Ol' Kentuck
Hero Member
Kentuck.. are you saying that JWJ's name was used as an IN back in the day?? For Many People... Same as history shows where many claimed to be JWJ or claim to be related to him even today. If that's the case I agree. Kentuck... Is there a lot of that out your way in Kentucky? ...Since the James and Cole family's have roots back there there before coming to Missouri, I just wondered how it is there.
People might disagree with me and that's fine, but I don't believe Jesse Woodson James of Kearney, MO was killed in St Joe, MO the way history tells it. That's not to say I believe the Dalton or Courtney claims, it's just after seeing the site in person, no possible way that bullet hole in the wall was made by a slug that hit anything hard first. I've seen too many slugs that made contact with bones.
There's also No Way he could of been everywhere and done everything claimed like Baker said. Someone here once said it sounded better to say they had been robbed by Jesse James than an unknown...lol! I agree.
According to the JWJ Family he was in Rulo, Nebraska recovering from a gunshot at the home of relatives of his stepfather Rueben Samuels before coming back to Kansas City for more recovery time with his mothers relatives since he couldn't stay at her home during that time.
Ye got tha right of it there, Kace. Jesse's name has been used fer a lot a things, as an IN is jest one of 'em. Been used fer that, an as a cover, an as a lure ta throw people off. An yer right, ain't no way he coulda done even half whats been said of him, even if'n he had lived a hunnerd years like that fraud Dalton claimed. Don't ye reckon if so many people was claimin ta be Jesse, that maybe some of 'em mighta been paid to? Seems ta me them rumors started sometime in the 30's. Take that there crosseyed feller in '37. Had jest been released from prison fer killin a man, if I'm 'memberin right. Spent a year in tha nuthouse fer it too I reckon. Who d'ya suppose would benefit from a whole passel of Jesse's runnin loose? Or jest tha suggestion that they was?
Kentucky's a good startin place fer rumors about Jesse, an tha KGC as well I reckon.