Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

I Still Stand By My Belief That Jesse James Was Not Killed In St Joseph, MO.

JFD said the reason he never revealed his true identity of being JJ was because he and the gang had made a pact to not come clean about their true identities until they were 100yrs old....How many men lived to be 100 in the 1800's? How many Outlaws with a bounty on their head lived to be 100yrs old? ...
Frank James cited the murder of his brother Jesse as the reason he turned himself in 5 months after Jesse's death.
Frank James | HistoryNet

Frank James cited the murder of his brother Jesse as the reason he turned himself in 5 months after Jesse's death.
Frank James | HistoryNet

True E...I'm just playing the Devils Advocate here but if you loved someone like Frank loved Jesse wouldn't it make sense to make any deals and in a few months turn yourself in to take the heat off of both of you?

It gave Jesse time to get settled somewhere. Frank time to get any affairs in order.

The ending to Frank turning himself in was that in Missouri and Alabama the only states he was charged in, he was found Not Guilty of Any Crime. He was a completely Free Man for the rest of his life.

Either Reason is Plausible.


When I said in an earlier post about BDD posting her family tree online and saying she was related to Clyde BARROW, but changed a letter and made a completely different name...It was to BARRON...remove the R and replace with an N.

I mis-typed this....I meant to post on BARROW, Change a letter and it's a completely different name. I meant to say remove the W and replace with N. Name is BARRON.... NOT to remove the R. I thought about this after I posted and then forgot to check and change it. Too much time went by and I couldn't edit my post. Sorry for any confusion!

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Quote Originally Posted by Crosse De Sign

This seems to be a good subject: To exchange ideas and theories, as to whether
there may still be any Jesse James treasure(s) out there undiscovered somewhere?
If so, do the known maps have yet to lead someone to their discovery, are they even real,
and what is the likelihood either way? What is really known, or supposed about their traveling
and activities between hold-ups, supposedly attributed to them? It should be interesting to look
at perspectives of these legendary
James Gang treasure tales...

This was originally post # 1.
I guess maybe get to the topic of it, while there's still time to go 'an look...:dontknow:
... :sunny: :fish:

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I am very impressed with work Kace has put into this WOW !!!!!!

Jesse woulda' probably sure 'nuff turned over in his grave (wherever that it may be),
if he knew it was them common pipeline workers, uncovered his cleverly planned,
cached & mapped treasure (that took info & clues on 2 maps), bro. Frank James
couldn't quite locate while in Fletcher to successfully find, so missed out on it.???
... :sunny: :fish:
~ Thanks again, for the post okietreasurehunter ~

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There are a lot of alleged photos of Jesse and Frank out there, Rebel, but they're not the real deal. Over the decades, traditionalist historians, authors, and publishing corporations have altered pictures of Jesse and they've also "verified" photos of other men as being of Jesse when they're not.

Well, a "pic" of JJ & his brother (FJ) showed JJ with a "stump" of his left middle finger; they were young & wearing black suits...

Yes, Kace, someone DID pay Dalton's funeral bill. My friend and Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group member, Bud Hardcastle, offered to pay it many years ago but learned that it had been taken care of long before that. Bud got permission to exhume the grave at Granbury and he did, at a large expense to himself. The problem was that they had placed the gravestone over the wrong grave and a one-armed man named Henry Holland was dug up instead. Bud went back to the judge and requested he be allowed to exhume the next grave over, which he had strong reasons to believe held Jesse's body but the second request was denied. Courtney's diary entries prove that he was almost illiterate. That was a trait that the real Jesse James sure didn't possess. Attaching a photo of the Granbury exhumation that Bud Hardcastle financed.
~Texas Jay


Yes, the genuine photos of young Jesse W. James are all of "JFD", including the unretouched photo that clearly shows the same long scar on Jesse's left cheek that "Dalton" showed in old age.
~Texas Jay

TJ, you have ANY "pic" of JFD as a young "outlaw"...?

Back on the original topic. You can view some newspaper articles about the dig for Jesse's safe in Waco, from my copy of Jesse James Treasures Down Under on my Knights of the Golden Circle website here:

KGC treasure - Knights of the Golden Circle

~Texas Jay

This Sheriff Was Convinced

Hood County Sheriff Oran C. Baker was convinced that the man known as J. Frank Dalton was the real Jesse Woodson James.

