Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
It all started in 1975, with the BB...?
... How does a feller discern the significance of a coincidence? ...
NO big KGC/CSA Treasure maps before 1975...? NO Templates seen before 1975...? Hmmm...
I have a mint condition copy of the BB as well as a copy of it on CD. have read them more than once. I look forward to reading the posts on this site. Thanks Kace.
NO big KGC/CSA Treasure maps before 1975...? NO Templates seen before 1975...? Hmmm...
Was it time to release the info. or was it all a JOKE...?
Thing is, just because nobody that we know of has found anything using them, it doesn't mean they're bogus. It just means they don't know for sure how to use them.
NO big KGC/CSA Treasure maps before 1975...? NO Templates seen before 1975...? Hmmm...
I have a mint condition copy of the BB as well as a copy of it on CD. have read them more than once. I look forward to reading the posts on this site. Thanks Kace.
I will say this much about the template and what I think about it. King Solomon never installed a backdoor to his vault, and as far as I know, the approach to it was through eight other subterranean vaults located down a long narrow passage that connected them all to his temple. One way in and one way out. I believe that these men would have similar standards if not identical. Besides that, any old guy like Joe Blow could use a template to locate a given pattern of points, and the very last thing they wanted was for that to happen.
First hand, I can say that it is much more complex than that at the top of the food chain. I would say that 99% of the K.G.C. had no idea a large vault even existed. I believe 100% of the building digging and laying of the big one was done by slaves (Negroe and Indian) who are still there watching over it to keep it safe.
Nah, info from BB.I'm not sure what info you're asking about? Maps? The Story? Template?
Nah, info from BB.
YOU can prove that Charlie Bigelow was "made up"...?
No on Ancestry web-site; I am satisfied with my R & I in TEXAS. Don't give a rat's ass about Missouri folks.
One of the surprises for me in the BB was the KGC's apparent strong relationships with African Americans and Native Americans. The blacks as seemingly important-level field operatives and the tribes in some sort of alliances in specific regions of the country. I don't see either group in any sort of slave role. If this idea is true, learning how the blacks and natives were recruited and motivated would be interesting to know.
Regarding the work needed for the alleged caches, I think the hard jobs were likely done by all sorts of folks who had no idea what they truly were working on - underground mines, public works projects, etc. When the time came for hiding the money, I believe that crew was higher-level, well-paid and well-threatened to keep quiet. There may well be some level of monitoring of sites (the Utes come to mind), but I think any threat from "Sentinels" is greatly exaggerated.
Joe Blow is a "Useful Idiot" in the classic Lenin sense, IMO. Targeted in many cases because he's vulnerable to "treasure tales" (Mexican with a map), observant enough to find the "signs" (carvings, templates, altered terrain, gravestone messages, etc), persistent enough to doggedly chase the legend, establishing an "awareness of treasure" in a certain vicinity. This keeps the new searchers circling the wrong area for years, thus adding security for the alleged prize. Every 40 or 50 years, a new Joe Blow is found.
These ideas are speculations on my part.