Buford, Buford's Tavern,......and so on and so on.
The Sherman family was tied in with this bunch too, as was Beale Sr. - he even knew the Laffites from his time in New Orleans. And there is missing money, big money that came from west to east during the exact period in question. All of it within the same period as described the Beale Pamphlet.
"That most sacred of all documents"...the DOI.