~Texas Jay


Interesting how Frank's moving to Fletcher IT right after he's acquitted,
seems to get sidestepped by JJ enthusiasts, when it's purely known facts.:read2:
The fact that he and his wife lived there while he labored, hunting caches.:occasion14:

As well as the fact, Joe Hunter found the brass bucket at Buzzard's Roost,:pot-of-gold:
with the help of a rock map, that was turned over & discovered by a local
ranch owner named Mrs. Hedlund, of whom Frank had inquired of the rock
map, while he rode seeking back & forth across several farms, searching...:find:

The fact that he was known to have searched for more than one of these
major cache's areas, & the maps info (rock map, brass bucket w/map info).:3barsgold:

FJ had a helper, and was seen loading up heavy bean crocks they just dug.
A good relationship with the local banker, who along with the law, winked.:thumbsup:

But was observed by local credible hard working folks, not only to have
certainly recovered several sizeable & valuable treasures that apparently
he & Jesse had cached, but also was clearly noticeably frustrated, when
he finally gave up & left Fletcher & the Wichita's, without accomplishing
what he'd sought so hard to do. The pipeline workers, were the happy
& lucky diggers that found the big one, under the rocks spelling JACK. :icon_scratch:

As the clues Jesse apparently had made secretly, eluded his brother,
& greatest partner in crime. Perhaps this would be considered as a
sort of poetic justice. Question is, why Jesse couldn't get clues told,
& word to Frank from his secret hiding place, to recover possibly the
most highly prized cache they had ever acquired in all their robbing.???

The Facts, only clues relating to treasures found, & if any of JJ's may exist...
... :sunny: :fish:

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Glad you asked; hard back copy of Del Schrader's book, JESSE JAMES WAS ONE OF HIS NAMES; BLACK Book with brown "title". You get a copy for... $695.00 or $425.00, OR! A DIGITAL copy for only $495.00. "Google" Jesse James Was One of His Names by Philip K. Kromer. HH! Good Luck! Read it "on-line" for FREE, years ago... LAWDY!
I was able to borrow it from the Cal State or UC Fresno Library last year. It came folded in half. Yes the entire book folded in half. A tough read.

Yes, Kace, someone DID pay Dalton's funeral bill. My friend and Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group member, Bud Hardcastle, offered to pay it many years ago but learned that it had been taken care of long before that. Bud got permission to exhume the grave at Granbury and he did, at a large expense to himself. The problem was that they had placed the gravestone over the wrong grave and a one-armed man named Henry Holland was dug up instead. Bud went back to the judge and requested he be allowed to exhume the next grave over, which he had strong reasons to believe held Jesse's body but the second request was denied. Courtney's diary entries prove that he was almost illiterate. That was a trait that the real Jesse James sure didn't possess. Attaching a photo of the Granbury exhumation that Bud Hardcastle financed.
~Texas Jay

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Hey TJ...
The Funeral Home Was Paid In Full in 1983 by a supposed cousin of Dalton....32 Years AFTER Dalton's Death. If you look at the copy of the invoice I posted it was Not Paid at the time of the funeral or within a reasonable time frame by Meremac, Truilli, Dill or anyone else that profited from him and it was filed as a LOSS. I'm sure it was a write off for taxes which is why LOSS is written across it.

Dalton's daughter did try and make some payments as she could though and in 1983 a cousin of Dalton's paid the funeral expenses in full.

My post was long enough without going into a 32yr old debt and more non-favorable details of the court cases regarding Duke,Caruso,Starr's Dalton, Dill, Meremac, Truilli etal...I said in my post that's the highlights. I thought if anyone has a statement, question or want more details they would post it like you are or contact me which has happened.

I Don't Have A Horse In This Race So I'm Just As Curious For Facts As Anyone Else.

Bud Hardcastle....?? Is he the used car lot owner from Purcell, OK who worked with Jesse James lll (OL Houk-Howk) out of Rogers, Arkansas and Rudy Truilli from Stanton, MO??

The Rudy Truilli of Meremac Caverns who wrote a Book called I Knew Jesse James?

The Bud name is ringing a bell, I just wanted to know if it's who I'm thinking of. There are several "Bud's" around concerning JWJ of Kearney, Courtney and Dalton.

I did know of the mistaken grave exhumation and denied request for a second exhumation and I chose not to go into that since it was a mess and never came to fruition. I tried to stick to the players during Dalton's lifetime.

I also didn't mention the BD Duke Family planning on appealing for a second time to exhume JL Courtney.

