So, if the Bonaparte's couldn't set foot back in France, then how is it possible that they were allowed to return home in Corsica, which was a French held possession?
Why was there a fund raiser held for this same region in the Bedford/Lynchburg area prior to these folks returning to Corsica? How were these proceeds handled, who handled them?
"1832" - the end of the 10-year term. Why 1832? When did these people start returning to Corsica?
Louis Phillippe is supposedly doing all he can to prevent the Bonapartes/Bonapartist from reestablishing themselves in France, yet in 1832 they end up in Corsica, a French possession and their homeland seed, Lallemand even becomes the Governor of Corsica.
Follow these people during their time in the US, their activities, establish all the relationships - even those prior to their coming to the US, and then investigate all the events that lead up to their return to Corsica = and this is, without a doubt, your Beale Pamphlet source...