Good luck with your Theory. All I was sayn was John Hancock was a smuggler,my bad,didn't mean to upset you. I'm sure your smarter than I, I'm cool with that, John Hancock has a lot to do with the treasure in question. All your name calling speculation,will not get you closer to your prize you seek. It is all unintelligible, without a key, a key which is some type of DOI,, merely stated the contents,with exact location, do you believe that a exact location can be described or shown, just so happened, the DOI I have Was signed by John Hancock,and also has T.J.B. on it. What do you have, some names and a French Connection,LOL. Never could stand a arrogant person who slings a lot of names, most people who suffers from that are full of it, watch out for those types. Justsayn, I just hate That I know as much as I do, I hate to SEE others on the wrong path. And I have noticed how far away from the Beale treasure this tread is, it is all over the place, wink...its your time, there is a lot of history out there,goodluck...