Vault Locations
I do not blame you fellows for not believing, it is even hard for me to believe. But when you see it for the first time after 152 years written down----- one half written in English the other one half in code. Three of these smaller treasures I have mentioned are under the name of General Breckenridge. Ten of the larger ones are under the name of President Jefferson Davis. These depositories did not come from Houk or anyone else, we found these on our own. Decipherment took three and one half months. Some of the most beautiful snakes you have ever seen carved on these trees. They look real enough to scare you into believing they could bite you. These treasures are REAL. I know the exact location of over $8 Million face value in gold specie. The general location of eight of the depositories, their contents, the names of landowners and the names of towns, mountain passes with most the compass readings and distance along with the depth of the treasures.
First, I want to be Really Clear franklin..My Questions and Statements are asked and stated Very Respectfully.
I'd like you to Please answer my questions in posts #1008 and #1016.
Prior to those posts, you asked that I read several things and I did that as well as locate an Anthracite mine you asked me to in Brentwood Tennessee. I'm sure you knew it was there but I did it anyway to show I was sincere. I then asked to see a map that you said you had that had nothing to do with Houk/Dalton/Schrader/Pastore/Brewer...ETAL. You posted a Houk Map...and said nothing else after I said it was a Houk map.
When I asked questions in those posts, I got Deafening Radio Silence. My questions, statements and offers were sincere. This morning after a few days of no response, I decided..So Be It..
I just read 55 pages of a Beale said in that thread you knew where the Beale Treasure was and you also knew where the Holy Grails are located. You got angry when others disagreed with you.
So, along with this $8mil face value gold specie vault and another 50-60 Mega Vaults you are sure of the locations...Why have you not recovered any of them? That's a sincere question.
Maybe it's just me, but if I'd spent the best part of my life chasing the locations of Mega-Historical Treasure Vaults...You better bet I'd get to them. Maybe other people just like the thrill of thinking they have solved mysteries and write books about them. There is always someone that's gonna spend $19.95+s/h to maybe get a clue or two. If that's the reward, then that's Great..I'm not being a smart-alec...Just trying to understand, why spend so many years and get nothing tangible?
You know what...Don't answer my questions...You don't owe me a damn thing. Everyone has their own reasons for doing things and to be really honest about it, it's nothing personal, its just me, but I'd research your answers anyway, so if I ever decide to play Kace the Mega-Treasure Hunter, I'll start from scratch like always and research them myself.
Just Be Happy,