Just out of curiosity, Who was Mr Hardcastle going to compare Dalton's DNA to?
I had this same question regarding Courtney and I questioned it with the James Camp.

As far as being illiterate, Jesse James..Outlaw wrote phonetically and did like to write to newspapers. There are copies of his letters to the Lexington, MO Newspaper Editor and To The Kansas City Times Editor.

I'm not suggesting he Vocally Spoke in an illiterate way, I've never heard any voice renditions from him. Many people from that era and later wrote phonetically. The English language is sometimes difficult to learn to write with so many homophones and as far as he was personally concerned due to the CW he did not go far in formal education.

If you read Daltons Verbatim Quotes To Interviewers regarding the day of the shooting he did not have a polished vocabulary. "I Knowed It Weren't No Play Party"

Frank James was an accomplished reader and writer and did write letters on behalf of the brothers.

Have you seen the letter that JWJ wrote to the Lexington, MO editor denying involvement in a horse theft? The one where he says that the Younger Brothers were not involved with it either. If you haven't I'll post it if anyone is interested.

I knew when I posted my findings there would be controversy and that's OKAY. Discussion Never Hurt Anyone. There are people on here Believing the James Family of MO Camp and those Believing the Courtney and Dalton Camps. And there are people here who have not delved into much of any of it.

You said yourself that your opinion on who you believed was JWJ..Outlaw was swayed by the facial scar on Dalton. Discussion on this topic is a good thing. It makes everyone think and Not just follow sensationalized claims. I've learned a lot from Everyone Here.

I didn't research or post my findings trying to convince anyone of anything. Everyone here I think can decide what is Reasonable. We talked about CIVIL JURY Rules. I posted a condensed version of what I would give someone who hired me to find information. Not to continually question every incident or bash anyone which is what it would of been had I posted everything regarding all 3 camps.

I saw your response to Reb I think it was regarding JJ pics.
What photos are you going by as far as the "Younger" Jesse James? Could you post them please?

Thanks TJ!


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Let's us just "google" Pictures of Jesse James (Outlaw), shall we...?

Let's us just "google" Pictures of Jesse James (Outlaw), shall we...?

We have a big selection of them here from when we did JWJ of Kearney,MO.

I'm just curious which one TJ is referring to.

I'll see if I can post the ones we discussed both young and older.

They are STILL working on all new lines here which includes new wifi and ports in my home so pics are slow for me, but I'll try...

Someone Hit Like After I Say I Posted Them So I Know You Can See Them.


****Ive got the pics together that we did for comparison. Youngest to Oldest and with Frank and Family

The men we considered, rejected and settled on.

As soon as TJ gets time maybe he will post the pics he is going by... They could be different than we've seen since he wasn't on this thread actively when we started doing comparisons.

I think that's about the general time frame when Dit contacted him to come on here....

If TJ doesn't have time to post pics sometime tonight or send a link I'll post what we did so we will have it in one place again.


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GREAT idea, THANKS! IF FOUR ppl were JJ... JJ, JFD, JMJ, & JLC... THEN NO WONDER there are so many JJ caches/treasures!

GREAT idea, THANKS! IF FOUR ppl were JJ... JJ, JFD, JMJ, & JLC... THEN NO WONDER there are so many JJ caches/treasures!

lol! I think it would be better just to go to Kinkos and make a BIG Post Office WANTED POSTER with everybody who is Jesse James! Then another one for everyone who is a gGrandkid of Jesse James! Better get TWO! Jeez.....

Ohh....Look at Post #672 that TJ posted of Dalton in the Newspaper...with the Sheriff....

That's the first Full Frontal View With No Obstructions That I've Seen of Him...

Who does he look like to you guys??


THE CROSS EYED-NO RECEDING HAIR LINE JessIE JAMES! That we looked at earlier...The Funeral Home Invoice is spelled JessIE James as well. I can't wait for TJ to post the Younger pics they are using!

Dollar to a Doughnut...Meramac used those pics that didn't match the verified JWJ...Outlaw, but they did Dalton. We went younger to older to get the match and They went older to younger.

I gotta see if my Mom still has brochures from Meremac. They could be online too From when they first found Dalton, unless that was part of Stella's suit that they couldn't be used anymore. I'll have to look into that.

According to the Sheriff and the Funeral Home, Dalton/JessIE was 107yrs old. 32 Gunshot Wounds. One in the forehead...
I wonder if that's why he's cross-eyed? hmm

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