Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
YOU betta hide, then... LOL!
Frank James cited the murder of his brother Jesse as the reason he turned himself in 5 months after Jesse's death....
I Still Stand By My Belief That Jesse James Was Not Killed In St Joseph, MO.
JFD said the reason he never revealed his true identity of being JJ was because he and the gang had made a pact to not come clean about their true identities until they were 100yrs old....How many men lived to be 100 in the 1800's? How many Outlaws with a bounty on their head lived to be 100yrs old? ...
Frank James cited the murder of his brother Jesse as the reason he turned himself in 5 months after Jesse's death.
Frank James | HistoryNet
Quote Originally Posted by Crosse De Sign
This seems to be a good subject: To exchange ideas and theories, as to whether
there may still be any Jesse James treasure(s) out there undiscovered somewhere?
If so, do the known maps have yet to lead someone to their discovery, are they even real,
and what is the likelihood either way? What is really known, or supposed about their traveling
and activities between hold-ups, supposedly attributed to them? It should be interesting to look
at perspectives of these legendary
James Gang treasure tales...
Well, a "pic" of JJ & his brother (FJ) showed JJ with a "stump" of his left middle finger; they were young & wearing black suits...
TJ, you have ANY "pic" of JFD as a young "outlaw"...?
I was able to borrow it from the Cal State or UC Fresno Library last year. It came folded in half. Yes the entire book folded in half. A tough read.Glad you asked; hard back copy of Del Schrader's book, JESSE JAMES WAS ONE OF HIS NAMES; BLACK Book with brown "title". You get a copy for... $695.00 or $425.00, OR! A DIGITAL copy for only $495.00. "Google" Jesse James Was One of His Names by Philip K. Kromer. HH! Good Luck! Read it "on-line" for FREE, years ago... LAWDY!
Yes, Kace, someone DID pay Dalton's funeral bill. My friend and Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group member, Bud Hardcastle, offered to pay it many years ago but learned that it had been taken care of long before that. Bud got permission to exhume the grave at Granbury and he did, at a large expense to himself. The problem was that they had placed the gravestone over the wrong grave and a one-armed man named Henry Holland was dug up instead. Bud went back to the judge and requested he be allowed to exhume the next grave over, which he had strong reasons to believe held Jesse's body but the second request was denied. Courtney's diary entries prove that he was almost illiterate. That was a trait that the real Jesse James sure didn't possess. Attaching a photo of the Granbury exhumation that Bud Hardcastle financed.
~Texas Jay
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Let's us just "google" Pictures of Jesse James (Outlaw), shall we...?
GREAT idea, THANKS! IF FOUR ppl were JJ... JJ, JFD, JMJ, & JLC... THEN NO WONDER there are so many JJ caches/treasures!