Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

Yepper! THANKS for noticing... heh.

I had kinda forgotten this thread...Still have more historical stuff if anyone wants to continue with the Jesse James' and the Gang!

This was a fun and informative thread!


An interesting article to read, but personally, I believe it is just more folklore about Jesse and Frank even being involved in the Huntington robbery. Jesse was born on the 5th of September, 1847 not on the 6th. I was born on the 6th of September! LOL:laughing7: I personally think that they were in Rulo Nebraska and elsewhere in the midwest in 1876. Also, I notice the amount that was taken in the Huntington robbery seems to grow and shrink with the story depending where you read it, and I also think that Jesse wrote letters about this same time in 76 to the newspaper denying he was even in Kentucky, and that someone else had robbed the Huntington Bank. I will have to look for where I read that. He was in Neb. City in Fall of 1874 and again in 1875, Northfield was in 1876 and Jesse retreated to Rulo Neb. after that robbery to get fixed up and heal. It is hard to say anything for sure, but if you take into consideration the travel time on horseback (20-25 miles a day max) and the fact that he and the gang had a price on their heads that some men were out to collect including the Pinkertons, it would have made traveling on a train with the gang pretty tough I would suspect. Just my 2 cents.


An interesting article to read, but personally, I believe it is just more folklore about Jesse and Frank even being involved in the Huntington robbery. Jesse was born on the 5th of September, 1847 not on the 6th. I was born on the 6th of September! LOL:laughing7: I personally think that they were in Rulo Nebraska and elsewhere in the midwest in 1876. Also, I notice the amount that was taken in the Huntington robbery seems to grow and shrink with the story depending where you read it, and I also think that Jesse wrote letters about this same time in 76 to the newspaper denying he was even in Kentucky, and that someone else had robbed the Huntington Bank. I will have to look for where I read that. He was in Neb. City in Fall of 1874 and again in 1875, Northfield was in 1876 and Jesse retreated to Rulo Neb. after that robbery to get fixed up and heal. It is hard to say anything for sure, but if you take into consideration the travel time on horseback (20-25 miles a day max) and the fact that he and the gang had a price on their heads that some men were out to collect including the Pinkertons, it would have made traveling on a train with the gang pretty tough I would suspect. Just my 2 cents.


Funny you mention Rulo..I believe that too and I agree wholeheartedly that Frank and Annie and Jesse and Zee married in 1874. Frank in Omaha and Jesse in Kearney. They all 4 were in Omaha for Franks wedding it seems.


PS...Happy Belated Birthday ��

PSS...Has it ever been actually proven Frank and Jesse James actually were involved in Northfield? I don't remember Cole Younger saying they were...

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I see 2 possibilities; ONE is known as Traveling "banks" for on-the-road basic "needs" (coins in Mason Jars); pun on MASON-"DIXIE" Line of the CONFEDERATE WAR... and TWO is bigger depositories (at first for the "Rebellion", then to the BIG BOYS for WESTERN State-Rights expansion)... ROBBER BARONS & American Robbin' Hoods! (Out-laws)...

I am going with the second possibility you mentioned......8-)

I am going with the second possibility you mentioned......8-)

I'm choosing Both! They had tons of Southern Hospitality supporting them.

I believe that they 'invested' in Monegow and at Excelsior Springs to hide and 'host' so to speak. Everyone could bring their families and feel safe from prying eyes.

Frank also was Publicly a race starter Omaha too. Those guys did like their race horses!


GOOD to hear; I did re-enactments as part of Co. I, 10th Va. (CSA: Stonewall's "Foot" Cavalry), out of Elkton, Va. (WAS Conrad's Store...), in the Shenandoah Valley. I was a REBEL Scout, wearing a RED flannel shirt, with my musket, pistol, and knife... HA! Looked like a FRONTIER Man/Mountain Man with my long hair; ex-wife & I went to New Market, Va.; SEVERAL battles in Maryland, Gettysburg, Pa (VERY haunted place... battlefield(s) & town). BEST "battle" in Virginia is NEW MARKET, Va. on the ORIGINAL battlefield; NOT many FED campgrounds are open... I would camp in the Shenandoah
NATIONAL Park "area" above Elkton, Va. as it is not far from New Market. Va. battlefield. Co. I, 10th Virginia - CSA had MANY "war games" in those mountains... locals PROBABLY thought Mountain ppl were shooting at each other... OR! OLD REBEL ghosts "in the hills" were fighting Yanks in the mountains... LOL! It was FUN!

You just made my mouth water for an icecream from HIGHS! I lived close to Elkton and was there several times while working at James Maddison U. Never got used to catching eels instead of catfish out of the river! They look too much like a damn snake!


First time I caught an eel it was about like this when it came out of the water!


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You just made my mouth water for an icecream from HIGHS! I lived close to Elkton and was there several times while working at James Maddison U. Never got used to catching eels instead of catfish out of the river! They look too much like a damn snake!


