Jesse James Was One Of His Names...Black Book Discussion

The KGC left their signs in plain sight. If you do not know what you are looking for you will think nothing of the sign. I saw a sign on a beech tree ten years before I ever realized it led to KGC Caches. If you ever see anything that looks like a "13" carving or the letter "B" it means treasure is in the immediate area. These two signs are for the Goddess Athena in Greek or Minerva in Roman. The KGC use these signs more than any others. Then there are carving of "snakes" or "arrows" that point the way or the number "8" If you see any of these signs look closer at them especially if they are on a tree. There will be "patches" inside of the "arrows" the "8's" or at the head of the "snakes" or at the different sections of the "snakes" bends or at the tip end of the "snake's" tail. They can use other signs but these are the most frequent. But be sure to look really really close as they are in plain site just sometimes really really small inside of the signs. The rocks or stones are a little different and the signs are different but the same principles.

Yup, that stuff is easy to find all right. Some of them appeared new in the 1980s. Get coordinates and map them, observing the shapes and patterns they form. Pondering these things is a good way to educate yourself on history, ancient cultures, geometry, cartography, religions, etc. ... plus, you get some exercise running around in the hills. A guy once suggested to me that these clue arrays were put there as an impetus to expand folks' minds. Oh, and maybe they lead to buried treasure too - at least that seems to be the narrative that most people like the best.

Yup, that stuff is easy to find all right. Some of them appeared new in the 1980s. Get coordinates and map them, observing the shapes and patterns they form. Pondering these things is a good way to educate yourself on history, ancient cultures, geometry, cartography, religions, etc. ... plus, you get some exercise running around in the hills. A guy once suggested to me that these clue arrays were put there as an impetus to expand folks' minds. Oh, and maybe they lead to buried treasure too - at least that seems to be the narrative that most people like the best.


was only figuring that the surveys an templates were explained somewhere in this book and we haven't gotten there on this thread yet. Already sounds like they're bogus anyway according to the posts.

Thing is, just because nobody that we know of has found anything using them, it doesn't mean they're bogus. It just means they don't know for sure how to use them.

Thing is, just because nobody that we know of has found anything using them, it doesn't mean they're bogus. It just means they don't know for sure how to use them.

The best way to prove you are right about something is to come up with something that no one else can figure out. Everyone thought A. Einstein was brilliant because of the E=MCsquared. No one can prove or disprove this theory so everyone takes it as fact. Which in fact it is not. Anytime you take the speed of light squared you are going to come up with an astronomical number multiplied by mass WOW Einstein must be right because we can not prove him wrong.

Same thing with this treasure template. I know for a fact it is a useless piece of a conversation piece. I know where KGC treasures are located and they are not laid out in a mathematical or geometrical pattern. That would really be stupid of them. I mean find one treasure then you can find all of them? No throw that piece of junk away.

The KGC left their signs in plain sight. If you do not know what you are looking for you will think nothing of the sign. I saw a sign on a beech tree ten years before I ever realized it led to KGC Caches. If you ever see anything that looks like a "13" carving or the letter "B" it means treasure is in the immediate area. These two signs are for the Goddess Athena in Greek or Minerva in Roman. The KGC use these signs more than any others. Then there are carving of "snakes" or "arrows" that point the way or the number "8" If you see any of these signs look closer at them especially if they are on a tree. There will be "patches" inside of the "arrows" the "8's" or at the head of the "snakes" or at the different sections of the "snakes" bends or at the tip end of the "snake's" tail. They can use other signs but these are the most frequent. But be sure to look really really close as they are in plain site just sometimes really really small inside of the signs. The rocks or stones are a little different and the signs are different but the same principles.

Here's a picture that shows a couple arrows and a B. Is this like what you are describing?

eye catcher 700.webp

Also, what do you mean by patches?

Yup, that stuff is easy to find all right. Some of them appeared new in the 1980s. Get coordinates and map them, observing the shapes and patterns they form. Pondering these things is a good way to educate yourself on history, ancient cultures, geometry, cartography, religions, etc. ... plus, you get some exercise running around in the hills. A guy once suggested to me that these clue arrays were put there as an impetus to expand folks' minds. Oh, and maybe they lead to buried treasure too - at least that seems to be the narrative that most people like the best.

