John Sherman + "Mr. Sherman" = Bedford = Vine & Olive Colony = Galveston

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There are a lot of details, documents, records, etc., that have to be presented in order to clearly establish everything. "No. The letters are bogus but with reason, to hide the true source, so no mine or buffalo hunt, etc." But just about everything else in the narration is true, the presented unsolved ciphers having been altered from their original form. I know, sounds too fishy, but I assure that the true nature of the story was not with the purpose of telling fiction.
So have you established the identity of the "unknown author" and why he "contacted" James Beverly Ward to act as "agent" of copyright?

Keep something in mind, Franklin, in 1885, the only people who stood any chance at all of making the proposed connections would have been those people who already possessed the knowledge to make those connections. That publication, as you will soon see, was clearly, "a targeted publication." Just as I have suggested for quite some time now. So undeniable is the information that I'm preparing to present "somewhere" that even ECS will find great struggles in trying to negate those details.
Well, Bigscoop, if this is the "smoking gun", lets hope its not loaded with blanks.

I have watched wild animals and pets both act like people on these forums. They each grab a piece of meat then run off into their own corner to see what that have got to eat. Sure is a shame no one will share any proof. I myself do not want any of this suggestive thoughts, you know could have would have should have been this way or should have been that way. I want proof or just keep it to yourself and place it on your own blogsite or youtube.

I have been reading these threads, but I only see two major things that seem to be what most of them discuss. One is that the papers are fiction and two that there is no TJB? Does this seem to be correct? I

I have been reading these threads, but I only see two major things that seem to be what most of them discuss. One is that the papers are fiction and two that there is no TJB? Does this seem to be correct? I

There is a third those that back up claims of others saying they are the only one that have solved the Beale Ciphers yet no proof. I have heard the wind blow before and it all is the same you can not see it but you know it is there somewhere?

There are a lot of details, documents, records, etc., that have to be presented in order to clearly establish everything. "No. The letters are bogus but with reason, to hide the true source, so no mine or buffalo hunt, etc." But just about everything else in the narration is true, the presented unsolved ciphers having been altered from their original form. I know, sounds too fishy, but I assure that the true nature of the story was not with the purpose of telling fiction.
If you say so...

" The letters are bogus but with reason, to hide the true source, so no mine or buffalo hunt, etc." ...
The Title page of the Beale Papers makes the claim of "authentic statements", and the entire Beale story is based on these alleged letters- so if the letters are "bogus", no matter the "reason" or to hide a "true source", the story contained in this job pamphlet, is fiction, and the work is nothing more than an adventure/treasure dime novel with play along ciphers.
Therefore the "authentic statement" are only authentic in the fact that what is written inside is an authentic work of fiction, no matter the source on which is was based.

The Title page of the Beale Papers makes the claim of "authentic statements", and the entire Beale story is based on these alleged letters- so if the letters are "bogus", no matter the "reason" or to hide a "true source", the story contained in this job pamphlet, is fiction, and the work is nothing more than an adventure/treasure dime novel with play along ciphers.
Therefore the "authentic statement" are only authentic in the fact that what is written inside is an authentic work of fiction, no matter the source on which is was based.

Well, you keep finagling and clinging to your personal definition of "fiction" all you like. My intention in all of this is not to engage in prolonged matters of pride but rather to present what I know about the publication and its nature. If you wish to continue to debate "authentic statements" and "personal definitions of fiction", old debates that have already been debated to death time and time again, well, you go for it. Maybe you can find someone else like yourself who desires to endlessly engage in such extended debates. But I gotta tell you, I'm just not one of them. I've already addressed those subjects and held debate over these subjects several times in the past. Not much point in continuing to debate what ain't ever going to change, unless of course someone just likes to continue to stir debate over the same old subjects.

Personal definition of fiction? :icon_scratch:
Bigscoop, either the story portrayed in the narrative text in Beale Papers is totally true as presented, or if it is not, then by any definition IT IS A WORK OF FICTION.
That is a very simple concept, which you seem to try to reinvent. :BangHead:
This is not a half full or half empty conundrum.
So what is the Beale story as presented in the job pamphlet:
True in it entirely as presented in the job pamphlet
a derivative work of fiction complied from several sources from the creative imagination of the author?

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So, if the Bonaparte's couldn't set foot back in France, then how is it possible that they were allowed to return home in Corsica, which was a French held possession?