First time I caught an eel it was about like this when it came out of the water!

HA! Got B.S. & M.Ed degrees from JMU; did construction work there, too. Being a construction work "red neck" walking into class with muddy boots was FUN! Heh... had long hair & a beard...

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First time I seen this thread, interestin conversation. Mind if I join in a bit?

Nuthin new here. Power mongers ha' been usin' crooks and murderers ta further there agendas fer hunnerds o'years. What makes ye think these robber barons woudn't do the same? Onliest differnce is that these crooks an murderers was famous, and one in perticular was thought of as a Robinhood by the sheep they was tryin' ta fleece. What better way to lead a flock than with a wolf in sheeps clothing? I still ain't convinced this Robinhood was acturely involved in any of it. I'm of a mind that these power mongers jest used his name an fame as a tool, the same way Bickley's pipe dream was used by the politicians and press of tha time to sway those same sheep. If'n there was any imposters in tha game, they was no doubt created by the wolves, aka Robber Barons, themselves. Throw in the farce that the KGC were involved and ye have a purty heady mix ta sell tha public, I reckon. Conspiracy is an easy sell, sheep like ta think o'theirselves as smarter than the wolves. Psychology is a wunnerful tool, ain't it?

It IS! My B. S. was IN Psychology; M.Ed. was in Psych. Counseling... worked with ppl with VARIOUS disabilities; inmates in a MAX. Security Prison in Va.; THEN! I was Treatment Programs Supervisor/Top Admin. on Duty (Warden). WONDERFUL days they were! Heh...

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Kentuck.. are you saying that JWJ's name was used as an IN back in the day?? For Many People... Same as history shows where many claimed to be JWJ or claim to be related to him even today. If that's the case I agree. Kentuck... Is there a lot of that out your way in Kentucky? ...Since the James and Cole family's have roots back there there before coming to Missouri, I just wondered how it is there.

People might disagree with me and that's fine, but I don't believe Jesse Woodson James of Kearney, MO was killed in St Joe, MO the way history tells it. That's not to say I believe the Dalton or Courtney claims, it's just after seeing the site in person, no possible way that bullet hole in the wall was made by a slug that hit anything hard first. I've seen too many slugs that made contact with bones.

There's also No Way he could of been everywhere and done everything claimed like Baker said. Someone here once said it sounded better to say they had been robbed by Jesse James than an! I agree.

According to the JWJ Family he was in Rulo, Nebraska recovering from a gunshot at the home of relatives of his stepfather Rueben Samuels before coming back to Kansas City for more recovery time with his mothers relatives since he couldn't stay at her home during that time.


What makes ye think these robber barons woudn't do the same?

Everything that this has led us to.:icon_thumright:


morton kgc turtle.webp

It IS! My B. S. was IN Psychology; M.Ed. was in Psych. Counseling... worked with ppl with VARIOUS disabilities; inmates in a MAX. Security Prison in Va.; THEN! I was Treatment Programs Supervisor/Top Admin. on Duty (Warden). WONDERFUL days they were! Heh...

You know I just laughed out loud when I read "MY B,S. IS IN PHYCHOLOGY" LMAO:laughing7:

According to the JWJ Family he was in Rulo, Nebraska recovering from a gunshot at the home of relatives of his stepfather Rueben Samuels before coming back to Kansas City for more recovery time with his mothers relatives since he couldn't stay at her home during that time.


I have come to understand that Jesse did that after the Northfield debacle. He also may have gone there after the shootout at Civil Bend following the train robbery in Adair Iowa. That put him less than 10 miles from L. Enyart's ranch which I believe he was heading to after crossing the Missouri River at Nebraska City. To make the delivery, However, a posse caught up with them at Civil Bend and a shootout occurred. They left behind a saddle and revolver as well as some banknote wrappers in their haste to flee. They had stopped only a few miles from the ferry to divide the spoils and separate the deposit I would suppose. They fled South from there which means they had to cross at Brownville or Rulo.


I have come to understand that Jesse did that after the Northfield debacle. He also may have gone there after the shootout at Civil Bend following the train robbery in Adair Iowa. That put him less than 10 miles from L. Enyart's ranch which I believe he was heading to after crossing the Missouri River at Nebraska City. To make the delivery, However, a posse caught up with them at Civil Bend and a shootout occurred. They left behind a saddle and revolver as well as some banknote wrappers in their haste to flee. They had stopped only a few miles from the ferry to divide the spoils and separate the deposit I would suppose. They fled South from there which means they had to cross at Brownville or Rulo.


If Jesse James Was in Northfield and headed back home...I completely agree.

He couldn't of worried about hiding a gunshot wound and the missing part of his middle finger too even if he darkened his hair or beard if he had one at that time...Too much of a chance getting recognized after the publicity of Northfield.

No doubt with family in Rulo and friends in Omaha, he spent time in Nebraska and it would of been a safe haven to him.


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