You've mentioned before about the educational value of these sites. You might very well be on to something.

At the site that I study, the number 74 is used as a measurement to link three carvings and a large rock heart that measures 74" exact on the right side. Here is a link that shows one meaning of 74.

Here's another link. In section 3, it speaks of heart knowledge.

The KGC left their signs in plain sight. If you do not know what you are looking for you will think nothing of the sign. I saw a sign on a beech tree ten years before I ever realized it led to KGC Caches. If you ever see anything that looks like a "13" carving or the letter "B" it means treasure is in the immediate area. These two signs are for the Goddess Athena in Greek or Minerva in Roman. The KGC use these signs more than any others. Then there are carving of "snakes" or "arrows" that point the way or the number "8" If you see any of these signs look closer at them especially if they are on a tree. There will be "patches" inside of the "arrows" the "8's" or at the head of the "snakes" or at the different sections of the "snakes" bends or at the tip end of the "snake's" tail. They can use other signs but these are the most frequent. But be sure to look really really close as they are in plain site just sometimes really really small inside of the signs. The rocks or stones are a little different and the signs are different but the same principles.

Here's another picture that I've shown you before. This shows a B/13 on the bottom right inside the rectangle. There are three other 13's inside the rectangle. The M is the 13th letter of the alphabet, the G measures 13" and the H measures 13". The last time you looked at it, you said the G looked like a 6 to you. That could very well be. Here is the entrance to a site related cemetery plot. The box in the carving is 18" by 19". The family plot measures 18' by 19'. The sides add up to 74" and 74'. You can see that the 6 on the step is not closed.

gmhb 700.webp

1886 700.webp

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Kace, I don't think my posts have been off topic because if you're looking for KGC sites, you have to have some idea of what to look for. If you disagree, let me know.

The best way to prove you are right about something is to come up with something that no one else can figure out. Everyone thought A. Einstein was brilliant because of the E=MCsquared. No one can prove or disprove this theory so everyone takes it as fact. Which in fact it is not. Anytime you take the speed of light squared you are going to come up with an astronomical number multiplied by mass WOW Einstein must be right because we can not prove him wrong.

Same thing with this treasure template. I know for a fact it is a useless piece of a conversation piece. I know where KGC treasures are located and they are not laid out in a mathematical or geometrical pattern. That would really be stupid of them. I mean find one treasure then you can find all of them? No throw that piece of junk away.

I tend to pay attention to the Douglas Vogt school of physics and cosmology myself.

I like the snipe hunts resulting from pondering over the clues, maps, geometry, overlays and so on associated with the alleged KGC caches. It's fun stringing it all together, but I agree that even though finding these things are satisfying, it's likely the whole system is primarily meant to divert searchers away from the major caches.

That said, it may be that back in the day, the clues and overlays were used by loyal field operatives ("sentinels" for lack of a better term) in order to recover the minor caches (the so-called "traveling money") for their use. The big targets may be unattainable, but these jars of coins and other smaller payoffs would certainly be worth finding nowadays.

It's all speculative of course, but somebody with brains put together these clue layouts for some reason.

Kace, I don't think my posts have been off topic because if you're looking for KGC sites, you have to have some idea of what to look for. If you disagree, let me know.

Mdog, I don't disagree that KGC sign and sites need to be discussed...Except, if we're going in order of the book, we are no where near that part or the players or locations involved in this story.

If you guys wanna talk about sign and sites now then we can just come back around to the book. We are only on Page 1.


Mdog, I don't disagree that KGC sign and sites need to be discussed...Except, if we're going in order of the book, we are no where near that part or the players or locations involved in this story.

If you guys wanna talk about sign and sites now then we can just come back around to the book. We are only on Page 1.


Sounds good. I’ll wait.

Thing is, just because nobody that we know of has found anything using them, it doesn't mean they're bogus. It just means they don't know for sure how to use them.