Why was there a fund raiser held for this same region in the Bedford/Lynchburg area prior to these folks returning to Corsica? How were these proceeds handled, who handled them?

"1832" - the end of the 10-year term. Why 1832? When did these people start returning to Corsica?
Louis Phillippe is supposedly doing all he can to prevent the Bonapartes/Bonapartist from reestablishing themselves in France, yet in 1832 they end up in Corsica, a French possession and their homeland seed, Lallemand even becomes the Governor of Corsica.

Follow these people during their time in the US, their activities, establish all the relationships - even those prior to their coming to the US, and then investigate all the events that lead up to their return to Corsica = and this is, without a doubt, your Beale Pamphlet source...
Is this still your Beale Pamphlet source?

Keep something in mind, Franklin, in 1885, the only people who stood any chance at all of making the proposed connections would have been those people who already possessed the knowledge to make those connections. That publication, as you will soon see, was clearly, "a targeted publication." Just as I have suggested for quite some time now. So undeniable is the information that I'm preparing to present "somewhere" that even ECS will find great struggles in trying to negate those details.
Lynchburg, Va. as "targeted publication" site... OF COURSE! Lynchburg, Va. was the LAST state capital (Virginia), April 7-10, 1865... very NICE place to hide "RICHMOND STORES" per message from Gen. Lee to CSA Prez Jeff Davis (& points WEST, ie for VMI). Heh...

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As always Rebel KGC, I look forward to reading your post unlike some others that keep posting same-o same-o

As always Rebel KGC, I look forward to reading your post unlike some others that keep posting same-o same-o

Franklin, I promise you no same-o same-o this time around. In fact I'm even going to identify the correct Thomas Beale and also establish many connections that have been previously lacking. Just be patient, a lot to put on paper so that everything can be easily related to and followed. Also, going to debunk some common misunderstandings about a few things and it's going to be done with some new documentation in support of those facts. :thumbsup:

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... I promise you no same-o same-o this time around. In fact I'm even going to identify the correct Thomas Beale and also establish many connections that have been previously lacking. Just be patient, a lot to put on paper so that everything can be easily related to and followed. Also, going to debunk some common misunderstandings about a few things and it's going to be done with some new documentation in support of those facts. :thumbsup:
One very simple question, Bigscoop:
Is the Beale perilous adventure and treasure story TRUE was written in the BEALE PAPERS narrative text?
A simple yes or no will suffice. :icon_thumright:

One very simple question, Bigscoop:
Is the Beale perilous adventure and treasure story TRUE was written in the BEALE PAPERS narrative text?
A simple yes or no will suffice. :icon_thumright:
Heh... is THAT a "Trick" Question...?

... What is curious is that in 1862 our unknown author still had, "important business in Richmond." Now we're fairly confident that we know who he was and why he was in Richmond at the time, we're also fairly confident that we understand why he sought out Sherman, Ward, & Morriss. But, there simply had to be something else in Richmond, something of significance throughout the entire period that these men trusted and utilized?
What is curious is what this "unknown author" who at one time confident that you knew his identity, has to do with your current Adams-Onis Treaty theory?
Never knew he sought out John William Sherman. Where did you discover this information?

Franklin, I promise you no same-o same-o this time around. In fact I'm even going to identify the correct Thomas Beale and also establish many connections that have been previously lacking. Just be patient, a lot to put on paper so that everything can be easily related to and followed. Also, going to debunk some common misunderstandings about a few things and it's going to be done with some new documentation in support of those facts. :thumbsup:

Still waiting on the documentation. If you are still insisting on Alderman Thomas Beale then you are way off base. When posters start talking about the story never happened as written in the Job Print Pamphlet and the code papers were changed then how do you plan on proving anything ever happened when the original is tossed out in the trash. Seems like a waste of good time.

What is curious is what this "unknown author" who at one time confident that you knew his identity, has to do with your current Adams-Onis Treaty theory?
Never knew he sought out John William Sherman. Where did you discover this information?

Well, you keep snooping around, you just might run across more curious discoveries relating to that treaty just as you have with Risque. Of course, you have to actually want to find it and you have to entertain all the possibilities before, "what remains can be the truth." This is what I appreciate about some posters here, they're not afraid to explore the complete unknown and they're not afraid of what they might find. :icon_thumright:

...and what they find has no "connexion" to the Beale Papers.

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