I know I'm late ta this round table, but had ta interject a thought here. While the first part of yer statement "could" be true, it's jest as likely that they could be bogus. Lack of evidence doesn't prove anything either way. The second part of yer statement is an assumption, and can only be true if the templates are legit. The fact no one has ever found anythin using one could jest as easily be explained by their worthlessness, and not by the user's lack of knowledge.

Using yer logic, them fellers runnin all over hades lookin fer auras and alignments that they been convinced by their guru will lead ta treasure ... hell, they could use the same excuse fer all their empty holes.

Sounds ta me like a ready made alibi fer explainin away a person's lack of success in whatever dogma they perscribe to.

I reckon if nobody has found anything usin a perticular method fer 40+ years, it most likely ain't legit. These "templates" were introduced to the public in the BB in 1975. :dontknow:

I know I'm late ta this round table, but had ta interject a thought here. While the first part of yer statement "could" be true, it's jest as likely that they could be bogus. Lack of evidence doesn't prove anything either way. The second part of yer statement is an assumption, and can only be true if the templates are legit. The fact no one has ever found anythin using one could jest as easily be explained by their worthlessness, and not by the user's lack of knowledge.

Using yer logic, them fellers runnin all over hades lookin fer auras and alignments that they been convinced by their guru will lead ta treasure ... hell, they could use the same excuse fer all their empty holes.

Sounds ta me like a ready made alibi fer explainin away a person's lack of success in whatever dogma they perscribe to.

I reckon if nobody has found anything usin a perticular method fer 40+ years, it most likely ain't legit. These "templates" were introduced to the public in the BB in 1975. :dontknow:

Regardless whether these templates ever lead to anything, some humans have created them to make other folks think so. Same goes for carved rocks, lost mine stories, treasure maps, whiskey talk and all sorts of other stuff. The guy who's sending folks up on a hill to take ten or twenty thousand photos hoping for one of them to show a "treasure aura" probably wins the tee-hee prize. Good thing cameras take digital pics now - using film cameras would get expensive.

People tend to believe the darndest things. The most interesting thing about it isn't what they latch onto, but why. Sometimes the evidence for their beliefs is compelling, even sensible, but unfortunately most of the time it seems to be blind faith. A lotta stuff in the BB seems to require true belief to swallow, but other things seem coincidental to the real world. Personally, coincidences get my attention.

Regardless whether these templates ever lead to anything, some humans have created them to make other folks think so. Same goes for carved rocks, lost mine stories, treasure maps, whiskey talk and all sorts of other stuff. The guy who's sending folks up on a hill to take ten or twenty thousand photos hoping for one of them to show a "treasure aura" probably wins the tee-hee prize. Good thing cameras take digital pics now - using film cameras would get expensive.

People tend to believe the darndest things. The most interesting thing about it isn't what they latch onto, but why. Sometimes the evidence for their beliefs is compelling, even sensible, but unfortunately most of the time it seems to be blind faith. A lotta stuff in the BB seems to require true belief to swallow, but other things seem coincidental to the real world. Personally, coincidences get my attention.

Yep, it gets tha attention of cloud gazers and gamblers, too. It can become a mind trick if ye ain't careful. How does a feller discern the significance of a coincidence? Yer right about the why part, I reckon the "why" plays a big part in a fellers discernment.

Reckon I started a cultural discussion as to whether these templates are, not only real, but useable. Again, Kace, I didn't mean to sideswipe this thread. It just seems that templates applied per geometry, linear distance, or symbols is asking a lot when they overlayed on top of 7 1/2 minute quadrangle maps. The topography and the geology is going to an unknown variable that has to be accounted for. One, or two, or three ????? bonified templates applied to spacing these cache holes is asking a great deal of KGC operatives under the cloak of secrecy and time constraints to apply this template.

Hey Kace, are you ready for page 2 of the BB yet? We're 11 pages ahead on the thread.:hello:

Let's start again on the BB tomorrow and the template and surveying can be discussed more tonight. I know there's a lot of questions and opinions on it.


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